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Author: Takki_Aniki


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Post time 13-2-2004 11:36 PM | Show all posts

Baling je....

Originally posted by aLiN_82 at 13-2-2004 09:59 AM:
geram sgttttt... sapalah tak sakit hati... semalam masa tgk Jung Ah kat rumah Min Woo borak dgn mak Min Woo, aku rasa cam nak baling jer remote kat Jung Ah.. kalau betul-betul kena kat dia masa tu, ...

baling je jangan tak baling...Jung Ah ni andai berlakon depan mak Min-Woo nak dapatkan simpati...huh dah menyampah dengan waak Jung Ah

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Post time 13-2-2004 11:41 PM | Show all posts

The Truth

kesian Hye Won dapat tahu kebenaran "jantungnya" dengan cara yang begitu...rasa sedih sangat...

tapi rasanya Hye-won macam dah buat keptusan nak berpisah dengan Min-woo...

masa dia cakap kat Min-woo..."jangan cakap kalau tak nak cakap"...seolaholah dia kalau boleh tak tahu tenang kebenaran yang sebenar dari mulut Min-woo biarlah dia berpisah tanpa mengetahuinya dari Min-woo....

kesian kat Hye-won dan Min-woo........:cry:

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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 14-2-2004 04:52 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aLiN_82 at 2004-2-13 09:59 AM:
si Jung Ah tu pulak, aku rasa geram sgt sampai nak jer tarik rambut dia... eeeeee... emo nyer aku...
Originally posted by aLiN_82 at 13-2-2004 09:59 AM:
geram sgttttt... sapalah tak sakit hati... semalam masa tgk Jung Ah kat rumah Min Woo borak dgn mak Min Woo, aku rasa cam nak baling jer remote kat Jung Ah
Originally posted by sara at 2004-2-13 11:36 PM
baling je jangan tak baling...

Jangan aLiN... JANGAN TAK TARIK, BALING, TAMPO, SEPAK, etc.! Isk, isk. Susah btul la jadik org yg takleh terima kenyataan ni kan? Org tak sudi, tak guna nyer nak paksa

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Post time 14-2-2004 01:58 PM | Show all posts
boleh tolong ceritakan jumaat punyer cerita?

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Post time 14-2-2004 03:45 PM | Show all posts


nasib baik aku dah tau ending cam mana.. apapun, aku tetap kesian ngan Hye Won...

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Post time 14-2-2004 04:27 PM | Show all posts
ei korang aku cakap lah ..aku dah lamer tak mengikuti citer nie...kdg2 jer aku ikut..tapi smalam aku cam tertarik nak tengok samapi habis coz time hye won nie letak batu bentuk ring tue kat rantai waktu kat umah min woo tue...

and lagi satu...sorrylah yek kawan2 kalau aku tanyer korang...saper En Hui tue sebenarnyer ...pompuan ke lelaki...and naper takleh bagi tau hye won siapa penderma jantung tue...sorrylah yek...:stp:

fuh..cun sungguh pic Soh Ye Jin yg kat Nmi tue...tapi soh ye jin nie muka dier mmg nampak lembut...

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Post time 14-2-2004 05:40 PM | Show all posts


En Hui tu bekas awek Min Woo, tp dia kemalangan dan jantungnya didermakan pada Hye Won..

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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 15-2-2004 01:22 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Paja at 2004-2-13 09:45 AM:
the only thing that kinda safe the drama is the OST .. the theme song is soooo sweet

Btul tu, Paja. Dari AIMH ke WS ke SS, lagu

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Post time 15-2-2004 03:26 PM | Show all posts
Apa dah terjadi dalam episod Jumaat tu? Hye Won dah tahu perkara sebenar ke? Terlepas lagi sekali lagi....

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Post time 16-2-2004 10:56 AM | Show all posts

EP 23 RECAPS...13/2/04

Hye-won goes to see Min-woo.

Min-woo: What brings you here this late?
Hye-won: I wanted to ask you something.
Min-woo: Actually, I wanted to talk to you too.
Hye-won: You first. What did you want to say?
Min-woo: Hye-won, did you take your medicine?
Hye-won: That's what you wanted to ask me?
Min-woo: You're hurting.. is what I hate most in this world.
Hye-won: ...
Min-woo: My mother used some strong words against you earlier, didn't she?
Hye-won: No, I can understand your mother.

