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Author: Takki_Aniki


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Post time 18-2-2004 02:01 AM | Show all posts
kenapa?..kenapa Hye-Won buat macam tu?....kesian Min-Woo masa dapat tahu pasal Hye-Won dan Jung-Jae nak kahwin....

Jung-Jae dan Jung-Ah sama je...jahat!!!!!!!!!!nf:....mereka ni adalah orang yang jenis tak boleh terima kenyataan...sudah lah kalau org tak suka buat apa nak dipaksa-paksa bukannya boleh hidup bahagia pun nanti...

kalau bercinta sekalipun perlulah ada guideline....

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Post time 18-2-2004 02:17 AM | Show all posts

The 'HOT' Summer Love, hmm?

Tu dia.....sara, habis terbakar thread ni nanti. Macam OTTOO yang memang tak boleh dipadamkan tu.

Jung-ah memang typical bad & spoilt rich girl dalam cerita ni. Jung-jae, hmm.....I think, in his heart & his mind, dia ingat dia masih boleh 'menawan' hati Hye-won. Tak salah kalau dikatakan yang he's in denial, masih mengharapkan Hye-won akan kembali kepadanya. In other words, dia sanggup ambil apa saja peluang yang ada especially bila Hye-won dan Min-woo asyik "main tolak-menolak". Dah Hye-won & Min-woo sendiri pun tak pasti dengan cinta mereka, tentunya Jung-jae akan masuk di antara mereka berdua. Tambahan dengan Jung-ah yang 110% 'menyokong' abangnya tu, dengan niat yang terselindung.

Cuma takkah mereka terfikir betapa peliknya nanti, kalaulah, Jung-jae berkahwin dengan Hye-won dan Jung-ah dengan Min-woo (kalau iyalah) that their relationship akan menjadi tersangatlah "tak selesanya". Adik-beradik ipar yang pernah bercinta......

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Post time 18-2-2004 09:57 AM | Show all posts
Wei..aku suka sangat cite ni..
Very the touching.. 2 mlm aku nangis tgk percintaan diorang..
Banyak sangat halangan dalam percintaan diorang..kesian kat hye won & min woo..
(Teringat lak..kisah cinta aku..)
Btw, aku tak le sedih sangat sbb aku dah tau ending cite ni tak la menghampakan

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Post time 18-2-2004 09:59 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by katt at 18-2-2004 02:17 AM:
Cuma takkah mereka terfikir betapa peliknya nanti, kalaulah, Jung-jae berkahwin dengan Hye-won dan Jung-ah dengan Min-woo (kalau iyalah) that their relationship akan menjadi tersangatlah "tak selesanya". Adik-beradik ipar yang pernah bercinta......

ha...betullah tu...diorang tak fikir ke semua tu...I still think that Jung Jae doesn't love Hye Won enough...kalau tak, takdelah dia sanggup lukakan hati Hye Won lagi...dia tak fikir ke kalau Hye Won nampak Min Woo kat party tu, Hye Won akan bertambah sedih...terang2 pulak tu dia bagitau Min Woo yg dia & Hye Won dah nak kawin...sekurang2nya, bagilah support sikit kat Hye Won...he's truly in denial...dalam citer ni yg kite tengok, cuma Jang Mi/Mei Gui & Dae Poong je yg betul2 support Hye Won & Min Woo...orang lain semua tak bagi diorang ni bersama, even ayah En Hui pun...

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Post time 18-2-2004 12:49 PM | Show all posts

EP 25 RECAPS...17/2/04

Hye-won goes downstairs to tell Min-woo to leave.

Min-woo: Hye-won...
Hye-won: Go home, Min-woo.
Min-woo: No, I have something to say. I can't end things like you said. I can't give up on you...because I love you.
Hye-won: The one you love is not me. Me.. the original me. I don't like callas.. nor serenade..nor strong coffee... Min-woo, you said I was an outgoing and a warm person, so you love me.. but since young I was ill and I didn't like people and friends didn't want to play with me.. That is me.. I am not a bright nor warm person.. I am Shim Hye-won..
Min-woo: But this you in front of me..
Hye-won: Yes, I now resemble En Hui.. But still.. I am still Shim Hye-won.. and I can't be So En Hui.. This is the reason why I can't accept your love. Now please go home.

