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Author: leylapple

Suami bakal di isytihar bankrup, apa perlu aku buat???-update at #232

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Post time 20-6-2013 01:22 PM | Show all posts
tak tau nak komen apa...cuma bersabarla leylapple...buatla yang terbaik untuk selesaikan segalanya....harap semuanya ok...

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Post time 20-6-2013 02:03 PM | Show all posts
leylapple posted on 20-6-2013 01:02 PM

perenggan yang akhir sekali tu, meh aku jawab....sebabnyer aku ler yang jadi gerentor  ...

asb loan lain....

asb loan, student umur 18 thn pon boleh buat loan....housewife pon boleh apply walaupon xde paycheck so long u can show means that u can serve 1 yr payment tue...

aper td aku nak tulis, dah luper plak...haha...ha...abt your case...aku rasa mcm nie...

kau call ambank...kau cakap kau nak withdraw your name jd guarantor from this loan....kalau husband and wife nie aku tak pasti bank kasik ker tak nak withdraw name derang ader terms aper ntah dulu aku luper, tp kau mesti cuba. ingat, tiada masalah tak boleh selesai.

kau tanyer dulu berapa total loan....berapa interest, berapa actually capital dier, etc etc sumer skalik kau tanyer habes habes. collect all the facts and figures. lepas tue, do your maths....kau appeal to withdraw your name dari jd guarantor husband kau nie how much is the total cost wud be??

aku ada dulu deal dgn satu officer ambank which was so so so helpfull...dier ler tolong aku appeal byk2 kali sampai aku dpt reduce byk amount. process dier pon tak rumit. lps bayar my portion tue, in 2 weeks nama aku dah clear dari kena blacklist. lps tue, loan application aku yg lain sumer lancar ajek....

in this case, aku rasa...kau settle portion kau dulu....for husband dearie, let a man do what a man need to do...if he is a real man......

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 Author| Post time 20-6-2013 02:09 PM | Show all posts
tina^^ posted on 20-6-2013 02:03 PM
asb loan lain....

asb loan, student umur 18 thn pon boleh buat loan....housewife pon boleh appl ...

bagusnya kes ko....

mcm kes aku, berapa byk kali aku turun naik tangga ambank tu sampai atas bawah pun aku bh kenal staff dia, pun takder sorang yang membantu sangat...

sikit2..'im not incas previously, sorry, i dont know exactly this case'

pastu muka berubah lagi...sampailah budak2 yang baru fresh grad pun di suruh entertain aku...

mana aku tak stress...


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Post time 20-6-2013 02:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kalau dorang kata file ko dah sampai kl....ko mintak je nama officer yg incharge kat kl....ko kejor sampai dpt....

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Post time 20-6-2013 02:15 PM | Show all posts
sian ko apple..
no wonder la ko risau semacam..rupanya ko gerentor..

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Post time 20-6-2013 02:16 PM | Show all posts
leylapple posted on 20-6-2013 02:09 PM
bagusnya kes ko....

mcm kes aku, berapa byk kali aku turun naik tangga ambank tu sampai atas ba ...

no....kau call direct ambank HQ tue..

kau cakap, kau nak tau berapa loan statement kau. nanti drg tanyer detail...kau provide lah....and take it from there.....

you have allllllllllllll the right to know how much your credit dkt bank. aku tak pnh kena reject for asking how much is my loan/credit?

aku nie, kalau credit card statement sampai lambat pon, aku akan call bank and tanyer, where's my statement? how much is credit for this month?? etc etc...sbb, bank pedulik haper kalau kau lambat bayar sbb drg nyer statement lambat sampai. yg kena bayar interest tue kita, bukannyer bank. aku kalau bill astro, tm lambat sampai pon....customer service here i call.....

no way aku nak bagik derang yg sedia kaya bertambah kaya dgn keculasan sendirik......udahler kita nie kerja susah2 carik duit kan.....nak senang2 buang duit tue kufur nikmat namanyer.....

