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Author: Takki_Aniki


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Post time 20-2-2004 10:06 AM | Show all posts


Hye Won mmg lawa... skang aku harap dua org tu couple lah kat luar.. sweeet sgt aku tgk... hmmm....

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Post time 20-2-2004 10:17 AM | Show all posts

oh ye.. aku baru teringat..

rambut Min Woo tu aku tgk cam rambut Hyung Sung (Kim Rae Won) dlm citer My Love Patzi... huhuhuhu.. kekadang sebijik cam dia gak.. di mata aku lah...

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Post time 20-2-2004 11:10 AM | Show all posts

Summer pics

Originally posted by nmi at 2004-2-20 10:03 AM:
nie gambar behind the scenes ker????

I suppose so. ;) Rasanya lebih kepada gambar "in-between scenes" or something like that. Masa semua orang belum get into their character and tunjuk muka 'tension'.

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Post time 20-2-2004 11:13 AM | Show all posts

It's the hair

Originally posted by aLiN_82 at 2004-2-20 10:17 AM:
rambut Min Woo tu aku tgk cam rambut Hyung Sung (Kim Rae Won) dlm citer My Love Patzi... huhuhuhu.. kekadang sebijik cam dia gak.. di mata aku lah...

Ha'ah, baru betul. Yelah, aLiN....macam Hyung Sung, both of them memang nampak agak2 nak sama, cuma KRW lebih tinggi (sikit). :re:

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Post time 20-2-2004 12:37 PM | Show all posts

EP 27 RECAPS...19/2/04

Hye-won runs into Mr. So on the road. She tells him that she is getting married to Park Jung-jae. Hye-won and Mr. So talk. Mr. So tells Hye-won that he realizes Hye-won is different from En Hui now.. En Hui may have made different choices because En Hui only cares about her own feelings. Mr. So tells Hye-won that Min-woo is coming to see him today. He asks Hye-won if she wants to stay and meet Min-woo. Hye-won declines and asks Mr. So not to tell Min-woo she was here.. since they're no longer together there is no use in meeting.

Mr. So sends Hye-won off. Hye-won says that she will not be able to return anymore.. this time for real. She thanks him for everything.

As Hye-won walks through the forest leading to the train station, she feels her heart pounding. She looks up and sees Min-woo and runs before he can see her. He walks by as she watches from behind a tree.

Hye-won to herself: It was you (En Hui) who recognized Min-woo, wasn't it? It wasn't me who recognized him but it was you.

Min-woo turns around to see if someone is there and sees no one, so he continues to walk away.

Min-woo finds Hye-won's note to Mr. So by the door. He reads Hye-won's note thanking Mr. So and apologizing for not being able to hold on to the love between En Hui and Min-woo.. and her promise to remember this love. Mr. So returns. He tells Min-woo to go to the train station to at least see Hye-won's face if he misses her that much. Min-woo tries to talk himself out of it but Mr. So reminds him to cease the moment and follow his heart.

Min-woo runs after Hye-won's path. He misses her who sees him through her bus window. She weeps alone in the bus back to Seoul.

Min-woo visits En Hui's grave. He offers her the locking pendant necklace.

Min-woo: En Hui.. goodbye.

Min-woo to Hye-won silently: Hye-won, because of you.. because I love you.. I'll always feel love when I look at you.. Why was I not able to tell you these words?..


On the wedding day...

Jung-jae gets ready while remembering Jung-ah's words wondering if Min-woo and Hye-won are held together by destiny..

Jung-jae takes a sneak peak at Hye-won. Jung-jae leaves but comes back and holds Hye-won, wondering aloud if he will really marry her.. Hye-won tells him that he is acting unlike himself.

Hye-won: Oppa, do you know.. you are to me someone I am very grateful of...

Mrs. Yoo asks Min-woo if he's returning to Italy because of Hye-won. He says no... he wants to study more and Italy seems to suit him best...

Min-woo: Mom.. I'm gonna work hard.. and be successful.. and you will come, right?
Mrs. Yoo: I'm sorry.. Min-woo... it's my fault.. I shouldn't have..
Min-woo: Hye-won did the right thing.. Jung-jae can give her more love and make her happy.. Hye-won did the right thing by leaving.
Mrs. Yoo: Min-woo.. I'm sorry.. I thought I was doing the best for you..
Min-woo: Mom.. I'm okay.. I was very happy I met Hye-won...
Mrs. Yoo: Min-woo, please reconsider.. must you leave?
Min-woo: I'm sorry, mother...
Mrs. Yoo: Okay, then leave....go there and eat lots and live well.. but you must be happy...

Hye-won overhears Jang-mi talking to Dae-poong...and realizes Min-woo is leaving today.

Hye-won: So this is how it is...and in the end...he is to leave like this...I should have bid him farewell the last time...

Hye-won and Jang-mi leave to go to the wedding ceremony.

Min-woo and Dae-poong head toward the airport. At the stoplight, Min-woo sees a wedding car in front of their car and asks Dae-poong to drive him to the wedding ceremony to get a last look of Hye-won.

