Originally posted by milo_888 at 30-8-2006 05:46 PM
:setuju: |
Bangkai Yamato
aku pernah nampak kat national geo dulu....kapal yamato nih besar giler...sampaikan dari ujung laut pun bleh nampak hujung kapa nih......tentera amerika pun terkejut giler tengok kapal nih,perlukan 500 kapal terbang untuk musnahkan yamato nih...nih kapal kebanggaan negara jepun.....tenggelamnya kapal yamato,maka tenggelamla "negara jepun"....nih kapal kebanggaan orang jepun pernah buat sampai ari ni...kalau aku tak silap,salah sorang arkitek kapal nih masih idup dan memegang sebelah lagik keratan pelan asal kapal ini... |
Post Last Edit by HangPC2 at 4-5-2010 13:05
Originally posted by GRINDSAKHTANIC at 13-1-2007 03:12 PM
aku pernah nampak kat national geo dulu....kapal yamato nih besar giler...sampaikan dari ujung laut pun bleh nampak hujung kapa nih......tentera amerika pun terkejut giler tengok kapal nih,perluk ...

The Yamato class were the most powerful battleships ever built. As the war entered its waning days, the Japanese made sure that the victors would find none of her blueprints or building documents. Last year, in a moldy corner of a Yokosuka warehouse, a packet of documents were found that turned out to be the complete electrical blueprints for the great ships.
I am hopeful that eventually the full set of documents will be published, but in the meantime we'll have to do with this shot below, a copy of the article that appeared on the front page of a Tokyo newspaper about the find.
Sources : http://www.star-games.com
Reply #15 HangPC2's post
Mungkin tidak, kerana pertama, carrier Jepun masih ada...tapi pesawat dan juruterbangnya tiada. Kedua US mempunyai air superiority di ruang udara Jepun pada ketika itu.
Sebenarnya pelayaran Yamato diselaras dengan serangan kamikaze besar-besaran tapi serangan kamikaze tersebut kurang berjaya mengumpan perhatian US Navy. |
Construction History
The Yamato class were designed in the post Washington Naval Treaty period. The treaty had been extended by the London Naval Treaty of 1930 which limited the signatories to no battleship production before 1937 - the Japanese withdrew from the Treaty at the Second London conference of 1936. Design work on the class began in 1934 and after modifications the design for a 68,000 ton vessel was accepted in March 1937. The Yamato was built at a specially prepared dock at Kure Naval Dockyards beginning on 4 November 1937 . She was launched on 8 August 1940 and commissioned on 16 December 1941 . Originally it was intended that five ships of this class would be built, but the third ship of the class, Shinano , was converted to an aircraft carrier during construction after the defeat at the Battle of Midway , the un-named "Hull Number 111" was scrapped in 1943 when roughly 30% complete, and "Hull Number 797", proposed in the 1942 5th Supplementary Program, was never ordered. Plans for a Super Yamato class, with 50.8 cm (20 inch) guns, provisionally designated as "Hull Number 798" and "Hull Number 799", were abandoned in 1942.
The class was designed to be superior to any ship that the United States was likely to produce - At the time Japanese didn't think Americans could come up with a two-ocean navy, thinking that all ships should pass the Panama-channel. The 46 cm (18.1 inch) main guns were selected over 40.6cm (16 inch) because the width of the Panama Canal would make it impracticable for the U.S. Navy to construct a battleship with the same caliber guns without severe design restrictions or an inadequate defensive arrangement. To further confuse the intelligence agencies of other countries, her main guns were officially named as 16inch Special , and civilians were never notified of the true nature of the guns. Their budgets were also scattered among various projects so that the huge total costs would not be immediately noticeable.
At the Kure Navy Yard where she was built, the construction dock was deepened, the gantry crane capacity was increased to 100 metric tonnes, and part of the dock was roofed over to prevent observation of work.
Arc welding , a relatively new procedure at that time, was used extensively during construction. The lower side-belt armor was used as a strength member of the hull structure. The undulating line of the main deck forward saved structural weight without reducing hull girder strength. Tests of models in a model basin led to the adoption of a semitransom stern and a bulbous bow , which reduced hull resistance by 8%. The ship had one single large rudder (at frame 231), which gave it a small (for a ship of that size) turning circle of 640 meters. By comparison the US Iowa class fast battleship had one of over 800 m. There was also a smaller auxiliary rudder installed (at frame 219) which was virtually useless. The steam turbine power plant was of a relatively low powered design (25 kgf / cm |
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General Characteristics:
# Crew: 2700 officers & men,
# Displacement: 65.027 tonnes empty (inc. 21.266 tonnes of armor), 72.800 tonnes full load
# Length: 263 meters (256 meters waterline)
# Beam width: 36, 9 meters
# Draught: 11 meters
# Propulsion: 12 Kanpon boilers driving 4 turbines (153.553 horsepower / 110 MW), Four 3 bladed propellers 6m in diameter
# Speed: 27 knots, 50 km/h
# Range: 11.500 km at 16 knots
# Consumption: 70 tonnes of fuel oil in hour at maximum speed. In (Drives your car about 1,1 million kilometers, 30 times around the world - hardly in an hour!)
Tower Bridge
Tower bridge was the ship's control center. Perched at its top, 100 feet (30 meters) above the weather deck, was a rangefinder with state-of-the-art optics. Similiar rangefinders aided targeting at Yamato's three main gun turrets. Their range estimation would have been critical in battles with distant enemy ships. But like Yamato's modern radar and sonar equipment, the rangefinders were little or no help in her final showdown with Allied planes. Yamato veteran Naoyoshi Ishida, who was stationed at the tower bridge, could see the American pilots with his unaided eyes!

