ibnur posted on 18-11-2013 09:13 PM
Ingat ini bod gosip ka tambeyyyyyy!!!!!!
ya ker??? tidak ke benda ini ada berkaitan dgn agama??? ceria , tak minta izin dan lain2??
Truth.8 posted on 18-11-2013 09:42 PM
dont make me laugh ...macam mana lu tau muslims malas nak layan??? ...
biasalah gb nak tunjuk ...
eh gua taulah. gua dah berzaman berdebat dgn lu. semua debat mesti samada lu lari, atau lu tunjuk kerendahan tahap pemikiran lu dengan cuba pusing2 ayat.
lagipun, lu punya topic ni takde kena mengena pun dengan Religion, Faith, mahupun Spiritual. So, gua tegur lah lu. Yang lu nak melenting bila kena tegur, apahal?
Lu nak bergossip, lu pegilah kat board gossip. ramai yang akan join lu. Mende simple macam ni pun lu susah nak paham. patutlah ayat bible lu pun lu belit2 tak paham.
gunblade712 posted on 19-11-2013 11:44 AM
eh gua taulah. gua dah berzaman berdebat dgn lu. semua debat mesti samada lu lari, atau lu tunjuk ...
abis yg muslims quote pasal verses from quran...tiada kaitan dgn agama??
Gb thanks for showing us ur stupidity
Truth.8 posted on 19-11-2013 03:32 PM
abis yg muslims quote pasal verses from quran...tiada kaitan dgn agama??
Gb thanks for showing u ... abis yg muslims quote pasal verses from quran...tiada kaitan dgn agama??
Gb thanks for showing us ur stupidity
laaa.. merepek lagi ke, Truth.8? Please don't humilite yourself.
Nampak sangat ini thread GOSSIP. Pegilah ke board gossip. Kenapa takmo pegi kat sana?
dahlah panggil orang lain 'betina' sesuka hati. Memang ciri2 orang tak bagus ni, sesuka hati menghina orang lain. thanks for showing your stupidity, ignorance and rudeness...
gunblade712 posted on 19-11-2013 05:44 PM
laaa.. merepek lagi ke, Truth.8? Please don't humilite yourself.
Muslim post ayat Quran SE ...
so this topic sesuai dkt sini because my topic " aku nak tanya muslims"
sound to u gossip????
gb u need a real help....seek doctor urgently ...my humble advise to u
Orang Muslim tahu tuan tread ni memang buka tread ni untuk tunjukkan kelemahan orang Islam... sebab tu saya balas dengan ayat-ayat al-Quran yang akhirnya apa yang dia post itu lebih banyak membuka aibnya sendiri....
Allah berkata :
"Kecelakaanlah bagi tiap-tiap pendusta yang berdosa, yang mendengar ayat-ayat penerangan Allah sentiasa dibacakan kepadanya, kemudian dia terus berlagak sombong (enggan menerimanya), seolah-olah ia tidak mendengarnya. Oleh itu gembirakanlah dia dengan azab seksa yang tidak terperi sakitnya. Dan apabila sampai ke pengetahuannya sesuatu dari ayat-ayat penerangan Kami, dia menjadikannya ejek-ejekan. Mereka yang demikian keadaannya, akan beroleh azab yang menghina. Di hadapan mereka di akhirat kelak ada neraka Jahannam yang disediakan untuk mereka dan apa jua yang mereka usahakan, tidak dapat menyelematkan mereka sedikit pun; demikian juga yang mereka sembah atau puja selain Allah, tidak dapat memberikan sebarang perlindungan; dan kesudahannya mereka akan beroleh azab seksa yang besar. Al-Quran ini ialah hidayah petunjuk yang cukup lengkap dan orang-orang yang kufur ingkar akan ayat-ayat penerangan Tuhannya, mereka akan beroleh azab dari jenis azab seksa yang tidak terperi sakitnya. " (Al-Jathiyah : 7-11) |
gunblade712 posted on 20-11-2013 08:33 PM
it's not about THE TITLE, it's about THE CONTENT OF YOUR THREAD.
It's just simple logic, i ... It would be best if you go to the gossip board, or go visit a doctor to check your logical unit of your brain. Simple logic pun tak boleh faham.
gb isu pasal ceria dan lain2 dlm islam...gossip ke???
gb....have u taken medicine??? if cannot afford...no hal...kita boleh buat dana derma utk sponsor u perubataan jumpa pakar....jgn malu2...bagitahu kita orang ...nanti saya buat satu topic " derma utk gb utk perubataan'
Truth.8 posted on 20-11-2013 10:33 PM
gb isu pasal ceria dan lain2 dlm islam...gossip ke???
gb....have u taken medicine??? if canno ...
lol, are you showing us your ignorance and low-mentality again, Truth.8?
ada seorang betina pandai2 tegur orang lain pasal orang ini ada buat satu kenyataan negative ..pada hal betina ini rampas laki orang sehingga berlaku perceraian...... sehingga kini betina ini tidak di kurniakan anak...tapi kaya raya...betina ini memang lah nampak baik dari luaran tapi aku rasa kurang hormat betina ini...
ada satu betina aku hormat sebab dia minta izin dari isteri pertama sebelum di madu..isteri pertama pun izin
adakah betina yg rampas ini baik sangat??