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Post time 20-6-2013 02:16 PM | Show all posts
botolmineral posted on 20-6-2013 12:59 PM
ye ke dah bankrap xyah byr hutang...
hari tu penceramah dari insolvensi dtg opis aku bg talk...

tah le botol..
yg aku ingat, camtu le dia cakap..


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Post time 20-6-2013 02:20 PM | Show all posts
minahsaudi posted on 20-6-2013 10:56 AM
akak ot cket ler. baru sat tengok n sedang tengok kat astro oasis rancangan squad imam muda.  kaka ...

omg kak min,

arwah suami dier tue buat hutang aper yg dah mati pon waris kena tanggung??

kena tahu nie.....utk knowledge pada semua....

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 Author| Post time 20-6-2013 02:21 PM | Show all posts
jazaa posted on 20-6-2013 02:14 PM
Kalau dorang kata file ko dah sampai kl....ko mintak je nama officer yg incharge kat kl... ...

ha'ah kan...

ngaperlah aku tak pernah terfikir nak kol HQ ambank dari 1st notis dulu??????????!!!!!!!!!!

byk sangat dalam kepala otak aku sampai tak ke situ pikirannya....

skrg dah dapat notis ke court...sempat lagi ker nak withdraw??


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 Author| Post time 20-6-2013 02:22 PM | Show all posts
tina^^ posted on 20-6-2013 02:16 PM
no....kau call direct ambank HQ tue..

kau cakap, kau nak tau berapa loan statement kau. nanti d ...

alamak...sebenarnya nak reply kat ko...

tapi terreply kat org lain pulak...

ha'ah kan...

ngaperlah aku tak pernah terfikir nak kol HQ ambank dari 1st notis dulu??????????!!!!!!!!!!

byk sangat dalam kepala otak aku sampai tak ke situ pikirannya....

skrg dah dapat notis ke court...sempat lagi ker nak withdraw??


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Post time 20-6-2013 02:23 PM | Show all posts
leylapple posted on 20-6-2013 11:37 AM
kalo lelaki nie pandai guna kepala dia kak min, tak perlu lah ai nie tunggang terbalik minta panda ...

dear....... listen, listen, listen.

let your hubby solve his own problem if you really love him so much.  if he love u he wont do what he did.  yes dia banyak berubah like u said but kalo dia banyak berubah then he wont be in this shit again.

the bank are only following procedures, yr hubby shud do the appopriate, talk to them, discuss with them, works out a solution.  he doesnt do it earnestly cos u are always there for him.

full stop!


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Post time 20-6-2013 02:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
blh je apple....
dengn bank selalunya tak de masalah....janji ko negotiate yang ko nak bayar....alangkan rumah dah nk kena lelong pun blh kawtim lagi....
cuma bila dah dapat notis dari court, akpk dah tak dpt nak tlg....

gi call bank & cari penyelesaiannya.....
akak doakan apple dapat jalan penyelesaian....sian kat baby, sikit sebanyak mood apple jadi suram naklayan baby....

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 Author| Post time 20-6-2013 02:27 PM | Show all posts
tina^^ posted on 20-6-2013 02:16 PM
no....kau call direct ambank HQ tue..

kau cakap, kau nak tau berapa loan statement kau. nanti d ...
no way aku nak bagik derang yg sedia kaya bertambah kaya dgn keculasan sendirik......udahler kita nie kerja susah2 carik duit kan.....nak senang2 buang duit tue kufur nikmat namanyer.....
itulah yang aku rasa sekarang nie..

50k tu, bertahun2 aku keja baru blh pegang cash banyak tu...

baru nak rasa nikmat berduit sikit Allah pulak bagi ujian mcm nie....

sedih tau...

rumah pun ai dah renovate cantik2....luar dalam....takkan bank nak amik pulak?????

