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Author: chacon

Bekas suami fail notis tunjuk sebab, Serina anak Chef Wan bakal dipenjara

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Post time 27-4-2018 08:34 AM | Show all posts
Edited by pumpkinpatch at 27-4-2018 08:40 AM
Kak-Leen replied at 27-4-2018 12:58 AM
Mungkin Chef Riz pun x blh nak bantu adik dia yg sorang ni.. Dia pun sebenarnya sama juga dgn seri ...

yer lah, rumah chep1 tak kid-friendly. Langsir dia je makan beribu.  Duduk satu dua malam, weekend trip to grandpa's home sleepover ok je. kalau permanent mau berantakan fine bone china pasu bunga dia. LOL!


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Post time 27-4-2018 08:40 AM | Show all posts
pumpkinpatch replied at 27-4-2018 08:29 AM
kalau pandai ikot rentak mentua ok jer.

Kalau jenis dapat pasangan yg mmg jenis private, indep ...

jgn chuols plak yg stress

Ai pun byk dgr citer , hubungan putus coz mentua/mak pak masuk campur. Sibuk nk control. Tuh belum lagi demand macam2.


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Post time 27-4-2018 09:29 AM | Show all posts
pumpkinpatch replied at 26-4-2018 07:34 PM
yer lah, rumah chep1 tak kid-friendly. Langsir dia je makan beribu.  Duduk satu dua malam, weekend ...

sound like my mendiang mother in lawapa you tulis ini...
dia memang terus terang bagitau kalau
kami ada anak, biar dia datang rumah kami, dari
kami datang rumah dia...

sebab dia takut pasu pecah, kaca ada cap jari

her dream come true agaknya sebab kami no baby
sampai dia meninggal..

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Post time 27-4-2018 10:37 AM | Show all posts
cmf_premierleag replied at 26-4-2018 08:28 PM
Aku lg kesian kt serina sebenarnya
Ada bapak, mcm pondan tua
Ada abang, ntah ke mana

hat tu pon apaknya kecam dulu. safe to say, semua bad blood hubungan anak2 dia berpunca dari mulut hangsuang chepoan sendiri. and sometimes, he would even blame his children. apak apa macam ni???!!!

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Post time 27-4-2018 11:17 AM | Show all posts
clarizsa replied at 26-4-2018 05:21 PM
Ada kan forumer share cerita pasal gavin kt blkg2 nun
Dia mmg muslim sblum kawin dgn serina pun

tak sempat nak menelaah you belakang2 nun.. dah banyak sangat pages terid ni.. hahah
ya i pun tak setuju sampai nak fitnah orang murtad macam tu.. kalau marahkan gavin, marah sajalah, janganlah agama orang pun dipalitkan sekali kemarahan tu.

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Post time 27-4-2018 11:28 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
minguk replied at 27-4-2018 11:17 AM
tak sempat nak menelaah you belakang2 nun.. dah banyak sangat pages terid ni.. hahah
ya i pun tak ...

Nah I tepek kan. Credit to @chazey

By Gavin O’Luanaigh

When any couple is going through a divorce with a young family, it is never a happy time and certainly not to be celebrated.

It is the hope of any family that all other family members support the couple and help them as much as possible through this tough time by keeping matters private, especially when children are involved.

It was with great sadness therefore that certain comments about my family were released to the media, on my birthday of all days, about our marriage that both Serina and myself have been at pains to keep private and within the confines of our immediate family and friends.

As most people know, I converted to Islam in 2006, met Serina in 2009 and married in 2010, which was the happiest day in my life, prior to my children being born.

My parents have been happily married for over 47 years and although there are always ups and downs in marriage, I truly thought and hoped it would last forever. Marriage is not a gamble but about love, hard work, commitment and sacrifice.

As Serina has always been in the media line, I didn’t try to persuade her to leave that behind her as I feel that if you truly love someone you have to let them pursue what career makes them happy.

I knew she didn’t want to be a housewife and anyone who knows her, knows she is a fun, energetic person who was born to be a star, and I fully supported her choice and was very proud of her.

