[BRF] Istana Bawang 16 - Meghan vs Buckingham , still !! ...Lilibet who ?
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Post time 2-7-2021 01:13 PM
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snazzydaisy replied at 2-7-2021 05:49 AM
"This statue isn’t to everyone’s taste but it isn’t about you. This is about her loved ones and t ...
To be honest ...harry dah lgsg takde royal posture ..
The way standing , talk , walk , and how he portray himself ...
William sgt terserlah aura king |

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Post time 2-7-2021 01:15 PM
From the mobile phone
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snazzydaisy replied at 2-7-2021 06:14 AM
Muka Diana mcm tak berapa menjadi, IMO...
her outfits pula based on her Xmas card pix with he ...
Haah part muka tu mmg x berapa menjadi sgt .. and outfit pon ...adehhh laa terkjut jugak tgk hasil nya tak spt yg di harapkan |
adelea replied at 2-7-2021 01:09 PM
I see .. mesti pw and ph frust its not them kan ..
Takde nye diorang nak frust sbb diorang pun dah tau detail awal2 dan mmg terlibat pun dgn statue Diana ni. Lebih sesuai kot letak budak2 yg takde kena mengena sbb kena dgn theme yg diorang pilih. |
Edited by delia3003 at 2-7-2021 01:32 PM
snazzydaisy replied at 2-7-2021 06:43 AM
Bila George tgk uncle Ed Sheeran tu boleh laaa dia melepaskan rindu kat uncle Harry dia, dua2 jeja ...
Hair colour George tu mmg sama je dari dia toddler lagi. Jeles ler tu kot George dpt hair colour sama dgn Diana, nasib baik tak dapat mata biru macam Diana, kalau tak lagi sasau gegula hangit. PW dgn Kate ni dua2 muka panjang tapi anak2 takde sorang pun ikut facial structure diorang.
Esok nye tu Ed Sheeran jumpa heret dlm event under 1 charity yg heret jadi patron. Dah sesuai ler tu dua2 |
snazzydaisy replied at 2-7-2021 06:25 AM
Harry nampak fake, pura2 ceria... dan high AF!
Harry’s transformation to Meghan is compl ...
Heret nampak awkward sangat, dgn tersengih2 dan trying hard nak nampak happy, sebijik perangai bini dia. Dah berjangkit |
Edited by delia3003 at 2-7-2021 03:39 PM
adelea replied at 2-7-2021 03:20 PM
Though its true they had been informed much earlier about the sculpture build details ...
I b ...
Iols rasa theme humanitarian tu pun diorang sama2 decide sbb ni projek PW dgn heret jugak. Mcm tak sesuai nak buat konsep Diana & her sons utk statue sbb PW dan heret masih hidup. |

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Post time 2-7-2021 04:34 PM
From the mobile phone
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snazzydaisy replied at 2-7-2021 05:49 AM
"This statue isn’t to everyone’s taste but it isn’t about you. This is about her loved ones and t ...
Yer laa statue ni mmg tak meet everyone taste .. including me |
Mcm terlebih masculine rupa patung diana tu.. not as expected.. |
adelea replied at 2-7-2021 01:13 PM
To be honest ...harry dah lgsg takde royal posture ..
The way standing , talk , walk , and how h ...
Setujuk sgt ler chouls
Ruginya bila pilih meghan
Jadi binikk |
Best betol baca benang hinnih
Banyak iols terlepas
Kena backlog ler |
ramai yg berpendapat statue tu tak capture the essence of Diana, lack of gracefulness and mannish looking.
ada juga yg kata Diana nampak mcm aktor Sean Bean 
awal2 dah blahh chuols... Harry tunjuk muka kat statue unveiling event tu sekejap aje, then bergegas balik LA sbb isteri tercinta tgh bersedih, uncle sheols meninggal.. 
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Who wore it better?
Kalau Joan Rivers ada lagi mesti best kan dgr sheols cerca! 
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Harry loves his grey suit and grey t-shirt too... 
Meghan cannot fight this one! 
Robert Lacey:
"It took about 4 or 5 days for The Times to get that out because they were processing it through the Sussex lawyers. What we have read there in The Times and what has since been reproduced is legally safe. Schillings, like it or not, have had to agree that what's there can't be argued with".
Edited by snazzydaisy at 4-7-2021 07:25 AM
Lady Louise pakai jaket Prince Philip masa kat Royal Windsor Horse Show 2021 at Windsor Castle.
Eh betul laa, sekali imbas sheols nampak mcm young Rosamund Pike pula, kan?
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