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Author: Greenbottle3

An art addict

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 Author| Post time 2-12-2004 08:05 PM | Show all posts
Ms Fleurzsa;

Thanks for the suggestion but I can't get to photobucket because is upgrading its infrastructure to better serve our users.We will not be accepting new free users until early December. Happy Holidays!....

Are there alterntive ways how I can post pictures here?...looks like you guys need to be a little bit more patient and hold your titter/giggle ...

And hey,  why don't any of  YOU post your paintings or collection here first?..

And naniza...I'm have dates in art museums... that is stimulating (in more ways than one...)

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Post time 2-12-2004 09:17 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Greenbottle3 at 2-12-2004 08:05 PM:
Ms Fleurzsa;
Thanks for the suggestion but I can't get to photobucket because is upgrading its infrastructure to better serve our users.We will not be accepting  ...

Actually I use this hosting:

My friend said that photobucket can upload more pictures... so I gave the link to u.

Maybe I will paste some of my works here someday.  Hmmm.. I always couldnt say no to any person :kant:

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 Author| Post time 4-12-2004 12:55 AM | Show all posts

Oh hey, ms fleuzsa is wont to say!!!...don't laugh!..I'm not a professional photographer so the picture did not turn out too good...I captured it with flash so the light kind of reflected some ...esp at the top where you see bluish tone.

Well at least I kept my promise and managed to put my first picture in the forum...This is one of my first still lifes that I ever bought...quite a while back..when I was a student in UK... I bought this at a boot fair in folkstone...for about 5 pounds ( approx 35 ringgit) if I can recall correctly.  

But I like it... don't know the painter...there was a signature bottom right..A Ashby or H Ashby...and not sure if it was an original or a copy of a well known painting. It is quite old as I can see fine crackle on the surface of the painting....Whatever it is,  I especially like the simplicity and the color scheme..reminds me of the colors of some  Gauguin's paintings and the early cezanne still lifes....

So now I welcome comments and brickbats...

If I like what you say I may post other paintings from my collections again.....

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Post time 5-12-2004 03:07 PM | Show all posts
Hmmm when I saw this painting… my brain related it with Cezanne.  

Let me tell what goes in my mind now…

-        Still life – a jug with a plate of fruits

-        Oil painting.

-        The use of warm and cool colors – dark green, dark brown, white, red, yellow, orange etc.

-        The artist models the form by placing warm colors on the part of the subject (the jug, the plate and the fruits) that was to advance.  Placing the cool colors where the surface receded (background).

-        U are right!  Cezanne and Gauguin applied the colors with the same principles.  Placing cool colors in the foreground that made it appear to recede (normally it seem to advance).  Painted the background that would recede in warm colors, causing it to advance.  So u understand what u collect…he he he

-        Solid form.  Lack of emotion.

-        Short brush strokes for impression.  

-        Using the effect of color and light on the jug, plate and fruits.  

I copied a Cezzane painting before. The basket of Apples.  I forgot to whom I gave it.


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 Author| Post time 5-12-2004 06:06 PM | Show all posts

...And here's another one of my still life collection...this one I bought in Beijing about five years ago..again almost for nothing....can't remember where now...again I apologize..the picture was again badly taken with flash and you see some shiny reflections ...anyway, I also quite like this one...warm colors,  simple and impressionistic...

And ms that your cezanne copy? looks good to me so don't be  too modest...I hope you can post some of your original paintings here....

And since you're such a "giving" person...hey you can donate one or two to me !!!

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Post time 6-12-2004 11:52 AM | Show all posts
agree with fleurzsa, i do think its have paul cezanne touch.
mind if i ask, how much do you pay for it ? if its cezanne, it may be cost your  byk juga. but u will get it cheaper from "duplicate artist"
cezanne heir of reinassance and baroque masters and have a control in his works and some say his painting is a balance art which i dont really know what its mean
try looking for Paul Gauguin works its really amazing with exotix touch of bali kind of style. and nicholas poussin also for early reinassance works. personaly i adore gaugin and poussin works.
  Greenbottle3; that was long lost story.. i end up with some one who i hardly know and not interested in art at all

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Post time 6-12-2004 12:16 PM | Show all posts
"In art, all who have done something other than their predecessors have merited the epithet of revolutionary; and it is they alone who are masters."

"Where do we come from ?
What are we ?
Where are we going ?"

Paul Gauguin


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Post time 6-12-2004 12:18 PM | Show all posts
i try to paste this work by gaugin but donno why i cant...
but its not my collection, i adore this one but cant manage to have it
        Paul Gauguin, Still Life with Mandolin. 1885. Oil on canvas.
( Mus閑 d'Orsay, Paris, France)

[ Last edited by naniza on 6-12-2004 at 12:20 PM ]

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Post time 6-12-2004 01:15 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Greenbottle3 at 5-12-2004 06:06 PM:

Hmmm Lets look whats going on in my brain...

