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Author: raeshad

Suicide? - what do you think?

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 Author| Post time 15-5-2006 07:08 AM | Show all posts

wa....sicness msk Dare to BLog tak?????? mcm best jer........masukler......tarikh tutup 15 hb nih......sehari lagik....... best baca writing sicness nih

click kat sinih - :pompom:

Dare to Blog

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Post time 15-5-2006 09:34 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by raeshad at 15-5-2006 07:08 AM

wa....sicness msk Dare to BLog tak?????? mcm best jer........masukler......tarikh tutup 15 hb nih......sehari lagik....... best baca writing sicness nih

click kat sinih - :pompom:

Dare ...

Err pertandingan blog?Entah tak tahu plak aku.Tapi bab&sup2; masuk pertandingan ni lemah sket >.< dan err,mekasih sbb suka hasil tulisan tu even aku tak tau nape ko kate best sangat.

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Post time 15-5-2006 12:43 PM | Show all posts
suicide.. what do i think?
suicide is for those who couldn't think and did not think....

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Post time 15-5-2006 01:31 PM | Show all posts
Harap2 dijauhkan lah niat tu.

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Post time 15-5-2006 03:55 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by rebas at 15-5-2006 12:43 PM
suicide.. what do i think?
suicide is for those who couldn't think and did not think....

think again...

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Post time 16-5-2006 01:20 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by rebas at 15-5-2006 12:43 PM
suicide.. what do i think?
suicide is for those who couldn't think and did not think....
...on the contrary...most suicides are well planned of...hehehehe...

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 Author| Post time 16-5-2006 02:29 AM | Show all posts

Reply #26 blackmore's post

au contraire huh black more????


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Post time 16-5-2006 12:21 PM | Show all posts

suicide is for those who couldn't think and did not think of the CONSEQUENCES...
death is painful.. afterdeath is more painful.. those who are left behind.. some may be in pain but some may be happier... siapa yg rugi?

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Post time 16-5-2006 10:58 PM | Show all posts
suicide...the  easiest way to get out of a certain situation...thats how I look at it. I selfish can one be thinking that noone cares when all they have to do is talk about it. i use to volunteer with Positive living (an NGO for HIV +) and i have met ppl with worst condition and they want to live regardless of their condition and situation.

for everything that is going on in our lifes....there are reasons. for every problem there are solutions and it is up to us to find the answers. there is no easy way out...even suicide .



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Post time 17-5-2006 01:23 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by raeshad at 16-5-2006 02:29 AM

au contraire huh black more????

...uuwweee???...dont u think so???:love:

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Post time 17-5-2006 01:34 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by yusmar at 16-5-2006 10:58 PM
suicide...the  easiest way to get out of a certain situation...thats how I look at it. I selfish can one be thinking that noone cares when all they have to do is talk about it. i use to ...

...the fact is...someone that is suicidal often feels a tremendous sense of loneliness...isolation...helplessness and hopelessness....and the reasons that cause them to feel like this can be as trivial as a break up of a romance....they feel that they could no longer cope with the shiit that has been happening to them...their problems seems so huge and heavy for them to handle...and the only way out that they could see is suicide...

...i mean...come honest...most people think about suicide at some point in their life....but...most of us find that these thoughts are just temporary cos things do get better after that...and this is possible becos of various factors...such as...our faith...our perceptions towards life and how we handle our problems...good family support and pple that could sense that we are having problems and pull us aside and talk to us...

...thats how lucky we are...unfortunately...there are some pple out there who are not so lucky as we do...even when they say it out loud that they have suicidal intents pple still just brush them aside...hiazzzz... is always easy to put the blame on these victims...but sometimes...we are to be blame for failing to reach out to them even when they showed us signs that they need help....



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Post time 17-5-2006 09:55 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by blackmore at 17-5-2006 01:34 AM

...the fact is...someone that is suicidal often feels a tremendous sense of loneliness...isolation...helplessness and hopelessness....and the reasons that cause them to feel like this can be  ...


what most ppl don't get is that... those who committed suicide have suffered with depression for quite some time already..

depression = demotivated...

do you think a highly demotivated person would stand up and find his way out of his problem? I don't think so.....

but then... it's all up to that person jugak... kalau dah nampak tanda2 depression tuh... they should seek for help asap... gi jumpak psychologist ker... cam member aku dulu... dia depressed sgt... so aku temankan dia gi jumpa psychologist... then derang ada suggest dia amik this one pill to cure depression... tapi dia tak amik pon sbb lepas tuh dia dah berjaya recover sendrik..

aku tak sure laa whether kat mesia nih... budaya gi jumpa therapist or psychologist nih a common thing tak.. sbb aku tak pernah dgr/nampak.. tapi kalau kat US benda tuh mmg biasa....

aku rasa dulu masa tgk filem Buli kan ada satu scene nih Nasha Aziz ckp kat Afdlin pasal org mesia nih takot nak jumpa psychologist sbb takot org keliling ckp derang giler... malu laa kan.. tuhlaa nyaa... at last kena kat masyarakat keliling jugak... so sendrik mau ingat laa.....

