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Author: fadhli_2

Peluang pelaburan di Public Mutual

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Post time 18-12-2007 10:38 AM | Show all posts

Reply #278 mytrade's post

bkn PB yg lancar kan tp PM......bila lancarkan sesuatu dana baru....dana tersebut bermula dari kosong. bermula lah pengumpulan wang dari pihak individu/corporate ke dalam dana tersebut.....mengikut fund size yg di benarkan awal2 lagik.

tidak ada pump in dari PB atau dari para pelabur2 tulen samada individu atau syarikat.

abis aje promotion date..dana tersebut akan di niaga kan (makna di niaga kan adalah melabur di pasaran saham mengikut definisi dana tersebut..samada islamic/non...equity/bond/MM)


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Post time 18-12-2007 10:38 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mytrade at 18-12-2007 10:30 AM
Saya ada soalan nk tanya.....
1)Public Bank masa lancarkan islamic fund dlm public mutual ni ada menggunakakn modal asal Public Bank ker atau menggunakan pengumpulan tabung dari pelabur2 atau PB ...

soalan yg menarik yg boleh mengclearkan keadaan...

modal ialah drp investors....

sebab tu apabila setiap dana dilancarkan, akan ada OFFER PERIOD, slalunya 3 minggu... jadi dlm tempoh ni, orang ramai akan invest duit dlm fund tadi... jadi setelah 3 minggu, baru dana tadi bergerak, i mean, segala proses investment dilakukan...

baru2 ni, PUBLIC CHINA ITTIKAL dilancarkan pada 20/11/2007... sampai skarang, dah rm1billion orang invest ke dlm dana ni, jadi, tak perlu Public Bank suntik modal... dan mmg takde pun dana UT yg bank kene suntik modal... semuanya ialah duit investors....

[ Last edited by  whomyd at 18-12-2007 10:52 AM ]

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Post time 18-12-2007 10:40 AM | Show all posts

Reply #280 mytrade's post

setiap dana ada prospectus dan category masing2....prospectus di keluarkan setelah di review oleh SC dan badan2 kawalan yg bertauliah

bila sampai pd financial year end...setiap dana akan keluarkan annual report.

harap maklum

[ Last edited by  Jelita at 18-12-2007 10:42 AM ]

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Post time 18-12-2007 10:41 AM | Show all posts

Reply #281 Jelita's post

Thanks....klu hendak jawapan yg baik kita kena ler bagi soalna yg baik...thumbs up...

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Post time 18-12-2007 10:51 AM | Show all posts
ada byk investment instruments dalam malaysia kena la amik inisiatif utk belajar dan kaji.

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Post time 18-12-2007 10:53 AM | Show all posts
kalau kaji dan fahami, insyaAllah takde masalah kekeliruan timbul

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Post time 18-12-2007 11:38 AM | Show all posts
prospektus dan annual report tu penting.
prospektus adalah hala tuju pelaburan....annual report kita boleh tgk portfolio, performance, dll....

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Post time 18-12-2007 03:16 PM | Show all posts
relaks relaks jangan ribut..ribut..biasa la mana2 pun ada penolakan dan penerimaan..apapun pilihan di tangan anda..the money is yours...

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Post time 18-12-2007 05:45 PM | Show all posts
Info di bawah ni saya ambil dari link ini  , ,  ia adalah soal jawab agama mengenai mutual funds dan unit trust . Memandangkan ada usaha di thread ni dari pihak yang nak menghalalkan juga apa yang terang di sepakati oleh jumhur ulamak sebagai jelas haram , maka saya berharap forummer sekelian layarilah laman web di link kat bawah ni dan dalami lah sendiri hukum mengenai unit trust dan mutual funds, jangan bergantung secara membutatuli pada kata-kata UTC yang hanya nak jaga poket mereka aja tanpa mempedulikan hukum-hakam Islam . Bukan mereka yang akan menjawap di akhirat bagi pihak anda , maka anda perlu proaktif untuk memastikan bahwa pelaburan anda adalah halal .
Memandangkan public mutual berhad di miliki dan di kawal sepenuhnya oleh public bank dan semua syernya dimiliki sepenuhnya oleh public bank maka ia adalah satu company yang menjalankan aktiviti perniagaan riba dan segala unit trusts nya adalah haram untuk umat Islam melabur . Kalau kita perhatikan hanya 10 dana saja yang di labelkan sebagai Islamic tapi 40 dana lebih yang lain adalah jelas di perakui sendiri oleh company itu sebagai melanggar hukum syarak . Public bank tu sendiri adalah bank conventional dan public mutual berhad pula tak ada beza dengan public bank sebab syernya dimiliki sepenuhnya oleh pulic bank , dan segala perjalanan aktiviti urusniaga public mutual di kawal sepenuhnya oleh public bank . Saya dah tandakan dengan font merah di jawapan dalam soal jawap agama di bawah di mana jelas dinyatakan kalau company tersebut adalah bank conventional , dan menjalankan urusniaga haram secara majoriti maka haram segala unit trustsnya bagi umat Islam .