Min-woo and Dae-poong wait in the car outside the hotel. Min-woo sees Hye-won arrive and steps out. He looks at Hye-won from a distance...He tells her silently that he was here to see her in her wedding attire.. and he tells her to be happy..

Hye-won feels her heart pound. She realizes that Min-woo is near.. She desperately looks for him...

Hye-won: Min-woo.. it's okay if it's En Hui who recognizes you.. Let me see you one last time.. Min-woo.. Where are you.. Let me see you one last time.. En Hui, help me find Min-woo...

Hye-won sees Min-woo get in the car.. She runs after the car, calling out his name, but she faints on the road...Min-woo hears cars honking and looks back from the side view mirror of the car.

Jung-jae gets a call from Jang-mi and runs to the hospital. At the hospital, Min-woo and Jang-mi run with the medical staff to rush Hye-won into surgery.

(Flashback scene to 3 years prior, when Jung-jae and Min-woo run into each other as Min-woo looks for En Hui and Jung-jae looks for Hye-won at the hospital.)


Jung-jae arrives at the hospital. He asks Jang-mi what happened. He grabs Min-woo by his shirt, "It's all your fault!"

Jang-mi: No, Hye-won saw Min-woo and ran out.
Min-woo: I'm sorry. I'm so very sorry.
Jang-mi: Will Hye-won be okay? Will everything be okay?
Jung-jae: Everything will be okay.. I will make everything okay.. Until now I always managed to save Hye-won..

The doctor talks to Jung-jae and says that Hye-won is out of life-threatening danger for the time being. The doctor asks Jung-jae to confer in private. The doctor says that unlike her last faint, Hye-won cannot be saved by treatment alone...She must wait for a new heart donor as new heart transplant is her only hope...

Jung-ah arrives at the hospital. She asks Jang-mi for status and asks Min-woo if he's okay. Jung-jae comes and asks Min-woo to leave.

Jung-jae: Now, please leave.
Jung-ah: Oppa! Oppa!
Jung-jae: It's all your fault.. you are to blame for this.
Dae-poong arrives: Manager Park, you've crossed the line. Min-woo really wished you two well. Today all he wanted was to see Hye-won from afar...
Min-woo begs Jung-jae: Please just let me be here until Hye-won wakes up from her unconscious state.

Jung-jae does not answer and walks away.

Jung-jae and Jung-ah wait by Hye-won's bedside for Hye-won to awake.

Min-woo and Jang-mi wait outside the room.

Hye-won moves her finger. Jung-jae feels the movement and realizes that Hye-won is coming back to consciousness. The doctors are called. Hye-won calls out Min-woo's name over and over again.

Jung-ah and Jung-jae come out of the hospital room. Jung-ah tells Min-woo that Hye-won is waking up. Jung-ah is about to tell Min-woo that Hye-won was calling his name.. but...

Jung-jae: Now leave. Keep your promise and leave. Stop bothering us. Leave!
Dae-pong: Manager Park!
Min-woo: Please.. let me just take a look at Hye-won for once.. Will that be too much?
Jung-jae: Please stop making it difficult for me.
Min-woo: I understand....but Jung-jae.. please be good to Hye-won.. Please take good care of her....

A heartbroken Min-woo leaves...


Hye-won continues to call out Min-woo's name as she is awaking from her unconscious state.

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Post time 20-2-2004 12:43 PM | Show all posts

Suratan atau kebetulan...

(Flashback scene to 3 years prior, when Jung-jae and Min-woo run into each other as Min-woo looks for En Hui and Jung-jae looks for Hye-won at the hospital.)

IMO, one of the best scenes in the drama (not necessarily my favourites)...scene ni nak tunjukkan yg sebenarnya Min Woo & Jung Jae dah 'kenal' satu sama lain sebelum ni, cuma diorang je yg tak perasan & tak dapat cam, maybe sebab masing2 risau dengan gf masing2...nice touch there...

btw, satu lagi scene yg kite suka semalam adalah scene Hye Won lari keluar nak kejar Min Woo...quite sad...

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Post time 20-2-2004 03:44 PM | Show all posts
Kenapa baju Hye Won macam berdarah saja semalam masa dia ditolak masuk ke wad kecemasan? Masa dia jatuh pengsan kat jalan tu, dilanggar kereta ke?

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Post time 20-2-2004 03:50 PM | Show all posts
Satu lagi nak tanya kenapa e-card kat website summer scent ni kan tak boleh dibuka oleh e-mail? Kalau ada sesiapa yang tahu silalah beritahu kalau tak de tak apa lah... Terima kasih...

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Post time 20-2-2004 05:44 PM | Show all posts


apsal kalau aku masuk topik ni mesti keluar pop-up "welcome to msmusers communities"...pening lah aku....

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Post time 20-2-2004 05:48 PM | Show all posts


Err, tak tahu nak letak mana benda ni :re:.....not that it's really relevant to us pun but just for the fun of it. Since nama SSH & SYJ are mentioned here, so here it is.

