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Author: kirawang


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 Author| Post time 16-12-2009 08:26 AM | Show all posts
277# kirawang  
tahniah tuan..lawa umah tuan...
pojikun85 Post at 15-12-2009 10:11

poji, apalah tuan tuan,,,,macam askar British lak kau ni...

btw, itu bukan rumah, itu belakang rumah..

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 Author| Post time 16-12-2009 08:30 AM | Show all posts
sales kick off malam tadi..
Trip...New Zealand, Beijing dan Phuket..


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 Author| Post time 16-12-2009 08:33 AM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 16-12-2009 08:39 AM | Show all posts
ini e mail dr bangsar....sapa yg tak berpeluang malam tadi di one world hotel, boleh attend kat bangsar..

Bye-Bye 2009 , Hello 2010...

Do You Want To Know Where We Are Heading To In The Year 2010 For Our Incentive/Challenge Trip?

Look No Further...All Your Curiosity & Anxiety Will Be Appeased, As The Destination & Challenges
Will Be Unveiled  @ Bangsar Branch Sales Kick Off 2010 On 16th December 2009 (Wednesday) & Event Starts @ 7.00 pm Onwards.

Folks You Are Important For Us,We Highly Anticipate Your Kind Participation
& Lets Get Pumped Up For The Upcoming Challenges...

Achievers,See You All @ Bangsar

P/S: Kindly refer to the attached flyer for more information.

Thank You.

Bangsar Branch

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Post time 21-12-2009 09:05 AM | Show all posts
283# kirawang
fuh, tahon depan target New Zealand dan Beijing....pulun jgn tak pulun, pulun sampai lebam

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Post time 21-12-2009 09:10 AM | Show all posts
276# kirawang
hilly areas...Boss, tembok blakang umah dah tambak ka? Jgn `rebis' doh lah...

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Post time 21-12-2009 09:11 AM | Show all posts
Patut lah semua UTC dah tak masuk sini...semua pakat dok layanz FB...

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 Author| Post time 22-12-2009 09:54 AM | Show all posts
Training Hari ni as usual...


1. Discussion ttg trip 2010
2. Sales Mission for 2010..

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 Author| Post time 23-12-2009 08:59 AM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 23-12-2009 09:01 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 23-12-2009 11:56 AM | Show all posts
Dah banyak complains daripada mereka yg rasa dianayai di luar sana dalam industri ni, harap geng-geng kat sini berhati2.

"Hati2 dengan GAM/upline yg cuba merekrut dalam unit trust industry ni, tak kiralah dari company mana pun. Bottomline bagi diorang duit jer, diorang recruit pun sebab nak dapat duit overriding dari korang, nak besarkan group diorang, bukannya sebab ikhlas sangat. Mungkin tak semua macam tu, mungkin masih ada segelintir yg ikhlas nak menolong sesama bangsa in busines, tapi lagi banyak upline yg tak ikhlas macam ni. Jadi berhati2lah, aku hampir terkena, dah ada kawan rapat aku yg terkena, saudara aku pun ada yg terkena dengan orang macam ni....kurang ajar betul la sapa2 upline yg buat macam ni sehingga sanggup menganiaya life saudara sebangsa seagama dengan mereka semata2 kerana duit....
Hanya Allah lah yang dapat membalas perbuatan mereka..."

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 Author| Post time 24-12-2009 11:12 PM | Show all posts
besok cuti lagi...

lps tu 1 jan...

bila nak buat sales ni....

azam twenty ten....nak buat sales ..
taknak main main..

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 Author| Post time 25-12-2009 09:25 AM | Show all posts
Pelabur asing kembali?

Penyenaraian lebih banyak syarikat milik kerajaan dijangka mampu menarik pelabur asing memasuki Malaysia. - Gambar hiasan


KUALA LUMPUR 24 Dis. - Minat asing dijangka kembali ke pasaran ekuiti Malaysia tahun depan berikutan pengumuman kerajaan berhubung langkah-langkah pemulihan dan liberalisasi seterusnya.

OSK Research, dalam Strategi Pelaburan 2010 berkata, pelabur asing dijangka mendapatkan saham mewah dan saham mewah syarikat milik kerajaan (GLC) utama dengan aspirasi serantau.

Katanya, tahap pegangan saham asing dalam pasaran Malaysia secara keseluruhan dan dalam saham mewah telah merosot daripada tahap tertinggi awal 2007.

"Hanya dalam beberapa syarikat terpilih seperti CIMB, yang kita lihat pegangan asing meningkat pada separuh kedua 2009," katanya.

OSK berkata, saham-saham GLC yang telah menunjukkan banyak jualan asing sebelumnya seperti CIMB, Axiata dan Tenaga Nasional, sebenarnya akan menjadi antara penerima faedah utama apabila minat asing ini kembali ke Malaysia secara besar-besaran.

"Saham mewah dengan aspirasi serantau seperti Genting dan Hong Leong akan turut menarik minat asing," katanya.

OSK berkata, strategi pelaburan serampang tiga matanya untuk tahun depan termasuklah belian saham dalam syarikat-syarikat yang mungkin mendapat manfaat daripada hubungan yang kian meningkat antara Malaysia dan China, iaitu enjin pertumbuhan baharu dunia.