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Post time 17-5-2006 04:16 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by blackmore at 17-5-2006 01:34 AM

...the fact is...someone that is suicidal often feels a tremendous sense of loneliness...isolation...helplessness and hopelessness....and the reasons that cause them to feel like this can be  ...

i understand and i totally agree with you but i still believe that if they want to be help....there a lot of NGO's that are able to do that....all they have to do is pick up the phone and call the counsellors.

on the other hand....there are those who feels like there is no where to turn and decide to end their lives....and these is where i believe  that they are selfish because..... if they take the time to look around them instead of concentrating on themselves and the problems....they might see that they can find help in all's whether they want to be help or not.
Stop focusing on the problems at hand....instead find a solution....things will definitely be better.:ah:

[ Last edited by  yusmar at 17-5-2006 04:18 PM ]

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Post time 18-5-2006 12:48 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by yusmar at 17-5-2006 04:16 PM

i understand and i totally agree with you but i still believe that if they want to be help....there a lot of NGO's that are able to do that....all they have to do is pick up the phone and call  ...

...hehehehe...aisayman aisay...i wish that it is that easy for pple with suicidal thoughts to pick up that phone and say "hello...i want to kill myself week...or now" for that matter...but the thing is doesnt work that way in pple with suicidal intents...

......those who commit suicide did so becos they are under huge emotional stress that u and i could not possibly comprehend...and as such...they are not  seeing the world in the same way as u and i (the "so called" ) rational pple do...

...furthermore...masyarakat setempat generally would call and label pple who harbour suicidal thoughts as psycho...cuba ko buat experiment sendiri...ko cakap ngan kawan ofis ko yang ko ada niat nak bunuh diri...ko tengok apa respons dorang...i bet u mesti dorang kata balik kat ko..."Ko giler kapa???"...heh...society kita sendiri yang mengajar kita yang it is wrong for us to have these thoughts...that is why orang2 yang ada suicidal intents nie takut untuk meluahkan perasaan sebenar mereka kerana takut akan digelar sebagai seorang psycho dan orang giler...perasaan tu trus trusan terpendam sehingga ianya memakan diri mereka sendiri... is said that suicidal thoughts affects you in ways that you wish it didnt. ...u have no control whatsoever over what they do to u and u have never felt so helpless in your life ever....these thoughts will keep on creeping into u...attacking u in every angle and ways possible...and they dont let go of u till u give in...once they take over your mind then u are left with nothing but the thought of death... a volunteer who has worked with various pple who are helpless i would have expected  that u would understand these pple better...but...frankly speaking...i think your comments are a reflection of ignorance...cos it is obvious that u have underestimated the amount of mental illness that contributes to such a devastating are u able to think clearly and rationally about these things when your mind itself is the problem???...

....eerrr....ok..ok...i can anticipate your argues like they are being selfish in the sense that they left their love ones mourning their loss or worst...making their love ones feeling guilty for not being able to prevent the u honestly believe that these pple who commited suicide said "heck care to all of them...heck care with my family...all i care is myself!" u really believe so???...

...what i read most of the time is that these pple felt that they are being a burden to their family...and with them gone their family would function better...they believe that their existence is a nuisance to their love ones...they feel unlove...not wanted or needed...useless and often segregated from the rest of the family members...and their demise would not be felt or missed by them... them with whatever names u want...coward??...ungentlemanly???...whatever...but dont call them selfish...cos to me...calling pple who commit suicide as being selfish is selfish itself... ko terpk tak di dalam hati dan akal nya yang selepas dia melakukan perbuatan terkutuk nie dia akan kekal di dalam neraka jahanam selama2nya???...kalau dia hanya pentingkan diri dia sendiri takkanlah dia nak terjun diri bila dia tau dia gerenti masuk neraka jahanam...rite???...:love:

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Post time 18-5-2006 04:14 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by blackmore at 18-5-2006 12:48 AM

...hehehehe...aisayman aisay...i wish that it is that easy for pple with suicidal thoughts to pick up that phone and say "hello...i want to kill myself week...or now& ...

again i totally agree with ur arguement but i m saying all this becoz i have been in that position b4 (u explain all this pun i dah rase very the malu)

i remembered how down i was...i remembered i felt like no one cares...the day i slit my was a blur to me...i was determined to end my life as i felt that there was  no point in continuing living. so many emotions went on during that time that is hard to describe here but the one thing that made me regret was when my dad came into the room and saw me........and i realized  that he actually cared as he was crying.

