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Author: ReginaGeorge

[Pelbagai] HAVE YOU EVER..

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Post time 2-11-2019 12:06 PM | Show all posts
ReginaGeorge replied at 2-11-2019 11:10 AM
Lerrr tak besh la akak sorang je penah masuk kelab malam nih.. Meh, akak heret kau sekali tengok b ...

Boleh je kak.

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 Author| Post time 2-11-2019 12:18 PM | Show all posts
noor2 replied at 2-11-2019 03:37 AM
Akak pernah hisap rokok daun atok masa kecik2 dulu....daun tu digulung2 kemudian dicucuh api. ...mas ...

Masa akak masih kat U, budak2 jejantanz yang takda duit diorang hisap benda yang you cakap tu lah. Rokok daun.. Akak tak tau dari mana diorang dapat sebab sebelum ni akak tak pernah nampak pun benda tu. Tapi diorang ada letak sesuatu kat dalam.. Sama macam dalam rokok biasa tu cuma tak padat. Bau rokok daun lagi kuat dari rokok biasa.. Kan???

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Post time 2-11-2019 12:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
noor2 replied at 2-11-2019 11:37 AM
Akak pernah hisap rokok daun atok masa kecik2 dulu....daun tu digulung2 kemudian dicucuh api. ...mas ...

Pandai tak sedut asap rokok tu

Pengalaman sama kecik2 dulu tengok atuk merokok nak juga daun pucuk tu, lepas tu bakar takda tembakau la kan, orang tak bagi, bagi daun je

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Post time 2-11-2019 01:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ReginaGeorge replied at 2-11-2019 12:18 PM
Masa akak masih kat U, budak2 jejantanz yang takda duit diorang hisap benda yang you cakap tu lah. ...

Tak tahu kuat ke tak. ...biasa atok letak tembakau. .tapi saya x lah letak tembakau tu...hehe. ..bau daun kering yg dibakar

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 Author| Post time 2-11-2019 01:11 PM | Show all posts
Catpaw replied at 2-11-2019 04:29 AM
Pandai tak sedut asap rokok tu

Pengalaman sama kecik2 dulu tengok atuk merokok nak juga daun ...

Kalau rindu momen tuh, carilah mana2 daun kering.. Gulung.. Bakar.. Dan hisap kehkehkeh.. Tak pon, ajak atok lepak. Hisap sekali daun rokok tuh ngan dia.. Recall balik zaman bbnu u dulu..

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Post time 2-11-2019 01:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

1. Been drunk? - With love

2. Kissed someone? - Buddies

3. Tried to make someone jealous? - Guilty

4. Been in an ambulance? - Yes, with my sick mom and handsome doc. Siren blaring, going fast.

5. Peed in pool ? - Oops

6. Cried yourself to sleep? - Nada

7. Missed a flight? - Nada. Train, yes.

8. Gone somewhere with two different shoes or socks? - Shoes. Tak perasan. More than twice.

9. Cheated? -  No sirree

10. Been depressed? - Nada

11. Felt lonely? - Tell me the meaningbof being lonely

12. Smoked? - Experimental once only. Curiosity kills the cat

13. Had your zipper break in public? - Nada

14. Sneaked into a bar not being old enough? - Nada

15. Googled your own name? - And make it kaput..

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Post time 2-11-2019 01:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ReginaGeorge replied at 2-11-2019 01:11 PM
Kalau rindu momen tuh, carilah mana2 daun kering.. Gulung.. Bakar.. Dan hisap kehkehkeh.. Tak pon, ...

Bukan zaman bbnu, zaman kanak2

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Post time 2-11-2019 04:40 PM | Show all posts
1.Been drunk?

