The official trailer for the 7th Asiana International Short Film Festival which was directed by Goo Hye Sun has been released on the 20th, ahead of the film festival which starts from 5 - 10th November.
This trailer represented another of her directing efforts, apart from her short film, The Cheerful Caretaker. The film festival trailer is particularly meaningful as it will be played throughout the six days, before each and every film that's aired at the film festival.
Even though it was a short trailer, Goo Hye Sun spent the entire September, writing the script, contacting the production team, liasing the shots with them and making sure it was directed according to her wishes.
In the trailer, Goo Hye Sun sets the guy outside of the tv and the woman inside the tv as the main leads. The trailer depicts the love - hate relationship between the viewers and the media, akin to the relationship between a man and a woman. The sketch and the instrumental tune in the trailer were self-drawn and composed by her personally, showcasing her many talents once again.
sebenornye den geram sgt..geram sbb tk dapek nk stalker mino
geram tkde peluang nk jumper mino
geram tkde yg nk paham perasaan kiter neh...sume den geram..mintak cuti tk dapat
jiwa ku meronta2..jiwa ku sedey...tkde mood nak tenet
tengok gambo mino jer
tee tuh..uwaaaaaa...
harap2 bile derang2 yg gi stalker mino bagi tee kt mino tuh..mino pakai laa...w/pon kita tkde kt situ kira berbaloi2 w/pon tk rase berbaloi2
tk saba nk tunggu besday hyesun.. ...
Ley Post at 21-10-2009 21:17
besday hye sun!!!:pompom:
dgr citer mino cancel fanmeeting kat hong kong 7 nov xpasti sebab apa..
aku rasa kan...aku rasa la kan...mino mesti nk gi celebrate besday hye sun nnti...:pompom:
terima kasih kpd management yg byk memahami kehendak artis2 mereka..
sambut besday brsama dgn org yg tersayang...
besday hye sun!!!:pompom:
dgr citer mino cancel fanmeeting kat hong kong 7 nov xpasti sebab apa..
aku rasa kan...aku rasa la kan...mino mesti nk gi celebrate besday hye sun nnti...:p ...
minho_nora Post at 21-10-2009 23:59
a'a baca thread mino kt soompi nun tuh...
korang kan..kan jgn lupa sampikn salam ai mino ngan hyesun yer...