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Author: Sephiroth

Hudud passed law

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Post time 1-4-2015 11:01 AM | Show all posts
ijan_jenin replied at 1-4-2015 10:40 AM
im just a small potato...btw i would like to ask you sir if i may, what is hudud from your underst ...

i have already created topic on 'huduh relevant at present time".....please click  here : ... &extra=page%3D1


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 Author| Post time 1-4-2015 11:26 AM | Show all posts
by ijan_jenin

sir, i feel your dissatisfaction about this matter but try to absorb the fact that hukum had or hudud is a body of a holy law itself.

How do you know it is a holy law? Did your god come down and told you that? Don't be idiot, OK.

It is people like you who follow Lebai Berjanggut like PAS supporting Hudud without any knowledge whatsoever BUT still claim that it is "holy laws". Hudud is nothing more than a political tool to control the masses, just like ISA. Only different between ISA and Hudud is that no one claiming ISA is "holy law".

Do you even know WHY there is a push for Hudud? Because a lot of Muslims are losing faith in Islam, since Sept. 11 Incident. Many Muslims are even starting to challenge Islam itself as a divine belief. So Islamic clergies are trying to protect Islam through implementation of Hudud which will shut the Muslims' mouth, prevent apostasy and at the same time, allow Muslims to push it slowly down non-muslims' throats for future invasion.

i would say, it is very very very very difficult to prosecute anyone with hudud charges.

Then what is it useful for? A Criminal Laws must be strong enough that it could prosecute anyone so justice can be served. If you yourself claim that it is hard to prosecute anyone under Hudud, that could mean that anyone can escape punishment easily.

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Post time 1-4-2015 11:49 AM | Show all posts

sir, islamic laws does not comprise of hudud only, hudud is the "right" or "hak" of my god, Allah. it consists of only 6 offenses. whereas the remaining criminal act that is not in the hudud criminal offense is takzir. and there is diyat and qisas.  theres a lot of explaination to it, to mawdhu' jinayat. and a long debate to go.

yes, god told me that its a holy law by His word, the Al-quran. anyone who practice religion surely stick to their faith and beliefs right? those lebai berjanggut PAS also adheres to this notion.


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 Author| Post time 1-4-2015 01:32 PM | Show all posts
by ijan_jenin

islamic laws does not comprise of hudud only, hudud is the "right" or "hak" of my god, Allah.

Don't be absurd. Hudud is a Political tool, created by Muhammad, implemented by his four "saudara" (Abu Bakar, Umar, Ali dan another one I forgot the name), maintained by Pak Lebai like PAS and followed blindly by people like you who are no different than cattles. There is no god or god's rights in this matter.

If your god thinks we are denying his rights, tell him to come down here and answer my questions on hudud. Tell him to write books on how to implement hudud successfully, on procedures, rights, punishment and theories on Hudud. If he can do that, then he has the right to claim that hudud is his right. Your Allah can or not?

yes, god told me that its a holy law by His word, the Al-quran.

Go and read about the facts on Al Quran. Anyone can write a book like Al Quran and many had wrote BETTER books than this. Hell, even Mein Klampf and Communism theories by Stalin are much better than your Al Quran.

The fact is, Al Quran was written under Abu Bakar's command (after Muhammad's death), by people closes to him and by destroying all other copies of what Muhammad had said (and recorded by his followers in his early years). Hudud was implemented years AFTER Muhammad's death and did not get official approvable from Muhammad or Allah. So how can you who follow a human-made book called Al Quran claimed to have known god's words?

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Post time 1-4-2015 02:09 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth replied at 1-4-2015 09:03 AM
PAS dan mereka2 sebulu dgn mereka fikir senang je utk mereka melaksanakan hudud. Luluskan di Dewan ...

Kita semua sedar dan tahu permainan mereka di sebalik polemik Hudod ini; yakni, ia-nya sebagai satu jalan untok mewujudkan sa-buah negara Islamik. Itu matlamat akhir-nya. Mereka takkan berhenti selagi ia tidak dicapai. Ia tidak dinyatakan secara khusus tetapi semua bolih lihat dan baca hakikat ini. Hukom Hudod, sa-bagai teras bagi cabang2 Shariah, musti dikuatkuasakan terlebih dahulu sopaya otoriti terhadap penganot Islam bolih dikenakan secara sah/legally dan fully tanpa camportangan Common/Civil law etc, untok digandingkan bersama dengan hukom2 lain dalam shariah law. Setelah mereka dah dapat kebenaran untok establishkan 'kuasa' tersebot, mereka akan mendapat hak otoriti terhadap jenama 'Islam' dan orang Islam/Moslem. Bolih kontrol minda dan jasad mereka sopaya ngikot pattern yang ditetapkan olih otoriti tersebot. Negeri2 lain akan follow kerana desakan pentaksob2 dan terikat dengan 'kewajipan' untuk menyokong langkah tersebot sebagai 'surohan tohan'.