2. Kissed someone?

3. Tried to make someone jealous?

4. Been in an ambulance?

5. Peed in pool ?

6. Cried yourself to sleep?

7. Missed a flight?

8. Gone somewhere with two different shoes or socks?

9. Cheated?

10. Been depressed?

11. Felt lonely?

12. Smoked?
  YES (zmn remaja2 dolo )

13. Had your zipper break in public?

14. Sneaked into a bar not being old enough?

15. Googled your own name?

akk kategori biasa2 saja



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Post time 2-11-2019 07:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
1. Been drunk?
Nope. Rasa mabuk penah la, especially kalau naik bot yg terumbang-ambing. Kalau naik yg luxury boat, tak rasa mual.

2. Kissed someone?
Cium pipi anak buah, cium pipi mama.

3. Tried to make someone jealous?
Nope. Why would people be jealous of anything? We are judged based on our iman on doomsday, not our earthly or worldly achievements.

4. Been in an ambulance?
Yup. Hantar orang.

5. Peed in pool ?
Nope. Iols sanggup tahan dan pi toilet. Kat laut pun iols sanggup tahan sbb iols penah terbaca air kencing boleh matikan coral. Tahan kencing selalu ni tak bagus utk otot kencing. Can end up with incontinence. Iols berdoa tak jadi cenggitu. So slalu make sure u go to the toilet before doing any water activities.

6. Cried yourself to sleep?

7. Missed a flight?

8. Gone somewhere with two different shoes or socks?
Mebbe. Tak sure.

9. Cheated?
Nope. I need to be in a relationship to be able to cheat. Never been in a relationship. Bak kata sorang kawan, we're not sexy enough...

10. Been depressed?
Sedey penah tapi takde la sampai seminggu. Kalau more than 2 weeks sedey dan murung, itu depression yg perlukan bantuan professional. For me, no point being sad for long. Life has its ups and downs. We must get up at every opportunity.

11. Felt lonely?
Nope. Felt out of place sbb dikelilingi manusia bercouple, ada la. Esp masa valentines.
Rasa takut sbb dok sensorang pun penah sbb iols ni penakut orgnya. I have stopped watching scary movies after moving into my own flat.

12. Smoked?
Yup. Abg2 masa tu nak tgk iols reti merokok tak. Walopon iols belum masuk sekolah, iols pandai hembus asap rokok melalui hidung. Tere tak iols?
Iols tak merokok semenjak tu sbb iols tahu bahaya merokok.

13. Had your zipper break in public?
Yup. Zip terbukak. Butang baju terbukak. U name it, it probably happened, but i dun keep track of minor details like this. Iols sedar sendiri dan betulkan sendiri. Takde sapa penah tegur pape.

14. Sneaked into a bar not being old enough?
Iols tak penah masuk bar tapi iols penah masuk pub dan casino. Pub sbb kat luar negara, ini tmpt biasa utk mkn tengahari/mlm. Casino kat singapore sbb iols curious sgt nak tgk apa diorg buat kat dlm. Kat mesia, iols takkan dibenarkan masuk. Iols masuk dan dok perati org je. U know, mcm masuk tgk pertunjukkan.

15. Googled your own name?
Definitely. Esp masa akhir tahun, kena gugel sbb nak isi kpi or masa nak isi cv.



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Post time 2-11-2019 08:45 PM | Show all posts

Feel free to fill in the blanks:

1. Been drunk? - idokla pernah. haram khens

2. Kissed someone? - Yes

3. Tried to make someone jealous? - kadang kadang

4. Been in an ambulance? - Nope

5. Peed in pool ? Nope

6. Cried yourself to sleep? - Yes

7. Missed a flight? - Big NO

8. Gone somewhere with two different shoes or socks? - Never

9. Cheated? - Nope

10. Been depressed? - Sometimes

11. Felt lonely? - Nope

12. Smoked? - Big NO NO

13. Had your zipper break in public? - NO

14. Sneaked into a bar not being old enough? - NOPE

15. Googled your own name?  - is a YES



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Post time 2-11-2019 09:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
1. Been drunk?
    Yes ... long long time ago