Credits to

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Post time 20-2-2004 09:39 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by whitedove at 20-2-2004 12:43 PM:
IMO, one of the best scenes in the drama (not necessarily my favourites)...scene ni nak tunjukkan yg sebenarnya Min Woo & Jung Jae dah 'kenal' satu sama lain sebelum ni, cuma diorang je yg tak perasan & tak dapat cam, maybe sebab masing2 risau dengan gf masing2...nice touch there...

ah ah ah ... memang sedih pun...tak sangka 3 tahun sebelum tu masa En Hui accident mereka sebenarnya dah bertemu tanpa disedari.....mungkin takdir yang menentukan mereka akan bertemu kembali...siapa sangka sebuah peristiwa pahit...kemalangan En Hui dan sebuah perisitwa bahagia ....pembedahan Hye-Won mampu menemukan mereka semula...tapi kali ni lebih tragik....

btw, satu lagi scene yg kite suka semalam adalah scene Hye Won lari keluar nak kejar Min Woo...quite sad...


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Post time 20-2-2004 09:45 PM | Show all posts

Final Episod

ehmm.............sedih dengar masa Jung-Jae hantar surat kat Min-Woo bagi tahu yang Hye-Won dah mati semasa pembedahan....rasa masa tu macam nak menjerit je.......tapi lega...Hye-Won tak mati.......

Jung-Ah akhirnya kahwin juga....mula-mula tu ingatkan Jung-Jae yang kahwin...tapi Jung-Ah...hai muka suami dia masa kat airport ingatkan Kim Jae-Won...bukan Kim Jae-Won kan?...tapi mukanya masa senyum ada iras-iras Kim Jae-Won.....

pertemuan yang pelik di antara Min-Woo dan Hye-Won...dalam banyak-banyak orang masa hujan tu mereka masih lagi dapat mendengar degupan jantung masing-masing...mungkin inilah cinta sebenarmya..kalau tidak takkan mereka akan berdebar-debar bila berhampiran.....

jelaslah yang Min-Woo benar-benar mencintai Hye-Won bukan disebabkan Hye-Won mempunyai jantung En-Hui....

i hope they will live happily ever after

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Post time 20-2-2004 10:21 PM | Show all posts

nak tanya scene ni tak de kan dalam SS yang ditayangkan kat 8tv?


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Post time 20-2-2004 11:06 PM | Show all posts

Off-topic: En Hui

Shin Ae

added to the cast of new mbc weekend drama 'jang mi ae jung jaeng - rose war' scheduled to debut mid-march. in the new drama shin will play a nurse at the clinic ran by lead actor choi soo jong. shin ae was last seen in kbs drama 'summer scent - yuh reum hyang gi' as song seung hun's deceased lover.

News credits to dramaok of

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Post time 21-2-2004 02:52 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sara at 19-2-2004 11:14 PM:

Bahagianya Hye-Won dan Jung-Jae ..............

cutenyer jung jae time skolah.

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Post time 21-2-2004 05:10 PM | Show all posts


Originally posted by sara at 20-2-2004 10:21 PM:

nak tanya scene ni tak de kan dalam SS yang ditayangkan kat 8tv?

[img] ...

ada... masa Min Woo imbas kembali mcm mana dia dgn En Hui beli rantai tu dr sorang pak cik.. En Hui yg beria-ia beli rantai tu sbb pak cik tu kata rantai tu utk kekasih..

hmm... mcm tak nak jer citer ni habis.. comeilah Hye Won... lagu dia pun best...

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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 22-2-2004 04:29 AM | Show all posts

SSH latest project: "That Guy Was Gorgeous!"

That Guy Was Gorgeous

Casts: Song Seung Hun, Jung Da Bin ( Attic Cat )

Synopsis: Movie ni berdasarkan novel internet yg popular, pasal budak skolah menengah. Kalo tak silap, cerita ni ada la unsur

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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 22-2-2004 04:46 AM | Show all posts

This picture is taken by Taiwan fans in Kun-san.(12/20/03)
He is signing his autograph for his foreign fans from Taiwan, Hongkong.etc.
On that day, he was shooting his new movie, 'The guy...' in a hospital of Kun-san.
His foreign fans visited him there. They say they spent about an hour with him.
A fan from HK said to me,"he looks really 18years old." ha ha...^^

Credit to TOPSHAPE of [url=[/url] forums[/url]

[ Last edited by Takki_Aniki on 22-2-2004 at 05:00 AM ]

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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 22-2-2004 05:06 AM | Show all posts

Summer Scent ends

Hmm... dah abis dah pun cite SS nih. Takki just dpt follow awal

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Post time 22-2-2004 11:06 AM | Show all posts


Yeah dapat juga upload gambar!!!!!!
Macam mana Hye Won dalam gambar ni???;)

[ Last edited by Asiafever on 22-2-2004 at 11:15 AM ]

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