Dan since jomlah penganot kepercayaan Islam sedikit lebih besar di mesia ni berbanding ommah lain, maka mereka akan usulkan pembentokkan sa-buah negara Islamik menggantikan apa yang ada sekarang. Sekarang unsur2 dan pengaroh, nilai dan ideoloji 'kafir', bukan Islamik yang dianggap menggugat pengaroh ideoloji mereka dan dimusohi masih ada dalam negara dan bercampur baul dengan ideoloji padang pasir yang coba diterapkan. Ia musti dibersihkan dan digantikan dengan apa yang diajar olih pahaman mereka. Dengan kuasa dan pengaroh mereka ia-nya possible atas faktor majoriti. Maka, diakhir-nya mereka berimpian untok melaongkan kalimah: "Islam telah menang" dan semua termasok bukan Islam musti tundok kepada apa yang mereka percaya dan tetapkan. Itu-lah matlamat mereka yang sebener-nya.


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 Author| Post time 1-4-2015 03:16 PM | Show all posts
Mr_Beruk replied at 1-4-2015 02:09 PM
Kita semua sedar dan tahu permainan mereka di sebalik polemik Hudod ini; yakni, ia-nya sebagai sat ...

Yang paling hebat di sini adalah dua perkara :-

Satu - adanya manusia2 seakan kambing dan lembu Islam yg terus menyokong Hudud tanpa berfikir. Mereka fikir kalau mereka menyokong, tuhan Allah mereka itu akan menberikan habuan kpd mereka di syurga. Mereka tak sedar bahawa dgn kebodohan dan khayalan mereka itu, mereka sebenarnya menjahanamkan negara ini kpd situasi di mana ianya dgn mudah boleh menjadi spt negara2 Islam yg mundur yg lain spt Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia dan negara2 Africa.

Dua - Kerajaan Malaysia ini (BN) secara tidak langsung memang menyokong Hudud walaupun mereka tak mengeluarkan kenyataan sedemikian. Buktinya ada.

Bukti (1) - penangkapan sesiapa sahaja (spt pemberita2 baru2 ini) yg menpersoalkan isu Hudud dan kemudian mengeluarkan kenyataan bodoh bahawa mereka tak menentang hak bersuara (kepala hotak mereka).

Bukti (2) - Perbuatan Hadi, PAS dan 44 Anggota Dewan Negeri meluluskan Akta Hudud adalah BERTENTANGAN DGN PERLEMBAGAAN MALAYSIA. Persoalan di sini adalah - apasal Hadi serta 44 Anggota Dewan Negeri itu belum lagi diberkas dgn tuduhan MENDERHAKA? Kenapa PAS belum lagi diistiharkan Parti haram? Sedangkan apa yg mereka buat itu adalah sama spt apa yg cuba dilakukan oleh Parti Komunis Malaya (PKM) sejak 1950an sampai 1980an? Malahan bila PKM cuba menjadi parti politik, ianya diharamkan dari buat sedemikian dgn alasan bahawa apa yg PKM cuba bawa itu adalah bertentangan dgn Perlembagaan Malaysia. Habis itu, kenapa PAS berbeza kini? Apasal Hadi dan 44 Anggota itu berbeza dgn anggota Komunis? Kerana mereka orang Islam? Kalau dgn nama Islam, seseorang Muslim boleh buat apa je mereka suka dgn alasan tuhan Allah mereka menghalalkan perbuatan mereka? Begitu?

Perbuatan cuba mengadakan Hudud di Malaysia adalah perbuatan menderhaka terhadap Institusi Kerajaan dan Perlembagaan Negara. Perbuatan orang Islam cuba memaksa Hudud diikuti oleh orang bukan islam adalah perbuatan mengiktirkan peperangan. Orang2 bukan islam harus bersedia utk semua keadaan.



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 Author| Post time 2-4-2015 08:46 AM | Show all posts
Source : http://www.themalaysianinsider.c ... ement-hudud-bernama

The Kelantan government can implement the hudud law without having the Federal Constitution amended if it confines itself to the offences under the State List, said former Chief Justice Tun Abdul Hamid Mohamad.

He said the offences in List II (State List) of the Ninth Schedule of the Federal Constitution were adultery; accusing someone of adultery; consuming intoxicating drinks and apostasy.

"However, Parliament has to first amend the Shariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act 1965 to enable the state legislative body to do so.

Abdul Hamid said the discussion on hudud had caused many quarters to be confused between the law and its implementation.

He said raising issues on its implementation was necessary and that by doing so, it did not mean that the person was against hudud law.

"I am aware that my speech may disappoint some people, but if they want to listen to my honest view on the matter in terms of the constitution and the law, that is it," he added. – Bernama, April 1, 2015.

It is amazing why those who speak out about Hudud (supporting or against it) are those from former government. What happened to all the Malay judges, lawyers and prosecutors are still within the Government? Where are they? What are their opinion? Why are they so damn quiet just like Najib?

One reason is that none of them wanted to be labelled as Kafir or non-Muslim. So they betray the very legal profession that they sworn to uphold and refuse to defend the Constitution of the Country.

