Sultan Johor tarik balik gelaran Datuk bekas Pengarah UPEN Johor
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Sebab kes pulau batu putih k? |
Kesian hamsan karingat... Sesama serumpun indon dna pon nak gaduh2 |
teringin nak tau sbb dia. hahaha |
sultan johor sultan sebenar ke? |
Any jcs officer in dis forum know n can response.. |
dah la susah nak dapatkan datoship dr johor.. pastu kena tarik balik.. nyesal tak sudah kot.. |
mesti dia kutuk umno johor |
Yang kesian kat bini dia....masa dalam jawatan, macai-macai sekeliling asyik membetulkan kalau ada orang yang salah address kat bini dia, ini datin ye...datin...la ni panggil mok cik je le. |
Susah beb nk dpt dato' johor! |
AdamBillionaire posted on 8-11-2013 03:23 PM 
adam dpt title tan sri intan payung delima.. darjah kebesaran di kurniakan oleh king edward . ...
Well, dont you know that there is King Edward ( KE VII) school at Taiping Perak. The great britain now is rule by Queen Elisabeth. King Edward is the master of my great great grandfather.
I can honour up you as a Knight of Billionaire as if you can make a Billion Donation to my NGO(K) Foundation
Sir Boya Sir Gombak the Legend of Tepen
NGO of Non Profit Orgasm
mawarika posted on 8-11-2013 02:50 PM 
Kenapa tarik balik
Sila ajukan soalan ni kpd istana bukit serene
Odyman posted on 8-11-2013 08:06 PM 
Yang kesian kat bini dia....masa dalam jawatan, macai-macai sekeliling asyik membetulkan kalau ada o ...
Kalau anak dia kawin dan dapat anak, boleler upgrade sket jd Opah @ Wan @ Nek yer. bkn smua orang pun entitle that, orang bujang kertu terlajak laris, lum tentu merasa.
biarlah rahsia bak kata siti nurhaliza  |
boyagombak posted on 8-11-2013 08:47 PM 
Well, dont you know that there is King Edward ( KE VII) school at Taiping Perak. The great britain ...
send my hand to king edward..
im be honourd to pleasure hear your story. im have related blood with king arab saudi syeikh arabian.. but my neighbour is hosni mubarak sister in law.. last year i holiday to england. im forgot to say high five to king edward because im driving super car ferrari. im feel guilty because of my inappriote manner.
if possible, this christmas, i would like to invite king edward to having fun at kelab dangdut. i like and expert dangdut with poco2 song. its agood for exercise our body for healthy life style..
my castle now at jalan ampang, i have 100 bodyguards origin from nepal gurkha. if king edward comes to malaysia let me know through we chat .. i with honor and pleasure would like to sponsor king edward holiday in malaysia.
as we know, penang have paradise food but half of it not delicious. really suck for my tounge.. for example mee rojak. what the hell food nenas? apple? orange? penang people really suck when made food. they all terorist in making food.
my favourite food is asam pedas and c food..sorry. i got to go now. have meeting with barrack obama regarding temper in american economy..
orang cakap ada pertalian dengan pulau batu putih kan? AG sekarang macam tengah panas bontot..xsangka wey  |
Aku pun tertanya2 kenapa. Johor kalau tarik balik mesti ada hal besar punya. Negeri Johor memang tegas bab2 Datuk ni. |
Tak heran sgt ngan pangkat2 bagai ni
Bukan bole bawak masuk kubur
Yg dok bagi anugerah tu pon perangai ntah hapa2 |
I luv sultan Johor..  |
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