-        Oil painting

-        More to Realism - natural detail.

-        Mix subject matter – dead n life objects.

-        Used of warm n neutral colors – yellow, orange, red, dark brown n white

-        The mood is quite boring.

-        Clashing hues to emphasize the fruits, jar and blanket. Seem to advance as a central focus.

-        The background recedes because of its neutral dark n white colors.

-        Better put more details to the Chinese porcelain.  To make it alive.

To donate u my painting... :bgrin:he he he..  Im not an artist, sir.  U look insisted n an art addict too.  So I'll see what can I do.. a piece of painting is not a big deal.

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 Author| Post time 6-12-2004 01:41 PM | Show all posts
Well Naniza, I always feel that a good relationship should be with someone with the opposite interests.....I mean if you like art your partner shouldn't ..otherwise you'll start fighting who's right and who's wrong and ended up in separate beds!..

oh, by the are good mathematical  equations to remember...

Smart man + smart woman = romance

Smart man + dumb woman = affair

Dumb man + smart woman = marriage

Dumb man + dumb woman = pregnancy

(unfortunately for me... I learned this too late...the only one  missing in my case is romance!!!)

Anyway,  that's by the by.... If you read carefully my postings you'll notice that  I did mention that they cost almost nothing!..
As I say, I'm not interested in collecting named/famous artists either local or foreign...chief reason is of course money!..also as I say, good art should be in museums so that we all can share the pleasure of admiring them...

My collections are more like "sign post of memories" ....a kind of momento  of where I've been some people buying clothes or shoes when they travel...but of course the paintings should be what I think is reasonably good...

And here is another one...this one I bought from Yangon  this's definitlely not "cezanne-like"...but I  like this almost flat perspective  of the bananas with  plain black background.......i don't want to read too much in this but it's quite funny that the bunches are arranged from less ripe to overripe...which ain't no good to nobody eh??

What do you all think about this one?


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Post time 6-12-2004 02:15 PM | Show all posts
obviuosly adapt a tropical serene in this work. especially if the painter from yangoon itself.
  color ok, balancing of the object pull the attraction.
i dunno about others but for me this kind of work is a basic step in art, not the method or medium but the choose of object.
  correct me if i'm wrong, i think salvador dali had done something about fruits in his early years in its was so amazing.

Greenbottle3; sometimes when we wed someone extremly opposite we tend to feel 'well, he doesnt know me or he doesnt care'
but art + medic make a good combination so far..

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 Author| Post time 6-12-2004 06:43 PM | Show all posts
Ms Fluerzsa;

Again thank you for your illuminating comments...

I like this best...Hmmm Lets look whats going on in my brain...  Oil painting

I'm looking forward to your comments about my bananas...I mean The painting of course...and don't be us some of your paintings...and I'd love to own some of your works....

Enough of still life for the moment...

I'm posting here a pair of  tibetan oil paintings now... another realism type of paintings...this time village scenes from Tibet...I bought these about two months ago in Lhasa...nothing extraordinary here...but I bought them for their depiction of typical traditional tibetan village ...not expensive at all...around RM500 each...

Madam + medic... hmmm have good taste liking poussin...

And dear others who visit this is your turn to snigger at my painting collections ...and show us something...lets restrict to paintings....

and here's another one


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Post time 7-12-2004 11:29 AM | Show all posts
Mr. Greenbottle3

The cost of artwork depends on the media used and the artist name.  Sometime the painting quality of unknown artist and famous artist are the same.  That’s why most artists participate in the Art Exhibitions and Art Competition.  Eg Young Contemporaries. Asian Art Exhibition, Salon Malaysia, Asian Pacific Triennial etc.  To get the valid approvement as a professional  artist.

So whatever u have u must not think low about ur collection.  

About ur bananas…  I take my time to give way to other opinions.  Actually every person has a different perspective in looking at art.  So, any comment maybe valid.   That’s why sometimes artist should know whom their observers.

Wowww…  I love ur last two painting that u pasted.  I will give my comment later, kay..

Im still searching the film negative of my artworks..he he he he

[ Last edited by fleurzsa on 7-12-2004 at 11:33 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 7-12-2004 08:28 PM | Show all posts
I once saw on BBC TV - not on stupid ASTRO - ...a documentary on Picasso... he was asked to paint on camera and he agreed on condition that he'll do it on glass and once finished the painting(s) would be erased/destroyed.... so on he went and did  his paintings on a big transparent glass was very illuminating to see how he painted... some were figurative...some line drawings and some cubism...what strike me as very2 interesting was that sometimes he stared with one thing or theme and ended up completely with different thing...if the BBC were allowed to keep any of these paintings it would be worth millions and millions...