2. Kissed someone?
    Of course

3. Tried to make someone jealous?

4. Been in an ambulance?

5. Peed in pool ?

6. Cried yourself to sleep?

7. Missed a flight?

8. Gone somewhere with two different shoes or socks?
     God forbid

9. Cheated?
    Somewhat kinda

10. Been depressed?
      Still am

11. Felt lonely?

12. Smoked?
      Smoked what ?

13. Had your zipper break in public?

14. Sneaked into a bar not being old enough?
       Nah ...

15. Googled your own name?

Thank you and have a good evening to all



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Post time 2-11-2019 09:48 PM | Show all posts
Edited by vanillarexy at 2-11-2019 09:53 PM

1. Been drunk?

2. Kissed someone?

3. Tried to make someone jealous?
Herm..can't think any..oopss, maybe

4. Been in an ambulance?

5. Peed in pool ?
Uh uh..neverrr

6. Cried yourself to sleep?
Of is not all rainbows n unicorns

7. Missed a flight?

8. Gone somewhere with two different shoes or socks?

9. Cheated?
Nopeee....hopefully never

10. Been depressed?

11. Felt lonely?

12. Smoked?

13. Had your zipper break in public?
My god yessss..during my breastfeeding days. Mujur I wore tudung. And hopefully no one has ever seen something inappropriate

14. Sneaked into a bar not being old enough?

15. Googled your own name?
No. Im not a famous person...never bother



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Post time 2-11-2019 10:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
1. Been drunk?
  Nope. Minum air mineral je.

2. Kissed someone?
  Yes. Mak ayam.

3. Tried to make someone jealous?

4. Been in an ambulance?

5. Peed in pool ?
  When I was a young naive kid.

6. Cried yourself to sleep?

7. Missed a flight?
No. Tongkang yes

8. Gone somewhere with two different shoes or socks?

9. Cheated?

10. Been depressed?

11. Felt lonely?

12. Smoked?
  Weed or Cigar? Both yes.

13. Had your zipper break in public?
  No. I’m not ugly and fat.

14. Sneaked into a bar not being old enough?

15. Googled your own name?
  Yes. Popular juga aku ni.

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Post time 2-11-2019 10:27 PM | Show all posts
1. Been drunk?

2. Kissed someone?
Selain drpd yg halal, x pernah

3. Tried to make someone jealous?
HAHAHHA.. Yessszaaa...  

4. Been in an ambulance?

5. Peed in pool ?

6. Cried yourself to sleep?
Few times

7. Missed a flight?
Almost hahaha...

8. Gone somewhere with two different shoes or socks?

9. Cheated?
Few times

10. Been depressed?
tak smpi tahap depressed lagi

11. Felt lonely?

12. Smoked?
Nope.. Tapi pernah try hisap sekali dua, vape pun pernah try... Yuckssss sgt

13. Had your zipper break in public?
Pernah.. But so lucky, covered by my tshirt

14. Sneaked into a bar not being old enough?
Yes with my hubby.. Just nk tau camno rupa dlm tu..

15. Googled your own name?



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Post time 3-11-2019 01:11 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Been drunk? Yes

2. Kissed someone? Yes

3. Tried to make someone jealous? Yes

4. Been in an ambulance? No

5. Peed in pool ? Yes. Opsss

6. Cried yourself to sleep? Yes

7. Missed a flight? No. Tapi bas selalu

8. Gone somewhere with two different shoes or socks? Yes

9. Cheated? Yes

10. Been depressed? Yes

11. Felt lonely? Yes

12. Smoked? Yes

13. Had your zipper break in public? Yes

14. Sneaked into a bar not being old enough? No

15. Googled your own name? Yes



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Post time 3-11-2019 05:22 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Feel free to fill in the blanks:

1. Been drunk?

2. Kissed someone?

3. Tried to make someone jealous?

4. Been in an ambulance?

5. Peed in pool ?

6. Cried yourself to sleep?

7. Missed a flight?

8. Gone somewhere with two different shoes or socks?

9. Cheated?

10. Been depressed?

11. Felt lonely?

12. Smoked?

13. Had your zipper break in public?

14. Sneaked into a bar not being old enough?

15. Googled your own name?



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Post time 3-11-2019 06:39 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
1. Been drunk? Tak pernah

