ingatkan princess Katana dlm mortal combat |
Pedang Korea ( Gum @ Geom @ Kal 劍 / 검 )

Yedo ( 예도 / 銳刀 )
This sword is generally a single edged saber ranging from 3 to 4 feet (1.2 m).
Samgakdo ( 삼각도 / 三角刀 )
The samgakdo, is also a recently used terminology for swords used for mat cutting. The cross section of the sword is triangular in shape hence the name Samgakdo (which means 3 sided sword).
Ssangsudo ( 쌍수도 / 雙手刀 )
This is a single edged long sword that varied from 5 to 7 feet (2.1 m). Its name means 'Two-handed sword'
Jingum @ Jingeom ( 진검 / 剣 )
Haedong jingeom (해동진검 / 海東劍) This literally means ' East Asian Practical Sword '. It is a newly used terminology that is used for today's practical Korean swords.
Pedang China ( Dao 刀 )

Changdao (长刀 / 長刀)
Anti-cavalry sword used in China during the Ming Dynasty. Sometimes called Miao dao (a similar but more recent weapon), the blade very much resembles a Japanese ōdachi. This weapon was adopted by General Qi Jiguang, who acquired a Kage-ryū (Aizu) manual from Japanese wokou, studied and modified it for his troops and used against enemies on the Mongol border circa 1560.

Miao Dao (苗刀)
Miao Dao is a Chinese two-handed dao or saber of the Republican era, with a narrow blade of up to 1.2 meters or more and a long hilt. The name means " sprout saber ", presumably referring to a likeness between the weapon and a newly sprouted plant. While the miao dao is a recent weapon, the name has come to be applied to a variety of earlier Chinese long sabers, such as the zhanmadao and changdao. Along with the dadao, miao dao were used by some Chinese troops during the Second Sino-Japanese War.

Pedang Jepun ( Katana / Nihonto 刀 / かたな )

Sources : Ji Xiao Xin Shu
Chinese Originally Consisted Of 18 chapters. However a revised 14 chapter version actually more popular in China than the 18 chapter version for the past few centuries. In fact, it is known to exist in 6 different editions, more numerous than the original. The first 14 chapter edition was published in 1584. The remaining editions were published in 1592, 1604, 1644; there are also other Ming-era handwritten copies.
Mu Ye Je Bo
The Muyejebo is a Korean martial art manual written during the reign of King Seonjo in 1598.
Pedang Melayu ( Pedang Jenawi ڤدڠ جناوي )
The Chinese and Japanese two handed sword is know as Pedang Jenawi.
Pedang Jenawi Patani

Sources :http://www.konrakmeed.com
Last edited by HangPC2 on 28-1-2013 12:50 PM
Originally posted by keep88 at 30-7-2007 07:39 PM 
nak tanya pulak:
bagaimana pulak rupa pedang cina (dinasti ching, dinasti ming)? apakah ianya lebihsama dengan pedang korea atau pedang jepun?
aku teka ianya lebih sama dengan pedang china.
Ming And Qing Sword
Ming (1368 - 1644)
1) In early Ming, the process of making twist-core Damascus steel is transmitted to the Chinese sword-making world, most likely from Malaysia & Indonesia and the Southern Philippines (Mindanao).
2) Use of clay in differential heat-treatment is not as common as in the Tang, smiths seem to prefer the non-clay method
3) Mass importation of Japanese sabers to China in the early Ming.
4) Revival in the use of the ridged cross-section (a specific type known as shinogi-zukuri to the Japanese) in Chinese sabers, spurred by exposure to Japanese sabers used by the pirates.
5) By the middle-to-late Ming, technical quality of Chinese sabers made for northern border soldiers has been compromised by inferior workmanship, resulting in these sabers being of poor quality. General Qi Jiguang specifies higher standards to bring quality up.
Ming Dynasty General Qi Jiguang Sword (Dao)

Chang Dao (Long Dao)

Swordfighting Stances From The 1588 Edition Of Chinese General Qi Jiguang Books
Ji Xiao Xin Shu Chinese Originally Consisted Of 18 chapters. However a revised 14 chapter version actually more popular in China than the 18 chapter version for the past few centuries. In fact, it is known to exist in 6 different editions, more numerous than the original. The first 14 chapter edition was published in 1584. The remaining editions were published in 1592, 1604, 1644; there are also other Ming-era handwritten copies.