Min-woo prepares tea for them both. Hye-won wanders around Min-woo's working room and discovers a necklace.. She compares it to her necklace from En Hui and discovers that the two pendants lock together. Min-woo calls Hye-won to tell her that tea is ready. Hye-won says that she needs to leave since it's so late. He offers to take her home. She declines and runs out.

Hye-won walks in the rain as she thinks about the past..

Hye-won to herself: No.. there's no such thing.. there can't be such thing...


Min-woo tells Dae-poong that he should be the one to tell Hye-won about the heart. Min-woo says that she is bound to find out sooner or later..  and if she were to know that the one she loves kept the truth from her when he should be the one to tell her.. wouldn't she be hurt?

Hye-won asks Jung-ah what she meant before when she said Min-woo loves En Hui through Hye-won. Jung-ah says it's because Hye-won is a lot like En Hui, of course. Hye-won asks Jung-ah who her donor is. Jung-ah says that Hye-won should know better since she went to visit the donor's family. Hye-won says that everyone said it was a man.. but Jung-ah knew it was a woman..

Hye-won: I.. you know... I feel very uneasy.. so I would rather not know.. but I must know..
Jung-ah: I don't care what you want to know.. Why don't you ask the person who loves and treasures you so much.. Ask Min-woo.

Dae-poong tells Jang-mi that Hye-won's donor is En Hui.

Jung-jae receives a call from Jung-ah. Jung-ah tells him that Hye-won is getting suspicious. He talks Min-woo and tell him to leave Hye-won immediately. Min-woo says that the best thing to do is to tell Hye-won the truth. He tells Jung-jae that he will tell her about En Hui's heart. Jung-jae says that will only free Min-woo.. but it will ruin Hye-won...Min-woo tells Jung-jae that he will work hard to love Hye-won and not En Hui.

Hye-won goes to visit En Hui's father. She sees a picture of En Hui and Min-woo together.

Hye-won to En Hui: Was it you, En Hui? You didn't want to leave Min-woo, so you came to me, En Hui?

Hye-won in front of En Hui's grave: En Hui, was it you? The last time when I came, I thought my donor was a man.. En Hui, you gave me the gift of life.. so I should thank you.. but I don't know why I feel this way...

Hye-won thinks about her conversation with Min-woo...

Hye-won to Min-woo (in the past): Feels as if someone is inside of me.. as if my heart recognizes someone.. And whenever I have this feeling.. Do you know who stands in front of me? ... My heart is pounding, did you hear that?
Min-woo to Hye-won (past): Yes.

Hye-won: En Hui.. then what am I? Am I just an empty shell?

Hye-won runs into En Hui's father. He calls out to her who is in deep thoughts.

Hye-won: When you first met me, you felt a sense of familiarity, did you not?
Mr. So: Yes, I think that's because you resembled my daughter a lot...
Hye-won: I felt the same. Perhaps, the heart inside of me recognized you.. perhaps Min-woo was the same.. and he is bound by this sense of familiarity which must trouble him greatly.. Please don't tell him that I was here..

On her way back to Seoul, Hye-won thinks about what Mr. So told her.. that after Min-woo found out he was in shock. She thinks about the way Min-woo has been acting lately.

Hye-won to Min-woo silently: Min-woo, you already knew everything... about my heart transplant from En Hui.. that's why you could not commit to me.. You chose En Hui.. like a fool I did not know your heart.. I thought if I tried harder then it would be okay.. but as for you.. your heart was with En Hui from the beginning.


Hye-won doesn't answer Min-woo's calls.

Min-woo looks for Hye-won. Jang-mi talks to him instead. She asks him if he loves Hye-won because of En Hui. He answers no. She urges him to not tell Hye-won the truth.. saying that Hye-won would be heartbroken if she knew. She says to him that he doesn't understand how difficult it is for a woman to accept another woman's existence.

Hye-won returns. Jang-mi is about to tell her that Min-woo stopped by but she says that she is extremely tired and will rest.