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Post time 20-6-2013 02:28 PM | Show all posts
leylapple posted on 20-6-2013 02:22 PM
alamak...sebenarnya nak reply kat ko...

tapi terreply kat org lain pulak...

aku nak share officer yg in charge dulu....dah xde...

but i got from them....nie no utk ambank hire purchase department...

call la 03 2058 1800....


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Post time 20-6-2013 02:35 PM | Show all posts
leylapple posted on 20-6-2013 02:27 PM
itulah yang aku rasa sekarang nie..

50k tu, bertahun2 aku keja baru blh pegang cash banyak tu.. ...

its ok beb...

kau sabar.....dan dlm masa yg sama kau strategise, pikir.....

u need to do what u need to do...first thing first.....

first....get rid of your name from that loan...fastest!

second....yes.....siap laki kau......gerudi dier habes habes kasik dier ingat sampai bebila.....

third, barulah move on and living happily ever after......hahahahaha (yes, skang aku boleh ketawa dulu masa aku tgh blacklist aku melalak ler....wakakakak)


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 Author| Post time 20-6-2013 02:42 PM | Show all posts
tina^^ posted on 20-6-2013 02:28 PM
aku nak share officer yg in charge dulu....dah xde...

but i got from them....nie no utk ambank  ...

thanks dear...

harap2 masih ada yang sudi membantu walopun kes akan di dengar di mahkamah....

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 Author| Post time 20-6-2013 02:45 PM | Show all posts
tina^^ posted on 20-6-2013 02:35 PM
its ok beb...

kau sabar.....dan dlm masa yg sama kau strategise, pikir.....
first....get rid of your name from that loan...fastest!
mmg aku nak buat pun..dulu aku turun naik sibuk uruskan sebab tanak nama aku kene black list...

second....yes.....siap laki kau......gerudi dier habes habes kasik dier ingat sampai bebila.....
pasal laki nie..malas dah aku nak screwing dia in and out...jenis yang ignorant tak makan saman..baik lagi aku save energy aku utk buat benda2 yang berpekdah...tak ler tambah dosa aku kat dia jugak...
third, barulah move on and living happily ever after......hahahahaha (yes, skang aku boleh ketawa dulu masa aku tgh blacklist aku melalak ler....wakakakak)

aku teringin nak jadi kau...blh tak????selagi tak settle selagi itulah aku melalak nie...sambil menyumpah2 dalam hati apalah dosa aku sampai ada ader jer org tak suka tgk aku live happily ever after....

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Post time 20-6-2013 02:48 PM | Show all posts
leylapple posted on 20-6-2013 02:42 PM
thanks dear...

harap2 masih ada yang sudi membantu walopun kes akan di dengar di mahkamah....

at least you try.....

I always tell myself....problem is just a stepping stone for me to be a better strong ok....



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Post time 20-6-2013 02:49 PM | Show all posts
leylapple posted on 20-6-2013 10:26 AM
i think u may be right...dia hid from me about these caller...

so this is mean i takleh defend  ...

just went to the court on that day. its 1st hearing. untuk sebutan what the lawyer mentioned, file da dibuka , so mmg kena ke court

did u change your address. apekah mungkin surat NOD and NOT tu sampai alamat lain ke.
sesudah 1st hearing tu, if the court is satisfied with the creditors petition tu, court akan buat receiving order. so u bayar la with what have been decided in that receiving order. kalau tak setuju dengan receiving order tu, within 24 hours kena file affidavit ke jabatan insolvensi.

the thing is your husband ignored what the bank has mentioned in their letter. jenis tak kisah.not that easy tau bank nak start proceeding , kena banyak paperwork


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Post time 20-6-2013 02:50 PM | Show all posts
bertabah la ley...
laki hang tu dah manja terlebih lemak...
sebab ko sentiasa ada utk tolong dia...
so dia pikir ape la sgt...
nnti bini aku buleh tolong...
relax je...
gitu la kekdahnya...

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