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Author: hhhhh

BOYS BEFORE FLOWERS - JIB15 ~ Lee Min Ho, Go Hye Sun

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Post time 21-8-2010 10:34 AM | Show all posts
thanks siidudul for the pics from soompi

cr KHS Chinese Fansite

it seems our Goo couldn't attend the evening session at 7pm tomorrow due to her busy schedule.

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Post time 21-8-2010 10:37 AM | Show all posts
more pics~~

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cr KUONE, KHS Chinese Fansite

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Post time 21-8-2010 10:38 AM | Show all posts

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source KHS Chinese Fansite, cr

cre as tagged

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Post time 21-8-2010 11:08 AM | Show all posts
thanks for the pics from soompi

sesuatu jer muker WB sunbae tuh

credit: noblekhj


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Post time 21-8-2010 11:23 AM | Show all posts
Reply 2424# Ley

aku pun nak gelak tgk...

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Post time 21-8-2010 10:43 PM | Show all posts
thanks siidudul for the pics from soompi

there are official pics of BOF Reunion in Tokyo 20.08.10 by Brokore


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Post time 22-8-2010 10:52 AM | Show all posts
thanks meow13 for the translations from soompi

BOF Alumni Fanmeeting report - Talk

HS: I have cut my hair for the new drama, also I am preparing for something related to a short film
Q 这次是怎样的角色?
Q: What kind of role is that in the new drama?
HS: A medical student who dream to become a musical actress

Q 那有准备什么样的歌剧练习吗?很辛苦吗?
Q: How have you practiced for the musical? Is that hard?
HS: Mainly are training on singing & dancing, it's very hard

Q 音乐剧的话......金俊有经验的吧?
Q: For musical, Kim Jun has experience on that, right?
KJ: physical  condition is very important

Q 听了觉得怎么样?
Q: What do you think about his advice?
HS: ah...
KJ: Actually I failed to keep up my condition... thus I thought of that immediately

Q 贤重!听说你又要挑战高中生角色了?
Q: Hyun Joong, heard tha you challenge the role of high school student again?
HJ: yes, a high school student again. and I am 2 years older now (compared to the time when filming BOF), thus this should be the last time I play the role of high school student

Q    为了使外表看起来像高中生做了哪些准备?
Q: How do you prepare to look like a high school student?
HJ: because of high school student, the biggest problem was beard

Q    拍摄中有没有好玩的插曲?(恶吻的)
Q: Anything interesting / funny happened when filming Mischievous Kiss?
HJ: Since it has not been filming for long, coming here today was one of that. I might need to film overnight for a few days when I go back, I will try my best

~ showing Mischievous Kiss trailer ~
MC: you really look like a high school student
HJ: yes, you're right

Q    自己看了觉得怎么样?
Q: How do you think?
HJ: In order to look like a high school student, skin care is very important. Since there are many outdoor shooting, I pay extra attention on skin care. Current filming is still the high school time, will become a university student after 6th episode

Q    皮肤管理主要注意哪些方面?
Q: What did you do to take care of your skin?
HJ: playing football with dancers at dawn. after sweating alot, use cold water to rinse the face could help minimizing pores

BOF Alumni report 2 - collection of famous scenes

start showing the video, everyone was watching
suddenly... there was some unknown giggling/ laughter  heard through the microphone...

correct, that's hyesun laughing...
Hyun Joong joined in to laugh later on...

After the video
Q 为什么笑得这样开心?
Q: why did you laugh so happily?
HS: I look really funny at the time (laugh)
MC(?): it's not like that
HS: Thank you

Q 听说体重增加了?
Q: heard that you gain some weight?
HS: I gained around 5kg

Q 花男最后一次活动时的问候视频中好像提到过“下次希望在热天拍摄” 。。
Q: you have mentioned in the greeting video shown at BOF last event that you hope next time filming would be taken place during Summer...
HJ: It's very cold when filming (BOF) last time. Hyesun told me that wrapping the body with cling wrap could keep warm. but basically I was sleeping during breaks, and the wrap needed to be removed when filming, thus I have not really tried that