I was selfish...that was a fact....i thot by suicide ...all those i left behind would be much happier but when we spoke abt the incident....i realize that i would have left them feeling guilty and angry.

Anyway...yes...i have been in the NGO and worked with all kinds of people and what i have learnt from those times are that  sometimes shock treatment are better in a lot of ways.....depending on the situation but what i m trying to explain regarding my post are the fact that suicide is NOT the solution. there are ways and there are help around.

Before they decide to end their life....look around them...there are ppl who cares. it took me a long time to find that out.....but i did (and i still have the scar)  and i hope that my advice would be of a certain help to those who needs it....thats all. :love:

[ Last edited by  yusmar at 18-5-2006 04:21 PM ]

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Mr.Forensics This user has been deleted
Post time 18-5-2006 04:20 PM | Show all posts
why bunuh diri?
adakah dapat kepuasan?
kalau dah mati camana nak rasa kepuasan tu?
for me ni semua adalah nonsense.

bunuh diri sebab no one cares?
who cares?..kalau tadek org suka u
dont bother
pegi hidup sendiri
bina life u sendiri
\at least ada harapan,kan?

bunuh diri sebab ada masalah
come on la.
setiap masalah ada jalan penyelesaian
habis2 u masuk penjara
makan tanggung berak cangkung
kalau u kena gantung sampai mati pun
boleh mintak pengampunan
kalau taleh
just terima jer la.
u dah buat salah,skrg masa utk pembalasa,
haa..baru puas namanya.:terima hukuman atas kesilapan sendiri.

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Post time 19-5-2006 01:15 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by yusmar at 18-5-2006 04:14 PM

again i totally agree with ur arguement but i m saying all this becoz i have been in that position b4 (u explain all this pun i dah rase very the malu)

i remembered how down i  ... that should tell u something about the mindset of those who has suicidal intents rite???...cos people who are in their "right minds" dont behave this way...not like this...and i do believe that those who commits suicide has suffered a complete and total break with reality...they have lost the ability to protect themselves from their mind...they only noe one thing...the belief that suicide is their only way out...the only viable option for other solutions....full stop...eerrr...u did think in this manner when u slit your wrist rite???

...the thing is yusmar...i dont really agree when u said that pple who committed suicide are selfish...but...kalau ko cakap yang perbuatan mereka tu sebagai selfish...then...i do agree to some extent lah..cos...i also believe that there are a group of pple who committed suicide with the intention of making the other party feeling for example...kes putus cinta...minah bunuh diri ngan intention agar si mamat rasa bersalah kerana tinggalkan this i think is a selfish act...tho i would still say that this girl may not necessarily be a selfish person...tapi...the rejection was too much a blow for her to handle that her mental could not handle...thus breakdown...she cannot see any hope or change for the better....she is not rational and cannot access the proper coping tools to help herself...shes  overwhemled to the point she cannot reason....thats what i believe...

...having said all these...i think it is  very  important everyone learn the potential warning signs of a possible suicide waiting to happen....cos i do believe that they can be helped....and we definitely can help... us not judge these pple...cos every individual is unik...totally different personalities...we have different perceptions...different level of intelligence....different coping mechanisms...varying in our strengths and limitations...those who has suicidal intents or who had attempted suicide for whatever reason lah (putus tunang/kena reject ngan kekasih/masalah kewangan/dapat penyakit yang terminal...bla bla bla) patut kita berikan rasa simpati dan prihatin kita...and not our judgement...

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Post time 19-5-2006 02:24 AM | Show all posts

Reply #14 PregnantGurl's post

ina tak tahu knp dia nak kasitahu selalu..:no:

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Post time 19-5-2006 02:31 AM | Show all posts
org mcm nih..jiwa dia da dikuasai ngan bebanan negetif..:ah:
diorunk simpan2...perap lama2..tat y ..memilih jln mudah yg tak munasabah..:ketuk:
kalo betulla takley face da prob..ambek masa untuk bertenang..pastuh barula citer..
smua nanti jadik okay..citer kat ina ker..:cak:
skurang2nya vley tolong..ringankn susah hati..yer ak..:lebai:

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Post time 19-5-2006 08:08 PM | Show all posts
Natalie wrote:
membunuh diri adalah tindakan si pengecut

Not really.It takes a lot of guts to do it.To endure the pain and shock in the final moments,methinks

Take me for example,with so many insurmountable problems in my life,I would end my life right now if I had the strength and courage to do it.

I consider myself a coward because I do not dare kill myself..hehe

[ Last edited by  vixen at 19-5-2006 08:10 PM ]

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