Hye-won: Unni (older sister)...
Jang-mi: Hmm?
Hye-won: Unni...what would you do if someone saw you not as yourself but as someone else?
Jang-mi: What nonsense is that? I am myself and not anyone else.
Hye-won: That's right. If (he) doesn't see me as I am then (he) loves me not.
Jang-mi: Are you talking about Min-woo?
Hye-won: It would be difficult to see me for a lifetime and remembering someone else.
Jang-mi: Why? Does Min-woo sshi still think about En Hui a lot?
Hye-won: It must be difficult for him too.
Jang-mi: Hye-won, Min-woo thinks about you a lot. Just have faith in his love.
Hye-won: What do you mean?
Jang-mi: I was about to tell you earlier. He was here. He waited for you for a long time. I could see he loves you a lot.

Min-woo thinks about Jang-mi's advice.

Hye-won to herself: I am not So En Hui. I am Shim Hye-won.


Jung-ah jokingly asks her brother to fire her. She wants to return to school in Italy with Min-woo. She tells Jung-jae if she were Hye-won, she wouldn't want to be with someone who saw her as someone else. Hye-won overhears the last part. She remembers all the instances of people telling her that the one Min-woo loves is someone else or questioning Min-woo's love for her.

Hye-won asks Jung-jae if he remembers what she was like before she received her heart transplant. He tells her that she was a quiet and kind person with no greed. She says that she wasn't the bright person she is now.. she was not someone who liked 'callas' or serenade. He asks if she found out something from Min-woo. She answers yes. She tells him that Min-woo knows the truth about her heart transplant. The reason why he could not make it to the engagement was because of En Hui.

Hye-won: He wanted to end our relationship but I was the one who held on. What state was Min-woo's heart at that point? Afraid that I would go in shock, he could not tell me anything.. and yet he could not forget En Hui.. It must have been very difficult for him. Through me, he saw En Hui.. isn't that right, oppa?
Jung-jae: ...


Hye-won and Min-woo meet on the street.

Min-woo: Long time no see..

Min-woo: All this time, you didn't show your face nor talk to me. Hye-won, are you avoiding me?
Hye-won: Min-woo, to you I wanted to present myself as Shim Hye-won but that is forever difficult, isn't it?
Min-woo: What are you talking about? You are Hye-won right now.
Hye-won: About what you said last time.. that you wanted to end our relationship..
Min-woo: Are you still troubled by what I said?
Hye-won: Back then, I told you that I could accept everything about memories of En Hui..
Min-woo: Something's the matter?
Hye-won: No, there is nothing.
Min-woo: Actually, I wanted to tell you something.. about why I didn't go to the engagement.. about why I wanted to end things..
Hye-won: If it's hard for you then don't say anything.
Min-woo: I really do want to explain how I feel.. but if only I met you earlier.. then I could have.. would have loved you even more.. I will always feel sorry toward you.. but I want to spend the rest of my life mending your broken heart.

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Post time 16-2-2004 11:01 AM | Show all posts
IMHO, walaupun Hye Won pada mulanya keliru lepas dia tahu kebenarannya, tapi lepas tu nampak macam dia memang yakin dengan cintanya pada Min Woo...sebab dia bertindak macam tu kemudiannya sebab dia tak yakin dengan cinta Min Woo & anggap Min Woo masih cintakan En Hui...besides, she even feels more sorry for Min Woo than for herself, even thinking that Min Woo must be hurting because he saw En Hui in her...

maknanya kan, perasaan Hye Won pada Min Woo lebih kuat dari perasaan Min Woo pada Hye Won...agaknyalah...

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Post time 16-2-2004 03:02 PM | Show all posts
Wah confusenye perasaan mereka? Kalau ni berterusan fius dalam rumah pun boleh terbakar.... Tapi seperti yang dikatakan Min Woo cintakan Hye Won walaupun ada kalanya bersimpati dengan Hye Won. Asas cinta dibina atas kenangan En Hui. Memang susah...

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Takki_Aniki This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 16-2-2004 03:14 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by whitedove at 16-2-2004 11:01 AM:
maknanya kan, perasaan Hye Won pada Min Woo lebih kuat dari perasaan Min Woo pada Hye Won...agaknyalah...

Ye... mungkin jugak. Sbb perasaan Min-woo kat Hye-won dibayangi dgn perasaannya terhadap En-hui.

Sampai terbakar fius yek, Asiafever?