Q 包在哪里?
Q: which part (of body) should be wrapped?
HJ: wrap the whole body. But because I would grab all the chance to sleep during breaks, I haven't tried that even I know that's a good method

Q 惠善告诉你的,那就是说她也包过了?
Q: Hyesun told you that, so she has tried that?
HS: yes, many actors tried that when filming during cold weather and also rainy days

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Post time 22-8-2010 10:56 AM | Show all posts

BOF Alumni report 3 - Roulette game

This has been the 4th event, and basically there's nothing new to ask or talk about, thus a game session was set
Roulette spin and when the arrow point to whoever, he/ she has to answer whatever question asked, he/ she has to drink vinegar if he/ she could not answer

it pints to Kim Jun's every time..... (haha)

Hyesun asked, " when was your last kiss?" Kim Jun drank vinegar...
basically he drank vinegar every time (seems like everyone's questions were mischievous, haha)

Roulette was spin by MC Yumi, and it was said that it points to Kim Jun every time because she spin that, thus everyone takes turn to spin the roulette. But don't know why it still points Kim Jun....
Q 在朋友们面前丢脸的事? 
Q: The embarrassing moment in front of friends?
HJ: My parent has moved and I forgot that after I drank alcohol and I went back to the previous home

Q 惠善有过丢脸的事吗?
  善「哈哈。。。。我没有朋友」  笑~
  贤「是真的。」  笑~
  善「喝酒时很难为情」 。。。为什么???
Q: How about Hyesun?
HS: haha... I don't have any friends (laugh)
love hyesun's sense of humor
HJ: that's true (laugh)
Hyesun punched Hyun Joong
HS: feel embarrassed when drinking ....( Why?)

Q 听说惠善酒量很好?
Q: heard that Hyesun can drink a lot?
HS: it's not true

Q 听说很能喝?
Q: heard that Hyesun can drink a lot?
HS: No

Q 贤重因为没有参加花男毕业典礼所以没领到毕业证书。
  贤「因为当时有其他活动结果没能出席。没办法。。。」  笑~
Q: Hyun Joong didn't attend the graduation event thus haven't receive the graduation certificate
HJ: I didn't attend since I had other schedule at that time. I can't help... (laugh)

花男同窗会报告4★ 抱负
BOF Alumni Report 4  - Ambition

HS: I'm filming a drama now, I hope Japanese fans could watch this drama too, I will try my best
HJ: I will try to show my best in Mischievous Kiss. Hope that I could meet you all with quality album and drama. also wish that there would be more BOF event such as hiking etc.

* the report this time rarely mentioned about Kim Bum's & Kim Jun's, very sorry ><

花男报告5★  唱歌环节
BOF report 5 - Singing sessions

Hyesun was the first
She sang "Brown Hair
hm... comment about her singing was "must have been busy with drama & movie" ~ (quite a tactful comment)

我不认得那个新人。。。叫nya?  我和他接触到了。。
Then it's T-MAX
"Paradise", 2 BOF songs + 2 new songs
they are the ones who sang the most
was that becoz ss was not there?
can't remember during which song... they have even went down the stage to audience...
I was sitting in front row, this they went pass besides me
I can't remember that new member... called nya? I have touched him...
But if I can touch KJ would be even more satisfied...
they have also danced?
singing was quite good

Last was Hyun Joong
he sang "Thank you and 「お願いだからよくして」
is that only me feel that his voice is kind of strange?
his outfit  seems like the one he wore at the Philippines event?

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Post time 22-8-2010 10:58 AM | Show all posts

BOF Alumni report

Hyesun's outfit was her own?
I have seen her a few times in jeans and black jacket
Korean fans also anticipating her to dress in cuter outfit...
But her hair seems doesn't match with dress, I think~

During the daytime event, Hyun Joong's hair was straight at the beginning, and became curly when he sang!
At the night event, it's curly throughout the event. showed his forehead when singing? turned to a regent hair style

at the beginning, 4 of them on stage...
"ah? where's Hyesun? didn't come?" Since her hair was too short, looks like a boy...
But, her leg is slimmer than I imagined, really...
Very cute , really...