Satu lagi strategi adalah membeli saham mewah yang ketinggalan, termasuk GLC yang akan mendapat faedah daripada meningkatnya budaya berasaskan prestasi," katanya.

OSK berkata, pihaknya turut menasihatkan pelabur untuk membeli saham peserta domestik yang dijangka mendapat kelebihan daripada pembangunan infrastruktur untuk membasmi kemiskinan dan menggalakkan penyatuan yang lebih hebat antara Semenanjung Malaysia, Sabah dan Sarawak.

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 Author| Post time 28-12-2009 08:56 AM | Show all posts
New Year joy, Afta will bring down prices of 1,943 items from Jan 1

KUALA LUMPUR: Come Jan 1, things at the local supermarket are going to be cheaper – at least that is what is supposed to be when the Asean Free Trade Area (Afta) agreement comes into effect.

A total of 1,943 items from the other nine Asean countries now being sold in the country – ranging from fruit juices to T-shirts to canned foodstuff – should be at least 25% cheaper, as under Afta, these products are no longer subject to tax.

In reality, the prices of such goods have been coming down since 1993 with Asean countries gradually reducing import duties on each other’s products.

International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed said that before 1992, import duties for goods like textiles were 30% to 60% while for cars, the duties used to be more than 100%.

Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed ... ‘GST is a tax to replace existing sales and services tax.’

“Now, it has come to zero. Textiles are the best example. Clothes and materials used to be quite expensive but now, you can buy a dress for just RM25,” he told StarBiz in an interview.

At the same time, Malaysian-made goods would have greater market access in the region and enjoy the same tax-free status.

Despite the fact that prices of certain goods may be reduced, the overall trend of rising prices is a cause for concern. Mustapa admitted that income levels of Malaysians had not risen in tandem with the increase in overall prices of goods.

“The consumer price index is a combination of items, which include not only clothes but other products like fuel.

“It has to be related to income. The cost of living over the years has been relatively high. For example, a fresh graduate can afford a small car and pay his house rental 30 years ago.

“However, in current times, he cannot afford a car because car prices have gone up faster than income levels. That is why we are introducing the new economic model (for high income growth),” he added, without elaborating.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak is expected to unveil a new economic model in February, based on innovation, creativity and high value-added activities, which is aimed at doubling per capita income over the next 10 years.

Mustapa also dismissed concerns over the implementation of the goods and services tax (GST) in mid-2011, describing them as unfounded.

“It is a tax to replace existing sales and services tax. We believe at 4% it is not going to add to inflation.

“But the way it is presented by some people is that it is an additional burden, meaning you have sales tax and service charge and a further 4%.

“The details are being worked out and the concerns are unfounded,” he added.

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 Author| Post time 28-12-2009 10:09 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by kirawang at 29-12-2009 09:12

COUNTDOWN 2010....


JUST DO IT...............

RULE #  2 -

JUST LEARN IT..............

Rule #3

- Challenge Thyself!




Vital Stats

Name: Sarah Bell
Email: [email protected]
BodySpace: oceanblue149

Age: 29
Height: 5'10.5"
Weight: 274 lbs
Body Fat: 42%
Arms: 17.5"
Chest: 48.5"
Waist: 46.5"
Hips: 53"
Thighs: 30.5"
Calves: 17.5"

Age: 34
Height: 5'10.5"
Weight: 149 lbs
Body Fat: 17%
Chest: 38"
Arms: 11"
Waist: 28"
Hips: 35"
Thighs: 20.5"
Calves: 14"

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 Author| Post time 28-12-2009 10:13 PM | Show all posts
Why I Got Started

The turning point came after a trip to visit a friend in Virginia who had not seen me in several years. She did not recognize the girl standing in front of her. You see, I wasn't always this heavy.

I used to be active and slender in high school, but, after graduation the pounds started creeping on until finally by my mid 20's I finally maxed out at over 270 pounds.

It wasn't until after seeing the reaction of my friend for the first time since the weight gain that I finally decided enough was enough. I was sick of being fat and unhappy, made a resolution to finally do something about it and stop making excuses.

How I Did It

I an appointment with my doctor, thinking he'd suggest gastric bypass surgery. Instead, he told me to sign up for Weight Watchers. Within two weeks, I went to my first meeting and began to faithfully keep a journal of what I ate.

I dropped about eight pounds that first month. After I lost 30 pounds, I got on the treadmill and walked: first 15 minutes, then 20.

I added the incline feature and then one-minute running increments until I was running more than walking. Now I run six miles every other day, and I'm thinner than I was in high school!


I perform cardio 5 times a week for 30 minutes using a mixture of running, the stairmaster or spinning depending on what I feel like at the moment. Cardio is either completed early morning before work or after. I would prefer the morning but it depends on how much sleep I got the night before.

