[Fuji TV] Majo Saiban - Ikuta Toma (download links at the 1st page!)
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Reply #17 im_comey's post
a'ah... kite dh lame update kat post kite kat atas... im tak pasan kot... |
Reply #18 lin0me's post
hahaha... lin mmg dh lame dh pun post...  |
Reply #19 dark_chocolate's post
hehehe... tapi kena tunggu dulu la... sebulan lagik nk tayang...  |
Reply #20 fa_stellar's post
wah... ternet makin best ek? sonok ah tuh leh rempit2...  |
Balas #18 lin0me\ catat
heheh, madu den terasa laks .. im tau le lin laling .. soli soli
im panggil yg lain2 tuh .. so hebah2kan pada yg belum masuk tu yer ..
Kittie chan, soli solii tak nampak le info kat atas nun ..  |
welcome to the thread fa chan .. wah lepas ni makin ligat ler ko kat tenet ye ..  |
Reply #25 im_comey's post
takpe, takpe... sbb biru jer... kiterpun selalu gak terlepas pandang post org lain...  |
Reply #26 im_comey's post
aper sajer utk kejar kredit...  |
Balas #28 Kittie\ catat
kejar2 gak tp suka lagi ngan title CONQUERER dr MASTER ... mcm pangkat CONQUERER tu lebih besar lak maksudnyer  |
Agaknye camana ler imej Toma dlm cerita ni yer .. aku harap sangat dia guna rambut kerinting tuh nampak muka ala2 matsujun / hiro / Pi  |
Reply #29 im_comey's post
haha... yer gak... nnti klu dpt lord lagi la pelik rase...  |
macam menarik jalan cerita drama ni.  |
Reply #36 chibi_mawad's post
hehe... lagi sowang mistress dh masuk...  |
Balas #36 chibi_mawad\ catat
yeah tu dia misstress Chibi dah dtg ngan nama komersil nyer  |
Balas #37 Kittie\ catat
mistress besar belum dtg lagi kan?  |
Another translation for Majo Saiban dorama
credit to enshinge@LJ
Majo no Saiban
The Witch Trial
In this world, there are women, evil women, and witches.
Ikuta Toma
Lead actor in a Fuji TV drama series for the first time!
Challenging the role of a juror!!
On May 21st, the "jury system" will start. The focal point of this system is whether a citizen will be able to fairly judge a fellow citizen without being swayed by other impressions. The spring Saturday drama (Saturday 23 o'clock slot) will challenge the drama "Majo Saiban" with this "jury system" as the theme.
The story of "Majo Saiban" revolves around a young man who has no set job and has little interest in social issues; after being chosen as a juror, he gets dragged into rare incidents one after another. This is a crime suspense fiction drama that draws a possible future when the jury system is set into motion.
A woman is called a "witch" and accused of a murder incident to do with a giant legacy. It was expected that she be found guilty, however, for some reason, one by one the jurors start voting not guilty... there is a mysterious group bribing each juror. Further inexplicable things start to happen around the young man, and a housewife starts getting threats. The young man starts a solitary fight in order to save her. His girlfriend, who happens to be a newspaper reporter, starts being suspicious of the two's relationship and...
What is this mysterious group? What devious tricks are involved?
Who is this defendent called a "witch?"
A suspense drama full of mysteries and thrill develops.
What "wall of truth" does this young man challenge with the ever-changing verdict?
What will be the outcome of this trial...?
The young man dragged into the ordeal because he was chosen as a juror will be played by Ikuta Toma-san, who had his break as Nakazu Shuuichi in the 2007 drama "Hanazakari no Kimitachi e ~Ikemen‰Paradise~" (Fuji TV network). Last summer he played a double lead role with Ohno Satoshi-san in "Maou" (TBS network), and currently he is in the Monday evening 9 pm drama "Voice ~Inochi naki Mono no Koe~" (Fuji TV netweork). Not only is he active in dramas, he has a good reputation as an actor in stageplays. For Ikuta-san, this will be his first lead role drama on the Fuji TV network, and this will also be his first independent lead role.
The housewife who finds herself taken away from a happy life with her family and in danger, also because she was chosen as a juror, will be played by Kato Ai-san. Including works such as "Haken no Hinkaku" and "Scrap Teacher ~Kyoushi Saisei~" (Nihon TV network), Kato-san has played a wide variety of roles, this time she will act as a housewife for the first time. This is her first Fuji TV network drama since "Umizaru" in 2005.
And the girlfirend of the main character played by Ikuta-san, a newspaper reporter just starting to work, will be played by Higa Manami-san who made a spectacular debut in the 2007 morning drama seres "Dondo Hare" (NHK), and acted superbly in "Code Blue -Doctor Heli Kinkyuukyuumei-" (Fuji TV network) last summer.
The defendant of the trial also known by the name "witch" will be played by Ishida Yuriko-san. Ishida-san's roles are often pure and loyal as seen in the movie "Dare mo Mamotte kurenai" currently being shown, but this time she challenges a mysterious role.
The script will be written by Maekawa Yoichi, acclaimed for detailed human depictions in a strong storyline as seen in his past works such as "OUT," "Ningen no Shoumei," and "Maou." |
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