Originally posted by areguard at 1-2-2007 01:58 PM
Malaysia cukup "daring" ke mahu angkat aset laut kelas Destroyer macam gini? Asyik dok nak jaga hati jiran aje??
Balance of power areguard, balance of power.....
kalo kita beli destroyer karang, tak cukup pulak karang dock untuk jiran kita nak taruk destroyer depa. dah la depa amat bergantung kepada port depa. nak lumba dgn 27 buah NGPV kita pon dok tergaru-garu kepala kat mana mao park. banyak duit tapi space takde. la ni pon musti tgh pening mana mao park itu rimau bintang |
looking at all these new advanced vessels,i can't help but feel how for behind we are in this field.maybe we should start looking at procuring larger vessels..maybe not in large numbers for starters.
dunno,i'm not too well versed in naval warfare..stopped buying defence mags a long time ago.its just that with smaller vessels,it kinda limits our capabilities when it really matters.i mean,there's a large expanse of water that we need to cover..wouldn't a larger vessel be better? |
Originally posted by supergripen at 2-2-2007 03:46 PM
looking at all these new advanced vessels,i can't help but feel how for behind we are in this field.maybe we should start looking at procuring larger vessels..maybe not in large numbers for start ... i mean,there's a large expanse of water that we need to cover..wouldn't a larger vessel be better
your words in bold is the operative here SG...and the rational why we went for the FFNW PVs...we can have one or even two DDGs, but if they are in dock when the need arised or we face multi directional threats, which do you prefer, a large number of capable combatants or limited units of large vessels albeit more capable but will be prime targets to be taken out during the shooting war phase...note the use of shooting war phase eh |
Originally posted by areguard at 1-2-2007 01:58 PM
Malaysia cukup "daring" ke mahu angkat aset laut kelas Destroyer macam gini? Asyik dok nak jaga hati jiran aje??
kalau tengok kat luas kawasan maritim, dah layak sangat nak guna destroyer.. asalkan ada uangnya dong..
ala.. pulau yang kecik tu pun ada beduyun2 frigate "susah nak kesan".. satu masa sok kita akan daring jugak aku rasa areguard.. |
Originally posted by mmc at 2-2-2007 04:00 PM
your words in bold is the operative here SG...and the rational why we went for the FFNW PVs...we can have one or even two DDGs, but if they are in dock when the need arised or we face multi ...
hehe why i love 'lateral thinking'..u offered me two choices rite? small number of DDGs or large number of PVs and FFGs.i choose none of the above..
my point is,we should have a small number of DDGs,supported by a not too small force of FFBNW PVs and FFGs.we can have this,provided we plan our purchases carefully,study what is a good mix thoroughly.
i would agree if this is not possible due to lack of funds but not because we don't need it.
BUT having said all that,a look at current trends will see that destroyers are increasingly being replaced by more modern and more capable large frigates..case i point,the Sachsen F124 frigates for the German Navy.so i guess an upsized frigate will be fine for us.
[ Last edited by supergripen at 2-2-2007 08:08 PM ] |
Originally posted by d'zeck at 2-2-2007 07:14 PM
kalau tengok kat luas kawasan maritim, dah layak sangat nak guna destroyer.. asalkan ada uangnya dong..
ala.. pulau yang kecik tu pun ada beduyun2 frigate "susah nak kesan".. satu m ...
That's why kalau Mesia tak cukup daring nak angkat destroyer mcm type45 ni...at least large sized frigate yg berkeupayaan mcmdestroyer...Laut China Selatan besar bang but my boat is small.... |
The huge cost of an advanced warship comes mainly from the onboard combat equipment, not the size of the hull. However, a bigger ship offers better seakeeping, higher survivability, higher endurance, better weapons fit, and better upgrade potential. |
Chinese or Korean hulls can't be more expensive than British hulls? |
Reply #26 areguard's post
selagi moto JACK OF ALL TRADE MASTER OF NONE digunapakai dalam GSR maka janganlah anda bermimpi untuk malaysia memperolehi DEDICATED WARFARE platform....
i think we should berbelanja mengikut kemampuan....dan saya percaya tampuk pemerintahan TLDM telah melakukan yang terbaik buat masa ini dengan mengoptimumkan penggunaan budget yang sedia ada...
My 2 cents..
[ Last edited by bravotwozero at 4-2-2007 06:36 AM ] |
My favorite musing whenever I llok at the seas "Oh God, Thy ocean is so big, and my boat is so small!" heh heh |
Reply #25 supergripen's post
if money no problem(in the sense of responsible buyingler, bukan hentam beli)...i agree with you bro.. |
Untuk menjadi kuasa maritim, kita perlu kapal bluewater, bukan kapal littoral. Ini bermakna kapal yg besar. Sekurang-kurangnya 3000+ ton standard.
Tak perlu jd fully blue water navy. Lg pun, NGPV dh cukup fulfill mission kita nak jaga persempadanan Malaysia sekitar Laut China Selatan hingga ke Selat Melaka.
Kelas peronda Kedah blh diupgrade jd korvet kalau situasi yg memerlukan, kita dh ada teknologi membina & menyelenggara kapal ini. Adalah bangang kalau biar pernacangan asal NGPV terkubur begitu shj.
Lgpun Boustead (LTAT) dh takeover 30% share PSC Naval Dockyard, which means Gomen ada stake dlm projek nih.
Amin Shah dah tader lagi dlm gambau ni, so dgn renewed concentrated effort by Gomen, perancangan asal NGPV mampu jd realiti. |
32# Robotech
aku sokong.kite mestila istiqomah dlm kerja yg dilakukan.tp jangan ambil kesempatan untuk diri pulak.... |
Faktor 50 tahun negara merdeka tapi masih x mampu nak mantapkan industri pertahanannya sendiri memang benar tapi ini bukan bermakna dah terlambat utk kita menambah-baik keupayaan membina NGPV yg masih belum selesai. Teruskan usaha dan berhenti memandang rendah pd keupayaan diri sendiri. NGPV masih mampu utk mempunyai kuasa tembakan friget namun ini x bermakna kita mampu mengorak langkah utk bina friget pulak dgn syarat jgn ada sindrom JP la. Jiran2 ASEAN bolah gelakkan kita sampai pecah perut dan terburai usus bagai, tap ingat, navy yg kena gelak hari ini silap2 haribulan akan menyebabkan tukang gelak akan meraung mcm nak gila satu hari nanti. |
21# tin
X cukup tempat park kat Batam le! Apa susah? Pulau tu, memang sesuai jadi naval base. |
21# tin
X cukup tempat park kat Batam le! Apa susah? Pulau tu, memang sesuai jadi naval base.
jazim Post at 29-6-2009 08:35
kalau parking kat batam dah jaadi base lain dah tu..........r&r punya base |
Aku rasa Mesia patut at least ade 1 Type-45 Destroyer ni la, bkn nk serang sape pun tp sbg psychological threat kt neighboring country especially bila kes2 mcm Ambalat n Spratly nih |
Msia xda kperluan tok beli destroyer stkt nei... Baik ganti kapal2 yg telah usang, dan LPD patut dutamakan... |
Frigate pun cukup bahaya kalau bubuh best weapon n radar yang ada dlm market. |
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