I've highlighted YOUR INQUIRIES IN THE THREAD. What's THOSE gotta do with Religion, Faith, and/or Spiritual?
I highly suggest for you to go and check on your health, Truth.8. It seems that you were whipped so bad, you're starting to be confused between 'RSF' and 'GOSSIP' board. |
gunblade712 posted on 21-11-2013 02:17 AM
lol, are you showing us your ignorance and low-mentality again, Truth.8?
This thread OBVIOUSLY ...
again and again gb showing us his stupidility....
a question related to her behaviours doubth me...hence muslims quoted the koran verses.....
simple as that....
now this prescriptions:
get a cats ...this will make u feels little up ...
ur suffering due to:
depression..this will helptherapy, animals , and lifestyle changes.
I'm not sure of your real intention here? Do you want to discuss about her? or do you want to discuss about Islam?
mashimaru83 posted on 21-11-2013 01:30 PM
I'm not sure of your real intention here? Do you want to discuss about her? or do you want to discus ...
both...i think it goes hand in hand....
Truth.8 posted on 21-11-2013 02:48 PM
both...i think it goes hand in hand....
Well, the hand in hand is what you think. I would suggest that you look at it evidentially. Is 'rampas' really an Islamic teaching? Do you have the evidence?
mashimaru83 posted on 21-11-2013 03:00 PM
Well, the hand in hand is what you think. I would suggest that you look at it evidentially. Is 'ra ...
meaning to says is not part of islamic teachings...interesting...i m learning something from islam now...
mind telling why such 'rampas' happend from muslims to muslims??
thank you
Truth.8 posted on 21-11-2013 04:06 PM
meaning to says is not part of islamic teachings...interesting...i m learning something from islam ...
Well, actually you are wrong. The word 'rampas' itself is not unique to Muslim. You will see it happens to other people worldwide regardless of one's religious view. Why cherry-pick muslim?
mashimaru83 posted on 21-11-2013 04:47 PM
Well, actually you are wrong. The word 'rampas' itself is not unique to Muslim. You will see it ha ...
i know it happen in my faith but i am asking muslims point of view as she rampas and poor ex wife need 2 divorce ....not only that...kids are separated....clearly it show the first wife disagreed on this matter....
will she receive 'balasan' from ur allah or both???
Truth.8 posted on 21-11-2013 04:53 PM
i know it happen in my faith but i am asking muslims point of view as she rampas and poor ex wife ... It is simple. Everyone will be judged by God according to their deeds or actions. This is unlike certain religious view where someone has to die for someone else sins. If that is the case, to me it looks like a 'rampas' there; The one that has to die take away (rampas) someone else sins and die.
So, to anwer your question, yes, she will receive 'balasan' from Allah. Like I said, everyone will be judged by God according to their deeds or actions.
Last edited by mashimaru83 on 22-11-2013 09:43 AM
mashimaru83 posted on 22-11-2013 08:04 AM
It is simple. Everyone will be judged by God according to their deeds or actions. This is unlike cer ... It is simple. Everyone will be judged by God according to their deeds or actions. This is unlike certain religious view where someone has to die for someone else sins. If that is the case, to me it looks like a 'rampas' there; The one that has to die take away (rampas) someone else sins and die.
So, to anwer your question, yes, she will receive 'balasan' from Allah. Like I said, everyone will be judged by God according to their deeds or actions.
I really respect her before she got married...love all her songs...when she did this negative things.....I lost my respect to her...I remember writing a topic that she wont get child when she got married because of this acts ....not only it bring misery to the first wife but also the growing kids....
as for my faith...we not allow to marry more than 1 wife....if not happy , divorce and marry another...
Truth.8 posted on 22-11-2013 11:23 AM
I really respect her before she got married...love all her songs...when she did this negative th ... @Truth.8
I really respect her before she got married...love all her songs...when she did this negative things.....I lost my respect to her...I remember writing a topic that she wont get child when she got married because of this acts ....not only it bring misery to the first wife but also the growing kids....
as for my faith...we not allow to marry more than 1 wife....if not happy , divorce and marry another... I think in this case it boils down to one perception of the issue. For me, I'm not sure if 'rampas' is the suitable word. The way I look at it is that, the marriage can only happen if the Man agree to marry with her. If not, then the 'rampas' can never happen. So, should we blame her only or also the husband?
Now you have to be careful here. I myself don't feel comfortable put any judgement to any of them (husband, current wife, ex-wife) mainly because:
1) We don't have sufficient knowledge/evidence to judge on the issue. Most likely we'll be speculating.
2) None of them is here to defend themselves and that would be unfair.
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