2. Kissed someone? Pernah

3. Tried to make someone jealous? Pernah

4. Been in an ambulance? Pernah

5. Peed in pool? Pernah! Hahaha

6. Cried yourself to sleep? Pernah

7. Missed a flight? Pernah. Terlajak tidur

8. Gone somewhere with two different shoes or socks? Shoes tak pernah...Socks pernah

9. Cheated? Pernah...huhu

10. Been depressed? Pernah...

11. Felt lonely? Pernah

12. Smoked? Pernah...tapi bukan smoker

13. Had your zipper break in public? Pernah! Ramli Sarip yang tegur - dik, zip seluar terbukak!

14. Sneaked into a bar not being old enough? Tak pernah masuk bar

15. Googled your own name? Pernah



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Post time 3-11-2019 08:24 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Feel free to fill in the blanks:

1. Been drunk?

2. Kissed someone?

3. Tried to make someone jealous?
-no. Org yg suka nk jeles kt i

4. Been in an ambulance?
-yes. Nk beranak. Siap driver buat lawak announced “minggir2”... kt kereta2 lain. sakit perut ak gelak

5. Peed in pool ?
-no. Laut pernah

6. Cried yourself to sleep?
-no. Sbb letak kepala kat bantal terus tertidur. Tak sempat nak nangis.

7. Missed a flight?
-no. Miskin. Belum mampu beli tiket. Tinggal bas je pernah.

8. Gone somewhere with two different shoes or socks?
- no

9. Cheated?

10. Been depressed?
- ye kot sikit la sekarang ni

11. Felt lonely?

12. Smoked?
- no

13. Had your zipper break in public?
- no

14. Sneaked into a bar not being old enough?

15. Googled your own name?



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Post time 3-11-2019 11:39 AM | Show all posts
This is fun!

Feel free to fill in the blanks:

1. Been drunk?

Yes numerous time, usually on friday nights. I love the feeling of being light headed and free, more open to enjoying the moments. Strangers become friends and basically life is what you want it to be.

2. Kissed someone?

Of course.

3. Tried to make someone jealous?

Sure why not.

4. Been in an ambulance?

Yes, a few times, to accompany someone. The feeling of sadness, anxiety and uncertainty is undescribable. I dread even listening to the ambulance beeping.

5. Peed in pool ?

No, how uncivilized!

6. Cried yourself to sleep?

Yes of course, who hasnt?

7. Missed a flight?


8. Gone somewhere with two different shoes or socks?


9. Cheated?


10. Been depressed?


11. Felt lonely?


12. Smoked?


13. Had your zipper break in public?


14. Sneaked into a bar not being old enough?


15. Googled your own name?




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Post time 3-11-2019 01:06 PM | Show all posts
this is mine

1. Been drunk? nope..

2. Kissed someone?  yes..ank buah, kwn2, my mum

3. Tried to make someone jealous? ex bf..huhu

4. Been in an ambulance? nope..

5. Peed in pool ? pernah mase budak2..hehe

6. Cried yourself to sleep? pernahlah, 2,3 kali..

7. Missed a flight? nope...

8. Gone somewhere with two different shoes or socks? never..

9. Cheated? yeah.. my previous ex bf is someone husband..can this be considered cheated..or i diperbodohkan..

10. Been depressed? rase down ade lah.. depressed macam kene ambik ubat semue tu, xde..

11. Felt lonely? most of the time.. sometime even when im in crowd place, i can feel the loneliness..

12. Smoked? nope..

13. Had your zipper break in public? nope..

14. Sneaked into a bar not being old enough? never..

15. Googled your own name? yes.. & mmg kuar pun my details..bahaya sungguh internet ni..



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