Name of Questioner
Mohammad Farooq   - Pakistan
Investing in Mutual Funds
First of all I would like to tell you that I currently live in Canada. My question is regarding mutual funds. Here almost all of the mutual funds have some portion (from 1 - 15%) of their portfolio invested in cash or bonds, even though they might be focused at high tech industry or petroleum sector. For example, royal bank of Canada's Royal Energy Fund has portfolio distribution like this 79.8% Canadian equities, 10.8% US equities, 9.4% cash. So this 9.4% could be invested in bonds (which gives out interest). In this situation although the primary focus of this fund is not interest-based companies but a portion of its profit (9.4%) comes from interest-based investment. So in this situation is it allowed for a Muslim to invest in such kind of mutual fund? Thanks for your time in advance.
Name of Mufti

Wa `alaykum As-Salamu wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Dear brother in Islam, we would like to thank you for the great confidence you place in us, and we implore Allah Almighty to help us serve His cause and render our work for His Sake.

In his response to your question, Dr. Monzer Kahf, a prominent economist and counselor states:

Investment in mutual funds is like investment in individual stocks in according to the criteria of permissibility of owning and trading. The principle is that a Muslim must not own any stock in a company whose management, because it acts on the basis of authorization from shareholders, may do any forbidden action for the company.

But since this poses considerable hardship on many Muslims, who have small amounts of money to invest, a few `Ulama (scholars) argue that such hardships call for relaxation. They suggest certain criteria, essentially: main activity must be permissible (i.e., conventional banks, weapon industry in the Western countries and environmental damaging industries are ruled out); interest and other prohibited income must not be more than 10% of the company net income; use of assets in interest-based activities must not exceed 33%; leverage, i.e., dependence on loans must not exceed 50% of total net worth, and that one must always estimate the percentage of gains accrued from those prohibited minor activities and give an equivalent amount to Muslim charities and Islamic general causes such as helping occupation resistance in occupied Muslim land.

The same criterion applies to mutual funds; the percentage of cash you mentioned is within acceptable limits, but you must add to it the percentage of non-permitted activities of the companies that make the 90.6% of the assets of the funds. If the total does not exceed one third, you are OK provided you designate and actually give away an equal amount to Muslim charity and general Islamic causes because this minor gain is not lawful from Shari'ah point of view.

[ Last edited by  blastoff at 18-12-2007 05:48 PM ]

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Post time 18-12-2007 05:46 PM | Show all posts

Mutual Funds in the View of Islam
I have a query that concerns investments. Is it haram for a Muslim to invest in Unit Trusts or to buy shares of companies, even if those companies are not dealing with things that are clearly haram such as alcohol? This has been on my mind quite a lot lately and I would really appreciate a clear reply so that I may put the matter to rest once and for all. Thank you.

Name of Counsellor
Investment, Financial Issues
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Dear questioner, thanks for your question and we implore Allah earnestly to guide us all to the best way through which we can lead a purely lawful life.
Different forms of investment in companies are permissible as long as the company doesn't deal in haram products, and the investment itself does not contradict the Islamic law.  
Responding to the question, the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore, states the following:
Thank you for your query. We commend your effort to seek the truth in the religion.
Investment in any company, whether it be in the form of stocks, shares, unit trust, etc., is halal as long as the following conditions are met:
1. The company does not deal in haram matters, such as alcohol, porcine products, weaponries, music and entertainment, non-Islamic faith-based projects, and wanton destruction of flora and fauna.
2. The company does not involve in any oppression against humanity, especially Muslims.
3. The investment instrument itself does not contradict Islamic Law.
We would like to advise you to check the company thoroughly, or check market sectors you would like to invest in before making any commitment.
We hope that this reply answers your question. Please continue to seek religious knowledge at mosques or by reading authentic materials.