Tower bridge illustration
Fire Control
This was Yamato's weakest point compared to its Allied counterships. Yamato was using Mk2 Mod2 gun-control radar with a wavelength of 10cm and power output of 2kW, compared to for example USS Iowa which had 3cm wavelength and 50 kW power output. According to Combinedfleet, Yamato was cabable of shooting accurately to 27.000 yards. Yamato was relying on the information carried from the spotplanes, but was not able to take advantage of the full blind-fire radar fire control, something that the Americans had developed a bit further. Therefore during fast manouvers such as dodging torpedoes, keeping accurate fire up against the enemy targets wasn't easy.
- Two Type 21, Mod 3 surface and air search radar. One mounted on either side of the 15 meter rangefinder.
- Two Type 22, Mod 4 Surface search and gunnery radars
(10cm at 1 Kw). One mounted on either side of the main control tower. (little horns)
- Two Type 13 air search sets (mounted on either side of her radio-spreader mast aft of the main funnel)
- Multiple E27 passive radar detection systems (copied German FuMB 1 Metox R.600)
Although Japanese radar does not compare well with Allied sets of the same period, which were capable of full blindfire without optics, she was not blind either by any measure. Japanese radar was reliable and durable, withstood shock well, mostly because it was cruder, lower power and lacked as many sensitive advanced parts that superior Allied radar had.
Her radar assisted (not controlled) the finest optical fire control system mounted afloat in WW2, which also had the best night fighting sets. She had both a special analogue computer and electronic firing delay between guns to lesson dispertion and tighten her salvo speads. The whole strategy was to land a tight, massive impact of Type 91 shells just shy of the waterline, to drive the shells through the water and deep into the hull.
Main battery fire control was exercised by the Type 98 LA system with a director position atop the foretower with a 49ft range-finder and a secondary position aft fitted with a 33ft range-finder. All three 18in turrets also carried 49ft range-finders. Secondary battery control was by means of four directors each equipped with 15ft range-finders, while the 5in AA battery was controlled by the Type 94 HA system, which was reputed to compare very favourably with the USN's Mk 37 DP system.
Symbol of Glory
A golden, chrysanthemum-shaped shield more than six feet (two meters) in diameter protruded from ship's bow and was visible for miles. Such "Kikusui" crests, named for a hero and martyr on the 14th century, appeared on only the most important ships of the Imperial Navy - battleships, aircraft carriers, and cruisers. The only other element that was painted gold was the ship's name, which like the crest was apowerful symbol. "Yamato" is a poetic, even mystical synonym for Japan itself.

