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Author: CARI-HBZ

“"I know, I know, abang Har punya bontot tengah panas sekarang ni” – Azhar Sulaiman mohon maaf kecam tindakan Hamas, Ini penjelasannya

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Post time 21-5-2024 07:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ptt anta je behar pegi gaza sane. tlg ajar hamas dgn so called strategy behar tu. moge dgn ptolongan behar, palestine bebas berlari dlm tanah air sendiri

rakyat malaysia mohon blockout behar sekali. dasar begok tak paham benda dh berlaku berpuluh2 tahun lamenye.

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Post time 21-5-2024 07:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kemon behar..
u are my idola masa achik muda belia

dont tarnish yr jaman tua dgn oerkara2 mmbodohkan dirisndiri
lgpun xde sapa rquest yr opinion kan?????

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Post time 21-5-2024 07:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Pokcik ko sembang2 kat kedai kopi udah ler. Bak kata org aprika everything happens in internet stay foreva.

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Post time 21-5-2024 07:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Loorrrr ingay bijak sgt..tetap pendirian...rupanya u turn mengaku kesilapan sendiri...ko takut sapa ?..

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Post time 21-5-2024 08:21 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sora13 replied at 21-5-2024 05:16 PM
thank you kakasotong.

Ye sis sama2 la kita yg tahu sikit2 info pasal krisis kat Palestin ni kita spread awareness biar orang tahu. Jangan jd macam Azhar ni, sebar palatao benda yg xbetul. Kau kan Azhar, kalau malas nak membaca, xtahu, lebih baik mulut tu diam je, jangan banyak bunyi. Bodoh tu sorok sendiri jangan canang kt orang. Haaa sesungguhnya meols mmg trigger sesangat dengan kebenakan otak Azhar ni

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Post time 21-5-2024 08:25 PM | Show all posts
Edited by kakasotong2 at 21-5-2024 08:27 PM

Palestinians resistance (team Hamas) kat Gaza berebut sesama sendiri nak letak bom kat kereta kebal musuh diorang Israhell sebab nak kejar mati syahid demi negara. Kau pula Azhar, melekeh-lekehkan tindakan orang tu. Malu la sikit.

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Post time 21-5-2024 11:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Pesal plak jadi abang Har? Mmg andropause ni. Dari mami ke behar menjadi abang har. Takut ke org tahu behar tu nama org pantai timur? Taknak kena associated dgn parti bulan?

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Post time 21-5-2024 11:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
asam kecut ni non stop mencirit tiap ari ek…

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Post time 22-5-2024 10:14 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dia ni agaknya perasan dia bijak sgt sbb arkitek..pdahal nan hadooooo

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Post time 22-5-2024 11:09 AM | Show all posts
Wenpa replied at 21-5-2024 07:10 PM
boley tag palatao dwadrum kt sini...kojenya palatao kulu kilir gune modal colleague lah,jiran tok  ...

huh dia tu......

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Post time 22-5-2024 01:21 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kesian behar..belajar sampai obersi..kawen dgn org kaya..kaya..anak2 pandai tp buta isu kemanusian dan agama

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Post time 22-5-2024 01:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Wenpa replied at 21-5-2024 11:10 AM
boley tag palatao dwadrum kt sini...kojenya palatao kulu kilir gune modal colleague lah,jiran tok  ...

Tapi kalau dia nak palatao pasal Yisroel, legit la juga sebab dia memang hada darah Jewish, sister.

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Post time 22-5-2024 01:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
diam la behar

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Post time 22-5-2024 04:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dua_chzy replied at 22-5-2024 01:27 PM
Tapi kalau dia nak palatao pasal Yisroel, legit la juga sebab dia memang hada darah Jewish, sister ...

ooo pattut ahh dier taksuber...mukim dh bau bau bacang yisroel sebab ada selitan palatou

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Post time 22-5-2024 04:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Hidup terlampau mewah..xde mslh sakit2...xde mslh kewangan...paatu xde hati perot...tu psl jd gitu

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Post time 22-5-2024 04:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
syafarah_2k replied at 22-5-2024 01:21 PM
Kesian behar..belajar sampai obersi..kawen dgn org kaya..kaya..anak2 pandai tp buta isu kemanusian d ...

Ramai mcm ni sbb dilimpahi kemewahan hidup..jd ignorance dgn penderitaan org lain...die membaca pon pilih benda yg die dh percaya je..

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Post time 22-5-2024 05:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Heols dah tak bahasakan diri Mami ye? Dah jadi Behar plak

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Post time 22-5-2024 05:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mcm forummers tulis, sbb hidupnya terlampau selesa tanpa susah payah..itupun  sbb ihsan dr mentua lps kawin ngan bini bunga cempakanya... kehkehkeh

Tp nk kata terkejut dgn kebingaiannya, xjuga..tgkla anak2 hasil didikan so called terpaling cerdik berhujah ni..gitu jela Harktuihhhhh

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Post time 22-5-2024 06:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Baik mami diam jelah..

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Post time 22-5-2024 07:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
jap...nak tau gak camne dia start panggil diri mami tu?
mami stands for?

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