[ Last edited by Takki_Aniki on 16-2-2004 at 03:15 PM ]

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Post time 16-2-2004 04:13 PM | Show all posts

Hye Won's love

Originally posted by whitedove at 16-2-2004 11:01 AM:
maknanya kan, perasaan Hye Won pada Min Woo lebih kuat dari perasaan Min Woo pada Hye Won...agaknyalah...

Memang nampaknya Hye Won 'lebih jelas' tentang perasaannya daripada Min Woo. Dia memang jelas tentang cintanya sampai sanggup mengaku depan mak Jung Jae. Walaupun terpaksa berhadapan dengan banyak 'tentangan' tapi Hye Won masih terfikirkan tentang Min Woo lebih daripada dirinya sendiri.

Cuma sedih bila Hye Won berfikiran "Siapakah aku ini, adakah jasad yang tak berjiwa?" the moment dia tahu yang penderma jantungnya itu sebenarnya En Hui. Pada fikiran Hye Won, ingatan En Hui itulah yang telah mendorongnya untuk mengenali Min Woo. Hmm.....pening jugak kalau storyline macam ni :re:

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Post time 16-2-2004 04:30 PM | Show all posts
kadang kadang geram tgk sikap min woo.. tak tegas lansung !!

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Post time 16-2-2004 06:56 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aLiN_82 at 14-2-2004 05:40 PM:
En Hui tu bekas awek Min Woo, tp dia kemalangan dan jantungnya didermakan pada Hye Won..

oo...yer ker aku ingatkan En Hui tue Encik Hui...

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Post time 17-2-2004 12:55 PM | Show all posts

EP 24 RECAPS...16/2/04

Jung-ah asks Min-woo to start over with her in Italy. He contemplates starting fresh with Hye-won somewhere...

Jung-jae tells Jung-ah that he didn't tell Hye-won how he threatened Min-woo not to attend the engagement. He tells her that Hye-won knows everything.

Hye-won tells En Hui: Yes, it is so. You met Min-woo first and you will love him for a long time as well. En Hui.. you've won.

Min-woo meets Jang-mi and Dae-poong. He tells them that he plans to take Hye-won to Italy to start fresh. He says that he feels bad toward her, keeping her where painful memories of En Hui are.. He asks Jang-mi and Dae-poong to keep his plans secret so that he can surprise Hye-won.


Min-woo looks at the ring that he bought with Hye-won. Then he looks at the necklace from En Hui. Hye-won visits Min-woo.

Min-woo silently to En Hui: En Hui.. now if I let you go.. you won't be mad at me, right? From now on, I will only love Hye-won...

Min-woo turns and sees Hye-won. He drops the necklace which she picks up for him. She tells him not to drop such a precious merchandize or En Hui would be angry with him. He asks why she came without any notice. Hye-won answers because she wanted to see him.

Min-woo and Hye-won eat noodles. She asks him what he likes about her. He says it's everything about her. She asks for specifics.

Min-woo: Because you're kind.. and warm.. and you don't know how to lie.. Ah.. really.. did you know you can't lie, Hye-won? When you lie you turn red...
Hye-won: I have something to say to you..
Min-woo: Me too... Hye-won, would you like to visit the resort with me? Wouldn't that be nice?
Hye-won: Yes.
Min-woo: What was it that you wanted to say?
Hye-won: We'll talk about it then.


Jung-ah waits for Hye-won outside her place.. She tells Hye-won that she envies and resents her. Hye-won says that she understands Jung-ah's heart. Hye-won says it is the same with her and En Hui... a little envious.. a little resentful..

Hye-won silently: Not resentful.. but jealous.. that you have Min-woo's entire heart.. That I am jealous of.

Jung-ah feels empathy toward Hye-won. She tells her brother to remember Hye-won as her good friend. She tells Jung-jae that Hye-won might leave Min-woo.


Hye-won visits En Hui's father. She asks about En Hui. Mr. So tells her that En Hui was a kind and warm person. Hye-won finishes by saying.. a person who turns red when she lies.. Mr. So nods. She tells Mr. So that she has a lot in common with En Hui.. apologizes to him.. that she won't be able to go there anymore. Mr. So asks Hye-won if she's okay. She answers that there's another person who sees her similarities with En Hui.. a person whom she loves dearly.. but could not see her as who she is.. She returns En Hui's necklace to Mr. So.


Min-woo visits his mother to tell her that he's going back to Italy. She asks if he's going to forget Hye-won. He tells his mother that Hye-won is someone he needs in life.. and he doesn't want to lose his love again..