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 Author| Post time 2-4-2015 08:56 AM | Show all posts
Source : ... their-hands-cut-off

Hadi, the PAS president, told AFP in an interview that the “hudud” penalties were largely symbolic and would be “almost impossible” to impose on law-breakers, even if implemented, due to strict limits on their use under Islamic law.

He added the move was meant largely as a gesture to his party’s Islamic base.

“Hudud itself, though it seems strict, is almost impossible to implement because the requirements are very strict to come to the eventual punishment,” Hadi told AFP in a rare interview with a foreign media organisation.

Kepada semua kambing dan lembu Islam, TOLONG BACA apa yg saya boldkan di sini.

Kamu tahu tak apa yg Hadi katakan? Dia sendiri mengaku bahawa adalah hampir MUSTAHIL menlaksanakan hukum Hudud ke atas pesalah2 jenayah kerana keperluan utk melaksanakan hukum tersebut adalah terlalu ketat. Dalam erti kata lain - Hadi sendiri tak percaya bahawa Hukum Hudud ini boleh menperbetulkan masalah sosial yg kian melanda orang2 Islam di Malaysia.

Jadi apa gunanya kamu menyokong Hukum Karut ini? Kerana nak nama kamu dikenali sbg orang Islam? Kerana kamu berkhayal bahawa tuhan Allah kau itu akan menyediakan tempat khas utk kamu bila kamu mati nanti kerana kamu menyokong Hudud? Jangan jadi BODOH macam kerbau.



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 Author| Post time 2-4-2015 09:38 AM | Show all posts
Source : ... kelantan-hudud-pane

KUALA LUMPUR, April 2 — Kelantan may hire Muslim doctors to perform amputations under its Shariah Criminal Code (II) Enactment after a group signalled their willingness to “resign temporarily” from their posts to carry out the job.

Dr Azhar Abdullah, a member of Kelantan’s hudud implementation committee, claimed that the group of Muslim medical experts had offered their services in order to ensure the punishment will be administered professionally.

“For the Muslim doctor society, they see the punishment as not contradicting to their profession as doctors, to amputate patients and convicted criminals. Because to them it is a responsibility,” Azhar told a forum here organised by the University of Malaya Muslim Students Association last night.

“If they are given the mandate, elected by the sultan, then at that time maybe they will choose to resign temporarily while they administer the punishment,” he added

Last year, the Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) vowed it will seek to disqualify surgeons who perform the unethical amputations on criminals convicted under hudud in Kelantan, and warned that it will lodge police reports against non-doctors performing the punishment.

Lawak bodoh PAS lagi dah. Hadi says Hudud punishment cannot be implemented because the requirement is very strict and this fellow (Azhar Abdullah) is going ahead with recruiting people to do the dirty work of PAS. Who is in charge here? How many leaders are there in PAS? Whose words supposed to be the voice of PAS? Hadi kah or Azhar?

Malaysian Medical Council MUST revoke the licence of ANY doctors who commit amputation due to Hudud punishment as it is against moral and ethics of a doctor to destroy a healthy part of a body unnecessary. When these doctors perform such actions, they are no longer medical doctors but PAS's hitmen (kaki pukul PAS).

Names of these doctors should be made public so the public knows who are these hitmen and reject their medical services in the future. Also, civil lawsuit should be made availble to file against them if it is proven that they had committed such action against an innocent man.

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 Author| Post time 2-4-2015 09:46 AM | Show all posts
Source : ... pas-youth-tells-dap

KUALA LUMPUR, April 1 ― Selangor PAS Youth has challenged DAP to solve rising crime rate in the country today if it disagrees with PAS’ implementation of hudud, insisting that the Islamic penal law would achieve this goal.

The demand was made in a memorandum that was originally planned to be delivered to DAP’s national headquarters today, but which was cancelled at last minute by a directive from PAS secretary-general Datuk Mustafa Ali prohibiting the action.

“It is clear that current punishments and laws are unable to solve the public’s crime and safety issues. Therefore PAS has proposed the Shariah Criminal Code Enactment as the solution,” the Selangor wing chief Syarhan Humaizi Halim said in a statement.

“If DAP does not agree to PAS’ solution to the crime problem then we demand DAP to suggest its own solution to the crime problems occurring now.”

Actually I agree with PAS on this one. The reason why crime are increasing are due to several factors. One of them is the fact that Malaysian Laws is very soft against criminals.

In my opinion, Death Penalty should be implemented on various crimes like rape, abuse which lead to death, child abuse, murder, drug trafficking AND repeated consumption and repeated criminal actions (like gangsterism, triad etc). Malaysians have been too soft against criminals and even when the death sentence were given, it takes too long (10 to 20 years) before it is actually implemented, allowing the criminal to live consuming money which can be used for other social purposes.

In Emperor Asoka's time, a criminal with death penalty were given only three MONTHS to appeal (to prove his innocent) or perform spiritual activities in preparation for his death. Therefore soften punishment and weak laws are two of the main causes of why Justice System in Malaysia (and anywhere else) seems to be grinding slowly and criminals are walking around without fear of retribution.

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