Baca dua baris je, lepas tu buat conclusion the rest point tak kuat dan merepek... camni punya perangai, patut lah pendapat pun macam...
Ada pulak yg non muslim sakit hati dgn stacy krn stacy meluahkan dia tak rasa apa dgn agama kristian... |
shernazz replied at 25-8-2015 02:00 PM
iols dh terbayang zamani slam je..rupanya masuk islam
Kihkih. Motip sel2 otak iols berhubung apa kena mengena zamani dgn stacy. Typo rupanya. |
kembar la kita....hehe......... |
tahniah stacy dah tak nampak jonggang lagi gigi dia |
doubleA replied at 27-8-2015 01:37 AM
Kihkih. Motip sel2 otak iols berhubung apa kena mengena zamani dgn stacy. Typo rupanya.
nanges akim sat lagi |
kesian ko tak paham ayat2 aku tu...ada ke org tak pernah makan satu2 menu tu tp dia tau menu tu sedap ke tak?
Edited by antiQue at 1-9-2015 08:33 AM
Saya juga berpegang bahawa umat Islam boleh bernikah dengan ahli kitab berdasarkan al-Ma'idah 5 yg membolehkan muslim menikahi kristian dan yahudi. If I am overseas, I do eat kosher food as well if halal stuffs is not available. I also believe that Bible was already changed at the point when the Quranic verse was sent down. So like you, I also believe that changed or not changed, it is not the point of discussion.
Namun kita jangan lupa, Allah juga turunkan surah al-Baqarah ayat 221. That's where the additional criteria should be taken into consideration.
Jangan kita lupa krisitian ini ada yg 'polytheist' (though they claim they are monotheist in trinity), and ada monotheist, despite holding to the same Bible. Ada yg mengambil Jesus sebagai Tuhan dan yg mengambil Jesus sebagai supreme messenger of God. Do those in trinity fulfill requirement of al-Baqarah 221? Do those in trinity fulfill the definition of the people of the book? Tepuk dada tanya selera.
Monotheist christian ni, though now is already minority, masih wujud hingga hari ni. The anglican church of England Tor example, generally accept the view that Jesus is just the supreme messenger of God. Even in Malaysia, this group still exist despite the fact that they are not popular. I know one of them.
Wallahualam. And Allah knows best.
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