Hye-won visits the resort and thinks about happy memories and times spent with Min-woo. Min-woo walks in the open field at the 'calla' resort and remembers Hye-won. They meet at the field.

Hye-won: We have a lot of memories here..
Min-woo: Yes, we do.. When we first came, summer was just beginning. Now summer is already ending.
Hye-won: Yes.
Min-woo: I used to dislike summers so much.
Hye-won: It was in summer when En Hui left, was it not?
Min-woo: I can't say that it wasn't. But it's not the same anymore. I don't hate summer anymore.. since I met you in the summer.. and we danced here.. Hye-won, do you like summer?
Hye-won: I received my heart in summer.. and my new life.. so I was always grateful in the summer...
Min-woo: Ah.. that's right.
Hye-won: But not anymore.. I dislike summer now.. I wish time would go by fast.. wish winter would come soon..
Min-woo: I was so happy I met you this summer, but it seems that you, Hye-won.. you don't feel the same..
Hye-won: No, it's not so... you know how they say too much happiness is sad sometimes... so happy that your heart aches..

In the propose room, Min-woo presents calla flowers, gets ready to show her tickets to Italy and give her the ring. Hye-won is upset at the sight of callas.. and asks if he really prepared these for her.

Min-woo: I just wanted to make you happy.. Hye-won.. do you not understand my heart?
Hye-won: The Shim Hye-won that you know is the same as So En Hui, is it not? Though we are different in some ways, to you we are not.
Min-woo: Hye-won, just stay with me.. From now on just be by my side.. With time, we won't feel these pains.. Is it not possible?
Hye-won: Just one question.. When you wanted to end our relationship, was it not because of En Hui? If I had not gone after you, then you would be gone now, wouldn't you?
Min-woo: I needed time then.. What I needed was time to forget En Hui.
Hye-won: Let's end our relationship. We should end us.

Hye-won runs home. Jung-jae is waiting for her, as he thinks about Jung-ah saying that Hye-won might leave Min-woo.

Jang-mi talks about Hye-won and Min-woo over the phone with Dae-poong. Not seeing Jung-jae at first, Jang-mi asks where Min-woo is. Hye-won tells Jang-mi that they broke up.

Hye-won tells Jung-jae that things aren't easy for her right now. Jung-jae asks if she has told Min-woo that she knows the truth. Hye-won asks Jung-jae not to tell Min-woo that she knows.. because she fears it would be difficult for Min-woo if he found out.


Later, Min-woo stands outside Hye-won's place and calls her. Jang-mi answers and at Min-woo's beckoning, she tries to persuade Hye-won to try one more time to work things out with Min-woo. Hye-won says that it's no use. Slowly, she says that as long as En Hui's heart still beats in her, Min-woo would never love her with all his heart...

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Post time 17-2-2004 02:25 PM | Show all posts
saat perpisahan yang menyedihkan...

Min-Woo kata tak nak Hye-Won tahu yang penderma adalah En-Hui sebab tak nak Hye-Won terluka...

Hye-Won pula kata tak nak Min-Woo tahu yang dia tahu penderma adalah En-Hui sebab tak nak Min-Woo terluka...

sekarang apa dah jadi...dua-dua dah terluka..kenapa nak berselindung...terus terang je lah tentang perasaan sendiri biar tak de orang terkeliru...hai penatnya...

tak penat ke diaorang ni...main sorok-sorok pula...

[ Last edited by sara on 17-2-2004 at 02:26 PM ]

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Post time 17-2-2004 03:36 PM | Show all posts
betuuii tuh ..makin hari makin tenat percintaan diorg nih

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Post time 17-2-2004 04:50 PM | Show all posts
penat2 Min Woo arrange semua tu untuk propose kat Hye Won, last2 Hye Won kata nak break...'ketenangan' Hye Won semalam agak 'menakutkan'...takut pulak dia pendam perasaan macam tu kang jadi apa2 kat dia...

BTW, setelah di'calculate' & dicongak, rasa2nya citer ni tak sampai pun 30 episod...paling banyak pun dalam 28 episod...tak taulah kalau 8tv stretch lagi, tapi kalau sampai 28 episod, maknanya Jumaat nilah habis...kalau tak, Selasa minggu depan...

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