Istana Bawang 7 (Meghan Vs British Royal Family) Summary baby bump post#568, Te
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Sis eva cedok dr insta or tumblr? Mcm best jer.nk follow la.
chip92 replied at 11-6-2019 09:32 AM
so gambaq yg dekat ig ni takpe lah? takpayah take down?
ace tgk comment chelley988 tu amboi ...
aiks.. masih lg ada pic nie? x takut ka kena saman? |
rengsa meggot takleh nak mencapub dalam gambar sekali dgn PP. dia kan suka nak insert diri sendiri dalam semua benda. PP sah-sah tak suka meggot. manada gambar dia sekali dgn meggot. sejak meggot mai, takde dah PP join TTC. although dia da retire but dia ada juga join certain function sekali dgn QE...
JRmommy replied at 11-6-2019 09:36 AM
Wow .. Cerai dah ke?
keja fans pompuan gila nie.. sabar je la |
BP issue arahan to the press.. takleh guna after 6th june. gmbr ni published before that date so okay la kot. asal jangan reproduce lagi gmbr ni kat mana2 publication after that date....
published before june so okay la kot... asal jangan lepas june.
mistified replied at 11-6-2019 09:42 AM
Sis eva cedok dr insta or tumblr? Mcm best jer.nk follow la.
tumblr..under skippyv20 |
ada lagi sis, tu yg i tanya, kot laa utk ig ni dibolehkan ke.
eh baru perasan ada comment "nice doll" 
judicata replied at 11-6-2019 09:53 AM
published before june so okay la kot... asal jangan lepas june.
ok k... tqtq
ohhh i see, satu2 pic PP dgn meghan tp dah takboleh guna 
bodonye stans meggot ni.bila pulak QE mai rumah meggot tu kahkah.kan kat windsor castle kan
nampak betul benak nya
PP mini me ..

chip92 replied at 11-6-2019 09:55 AM
ada lagi sis, tu yg i tanya, kot laa utk ig ni dibolehkan ke.
eh baru perasan ada comment "nice ...
hahahha nice doll hahaha 
dia mmg x peduli kan.. hurmm.. I think BRF tau dia ngan Doria in cahoot dlm hal2 nak con brf nie. x malu anak beranak ni kan |
wookiehoney replied at 11-6-2019 10:09 AM
bodonye stans meggot ni.bila pulak QE mai rumah meggot tu kahkah.kan kat windsor castle kan
namp ...
QE naik chopper nak tengok anak2 PWKM.. QE kena photoshopped utk tunjukkan QE jumpa Archie  |
tapi still takboleh lawan PP, PP masa muda handsome kottt, jarang sgt muda2 simpan jambang, harry baru 30an selekeh hanat 
becir replied at 10-6-2019 01:36 AM
Padanla ngan harry yg rupa spoilt brat Tua Bangka mintak disepak..lol
Kan??? Meluat sungguh tengok perangai spoilt brat dia. Meminta2. |
eva replied at 10-6-2019 11:22 PM
kalau betul Archie tu Darren Reborn, mo x bengang priest terpaksa baptize patung takder kerj ...
sorry , nak tanya kenapa panggil Darren Reborn ?
sblm ni ada kes royals menipu macam meghan ker ? |
eva replied at 11-6-2019 08:28 AM
bea ngan count? ..
biar betul bea, desperate sgt rasanya.
yup gosip dah beterbangan sbb dia dah buat informal appearance , attending family funeral together dgn sarah ferguson and prince andrew |
eva replied at 11-6-2019 08:28 AM
bea ngan count? ..
biar betul bea, desperate sgt rasanya.
In 2006 Beatrice was briefly in a relationship with Paolo Liuzzo, an American whose previous charge for assault and battery caused controversy at the time.[27] For ten years, until July 2016, Beatrice was in a relationship with Virgin Galactic businessman Dave Clark.[28][29]
In March 2019, she attended a fundraising event at the National Portrait Gallery, London, accompanied by Count Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi, son of Count Alessandro (Alex) Mapelli Mozzi, a former British Olympian.[30][31][32][33] The couple, who are believed to have begun dating in 2018, have also attended their first official royal family event together, the wedding of Beatrice's second cousin once removed, Lady Gabriella Windsor.[34] |
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