After Min-woo leaves, Hye-won faints. Jung-jae visits her at the hospital. He finds her asleep, then asks Jang-mi what happened. Jang-mi tells him that Min-woo came after he left.. and she may have been distressed.

Jung-jae calls Jung-ah to tell her about Hye-won and that Hye-won broke up with Min-woo. He asks her not to tell Min-woo that Hye-won is in the hospital. Jung-jae hears Hye-won calling out Min-woo's name in her recovery bed.

Min-woo receives Jung-ah's call but ignores it and sits on a sofa thinking about what Hye-won said.

Hye-won awakes and finds Jung-jae at her bedside. She apologizes and thanks him. The doctor asks Jung-jae if she has been under stress lately.. Jung-jae asks if she's in any danger. The doctor says that her heart certainly doesn't seem as healthy, so they should be more cafeful.

Jung-jae drives Hye-won home. He stops by the river where he proposed to her.
Hye-won apologizes. Jung-jae says if she's sincere then marry him. He says that he will understand if she can't forget Min-woo right away.. he can accept her the way she is. Hye-won tries to decline. He tells her that he knows what she worries most is Min-woo hurting.. If that's the case then she should marry him so that Min-woo can let her go at last.


Jang-mi gets a call from Min-woo to meet. Hye-won asks Jang-mi to not tell Min-woo that she knows the truth about the heart.

Jang-mi tells Min-woo that she can't help him. He replies that all he wants to know is how Hye-won is doing.. how she's spending her days. Jang-mi asks what happened between the two. He apologizes and asks if Hye-won is ill in any way. She replies that compared to before she is not. She talks about how difficult it was for Hye-won growing up not being able to run around and bound to her bed all the time.. how Hye-won's wish was to rest under a glass ceiling at the hospital so she could at least see the stars and the skies instead of a neverending whiteness.

Jang-mi: What are your plans after this? Will you leave still?
Min-woo: Even though Hye-won doesn't want to be with me, I don't plan to leave her side.

Min-woo remembers Hye-won's dream about a house with glass ceilings and how
beautiful it would be. He builds a model house with glass ceilings. Dae-poong asks about the house. He says that it's Hye-won's dream house. He says that he and Hye-won aren't breaking up.. they just need time to sort things out.

Jung-ah sees the house and realizes that Min-woo can't forget Hye-won easily.


Jung-ah goes to see Hye-won. She tells Hye-won that for as long as Hye-won remains like this, Min-woo won't be able to move on.

Hye-won: Then what am I to do?
Jung-ah: Marry my brother.
Hye-won: Jung-ah...
Jung-ah: When I first found out about you and Min-woo, I didn't want you to marry my brother but my brother needs you and you two getting married is the only hope to happiness for Min-woo and me. I've put away my pride to beg you as your friend... Marry my brother.


Min-woo calls Hye-won to meet.

Min-woo: Hye-won...
Hye-won: The reason I agreed to come...
Min-woo: Hye-won.. don't try so hard to act this way. This isn't like you.
Hye-won: No, this is the real me. Let me just tell you why I came. I clearly broke up with you. Please leave. Just go away.. far away.. somewhere..


Jung-jae tells his family that he will marry Hye-won. Mrs. Park says that she can't accept Hye-won, can't accept the way she hurt him and Jung-ah. Jung-ah says that she wishes the two to marry as well. Mrs. Park says that she won't allow it no matter what.


Jung-jae asks Hye-won if it's okay to invite Yoo Min-woo to the 'calla resort' project's end party, and use the opportunity to celebrate their (Jung-jae + Hye-won) coming marriage. Hye-won agrees.