Hyun Joong was more handsome than I have imagined

all of their faces were very small.... very slim... I was surprised
right! the face of T-MAX captain also has a small face, it looks fatter when seen on TV... true feeling

furthermore, it's allowed to take pictures and record sounds at the event!!!!

The goods for sale were mainly F4... didn't see anything with Hyesun alone...
I have no choice so I just bought a poster of Hyun Joong

Really really very happy~
since it's the first time attending (the event), I was very excited...
There's only one sentence in my brain: "I wanna go again"
love Hyun Joong, Hyesun, it's a happy day

some detail might be missing since I was too excited...
But I have recorded the sound...

Hope those who would attend the Tokyo event would enjoy too!!

Credit to: totoro - KHS Chinese fansite


thanks first_snow fro the translations from soompi

BOF Reunion Report - Roulette Game

This is the 4th fan meeting, whatever that should has already been asked in the previous fan meetings. Therefore, they had a game session!
This is a roulette game, when the arrow points to the person, the person must answer the question that ask by the rest. If he/she could not answer, then he/she must drink the vinegar as punishment.

When is Kim Jun's turn to answer the question...(Hehe)
HyeSun asked him "When is your last kiss recently?",Kim Jun drank the vinegar...
Basically everyone drank the vinegar. (The questions seems to be mischievous, Hehe)

The roulette turned by the MC.After awhile, people start complaining that because of MC was the one who turned the roulette,the roulette kept pointing to Kim Jun. Then everyone start to take turn to turn the roulette, and don't know why, the roulette pointed to Kim Jun naturally... Haha

Q 在朋友们面前丢脸的事? 
Qid you do something that shameful in front of your friend?
KHJ:My parents have been move to the other place,but after I had a drink,I forgot about that case and I went back to the original place.
Q 惠善有过丢脸的事吗?
Q:HyeSun, did you do anything shameful as well?
  善「哈哈。。。。我没有朋友」 笑~
HS:Haha..I don't have friends (laughter)
  贤「是真的。」 笑~
HyeSun hit KHJ...
  善「喝酒时很难为情」 。。。为什么???
HS feel embarrass when I drink...
Q 听说惠善酒量很好?
Q heard that HyeSun is very good in drinking?
HS:No, not in the case.
Q 听说很能喝?
Q:You can drink very well?
Q:No, no such thing.

Q 贤重因为没有参加花男毕业典礼所以没领到毕业证书。
Q:KHJ did not attend the Graduation ceremony, hence he did not receive the graduation certificate.
  贤「因为当时有其他活动结果没能出席。没办法。。。」 笑~
KHJ had the other schedule on that time, hence I did not attend. No choice.. (laughter)

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Post time 22-8-2010 10:59 AM | Show all posts

花男同窗会报告4★ 抱负

BOF Reunion Report - Aspiration

HS'm busy with drama shooting. I hope fans from Japan had the chance to watch it. I will work hard.
KHJ will try to show my best in MK. I hope that I can produce good album and drama.I hope that BOF will have hiking session or etc.

* I'm so sorry that I mentioned so less about Kim Bum and Kim Jun*

花男报告5★ 唱歌环节
BOF Reunion Report - Singing Session

Hye Sun is the first >.
Review on her performance: She must be busy with her drama and movie.
The song must be very hard to sing?
While she's singing, the screen was showing her MV.

Next is T-Max.
They sang <aradise>, 2 songs from BOF original soundtrack and 2 new songs.
They sang the most number of songs.
Maybe SS (referring to SS501) is not around?
I couldn't remember is which song.. But they came near to the audience when they sing.
I sit at the first few rows, hence they walk passed me.
我不认得那个新人。。。叫nya? 我和他接触到了。。
I don't know who is the newcomer..His name is nya? I've contacted him. (Touched him will he passed by)
If I could contact with KimJun, then I'll feel contented...
They dance?
They sing quite well.

The last is KJH.
He sang <Thank you> and <お願いだからよくして>, 2 songs.
Am I the only one who felt that his voice is weird??
He wore the same costume when he attended event that held in Philippines?

