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Author: joy_ah

Istana Bawang 7 (Meghan Vs British Royal Family) Summary baby bump post#568, Te

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Post time 11-6-2019 07:58 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
joy_ah replied at 10-6-2019 11:56 PM
Mau begini paderi baptis si archie nanti

Royal tak royal

dia tahan je sis... dia kan reborn
static je hehehe

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Post time 11-6-2019 07:59 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sharlenetexas replied at 10-6-2019 11:40 PM
Last2 kengkonon christening secara tertutup. Nak privacy katanya. Iols speku aje tau

time ttc nak join.. time time baptize pesal mo sembunyi2

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Post time 11-6-2019 08:14 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
i'm late to the party, korang dah bina sampai 7 tingkat!!
kelassssss sgt!

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Post time 11-6-2019 08:17 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
found this kat tumblr

BRF in full force protecting QE

Anonymous asked:

I was watching the balcony scene where QE comes out to the balcony. When the doors are opened, QE starts walking out and Camilla blocks and forms who will come next. MM was right there ready to walk onto the balcony. She got pushed back a bit as Andrew and Charles came forward quickly. This was totally planned. Anne and Jack form a barrier there so MM can only to the her left. Then, I noticed that the York girls, + Jack stand in back so MM cannot be in the camera shot! Its' over for MM.

Thank you


Meggot tau BRF bertindak as 1unit..

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Post time 11-6-2019 08:19 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mrsjones replied at 11-6-2019 08:14 AM
i'm late to the party, korang dah bina sampai 7 tingkat!!
kelassssss sgt!

tingkat 7 tu... hihihi...

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Post time 11-6-2019 08:27 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
chip92 replied at 10-6-2019 08:01 PM
Mahai2 pun rambut kejung jugak, lain laa kalau mcm rambut kate, berbaloi sikit harga boleh dpat se ...

sbb tu dia sanggup beli rambut harga 5k.. nak lawan rambut Kate kekdahnya hahahha

peminat meggot x tertipu ke, kuinsuga dorg pakai wig... kalau rambut pun boleh tipu, yg lain pun dia boleh tipu..

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Post time 11-6-2019 08:28 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dineo replied at 10-6-2019 08:43 PM
Laki ni dah ada anak kan , toddler ...
but according to this source , diorang akan kawen this ye ...

bea ngan count? ..
biar betul bea, desperate sgt rasanya.

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Post time 11-6-2019 08:29 AM | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 10-6-2019 10:11 PM
siapa soh gedik sgt nak bersembang time lagu "God Save the Queen" dah nak start. budak kecik pun r ...

Ai rasa PH game MM. Kalau tgk full video, mcm PH ajak MM keluar, ingat dh abis kot. Pastu dia suruh stop, duk tgk2 QE. Last2 suh tgk depan blk sbb lagu tu. Haha...terkebil2 MM muka tahan nangis, malu kot...


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Post time 11-6-2019 08:38 AM | Show all posts
korang perasan tak for Prince Philip punya birthday, IG sussexroyal tak letak gambar baby archie jumpa PP & QE?

korang ada tengok tak psl ada press release from BP kata gambar tu takleh guna selepas 6th june?


tanak la jadi conspiracy theorist tapi this sh%T is waaaay weird to begin with. adakah gmbr tu betul photoshop semata? sbb sblm ni manada gambar yang ada expiry date lepas tu takleh guna dah?

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Post time 11-6-2019 08:41 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
judicata replied at 11-6-2019 08:38 AM
korang perasan tak for Prince Philip punya birthday, IG sussexroyal tak letak gambar baby archie jum ...

gmbr tu x boleh pakai.. kalau pakai sussexroyal boleh kena sue.. haa.. padan muka..

sapa suruh meggot berani buat perangai

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Post time 11-6-2019 08:44 AM | Show all posts
eva replied at 11-6-2019 08:41 AM
gmbr tu x boleh pakai.. kalau pakai sussexroyal boleh kena sue.. haa.. padan muka..

sapa suruh ...

kan? tak penah2 BP keluarkan arahan gmbr takleh pakai after certain date... yg ni jak. gambar lain elok ja rilek2 boleh reproduce sesuka hati..

mmg betul la photoshop. sblm ni BRF benarkan je sbb dorang tgk finish line ja.... malas nak gadoh dgn meggot.

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Post time 11-6-2019 08:47 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
backers meggot dah rasa x heat sekrg?

korang ingat x sapa hadir masa baby shower meggot? plan dah berlaku 2 years ago. shame! x tau malu dan org org ni... berani sgt nak buat hal dgn brf. I nak brf chase them away or kenakan tindakan undang undang esp melibatkan treason! sbb nak fiddle dna keturunan brf melalui surrogate.

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Post time 11-6-2019 08:51 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mamaneesa replied at 11-6-2019 08:29 AM
Ai rasa PH game MM. Kalau tgk full video, mcm PH ajak MM keluar, ingat dh abis kot. Pastu dia suru ...

she knew dia di tgn brf.. nak tunjuk kat backers dia jugak dia kena ctrl habis oleh brf.

oprah windfrey, gayle king or Serina william.boleh la menjerit2 racist sbb layanan brf kat Meggot tp BRF boleh throw back to their faces dgn penglibatan treason cuba kacau dna brf dgn plan dorg "pregnancy" meggot. Berani dorg buat taik, kalau QE dan commonwealth shunned dorg2 ni, blom tentu dorg survive.. Commonwealth tu luas.. termasuk Canada, Australia, NZ, african countries dan asian countries..