Dae-poong tells Min-woo to attend the project's end party. Min-woo declines at first but Dae-poong tells him that Hye-won will be there as well.

Min-woo arrives at the resort alone. Jung-ah meets him at the resort. Min-woo wants to ask about Hye-won but has a difficult time. Jung-ah tells him that Hye-won has arrived but she's busy with something right now.


Hye-won, Jungjae, Mr. and Mrs. Park talk. Hye-won apologizes. Mr. Park says that he had faith she would come back to them. Mrs. Park asks if Hye-won is really returning, really coming back to them like the Hye-won from before. Hye-won nods. Mrs. Park embraces her and cries.

At the ballroom, Min-woo looks for Hye-won in the crowd. He sees her entering the room with Jung-jae and his parents.

Jung-ah to Min-woo: I only found out this morning too, so I didn't get a chance to tell you earlier...Hye-won was my brother's fiancee before..

Jung-jae walks Hye-won by Min-woo to announce their marriage next month. Hye-won asks to be excused to get some air.

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Post time 18-2-2004 02:40 PM | Show all posts
alah,jumaat nie habislah.sure tak dapat nengok.:cry:

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Post time 18-2-2004 04:31 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nmi at 18-2-2004 02:40 PM:
alah,jumaat nie habislah.sure tak dapat nengok.:cry:

tak sure lagilah nmi...buatnya 8tv stretch lagi, Selasa depanlah habis...

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Post time 18-2-2004 05:08 PM | Show all posts

Off-topic: from the BD-LBH thread ^_^

Originally posted by Takki_Aniki at 18-2-2004 11:07 AM:
SSH is sooooooo cute!!! He's so shy. All SSH fans should download this. Honto! ^o^

For fans of Song Seung Hun, click on the dl link below to see him speak a bit of Japanese and a lot of Korean. ^_^ It's just a small file but very "compact". Enjoy!

SSH - clip1

He forgot next words to say.. so he might seem to feel very shy.. He is saying 'hello' in Japanese:Ha ji me ma si te, Song Seung Heon to mo simass.. (In English: How do you do.. I am Song Seung Heon..)

Credits to TOPSHAPE of with much thanks

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Post time 18-2-2004 05:16 PM | Show all posts
Thank you Katt......

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Post time 19-2-2004 11:22 AM | Show all posts

EP 26 RECAPS...18/2/04

Hye-won goes up to the propose room and sees Min-woo siting by the window. As she is about to leave, Min-woo calls her name.

Min-woo: Hye-won.. why are you being this way suddenly? Hye-won, do you really plan to marry Jung-jae?
Hye-won: Going back to Jung-jae is the obvious thing to do. I was his fiancee before.
Min-woo: Hye-won, yes, I offended you a lot.. yet you accepted me and you loved me.. You followed your heart and you accepted me despite all my shortcomings.. And now you want me to believe that you leaving me is not out of love? Tell me, Hye-won.
Hye-won: ... Yes, from now on I will love Jung-jae oppa.. I will love him for a lifetime.. Is that enough now?

Hye-won leaves. Jung-jae waits for her and escorts her away. Min-woo watches.

Hye-won thanks Jung-jae. Jung-jae shows her the ring and asks if she will take it back. Hye-won nods. He puts the ring on her finger. Jung-jae tells her that Min-woo will forget her.. so all that needs to happen is for her to forget Min-woo. Hye-won agrees to try hard.

Hye-won to Min-woo silently: Min-woo sshi.. did I do a good job? This is the end of what I can do for you.. From here and on your life is up to you.. I'm sorry..


En Hui's mother weeps after seeing En Hui's necklace returned, thinking now no one will remember En Hui. She calls Min-woo to tell him that she sent him En Hui's necklace.... the one that Mr. So gave to the recipient but she returned it after realizing it was something that En Hui shared with Min-woo. Min-woo realizes that Hye-won knows the truth.

