The godfather part 1&2
Gangs of New York
Pulp Fiction
Reservoir dogs
boring....public enemies,road to predition. |
The Usual Suspect boleh dianggap gangster movie tak? |
cmne dgn scarface? reservoir dogs? film2 gengster hk mcm young and dangerous aku kurang minat laaa, gengster hk ni mcm gaya je labih tp tak professional, mcm budak2 |
cmne dgn scarface? reservoir dogs? film2 gengster hk mcm young and dangerous aku kurang minat laaa, gengster hk ni mcm gaya je labih tp tak professional, mcm budak2 |
the untouchables ntah berapa kali main kat tv2, slot dunhill double  |
Gilor ah seksngankucing spam...  |
the untouchables ntah berapa kali main kat tv2, slot dunhill double 
sekngucing Post at 11-1-2010 15:32 
Tu pun tak jemu-jemu tengok...
Al Capone bunuh orang punya ramai, last-last masuk penjara 13 tahun sebab lari cukai... :kant: |
21# alesandra
...hmmm what could I say about "Reservior Dogs" ? Maybe not really a gangster movie, more like a crime movie.
A bit unpolished but bare all Quentin Tarantino's later trademarks... definitely cult. |
22# juwaini
...one of a memorable movie ni, I'm not sure boleh dikategorikan dalam gangster genre, tapi definitely one of the best crime thriller... |
28# juwaini
... selamba je belasah org dia sampai pecah kepala hmy3: |
1. Donnie Brasco
2. The Untouchables
3. Goodfellas
4. Mean Streets
32# Rhyno
... Donnie Brasco pun best. |
film paling cool>reservoir dogs, bak kata hisamudin rais
-aku sebenarnya tak paham sangat masa tgok the untouchables, pasal masa tu baru form 2, time dia main kat tv2, yg aku ingat al capone bunuh pengikut dia sebiji mcm rencana al capone yg aku baca dlm mastika (wei, mastika bukan pasal mayat kubur hantu sajala, bukalah mindamu)
-yg aku ingat ialah, kevin costner cek capone punya buku lejar, debit kredit je ahaha |
once upon a time in high school...gangster zaman budak skolah... |
high school musical |
37# bedah_kg_pisang
... boleh masuk kategori gangster movie ke ni ??? hmmmmmmmm...{:1_122:} {:1_122:} |
death race |
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