Talking about price and quality of paintings... yes people need to be assured that a painting is of value and one of the ways is to get recognition through competition etc... but this is only part of the story...some of the greatest painters as we all know were were vilified and ridiculed during their time and their paintings were worth nothing during their life time...Van Gogh almost never sell anything as we all  know... Modigliani exchanged his paintings for a few drinks and food etc etc... my case who do not have the money and do not care about names  (because I can't afford them!!) will only buy paintings from any flea market or anywhere as long as I feel the paintings show some talent and pleasing to my untrained eyes...I'm absolutely convinced that my collections do not worth anything money wise but the key thing as I say is that I if feel they are reasonably good paintings I'll keep them...

but I'm willing to be educated and corrected..hence thanks Fleuzsa etc for your comments...

..and there's no stopping me now... here is another landscape painting, this time imressionistic .... this one I bought in Scott Market in is by one Myint Tzi who I don't know anything about but supposed to have exhibited some of his paintings  around myanma...

comments and brickbats welcome...


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Post time 7-12-2004 08:47 PM | Show all posts

-        Oil painting

-        Still-life

-        Realistic painting technique

-        The bananas were painted in local color – color that simulates the hues of the bananas in nature. The color of ripe and overripe.

-        Compositions using darker values.  

-        Dark background to advance the bananas as a central focus.

-        The bananas are viewed from a direct frontal position.

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Post time 7-12-2004 10:12 PM | Show all posts

-        Oil painting

-        The selection of subject is typical of the Impressionist movement.

-        A painting knife technique – using painting knife to spread the paint on the canvas.

-        An impasto effect – thick textured.

-        A careful selection of color to create a total effect similar to the surface found in nature.

-        A high-angle view. In the distant view over the top of the village.  

-        In giving the impression of a passing moment the artist detail the ground information for the effect of sunlight, color and atmosphere playing on that form.

-        One-point perspective.  Using perspective to draw the viewer.

[ Last edited by fleurzsa on 9-12-2004 at 01:06 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 7-12-2004 11:29 PM | Show all posts
Here's another one...

This time I'm pasting a water color... this is by a Kelantan artist and showed an old KB street near the main mosque...just opposite "padang bank"...
This guy is an interesting fellow...almost illiterate but knew Hossein Enas and used to stay in his house whenever he came to KL in the old days...I'll talk about him one day soon....


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Post time 9-12-2004 01:20 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by naniza at 6-12-2004 11:52 AM:
agree with fleurzsa, i do think its have paul cezanne touch.
mind if i ask, how much do you pay for it ? if its cezanne, it may be cost your  byk juga. but u will get it cheaper from "duplic ...

I’m interested about C閦anne painting as a balance art. Actually I also don’t know what it means.

What I know C閦anne was responsible for taking the dramatic leap into the world of unfixed perception.  

Okay…like this,

Place one of your fingers about 6 in away from ur nose, and stare at it.  U will note that, in order to register of ur finger clearly, ur eyes blur all background into a flat pattern of color.

Now reverse the process, and register any item in the background.  Ur finger, now out of focus.  

In traditional painting, figures, tress etc can be seen in conjunction with each other in a manner that not in reality be received by the eye at the same time.

C閦anne said that he was never able to see the same scene twice; every time he blinked, shifted, reorganized his focus, or even scanned a view, his image would alter.

Here…look at his famous painting.  A style of painting that seems to fold and unfold as our eye scans the surface…he he he he  He was a genius.

Mont Sainte-Victoire seen from Les Lauves

[ Last edited by fleurzsa on 9-12-2004 at 01:24 AM ]

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Post time 9-12-2004 01:29 AM | Show all posts

-        Water color

-        Good subject – a town scenes

-        Complicated painting - Can say so much in one painting

-        Wet in wet – painted on wet paper with a very wet brush.

-        Transparent method

-        The light is from above

-        The appearance of planes in space determined by the linear perspective. Basically in one-point perspective

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Post time 9-12-2004 11:22 AM | Show all posts

emm.. i like the way you explain about cezanne work. looks like you try hard to understand his works
mee too ... but well the artist should know better.. kecualilah kalau painting to tak ada 'jiwa' and movement.
i would like to paste here one of the local artist punya kerja yg baru dilancarkan tapi tiada jiwa.
i cuba scan dari buku cenderahati..
   that water color work really breathtaking

Greenbottle3 : wow, your collection really have a taste and agak2 sama dengan  Pakarudin ( an art collecter - a lawyer by profesion and sometimes BLSN pinjam his collection for their function)

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