Jung-jae calls Hye-won for a dinner appointment. Jang-mi teases Hye-won to cheer her up. Hye-won tells Jang-mi that she has tried to listen to her heart to figure out where she is supposed to go...and she believes that the road to Jung-jae is what she must travel...Hye-won says that she wants to find the Hye-won that has been lost since receiving En Hui's heart...the Hye-won that thought of no one but Jung-jae before the heart transplant. Hye-won tells Jang-mi that from now on, she will no longer think too hard nor worry too much.. She just wants to find peace next to Jung-jae.

Min-woo comes to see Hye-won.

Jang-mi: Min-woo!
Hye-won: I have nothing to say to you, Min-woo.
Min-woo: Hye-won, you already know.. don't you? It's true that you already know about the heart transplant.. isn't it..?

Jung-jae arrives at the floral shop while Hye-won and Min-woo has gone out. Jang-mi tells Jung-jae that Hye-won is right outside and will return shortly.

Hye-won: Yes, about my heart from En Hui.. I already knew.
Min-woo: But why did you say nothing? Why did you pretend to know nothing? Hye-won.. was that why you wanted to end our relationship?
Hye-won: ... Yes. Now that you've confirmed what you wanted to know, right? Then I'm leaving.
Min-woo: Hye-won, no. I didn't tell you because of you. I didn't want to see you hurt. That is why I didn't tell you... Now I can't let you leave like this.
Hye-won: I too, was patient.. I tried to understand you.. for not being able to forget En Hui.. I tried so you wouldn't suffer so hard but I was wrong. En Hui was alive inside of my heart.. and Min-woo.. you fell in love with me..
Min-woo: I love you, Hye-won. The one I love is not En Hui but you. Don't you see?
Hye-won: No, I'm not the one you love. What do you love about me? Fox rain.. serenade and calla flowers...Were they not all the things that En Hui loved? .. Besides those, what is there left of me that you love?
Min-woo: Yes, it's true. I admit that at first I was drawn to you because you reminded me of En Hui.. but I did not fall in love with you because of En Hui.. Do you need proof? I don't know how to prove myself.. but my heart I understand.. Hye-won, you were the one who said to me.. just follow the heart.. the heart lies not... Now.. I love you... You give me the goosebumps and you make my heart pound..
Hye-won: Love me with your heart? Do you know you're making a fool out of me? You're mocking me with En Hui's heart.
Min-woo: ... No.. it's not like that at all.. please...
Hye-won: To you, Min-woo...I was never Shim Hye-won.
Min-woo: ...
Hye-won: Please go home. I'm going back to Jung-jae oppa.. who sees me as Shim Hye-won.. So for Jung-jae oppa's sake, please don't come back again.

Jung-jae waits and waits and finally asks Jang-mi where Hye-won is. Jang-mi tells him that Min-woo was there and they went outside to talk. He asks Jang-mi why Min-woo was there again. Jang-mi says that Min-woo knew that Hye-won knows about the heart transplant and was worried, so he came.

Jung-jae goes outside and runs into Hye-won. She greets him. He studies her for a moment.

Min-woo thinks about Hye-won's words. Dae-poong tries to comfort Min-woo. Min-woo tells Dae-poong if it were him he wouldn't believe him either...but he really loves Hye-won.. That is why his heart aches this much. Dae-poong asks what Min-woo plans to do.. and if he can forget Hye-won...

Jung-jae takes Hye-won home. He asks her if she is really okay. She smiles and nods. He hugs her.

Jung-jae: From now let's be happy.. you and me together..

Min-woo sees the two embrace from a distance.


Hye-won and Jung-jae go dress shopping. He is overjoyed that they are really getting married. She thanks him. He promises her that he will make her happy. Jung-ah meets them at the boutique.

Jung-jae goes back to work, leaving Jung-ah and Hye-won together. Jung-jae asks Jung-ah not to make Hye-won sad. Jung-ah says not to worry.

