tu ler pasal... minggu nih cam magic betul. berseni abis.. ada baby tuh siap wat sit up.. tapi yoja ler.. hodong siap pi check perut kot2 ada cokelat ker aperr... dah aku ingat siwon plak wakakkaka...
기억난다 이날..아마..12월24일이었을거야...
remembering this day..maybe..it was 24th december...
신인상 그랜드 슬램 하면서 각 방송사들마다..다른 퍼포먼스준비하고..
when we made the grand slam with the newcomer award all the broadcastcompanies..preparing for an other perormance..
몇일밤 새고..개인적인일로 아파하고..그러다가 결국 쓰러져서..
several nights dawned..complaining myself it keept hurting..then in the end collapsed..
저날 병원가서 링겔 맞은 날...눈물 참으로 많이 흘린날..
that day went to the hospital and received a Ringers Solution IV drip...the day many tears flew..
그래도 참 잼있었어..이젠 후배님들도 많이 생기고...
even though it was much fun..now also a lot of hoobaes are appearing...
신기해..난 아직도 신인같은데...
be wonderful..it's like I'm still a newcomer...
벌써2년이 훌쩍 지났구나..시간 참빠르다...
seems like 2 years passed allready quickly..the time is very fast...
credits to 박정수, translation: wassereis+thanks to damifino