Reply #20 huskers's post
Kat sini pon ada PATI juga, selalu jugak pihak police and customs buat raids kat kat construction sites, hostels etc. |
dulu selatan siam nye pemimpin(pemberontak) buat petisyen nak join Malaysia tapi Malaysia tolak sebab nak jaga hati Siam ni..maklumla mase tu Thailand kene perintah makhluk diktator gila yg mau serang malaysia kalau Malaysia terima.
Tak pernah dengarle org Moro ade submit niat join Malaysia.Sulu ni memang kawasan aman dulu, tapi mula kacau bilau pasal org katolik pinoy mula conquer sulu economically ramai2. cam kes tibet le..org han tolak org tibet. |
Reply #22 hijazzains's post
kerajaan malaysia kena main peranan dengan menghantar bekalan2 senjata pada
puak MORO , kasi halau katolik pinoy kluar dari mindanao.. pulau mindanao akan
jadi buffer zone .. takde chance le pinoy nak claim Sabah.. hati perut filipines ni
bukan baik sangat pon |
Reply #23 malberi8's post
Nanti kena economic and military sanctions from the west...tak dapat ATM buy her new toys.. |
Originally posted by malberi8 at 30-4-2008 23:16 
kerajaan malaysia kena main peranan dengan menghantar bekalan2 senjata pada
puak MORO , kasi halau katolik pinoy kluar dari mindanao.. pulau mindanao akan
jadi buffer zone .. takde chance le p ...
Bad Idea to Support Terrorists  |
Simpati juga dgn org Moro ni, memang wilayah kaya tapi terabai, biasala style filipina, sume kekeyaan angkut ke Luzon.
Tapi aku rasa malaysia tak usah masuk campur hal filipina.dah cukup masalah malaysia ade dengan negara2 jiran.thailand dah tuduh kite sokong selatan thai, nak plak kena tuduh filipina sokong pemberontak moro. dengan indonesia dah gadoh pasal 'rasa saynage', kain batik, wayang kulit plak.Brunei plak kite gadoh pasal kawasan laut yg ade minyak. dengan singapura tak yah citer le..cam anjing dan kucing.
Maklumla malaysia ni deikellingi negara2 asing, perbalahan wilayah memang akan selalu jadi, jadi kene jaga hati sume negara jiran. |
Reply #26 hijazzains's post
Tu pasal bila bulan puasa digalak kan share lauk lauk antara jiran untuk berbuka  |
the fact is mesian govt has a long term problem on its northern border with siam and our neighbours east of sabah. we don't know how long it will last. but due to this unstable situation a lot of problem has risen and has becoming a breeding ground for extremism, thugs, piracy, bandits. and of course giving the muslim a bad name as most of the people staying here are muslims.
since its an internal affair of the respective countries, we can only hope they have the will to solve this problem for the betterment of the region. |
Reply #28 huskers's post
sometimes, I am really exasperated to see some Malaysians somehow supporting these insurgencies. Kesian2la..but use brain la, if those areas become total war zone, we'll be affected the most too.People die in this insurgencies!!!.:@ It is to our advantage too that Moro and southern Thai achieve peace. |
Philipino not an importent countri. ignore himl!! Ask them make more rice to eat for philipino peopel.  |
sebelum ada hati nak claim sabah, selesaikan dulu masalah kat mindanao. |
Msia does not gain by having active rebellion in those countries in the long run.
These rebels can turn around and commit terror in msia too or cause conflict between msia and neighbours.
JI actually had planned to bomb water pipeline at causeway to trigger war between singapore and msia and then use the chaos to take over msia.
[ Last edited by Debmey at 4-5-2008 08:22 AM ] |
Reply #33 addicted2photo's post
Btul tue, mindanao milik ksultanan sulu... |
Reply #25 zenslack's post
MORO terrorist!! or freedom fighter? I thought MORO fighting for
their land and freedom that been taken away by the Christian Pinoy!!
is it becoz they are moslem so u have the right to call them terrorist?
The problems lay within their govt..they will never stop claiming
Sabah so let the MORO people rules their own land and freedom..
and Mindanao will be the buffer zone from Pinoy govt to claim Sabah.. M'sia can help Mindanao island to develop.. but first we must
support the MORO struggle .... |
Reply #33 addicted2photo's post
ask our govt to claim Mindanao .. and support the MORO fighter |
Laki bini, anak beranak gaduh...orang luar jangan kacau.... |
Reply #37 alphawolf's post
Reply #38 malberi8's post
In theory...and u know how things are when it comes to practical applications of it. |
Reply #39 DarkBaron's post
you are right .. thats one reason why moslem countries are weak..
we are seperated by different ideology, nationalism.. not united.
we realised that too.. but wat are we goin to do about it? |
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