Illustration of the chrysanthemum crest
Flood Control
Yamato had 1150 watertight compartments, which were meant not only to prevent unwanted flooding but, in some cases, to purposely be flooded. If the ship listed to one side, water could be pumped into compartments on the opposite side. Fuel could also be transferred to tanks on the upward side to help counter the tilt. Midway through Yamato's last battle (see Battles), as the ship listed 15 degrees to port, her crew relied on the system to reduce the tilt to five degrees. But soon all the flood control departments on the starboard were filled, and more torpedo hits flooding on the port side capsized the ship.

Heavy Armor
The ship's steel armor weighed 23.000 tons, more than 30 percent of Yamato's total weight. The Imperial Navy developed new ways to harden steel and otherwise improve armor technology for the ship. Plated of armor 25 inches (63cm) thick - the heaviest armor ever mounted on a battleship - shielded the turrets of her main guns. The side of the ship could survive the impact of 3000-pound armor piercing projectiles like those shot from the ship's big guns. But Yamato's bow and stern were not as well protected. Most of the torpedoes that ultimately sank her struck there, below the waterline, where she was most vulnerable.

Gigantic Hull
If greatness can be measured by size, Yamato was indeed the greatest battleship ever built. Her giant hull was 863 feet (263 meters) long. Fully loaded Yamato diplaced about 70.000 tons of water, outweighting even the biggest Allied battleships by more than 20 percent. Her hull was so immense that in the mid-1930s no Japanese shipyard could contain it. A dry dock in Kure, the city where Yamato was built, had to be deepened by several feet before construction could begin.

Bulbous Bow
Yamato's vast width posed a challange: her designers had to come up with a hydrodynamic bow to help the ship cut through water. They tested 50 different wax models and struck upon a bow shape that greatly reduced drag at the front of the ship. The bulbous bow, jutting out 10 feet or three meters, creates its own wave that cancels out another wave generated by the main part of the ship. Less hindered by wave resistance, Yamato could reach top speed of nearly 28 knots, 32 miles or 50 kilometers per hour, extraordinary at the time for a ship of her size.

150.000 horsepower engine
A system of four steam turbine engines with a staggering 150.000 horsepower propelled the massive ship. Twelwe boilers, heating steam to 700 degrees F or 370 degrees celcius, fed the four engines which then moved an array of propellers. Each propeller was nearly three times the size of an avarage man! At Yamato's maximum speed of 32 mph or 50 kmh the propulsion system consumed 70 tons of fuel oil every hour. Thats equal to 440 barrels an oil in an hour, 33.000 US dollars in an hour with todays oil prices!

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Big Guns

Yamato's nine main guns, mounted in three turrets, were the largest to ever crown a warship. They fired shells 18 inches (46 cm) in diameter, and each armour piercing shell weighed as much as a small car. They also could strike at an unprecedented range of 25 miles (40 km). Ironically, while designed to sink enemy battleships, they were never tested against one. Yamato fought allied ships only once, in the battle of Samar Gulf, where she sank one American escort and one destroyer with other ships form the Japanese force A. For her final mission, the imperial navy swapped out some armor piercing projectiles for incendiary, anti-aircraft shells, but Yamato's guns were still ill equipped for aerial warfare.
It's pretty widely known fact that Yamato's guns were the biggest on a warship ever. However, did you know that the Brits built almost equal size gun on HMS Furious already twenty years before? An 18 inch gun - just a tenth-of-an-inch smaller, was mounted. It was never really used since the ships hull couldn't take the impact and HMS Furious was eventually turned into an aircraft carrier.
One fascinating factor about the ammunition: since Japan suffered heavy losses in her naval aviation community early in the war, capital ships were expected to provide their own defense against allied aircraft. As a result of this, the 18-inch gun was provided with an anti- aircraft shell of its own, called "San Shiki" (the Beehive) Model 13. This round weighed 2,998 pounds and was filled with 900 incendiary tubes (of rubber thermite) and 600 steel stays. A time fuze was supplied, set before firing, that went off at a predetermined altitude and when the fuze functioned, the explosive and metal contents burst in a cone extending 20 degrees forward, towards the oncoming aircraft. Instantly after detonating, the projectile shell itself was destroyed by a bursting charge, increasing the quantity of steel splinters. The incendiary tubes ignited about half a second later and burned for five seconds at 3000 degrees C, producing a flame about 16 feet long.

