Edited by cmf_shalom at 8-6-2018 04:49 PM
Thanks bro, sebab telah memberi sedikit pencerahan.
Yup, penyataan Islam agama Persekutuan, tidak menafikan bahawa negara kita ini adalah berdasarkan sistem sekular. Perkara ini memang taboo bagi kebanyakan orang. Tetapi selagi apa yang kita katakan ini tidak melanggar undang2 or Perlembagaan negara, tidak ada benda yang perlu dirisaukan.
Semasa, Hakim Abdul Hamid mengusulkan untuk memasukkan Islam agamaPersekutuan ke dalam Perlembagaan,bukan sahaja ahli suruhanjaya Reid yang tidak selesa bagi ssebuah Negara secular mempunyai agama Persekutuan, malahan Raja-Raja Melayu sendiri pada ketika itu juga tidak bersetuju. Pada pandangan mereka, jika penyataan tersebut di masukkan ke dalam Perlembagaan negara, ia akan memansuhkan kuasa Raja-Rajamelayu terhadap hal ehwal agama Islam di negeri masing-masing.
Menurut laporan Suruhanjaya Reid (1957):
“We have considered the question whether there should be any statement in theConstitution to the effect that Islam should be the State religion. Therewas universal agreement that if any such provision were inserted it must bemade clear that it would not in any way affect the civil rights of non-Muslims— ‘the religion of Malaysia shall be Islam. The observance of this principle shall not impose any disability on non-Muslim nationals professing and practising their own religion and shall not imply that the State is not a secular State’. There isnothing in the draft Constitution to affect the continuance of the presentposition in the States with regard to recognition of Islam or to prevent there cognition of Islam in the Federation by legislation or otherwise in anyr espect which does not prejudice the civil rights of individual non-Muslims. The majority of us think that it is best to leave the matteron this basis, looking to the fact that Counsel for the Rulers said to us — ‘Itis Their Highnesses’ considered view that it would not be desirable to insertsome declaration such as has been suggested that the Muslim Faith or Islamic Faith be the established religion of the Federation. Their Highnesses are not in favour of such declaration being inserted and that is a matter of specific instruction in which I myself have played very little part.’ Mr Justice Abdul Hamid is of opinion that a declaration should be inserted in the Constitutionas suggested by the Alliance and his views are set out in his note appended to this Report.” Laporan tersebut jelas menyatakan penyataan Islam agama Persekutuan tidak akan menafikan status Negara ini sebagai secular dan penyataan tersebut hanya mempunyai peranan yang sangat kecil (have played very little part).
setelah diyakinkan bahawa kuasa ke atas agama Islam masih lagi kuasa Raja-Raja melayu dinegeri masing-masing danpenyataan Islam agama Persekutuan dalam Perlembgaan hanya mempunyai peranan yang sangat kecil, barulah ianya dibenarkan untuk dimasukkan walaupun pada ketika itu masih ada pihak hendak mengeluarkan dari Perlembagaan.