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Post time 18-12-2007 05:55 PM | Show all posts
Public mutual berhad adalah company subsidiari milik penuh public bank , apa maknanya ? Jangan segan untuk mencari ilmu walaupun ada pihak yang hanya nak bergantung pada sorang ustaz atau cikgu aje secara membuta tuli, namun saya percaya forummers sekelian lebih bijak dan mampu untuk menggunakan teknologi internet dalam usaha menambah ilmu . Jelas melalui info kat bawah ni bahwa tak ada beza di antara public mutual berhad dan public bank jadi segala dana yang di tawarkan adalah dana bank konventional yang menjalankan aktiviti riba secara besar-besaran di seluruh dunia , dan segala keuntungan yang dikaut oleh public mutual berhad hasil pelaburan dana mereka akan di gunakan oleh public bank untuk memperkasakan sistem ribanya jadi sekiranya anda melabur dalam dana/bond/stock/syer/unit trust yang di tawarkan mereka maka anda secara tak langsung berkompromi dengan mereka dan membantu mereka dalam memperkasakan lagi sistem riba mereka .

Sila layari laman web ni untuk infonya ,
Syarikat pemegang utama
Seksyen 5A Akta Syarikat 1965 memperkenalkan suatu bentuk perhubungan di antara syarikat, iaitu 憇yarikat pemegang utama

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Post time 18-12-2007 06:00 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by whomyd at 18-12-2007 10:53 AM
kalau kaji dan fahami, insyaAllah takde masalah kekeliruan timbul

boleh bagi porfolio pelaburan salah satu islamic fund under PM tak....??
Klu boleh fund yg dah sekurangnya stahun dilancarkan.......

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Post time 18-12-2007 06:07 PM | Show all posts

Reply #291 blastoff's post

1)adakah ini bermakna islamic fund di bawah Public Mutual (PM) bercampur aduk modal, pelaburan dan pulangannya...
2)Adakah juga modal oleh pelabur  islamic fund di dlm PM pernah disuntik oleh Public Bank (pemegang utama) atau pernah diambil keluar utk menampung operasi Public Bank utk apa tujuan...

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Post time 18-12-2007 06:17 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mytrade at 18-12-2007 06:07 PM
1)adakah ini bermakna islamic fund di bawah Public Mutual (PM) bercampur aduk modal, pelaburan dan pulangannya...
2)Adakah juga modal oleh pelabur  islamic fund di dlm PM pernah disuntik o ...

syarikat tu dimiliki dan dikawal sepenuhnya oleh public bank dan segala syernya juga adalah milikpenuh public bank , jadi segala keuntungannya adalah keuntungan public bank laa juga , jadi up to the public bank laa nak buat apa dengan keuntungan syarikat tu , ulamak dah sepakat dan jelas mengenai apa saja dana atau syer yang di tawarkan oleh bank conventional , kalau kau masih tak puas hati , kau pegi ke website ni dan tanya sendiri, tak kisah laaa apa pun persoalan mengenai pelaburan kau boleh utarakan pada ulamak directly di website nih ,

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Post time 18-12-2007 07:43 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mytrade at 18-12-2007 10:41 AM
Thanks....klu hendak jawapan yg baik kita kena ler bagi soalna yg baik...thumbs up...

mytrade pon minat UT
digi dah korek abis duit digi kat UT
tak der sen dah

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Post time 18-12-2007 07:47 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mytrade at 18-12-2007 06:00 PM

boleh bagi porfolio pelaburan salah satu islamic fund under PM tak....??
Klu boleh fund yg dah sekurangnya stahun dilancarkan.......

wa dulu masuk PIOF ngan PIDF
ok jugak
tapi wa high risk punya investor
PIOF ni untuk high risk punya investor

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Post time 18-12-2007 07:55 PM | Show all posts

Reply #296 digitizer's post

PIOF return not bad gak...sebenarnya lagik bagus drpd P.Ittikal....

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Post time 18-12-2007 07:56 PM | Show all posts

Reply #295 digitizer's post

x per...kalo ader duit lebih nanti leh masuk UT tuh balik kan...

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Post time 18-12-2007 08:10 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by marisa_anuar at 18-12-2007 07:56 PM
x per...kalo ader duit lebih nanti leh masuk UT tuh balik kan...

duit tu digi buat melabur dlm saham
lecehlar爈ar melabur dalam UT
semua mesti melalui ejen
kena ejen tak proaktif
tak leh maximize keuntungan
ejen kena tau bila masa sesuai nak switch ke bon, bila masa sesuai nak switch ke ekuiti,
kalau peram jer duit kat situ dgn tak der buat switching brp persen jer sthn dapat
dah lah charge mahal.

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Post time 18-12-2007 08:24 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by digitizer at 18-12-2007 07:43 PM

mytrade pon minat UT
digi dah korek abis duit digi kat UT
tak der sen dah

Digi korek UT  sbb bercucuk tanam kat BSKL ....untung/rugi dihujung jari...gua ada la 1K dlm Al-Aiman...dah 10 thn tk penah topup pun...

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