Due to the enormous size of the guns, all AA-guns had to be protected from the blast, which would blow off anybody's skin wihin 15 meter radius.

Yamatos 18 inch main guns rebuilt in 1/1 scale. Crewmembers are visible giving an idea of the size of the guns. Scene from the movie Otokotachi no Yamato.

18 inch shell in the Yamato museum in Kure, Japan. One of these shells weighed 3218 pounds, 1460 kilograms, if it was an armor piercing shell. Normal shell weighed 2998 pounds, 1360 kilograms. And yes, these could be shot against enemies 25 miles, 40 kilometers away. However, shells had a very long fuse delay and were disappointing in service. They tended to pass through the target before exploding!
Secondary Guns
While dwarfed by the main artillery, Yamato's secondary guns were still impressive. Her six inch guns - that is, guns firing shells six inches in diameter, had a range of 17 miles (27 kilometers). And her 24 five inch guns, mounted in 12 turrets, could destroy targets nine miles away. The secondary guns had one significant advantage over the main artillery: they could shoot more rounds per minute. It took more than 40 seconds to reload the main guns, an interminable time during an air attack.

Secondary guns rebuilt for the model used in the filming of Otokotachi no Yamato.
Anti-Aircraft Guns
When first outfitted in 1941, Yamato had only 24 small anti-aircraft (AA) machine guns. By April 1945, anticipating an onslaught of Allied planes, the Imperial Navy armed Yamato with more than 150 machine guns, most in triple-mounted turrets. The majority of the guns shot 220 rounds per minute, but a few stationed at the tower bridge fired at twice this rate. Unlike the heavier artillery, the machine guns could tilt at 90-degree angles to aim at planes directly overhead. But the crews manning these guns were among the most vulnerable to direct enemy fire.

The Type 96 25mm AA guns are rebuilt in real size for the filming of the movie Otokotachi no Yamato.
Placement of Guns

Airplanes - Aichi El3A Jakes

Yamato carried also seven Aichi E13A (allied reporting name "Jake") airplanes, but they were not for fighting purposes. These floatplanes were designed for reconnaisance and to help direct Yamato's guns to distant targets. After all, the range of the big guns was so enormous - 25 miles - that the spotter planes were essential for homing in on enemy ships over horizon. Two immense catapults - as tall as six story buildings when raised - launched the planes and and equally enormous crane lifted them from the water upon their return to the ship. These floatplanes were also able to carry a 250kg bomb even their design was not to be a fighting plane.

Spotteplanes were needed in order to shoot enemy ships over the horizon.

Yamato's 18inch guns could fire on enemies over 40km away.
Yamato took 8 bomb and 10 torpedo hits before, at about 14:23, she capsized to port and her aft magazines detonated.
Wow! It took 10 torpedo hits to sink a mighty beast
Amazing! Pada tahun 1930 Nippon sudah berupaya membina capital warship yang begitu besar dan Imperial Japanese navy adalah yang terkuat di dunia pada waktu itu. 
[ Last edited by thamrong at 27-3-2007 11:42 PM ] |

