Series of events or actions a person takes in moving from being a potential customer to an actual customer
Example: visit a website, then sign up for a newsletter, and then buy a product |
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Consanguineous (kon-sang-gwin-ee-uh s)
*Meaning: of the same blood or origin; specifically: descended from the same ancestor
*Sentence: The short, dark-haired boy hardly seemed consanguineous with his tall, red-haired siblings. |
Tergiversate (tur-ji-ver-seyt)
*Meaning: evasion of straightforward action or clear-cut statement
*Sentence: The more she tergiversated, the greater grew the ardency of the reporters for an interview |
Pasquinade (pas-kwuh-neyd)
*Meaning: a satire or lampoon, especially one posted in a public place.
*Sentence: A pasquinade of Washington society that features thinly disguised portraits of several political power brokers. |
Poltroon (pol-troon)
*Meaning: a spiritless coward
*Sentence: Come on, you poltroons |
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collywobbles (n.)
- butterflies in stomach |
tsundoku (n.)
- buying books and not reading them; letting books piled up unread on shelves, floors
fanaa (n.)
- destruction of the self
mantrum (n.)
- the childish rage displayed by a grown man when he doesn't get his way
kaiho (n.)
- a hopeless longing - an involuntary solitude in which one feels incompleteness and yearns for something unattainable or extremely difficult and tedious to attain |
thanatophobia (n.)
- an intense and irrational fear of death
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Tinkling. |
Sorrowful, downcast. |
A word that sounds like its meaning. |
Successful with heavy losses. |
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Category: Belia & Informasi