Qing (1644 - 1911)
1) New achievements and progress in sword-making (and various types of handicraft such as works in wood, glass, metal, jade, porcelain etc) achieved under Emperor Qianlong, a great improvement compared to the decline in the Middle Ming
2) Under him, a most comprehensive document titled "Illustrated Regulations for the Ceremonial Paraphernalia of the Qing Dynasty" was compiled, and it records and standardizes various characteristics of the sabers worn by the various ranks of civil and military officials, amongst other things
3) A comprehensive document titled "Weapons Workmanship Standards" is compiled (probably around the same time as the above document) and stipulates the manufacture and quality control of Chinese sabers, polearms etc
4) Occasional use of the ridged cross-section seen on Qing period sabers
5) Appearance of the oxtail saber (niuweidao) in the late Qing, where it was used exclusively by civilians and not by the Qing military
Emperor Qianlong Sword

Royal Sword

Qing Imperial Sword

Qing Imperial Polearms

Qing Civilian Sword (Oxtail Saber @ Niuwei Dao)

mcm pedang roronoa zoro la...
katana nih der mcm keris x dr sudut mistik nyer,,,??  |
WAhhhhhhhhhhhhh... great info....爐hanxxs
samurai x ?
reversed sword? |
Sesiapa Yang Pernah Pergi Muzium Sejarah Selangor Dekat Bukit Melawati , Boleh Kenal Pasti Jenis Pedang ini ? Sebab Hampir Menyerupai Bentuk Tipikal Pedang dari Asia Timur ?

kedudukan 2 dari Kiri ?
Originally posted by Rocky_balboa at 31-3-2008 10:51 AM 
samurai x ?
reversed sword?
dalam dunia sebenar tak ada pedang tuh... cuma rekaan jer... |
ada pic katana versi pendek? |
Reply #33 UsupGal's post
cuba tengok page belakang.... |
ramai yg putus kepala kat malaya dulu dek pedang nih... |
Originally posted by tobby at 23-10-2008 01:10 PM 
ramai yg putus kepala kat malaya dulu dek pedang nih...
Itu Pedang Tentera Imperialis Jepun '' Gunto '' bukan Pedang Tradisional Jepun '' Katana '' |
lagenda "hattori hanzo"...dalam citer kill bill tuh memang betul ke?..
katana merupakan senjata paling sempurna...(mengikut kajian discovery channel), hattori hanzo pulak merupakan pereka katana paling hebat...
so, betulkah kisah hattori hanzo nih? |
Reply #37 thessailly's post
Cerita Hollywood Itu Rekaan jer....
Kalau Mengikut Sejarah Sebenarnya Hattori Hanzo ialah...
Hattori Hanzo atau Hanzo Hattori dalam sejarah antarabangsa, adalah salah satu ninja atau shinobi terkenal atau terhebat di masa Jepun kuno (Zaman Muromachi @ Sengoku hingga Awal Zaman Tokugawa). Beliau adalah ahli dalam penggunaan Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu dan seorang Hidenjutsu yang terbaik dalam suku Iga. Hattori Hanzo adalah ketua suku Iga (Klan Ninja Iga), pada masa Iga berebut kekuasaan dengan suku Kouga (Klan Ninja Kouga), Hattori Hanzo lah yang merupakan pimpinannya.
[ Last edited by HangPC2 at 25-10-2008 05:26 PM ] |
Pernah tengok orang potong kek gune pedang ni. |
Originally posted by HangPC2 at 25-10-2008 05:24 PM 
Cerita Hollywood Itu Rekaan jer.
Hattori Hanzo atau Hanzo Hattori dalam sejarah antarabangsa, adalah salah satu ninja atau sh ...
oh, ok...tq...sebijik macam citer naruto la... |
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