I do P90X 5 times a week 15 to 45 minutes. My company has a gym at work and we're fortunate to have a DVD player in our cardio room. So, I just pop it in for a healthy break up to office stress. I don't follow the fitness guide that is outlined with the P90X series.

pick the workout depending on what body part I feel like working on that day. The time also varies depending on what the days work load brings me. It's hard to find time to exercise, especially for those of us who work in an office.

However, studies show that people who enjoy a workout before going to work or exercise during lunch breaks are happier, suffer less stress and are more productive.

do weight training 3 to 4 times a week. I can't tell you that on Mondays I always do this and on Wednesdays I do that. The way my brain is wired doesn't allow me to have that kind of configuration. I've tried and it just doesn't work for me.

I have to be able to walk into the gym and perform what I feel. I do follow some structure when it comes to what body parts and how often. I never work the same muscle group within a 48 hour period and I break it up in to:

Back & Biceps: 3 sets of 6-8 reps
Chest, Shoulders & Triceps: 3 sets of 6-8 reps
Legs: 9 sets of 6 reps

I lift heavy so each set is pushed to muscle failure. I use both machines and free weights. There are so many to choose from for each muscle group that I mix it up each time.

When it comes to legs I follow a different approach. I take 1 second during the lifting phase and 3 to 4 seconds during the lowering phase. I also split my routine in to threes: 3 sets of full extensions from top to bottom, 3 sets of lowers, which is lifting from bottom to mid point back to bottom, and 3 sets of uppers, which is midpoint to top back to midpoint again.

don't have a particular abdominal routine. The P90X gives me what I need as far as abs go. Sometimes I will use one of the weighted machines and pump out 30-50 crunches if I have time after I lift.

Suggestions For Others

Take before pictures, set realistic goals, eat frequent small meals that are low in fat and high in fiber, exercise daily, drink lots of water and most importantly, accept mistakes and don't give up.

The P90X system is a 90-day workout routine that uses a technique called "muscle confusion," a technique that prevents exercise plateauing by varying exercises over days and weeks such that the body has difficulty adapting.

The system includes strength training, cardio, and stretching. Notably, in addition to pull-up and push-up emphasizing workouts, the system also stresses overall body fitness by including plyometrics (jump training), yoga, and kenpo.

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 Author| Post time 28-12-2009 10:18 PM | Show all posts



Kita yg decide....................

Yg penting, just do it....sales...sales...sales...

just learn, training, training....

and challenge dan kawan kawan yg lagi bagus dari kita..

jauhi kawan2 bersikap negative..............

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 Author| Post time 29-12-2009 10:49 AM | Show all posts
28/12/2009Public China Ittikal FundPCIF0.20760.00110.53%

28/12/2009Public China Ittikal FundPCIF0.20760.00110.53%

PCIf naik, harga tertinggi, slps jatuh..

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 Author| Post time 30-12-2009 09:14 AM | Show all posts
boleh check fund performance sini.. ... age%3D1#pid35768341

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 Author| Post time 30-12-2009 09:15 AM | Show all posts
Recover very fast pon tak best gak..price naik dah...

Malaysia in recovery phase

PETALING JAYA: The strong performance of economic indicators in October reaffirms the view that the Malaysian economy has entered into a recovery phase.

This is due to the Government’s fiscal boost, resilient private consumption growth, a pick-up in manufacturing activity and improvements in global trade, according to CIMB Research.

The strong expansion of 10.4% in October (against 6.6% in Sept) in Malaysia’s leading index (LI), a forward gauge of economic expectations, was among the positive macro signposts, the bank-backed research house said in its latest update.

On a month-on-month basis, the LI also increased 2.3% in October, versus a contraction of a half percentage point in September.

“The overall index was lifted mainly by a 0.7% increase in new companies’ registration, 0.6% gain in ratio of price-to-unit labour costs in manufacturing sector as well as a 0.6% rise in the number of housing permits approved in the month,” the report said.

The LI is a composite index consisting of several key economic variables tested for their significance as a leading indicator.

These variables include real money supply, Bursa Malaysia Industrial Index, number of new company registrations and total trade with major trading partners.

The LI is considered a useful tool to predict the likely direction of the economy in the next six to nine months. For example, a rising trend of the LI signals economic expansion ahead and vice versa.

Meanwhile, the coincident index (CI), which measures the present state of the country’s economy, improved from a revised minus 0.1% in September to a 4.2% growth in October.

“This is the largest monthly gain since January last year,” the report said.

On a month-on-month basis, the CI rose 2.1% against a revised minus 0.7% in September.

“All the components of the CI (such as the industrial production index) contributed positively to the index, with main contributions coming from the real salaries and wages in the manufacturing sector (0.5%) and real sales in this sector (0.5%),” CIMB Research said.

The report also noted that the global Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development leading indicators had been on an uptrend for the eigth consecutive month since February, signalling the broadening base of recovery in both the developed and emerging economies.

Based on these positive indicators, CIMB Research estimates Malaysia’s real gross domestic product growth to gain 2% year-on-year in the fourth quarter (compared to the prior estimate of 1.8%), resulting in an overall GDP contraction of 2.3% for this year.

“For 2010, we project a higher GDP growth of 3.5% on a firmer recovery in domestic demand and exports,” the report said.

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