Tu la kak, risau gak. Central areas dia northeast London, tp dah merebak even ke Birmingham. The ...
Mizzsued Post at 10-8-2011 06:15
mudah2an u all can still teruskan trip london tu dengan selamat ... amiiiinnn ... |
sapa yg nak ke london, be extra careful ok
macam terukk je nengok kat tv
my mom dah start risau, walaupon we all nak gi next year, tp since bawak budak2 seme, mula la dia cakap tinggal je la kids tu... |
Tu la kak, risau gak. Central areas dia northeast London, tp dah merebak even ke Birmingham. The ...
Mizzsued Post at 10-8-2011 06:15
insyaAllah Mizz.....by the time kita kat sana, hopefully semua kembali tenang. actually bukan lah teruk sangat coz yg buat tu golongan remaja2 tapi tak tahu kenapa polis depa cam lembik je. kalau polis kita...tgk cam berseh tu...lom apa2 lagi dah kena spray gas. |
Reply 339# boocik04
Kita pulak kena balance dua2... lucky me balik from London.. dpt la menyoping sepuas hati.. wahhh.. hahaha... yg tukang memesan pun ramai.. my mom tu dah hari2 duk kata belikan i handbag handbag handbag.. ekeke. |
Reply 340# aishahahmad
Kak aishahhh... berry cam oeningg.. byk benda sgt sgt kena study.. sblm euro trip, ill be going few other places dulu... arghhh semua sbb AA punya promo.. rmbang mata.. now byk gila kena study smpai give up.. hukhuk... |
Reply 343# homemom2
yes yes homemom... hopefuli semua ok before mizz and homemom pi sana... smlm tgk news pun mmg mcm teruk je... |
Reply boocik04
Kita pulak kena balance dua2... lucky me balik from London.. dpt la menyoping ...
whiteberry Post at 10/8/2011 10:04
boocik tak larat nak shopping sebab travel backpack style jer... kalau beli barang untuk orang, kompen tinggi backpack dari orangnyer |
Reply 347# boocik04
Boocik, berry pun backpack je ni.. lite2 je ni.. ekekek... konon la kan sbb belum pergi lagi huhuh... tp kat london nnt akan beli backpack lagi nak angkut brg2 soping je.. huhuh...
haihhh, tak sabar pulakkkk nak ke sana.. hehe |
Reply boocik04
Boocik, berry pun backpack je ni.. lite2 je ni.. ekekek... konon la kan sbb be ...
whiteberry Post at 10/8/2011 11:06
takpe... you muda lagi. larat nak hangkut segala barang.
boocik ni dah tuek pastu ada kecederaan patah kaki dulu.
so tak larat nak kendong beg berat2... hu hu hu... |
Reply 347# boocik04
boocik, so macamane ye?let say nt i dari airport ade je bus kan nak p city?katelah i stay kat one of the travelodge kat newcastle,then na p dalton park...ade bus kan? |
Reply boocik04
boocik, so macamane ye?let say nt i dari airport ade je bus kan nak p city ...
rimau_belang Post at 10/8/2011 11:23
bas dari airport ada ke newcastle. nak lagi senang, naik je train. nak shopping ke dalton park kena naik bas. tapi opening hours dalton park tu sampai pukul 6pm jer. sempat ke nak shopping mopping lepas sampai newcastle dari airport tu?
ni link naik bas nak ke dalton park tu --> http://www.dalton-park.co.uk/index.php?id=693&blurb=by-bus |
Reply 351# boocik04
smlm i ade bukak web tu,tp ta phm sgt dgn route bus die,nt i study balek, oh smpai pkul 6 je ye?nt i try study lg,hehe,tu la kalo byk mse lebih bole je spend 2 night, tapi sbb ta ckup mase,i think one night will be okay huhu |
Reply 352# rimau_belang
Rimauuu, u nak terjah matta fair ke weekend niiii ... hehehe... nak amek pamplet2 UK europe ke kalau ade... hikhik... |
Reply 353# whiteberry
i da apply cuti pon tok jumaat ni, i am going on this friday...sbb lepas tu na balek kg tros,yes nak terjah jugak la dengarnye smpai 900 lebih booth kan ade?hopefully best..kalo ada pakej yg boleh pakai bile2 next year and murah,boleh la rembat tros... |
Reply 354# rimau_belang
rimau nnt u update me kat FB ek best ke tidak matta tu.. ill be goin maybe on sat kots? tak suree... |
Reply 355# whiteberry
insya ALLAH,tu la nak tgk tok next year pnye trip la ni, nak tgk trip p bath ke heheheh,mane tawu dpt lg murah kan? |
Reply 356# rimau_belang
yup yups... i pun searchin for my other trip,, smbil nyelam minum air gittew... eh riot kat london ni, ada harapan ke pound turun.. huhuh... |
Reply 357# whiteberry
hahaha,tu la pasal,ade ke harapan ek?kite tuuuuunggguuuu hahaha.....papepon yg penting sume nak boleh menjimatkan,eyh u bole bg balek ta link yg u penah bg dlu tok madame tussaud super late saver tu? |
Reply 358# rimau_belang
babe, u click SINI
Hehehe,... i pun akan amek late saver ticket neh.. agaga... haih i donno how to cut cost lagi...Nak pi disneyland pun i nak amek harga yg 40 euro for 2 parks tu.. i bace gilekentang punya blogg... |
Reply rimau_belang
yup yups... i pun searchin for my other trip,, smbil nyelam minum air gittew ...
whiteberry Post at 10-8-2011 13:44
i thought the same thing too...kalau turun kita rembatt....hehe... |
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