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Post time 11-6-2019 08:55 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by eva at 11-6-2019 08:57 AM
judicata replied at 11-6-2019 08:44 AM
kan? tak penah2 BP keluarkan arahan gmbr takleh pakai after certain date... yg ni jak. gambar lain ...

yeap.. dorg nak tengok game meggot dan backers dia.

bab pic tu x boleh reproduce sbb QE dan LG nak tengok game backers.. lg satu TTC tu nak tyg kat backers dia.. ini kan pompuan yg korang guna utk hancurkan kami... we got her.. next we will get you.

hancur nnt masa depan backers dia.. waima billionaire atau yg nak tunjuk2 muka konon2 bff bagai.. ingat nama publicist si meggot pon dorg dah juai.. si May.. pastu terang2 media sebut sapa Markus Anderson..

x lama lagi, x berani la insan2 ni nak tunjuk muka. BRF punya jarum.sgt halus.. dia main long term game..

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Post time 11-6-2019 09:07 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ok bawangrians..

sebelum I kuar jap..

jom kita tengok riddle kat tumblr credit to skippy and emsi..

MM Anon

MM ANON … “will those two imposters treat triumph and disaster just the same “? or will she court a public and risk humiliation? Maybe ladies day’an each-way Chance of ridicule. A Father’s Day photo to Ham-it-up it’s not black and white. So much exposure … so little time!! A colourful disaster is smarting ones pride’its desperation is risking a firms Patience …… o dear… Tempus fugit … Tempus fugit

Thank you so much!

“will those two imposters treat triumph and disaster just the same “?……I would call out the TWO imposters here as Doria and IT…the ‘triumph’ for them both being the Wedding day itself…….and the ‘disaster’……is what’s to come for them both!…….

‘or will she court a public and risk humiliation?’……so like the Wedding, televised globally, with all media outlets running the Royal Wedding showing BOTH SMUG IMPOSTER faces….will her ego be so big and think she can woo the public in an attempt to win their support whilst her demise is beginning to be laid out before her on the table…in the tabloids??

Will she bring all the media in and risk global humiliation as it starts to unfold??? ……..It’s worth noting, trying cases in the ‘court of public opinion’ refers to using the news media to influence public support for one side or the other in a court case…apparently there is no Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination in the court of public opinion……. I wonder if her media friends will step in to save her, treat this ‘disaster’ like her ‘triumph’??

‘Maybe ladies day’an each-way Chance of ridicule’……Royal Ascot next week 18th-22nd June….Ladies Day is on the 20th….an each-way is a betting term…betting on whether or not she will be there and whether she will use this opportunity to serve a clever form of revenge upon the RF with her behaviour…..a bold display of resistance….a Chance of ridicule! Or risk the chance to be ridiculed?……..

‘A Father’s Day photo to Ham-it-up it’s not black and white’……It’s been hinted already that Harry may pose with Archie for Fathers Day and they mark the next important day in a parents calendar! So will we have Harry faking it, performing or behaving in a way that’s too obvious or him being funny!…’s not black and white could make us assume a colour photo being released….not ‘black and white’ also means if somethings black and white it can be right or wrong, good or evil, one thing or another, so if NOT means there are shades of grey! So do we deduce here we have an exaggerated picture of Harry and ‘Archie’ and another crazy angled bit of the baby on display??……

‘So much exposure’…..Could this mean the press will be releasing more and more devastating stories regarding IT???……

‘so little time!!’….can we finally assume time once and for all is beginning to run out?…..

‘A colourful disaster is smarting ones pride’…..the coming controversial disaster is definitely having an affect, stinging ones pride!!!…..shame……!

‘its desperation is risking a firms Patience’ ………making her extreme and irrational, and her behaviour is affecting the RF’s ability to suffer the wait!!!

o dear… Tempus fugit … Tempus fugit……Latin for….time flies……time flies…..!!!!!  

This one reads more like what the chatter is in regards to what MM is thinking/planning? @emsi247

Yep what’s happening now, like running commentary as before…. @skippyv20


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Post time 11-6-2019 09:13 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by eva at 11-6-2019 09:19 AM

it reminds me of this pic, lepas meggot dan ph signing


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Post time 11-6-2019 09:15 AM | Show all posts
judicata replied at 11-6-2019 08:38 AM
korang perasan tak for Prince Philip punya birthday, IG sussexroyal tak letak gambar baby archie jum ...

I nampak juga isu ni dekat tumblr ke instagram ke twitter entah. Theyolls komen MM dah pukul 1 pm UK baru nak post wish birthday grandpa. Ngata MM ni mesti baru bangun tidur lepas tu korek korek gambar nak post tp tak jumpa. Terpaksalah post gambar harry dgn PP saja . Ig lain post gambar PP dengan theyolls tp MM hanya mampu huhuhu sajor

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Post time 11-6-2019 09:20 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
huehue replied at 11-6-2019 09:15 AM
I nampak juga isu ni dekat tumblr ke instagram ke twitter entah. Theyolls komen MM dah pukul 1 pm  ...

dia x dijemput ke majlis..

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Post time 11-6-2019 09:32 AM | Show all posts
huehue replied at 11-6-2019 09:15 AM
I nampak juga isu ni dekat tumblr ke instagram ke twitter entah. Theyolls komen MM dah pukul 1 pm  ...

so gambaq yg dekat ig ni takpe lah? takpayah take down?

ace tgk comment chelley988 tu amboi amboii will & kate takperlu publisiti murahan, QE sendiri mai kat umah depa, takpayah depa yg kena mai umah QE

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Post time 11-6-2019 09:36 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

Wow .. Cerai dah ke?

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