Throughout our married life I have diligently paid for everything for the family – providing a six-bedroom penthouse, paid all the family bills, maid, holidays and even made sure that both our children went to an international school so they could have the best education that I could provide, which I feel is the greatest gift that a parent can give their child.

As I was taking care of all the family expenses, Serina was earning a sizeable income, which she kept to do with as she wanted. I was fine with taking on all the expenses as this is my duty to the family and I am fully aware of my responsibilities as a husband and have provided accordingly.

I would have been surprised if Serina had asked for additional pocket money and indeed Serina, to her credit, never did and we had no issues.

Therefore, I was devastated when Serina decided to move out of the house in January 2016 and asked for a divorce.

I didn’t, and still don’t, understand the reasons why she left as she hasn’t told me. However, I hoped that a resolution could be sought and the marriage healed.

Despite not knowing where she went and where she is living, I do not believe any third party was involved and so did not give her a divorce as I believed in her and was willing to wait for her to think about her actions and about the family.

The children, Tristan (aged 6) and Isabella (5), have remained in the family home with me over the last 15 months and I have done everything in my power to remain positive and care for them as best as I can.

Serina and myself are still trying to resolve everything amicably and we both have the children’s best interests at heart.

I am deeply saddened that I have had to write these words in the public domain as my intention as well as Serina’s was always to keep this matter private.

I sincerely hope that any family member who really does have the best interests of their children and grandchildren at heart, can direct their questions to Serina and myself rather than feeling the need to tell the world.

At the end of the day my close family and friends all know the truth and these people are the only people who are important to me. One day we will all be judged by our actions and I know when that day comes, I can hold my head up high.

Once again, I would hope that the media and public could give our family space and time to work everything out and respect the fact that as small children are involved, and who will one day read all this, privacy is paramount.

Gavin O’Luanaigh is a British expat who has been working in Malaysia for the past 16 years.

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Post time 27-4-2018 11:47 AM | Show all posts
friedfishsoup replied at 27-4-2018 11:28 AM
Nah I tepek kan. Credit to @chazey

thank you cik mod..
baik je cara penulisan.. tak macam chef tu.. mencarut sana sini, panggil orang dengan panggilan paling busuk.. manners kemana lah agaknya dia tu..

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Post time 27-4-2018 12:18 PM | Show all posts
borrow replied at 27-4-2018 08:40 AM
jgn chuols plak yg stress

Ai pun byk dgr citer , hubungan putus coz mentua/mak pak masuk cam ...

been there

dapat mertua yg nak kontrol segalanya
even nak beli keta pon kena ty dia dulu ok ke x
kalo x, nanti dia merajuk pastu dia kondem mcm2 keta baru tu

kesan yg i nampak bila mertua camni
last2 xde sekor anak dia pon yg nak dok gan dia
even anak pompuan dia,coz nantu lelaki asik kena komplennnn je
trus nantu tu bagi kata 2 kat bini, nak ikot makpak ke laki?
kompom la ikot laki

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Post time 27-4-2018 12:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Haritu gigih sgt nk kawinkan anak dgn kokesen. Rasainnn lohhh

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Post time 27-4-2018 01:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
friedfishsoup replied at 27-4-2018 11:28 AM
Nah I tepek kan. Credit to @chazey

molek aje jln penceritaan si gavin..xde buruk2 kn mne2 pihak..

dh knp serina tglkn rumah 2tahun..elok menyendiri 2thn mcm org bujang..bosan jd mak ke serina sampai rebel mcm tu..smpi bg hak penjagaan penuh kt gavin..xnk half2 pn..

iols dh byk dgr chite psl mertua over protective x heran chep1 ni slh sorg tergolong mertua over..chep1 mebi bagus dlm jage mak dgn ex dlm hal anak2 heols pn manusia biase..chep1 ni elok diam je la..yg tanggung sume ni sok serina gk..biya la serina dgn gavin je setel sesame dorg..