Jung-ah gives Hye-won a wedding present. Hye-won thanks her. She tells Hye-won looked beautiful in the wedding dress.. makes her want to get married too. Jung-ah asks Hye-won if she looked pale because of Min-woo. Jung-ah apologizes at Hye-won's silence. Jung-ah tells Hye-won that she will persuade Min-woo to go back to Italy with her.

Jung-ah: You and my brother.. you two live happily, okay?
Hye-won: Mmm...
Jung-ah: And we made up, okay?
Hye-won: Okay, Jung-ah.


Min-woo buys a ticket to Italy for one.

Jang-mi asks Dae-poong to attend Jung-jae/Hye-won's wedding. Dae-poong isn't sure what to do. Jang-mi tells him the wedding date details and tells him that his invitation is in the mail.

Min-woo sees Dae-poong's notes. Min-woo tells Dae-poong that the wedding date is the day he will leave Korea as well. Dae-pong is surprised that Min-woo is leaving so soon. Min-woo asks Dae-poong to send congratulations on his behalf.

Min-woo calls En Hui's father to tell him that he's returning to Italy to study. Mr. So worries but Min-woo tells him that he will tell him the details when he visits him tomorrow.

Jung-jae calls Hye-won about meeting his mother for wedding preparation. She tells him that she plans to go to Bosung to tell Mr. So that she is getting married. Jung-jae looks out the window after talking to Hye-won. Jung-ah comes and asks why he looks lonely. Jung-jae tells her that Hye-won went to Bosung. Jung-ah tells Jung-jae that she wondered if Hye-won and Min-woo are predestined to be together...Jung-jae says that it's not destiny but coincidences. And if it were destiny.. he intends to change it..

Jung-jae: No, I already changed it.
Jung-ah: Yes, the so-called destiny can be altered as well.. since you and Hye-won are getting married...


Hye-won greets En Hui at her grave.

Hye-won: En Hui, have you been well? I have something to tell you, that is why I came.. En Hui.. I'm getting married... not with Min-woo, but with someone else.. There is nothing I can do.. since I am not you, En Hui."

Hye-won leaves flowers at the gravesite and tries to visit Mr. So but finds no one home. She leaves a note on the door and leaves.

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Post time 19-2-2004 12:08 PM | Show all posts

next in line...

dah confirm Loving You lakonan Park Yong Ha & Yoo Jin akan mula ditayangkan pada 23/2...jadi, Jumaat esok memang last episode SS...

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Post time 19-2-2004 02:57 PM | Show all posts


Entah macamana siaran 8TV di Ipoh ni since last night 'hilang', masih belum kembali normal. The night before, SS tak ada 'suara'. Jadi silent drama lah pulak. Anyone else having the same problem? :re:

Nasib baik ada whitedove punya daily detailed synopsis which helps A LOT!. Walaupun dah miss a few of SS tapi tak terasa sangat, terkilan or anything. Entahlah, maybe it's just me. As much as I like the beginning of the drama, the 'magic' seems to disappear into thin air. Sorry :cf:......But I'll still watch the end, kalau tiada aral.

Nampaknya next week ada 2 drama Korea yang baru for us all, both on 8TV. Looking forward to see PYH & Eugene's Loving You (sebab dah dengar so much about them & the drama) and especially Love Letter, the under-rated but highly popular drama in 2003.

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Post time 19-2-2004 05:57 PM | Show all posts
Sedihnya SS nak habis dah
Banyak citer korea kat tv nih.... C9, 8TV, TV3......

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Post time 19-2-2004 09:30 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by katt at 19-2-2004 02:57 PM:
Nampaknya next week ada 2 drama Korea yang baru for us all, both on 8TV. Looking forward to see PYH & Eugene's Loving You (sebab dah dengar so much about them & the drama) and especially Love Letter, the under-rated but highly popular drama in 2003

i heard a lot about the drama...tapi kenapa pukul 3.00ptg...cerita ni start 25/2 ni pukul 3.00ptg.....

