Tertanya-tanya tak.."where is the right guy"..dah pupus ke
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Originally posted by mbhcsf at 2-11-2008 10:36 AM 
should gi u tube and dengaq lagu the CORRS - ALL the love in this world, meaningful lyrics...honest
Im not looking for someone to talk to
Ive got my friends, Im more than ok
Ive got more than a girl could wish for
I live my dreams but its not all they say
Still I believe Im missing something real
I need someone who really sees me
Dont wanna wake up alone anymore
Still believing youll walk through my door
All I need is to know its for sure
Then Ill give all the love in the world
Ive often wondered if loves an illusion
Just to get you through the loneliest days
I cant criticize it - I have no hesitation
My imagination just stole me away
Still I believe
Im missing something real
I need someone who really sees me
Loves for a lifetime not for a moment
So how could I throw it away
Yeah Im only human
And nights grow colder
With no-one to love me that way
Yeah I need someone who really sees me
And I wont wake up alone anymore
Still believing youll walk through my door
Youll reach for me and Ill know its for sure
Then Ill give all the love in the world
(dont wanna wake up alone)... |
Reply #302 muffins's post
lagu jason 2 sedih jgk ke?
aku xpernah dgr la....xde pown lagu tuh
wa dgr lagu nih tdik wa rse nak menjerit kuat2 je dlm cemrin |
Reply #304 muffins's post
britney ke?
klu britney aku pown trs lagu 2 |
LUCKY- jason Mraz and colbie colliat laa.... |
Originally posted by babyorange at 22-10-2008 11:56 AM 
tgk....! mmg mencabar nye nk jmp lelaki ideal skrg ni kn....
ideal?? maksud kamu yang kacak, yg kaya/bergaya...yg cool... huhu...
-maafkan aku..tp, pada hari ini, tiada wanita yang mencari lelaki dengan hati yang baik...semuanya kerana materialisme, dan kesenangan hidup.
-lepas tu komplen, ada lagi ke lelaki yg ideal kat dunia ni...w t f. |
Reply #306 muffins's post
sowie la mana wa taw  |
Balas #307 thessailly\ catat
laki ideal bg sorg wanita yg melengkapi diri dia.
bukan cari yg sempurna... tapi yg sempurna UNTUK dia.
nobody's perfect, rit.
so, y bother finding someone who's perfect?
instead.. we should strive to look for someone who fits us perfectly...
separuh org, definisi perfect = money/status/materials
separuh yg lain, perfect = honesty / god-fearing / loving her cos he really loves her in the name of god (rather than lust).
so, jgn kata WTF or WTH or WTMFW, etc.
yg penting... bila ko jumpa sesorg tu.. jgn pk nak perfect. instead, worh things out to make the relationship perfect for both of u.
p/s: mood tgh sedih n seriyes...  |
the right guy is over there.....i'm staring at him |
ada sorang...sebelah aku ni haaa... |
andai ko rasa ko dah dapat the rite guy, better jaga hati dia baik2 sebab mgkn ko tk kan jmpa lelaki sebaik dia lagi lepas ni |
Originally posted by bencikamu at 3-11-2008 03:01 AM 
andai ko rasa ko dah dapat the rite guy, better jaga hati dia baik2 sebab mgkn ko tk kan jmpa lelaki sebaik dia lagi lepas ni
thanx... |
Reply #313 bencikamu's post
wa ingat nak convert jadik orang nogori lah... |
cettt...nape nak konvert...kalu lu tawen ngan org negeri lu ttp org johor wehh |
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Category: Cinta & Perhubungan