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Post time 27-4-2018 01:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Cepone shud calm his tits a mature parent..masalah fmly setel la dok canang segala..panggil plak menantu tu dgn gelaran yg bukan2..aihh..awal2 tu elok plak serina dpt kt cepone..1 malaya tau..
Nk marah kang bapak..bertabah aje la to serina n gavin..semoga dpt selasai cara baik utk

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Post time 27-4-2018 02:21 PM | Show all posts
hari ni IG cepwan senyap pulok..dapat hidayah barangkali dan berusaha menunjukkan dia ada byk kawan kokesen yg berkualiti....derrr

harap muhasabah dirila cepwan tu - point langsir, cucu pakai baju buruk, serina tak dapek duit dok la ulang2...pastu sesuka hati membas****kan mamat tu, murtad pelbagai..gaya hidup muslim sangat maki2 hamun carut orang....

serina pulak nak hint kata gavinpemainkan/tak practise agama -mesti nk ckp minum ke mkn babi least mamat tu mualaaf. kalo gavin tu mulut hangsuang boleh je ckp ko tu dari lahir muslim, bpk ko yg mulut bagus sangat tu tak ajor ko tutup kepala ke kann?? sib baikla si gavin tu genius sikit penghujahannya hahahahhahahhaaha


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Post time 27-4-2018 03:39 PM | Show all posts
akubest replied at 27-4-2018 02:21 PM
hari ni IG cepwan senyap pulok..dapat hidayah barangkali dan berusaha menunjukkan dia ada byk  ...

yes! isele ke hulu isele ke hilir
murtad sana murtad sini
last2 diri sendiri mulut ngalahkan org tak bertemadun
diri sendiri pun kepala togel

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Post time 27-4-2018 04:03 PM | Show all posts
iols nak cakap satu jer... iols kesian tengok serina kenapa sado sangat? especially bab muka dan upper body dia tu... nampak manly.... serina kena diet sikit... untuk kesihatan.. ikhlas dari saya

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Post time 27-4-2018 06:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dubidubii replied at 27-4-2018 04:03 PM
iols nak cakap satu jer... iols kesian tengok serina kenapa sado sangat? especially bab muka dan upp ...

Genetik la. Tak tengok ka mak dia cemana?

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Post time 27-4-2018 07:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
borrow replied at 27-4-2018 08:31 AM
Mak deyols plak camna? Tinggal sowang juga kew? Ai pun tatau. Antara mak n ayah , ai pilih tinggal ...

Maknya pun tinggal dgn maid aje kan.. At least tu yg last akak tahu. Ada satu posting pasal Serina nak pergi ambil mama dia sblm pergi rumah papa dia.. I concluded from that posting.

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Post time 27-4-2018 07:15 PM | Show all posts
rifaa replied at 27-4-2018 12:18 PM
been there

dapat mertua yg nak kontrol segalanya

Bertabahlah chuols

Ai rajin pasang telinga bila acik2 membawang. Mcm2 stori. Mentua jenis x vley bersangka baik pun ada. Menantu buat apa pun salah.


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Post time 27-4-2018 07:23 PM | Show all posts
Kak-Leen replied at 27-4-2018 07:00 PM
Maknya pun tinggal dgn maid aje kan.. At least tu yg last akak tahu. Ada satu posting pasal Serina ...

Ai x follow family ni. If ada isu baru gi spy ig deyols .

Serina tinggal sensorang la ek.


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Post time 27-4-2018 07:39 PM | Show all posts
dubidubii replied at 27-4-2018 04:03 PM
iols nak cakap satu jer... iols kesian tengok serina kenapa sado sangat? especially bab muka dan upp ...

Pas kawen ngan serina , Gavin jd gendut. Susah nk kurus if apak chef

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Post time 27-4-2018 07:55 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kalau la chepwan sebaik2 pak mentua, kenapa takde sorg pun anak menantu yg nak duduk sekali dgn dia? Rumah besar complete, bilik byk, maid pun ada membantu..chep pun pernah offer anak maembong, serina duduk sekali tp dorg xnak..serina tu dah single kn senang duduk ngan parents so adakah msg2 x tahan dgn mulut dan bebelan chepwan?

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