24 small anti-aircraft (AA) machine guns
Kelemahan Utama Battleship IJN Yamato ialah Senjata Pertahanan Udara agak ketinggalan Zaman |
Reply #33 action_kamen's post
Tak juga, battleship yang dibina sebelum WW2 mempunyai pertahanan udara yang agak lemah tak kira kuasa Paksi atau Bersekutu. tengok sahaja HMS Prince Of Wales yang tenggelam di luar pantai Kuantan. Tapi bila ancaman pesawat terbukti kuat bila perang meletus, maka pertahanan udara jarak dekat dipertingkatkan.
Dalam contoh Yamato, turet meriam 6inci disisi kapal ditukar kepada mounting untuk meriam AA 5in sebanyak 6 kesemuanya (sebagai tambahan kepada enam yang sedia ada). Manakala meriam 25mm dan 13mm ditambah sepertiana dinyatakan di atas.
Satu lagi pasal pesawat : Yamato turut membawa pesawat Mitsubishi F1M2 'Pete' untuk tugas bantuan tembakan meriam. |
Dalam perang Pacific Nippon kerap mengunakan Mitsubishi Zero fighters 'Zeke' untuk sistem pertahanan armadanya. Kapal terbang pejuang ini sangat digeruni oleh penerbang aviator US Navy kerana ringan, laju dan sungguh versatile. Malangnya is mudah dipatahkan oleh tembakan peluru kerana tangki minyak tidak berupaya tersumabt dengan sendiri apabila ditelus peluru. Ia mudah terbakar dan melatup di udara maka digelar oleh US aviator sebagai'flying bomb'.
Pesawat-pesawat US Navy sungguh pon berat dan 'sluggish' maseh lagi berupaya terbang dan pulang kepangkalan walaupun separuh ranap oleh tembakan peluru. All aircrafts were fitted with self-sealing fuel tank.
This is my only guess...all comments are welcome. |
Ada movie ..pasal Yamato ni
Reply #35 thamrong's post
Fair enough bro..
Kelebihan Zero:
1. Daya maneuver tinggi (kadar pusingan 56 darjah sesaat)
2. Stall speed rendah
3. Jarak penerbangan jauh (3105km)
Kelemahan Zero
1. ketiadaan plet armor untuk melindungi juruterbang
2. rangka terlalu ringan
3. tiada self-sealing fuel tank (tangki minyak sumbat sendiri)
4. Perlahan ketika menjunam
Jurterbang Pihak Bersekutu awalnya tidak mengetahui kelemahan Zero dan bertempur dalam dogfight yang pastinya menjadi kelebihan Zero. Setelah mengetahui, mereka menggunakan teaktik boom and zoom (serang dan lari)
p.s. ni kena bukak thread baru ni... |
Originally posted by alphawolf at 12-2-2007 02:12 PM
Mungkin tidak, kerana pertama, carrier Jepun masih ada...tapi pesawat dan juruterbangnya tiada. Kedua US mempunyai air superiority di ruang udara Jepun pada ketika itu.
Sebenarnya pelayaran Ya ...
Kalo tak silap aku... keupayaan Jepun lemah ... kekuatan udara Jepun digunakan di kawasan jajahannya .... bukan di tanah air mereka .... lagipun serangan udara tentera udara berikat dah memusnahkan industri dan bandar2 utama Jepun ... kapal2 dagang bahan mentah juga telah diserang oleh pihak berikat .... |
Reply #38 mahathirGX's post
Keupayaan jepun memang semakin lemah pada 1944 terutama selepas penaklukan semual Filipina. Ini kerana bekalan bahan mentah seperti getah dan minyak tidak dapat lagi dihantar dari Asia Tenggara. Dari segi material, angkatan jepun di barat Filipina (Indon, Malaysia, Burma) mempunyai bekalan mencukupi seperti minyak tetapi mutu kelengkapan yang semakin merudum dan sebaliknya di timur Filipina/tanah besar Jepun.
Kekuatan udara Jepun pula...sebenarnya pesawat Jepun yang memasuki perkidmatan selepas 1943 lebih baik dari pesawat mereka sebelum itu, malah beberapa jenis pesawat dikatakan setaraf dengan pesawat Corsair US atau lebih baik daripada pesawat Hellcat dan Mustang seperti Nakajima Ki-84, Kawanishi N1K1/K2 dan Kawasaki Ki-61/Ki-100. Malangnya tak banyak dapat dikeluarkan dan apa yang dihasilkan kebanyakannya pula mempunyai masalah quality control. Juruterbang pula kebanyakannya terlalu muda dan kurang pengalaman. |
Reply #37 alphawolf's post
Thanks Bro!
Kekuatan udara Jepun pula...sebenarnya pesawat Jepun yang memasuki perkidmatan selepas 1943 lebih baik dari pesawat mereka sebelum itu, malah beberapa jenis pesawat dikatakan setaraf dengan pesawat Corsair US atau lebih baik daripada pesawat Hellcat dan Mustang seperti Nakajima Ki-84, Kawanishi N1K1/K2 dan Kawasaki Ki-61/Ki-100. Malangnya tak banyak dapat dikeluarkan dan apa yang dihasilkan kebanyakannya pula mempunyai masalah quality control. Juruterbang pula kebanyakannya terlalu muda dan kurang pengalaman.
good point. Juruterbag-juruterbang Nippon kebanyakan muda-muda belaka kerana kadar 'attriation' yang terlalu tinggi.  |
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