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...katt tolong kenapa 3.00 ptg...kenapa 3 tak 5 ke 6 ke......susah lah macam ni nak tengok.....tolong minta diaorang tukar waktu siaran....

pukul 3.00 semua orang masih lagi bekerja...student masih lagi belajar...

tolong...............rasa nak pengsan je masa tengok waktu siarannya...:cry:

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Post time 19-2-2004 09:37 PM | Show all posts

Episod 27

hah ni lagi satu.....apa pasal ngan 8tv ni...the last 15 minutes tadi tak de subtitle...dah lah part yang penting.....apa yang Dai Phong cakap kat Jung-Jae....sampaikan Jung-Jae terdiam..Jung-Ah pun sama....

masa ni rasanya nak baling je bantal kat tv tu...sebab geram sangat....jadi emosional sikit...

kalau Jung-Jae tu dah faham sangat dah dialognya...mesti dia salahkan Min-Woo sebab Hye Won jadi macam tu....actually kan dia memang dah sedar dan terlebih sedar yang Hye-Won dah mencintai dia lagi....macam yang Hye-Won cakap dia adalah orang yang paling dia hargai

bukan di cintai...hai tak faham-faham lagi...kenapa mesti takut nak mengaku kalah .... kalah pun ada sebabnya kan...(Min-Woo yang cakap)........

tapi kesian juga sebab nama Min-Woo yang disebut sebut dalam tek sedar diri Hye-Won......

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Post time 19-2-2004 09:56 PM | Show all posts


Originally posted by sara at 2004-2-19 09:30 PM:
i heard a lot about the drama...tapi kenapa pukul 3.00ptg...cerita ni start 25/2 ni pukul 3.00ptg.....

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...katt tolong kenapa 3.00 ptg...kenapa 3 tak 5 ke 6 ke......susah lah macam ni nak tengok.....tolong minta diaorang tukar waktu siaran....

pukul 3.00 semua orang masih lagi bekerja...student masih lagi belajar...

tolong...............rasa nak pengsan je masa tengok waktu siarannya...:cry:

Waaaa........nak tolong macamana sara :cf:. Memang, memang tak faham cara 8TV ni beroperasi. Memang ramai takkan dapat tengok, sebab pukul 3, samalah macam slot drama Korea di TV2 dulu. :re:

Kalau nak hantar e-mail protest pun tak sempat, kot. Nanti di'cancel' terus, kan lagi teruk.  :sp:

If it's any consolation to you all, saya yang 'free' time2 pukul 3 ni mungkin tak dapat tengok the drama. :cf: Entah macamana, siaran 8TV dah hilang terus. Puas tune in. Dah 2 hari tak ada 8TV. :cf: Nanti bukan hanya ending SS tak dapat tengok, Love Generation & Love Letter pun mungkin miss! :cry: Waaaaa!

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Post time 19-2-2004 11:11 PM | Show all posts

Son Ye Jin

masa wedding....scene masa dia kejar Min-Woo sampai dia pengsan kat jalan

Hye-Won nampak sweet dalam gambar ni...harap-harap dia akan sentiasa bergembira...

[ Last edited by sara on 20-2-2004 at 10:06 PM ]

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Post time 19-2-2004 11:14 PM | Show all posts

Son Ye Jin & Jung Jae

Bahagianya Hye-Won dan Jung-Jae ..............

[ Last edited by sara on 20-2-2004 at 10:10 PM ]

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Post time 19-2-2004 11:28 PM | Show all posts

Summer pics ^_^

Despite ceritanya yang sedih & Hye-won asyik menangis dan muram je, Son Ye Jin memang cantik & manis orangnya especially when she smiles.

[ Last edited by katt on 20-2-2004 at 12:12 AM ]

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Post time 20-2-2004 10:03 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by katt at 19-2-2004 11:28 PM:
Despite ceritanya yang sedih & Hye-won asyik menangis dan muram je, Son Ye Jin memang cantik & manis orangnya especially when she smiles.

[img] ...

nie gambar behind the scenes ker????

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