BOF Reunion Report

HyeSun is wearing her own/personal costume?
It has been few times that she wears the jeans and black jacket.
Korean fans seems to wish that she can be more cute on her costume.
I personally think that her hairstyle doesn't suitable to wear skirt/dress.


When four of them were standing on the stage..
"Er?Where is HyeSun?She didn't come?" because of her hairstyle, she looks like a boy..
But she's so slim, slimmer than what I imagined, really...
Very cute..


Everyone's face is so small.. So skinny.. I'm so surprised...
Oh ya! T-Max's leader's face is so small, smaller than what I thought. Pretty sure that view from TV and view in real life is different.

And,we are allowed to take photo and do sound recording during the event!!!!

The merchandise that they are selling are still focus on F4, I didn't see any thing is about HyeSun.

I'm so happy..
Is my first time to attend the event,I'm so excited...
Now my brain is full of..."I wish that I can attend again"

I'm too excited, maybe I left some parts.
But I did sound recording...

I hope that people that attend Tokyo BOF Reunion will feel happy too!!

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Post time 22-8-2010 11:01 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Ley at 22-8-2010 14:00

thanks for the pics from soompi

Posted by Marvie  
Credit :
English  Trans.: Ode

Captures  footage of
"Boys over Flowers~Alumni Event" held on 18 Aug  and 21 Aug at Osaka and Tokyo respectively! Preorder now  begins!!!

In this event includes Goo Hyesun, Kim Bum,  Kim Jun, T-max, Kim Bum's band, and of course Kim Hyun Joong.

Includes  members' big reunion after a long while, as well as updates, memorial  talks, and singing sessions. Also includes footages of them arriving in  Japan and behind the scenes!

Release  date: 2010, November 19 (scheduled)

Price: 5,775 yen (tax  inclusive)

Content: DVD (2 discs) + Photobook

Tokyo  showtime (approx. 80mins and longer)

Special  captures (approx. 30mins and longer)
Footages of arrival in Japan,  BTS etc~

*Pre-order special ending September 30*
Original  posters (4 sets) of all 4 sessions of events

*Pre-order special*
Alumni  event - Bromides of 10 per set


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Post time 22-8-2010 01:45 PM | Show all posts
thanks siidudul for the pics from soompi

Goo Hye Sun in BOF Reunion Tokyo 21.08.10


Resized to 94% (was 750 x 494) - Click image to enlarge

cr as tagged

Goo Hye Sun at Haneda Airport
I always love her airport style


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Post time 22-8-2010 01:49 PM | Show all posts
thanks ilwoo_aien for the pics from soompi

Kim Bum in BOF Reunion Tokyo 21.08.10


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Post time 22-8-2010 02:04 PM | Show all posts
thanks azi767 for the article from soompi

Posted by Marvie [News] BOF Alumni Event in  Tokyo 100821

Credit: + (English Translation) Ode

On  the 21st August at Tokyo International Forum, the korean version of "Boys  over Flowers" Alumni Event was held. Casts Goo  HyeSun, Kim HyunJoong, Kim Jun and Kim Bum attended. Lee  MinHo had some personal schedule so he couldn't participate. On the  official site of "Boys over Flowers", comments and videos were left  respectively after the casts were decided for attendance.

There  was a "Boys over Flowers - Graduation Event"  in April where many fans came together with the casts to express  separation. In just 4 months, this alumni event was decided for hold,  looking back, this event seemed to be the common place where fans are  waiting for to come together again for reunion. A total of 14,000  and counting fans were present at these 4 sessions  held respectively at Osaka and Tokyo with 2 showtimes per  day.

Navicon has captured footage of the noontime  session and will deliver more through "Want to know more  about Korean dramas!" -- "Event Report  Corner". So keep anticipating.

On this day's event,  the front part was talks and games. The latter part was music show. In  the front part of games corner, Kim Jun posed  the "how many times did you kiss" question  towards Kim Bum. He wasn't able to answer, so  he drank Noni Juice. Though both of them drank to Noni Juice because of  tough and naughty questions,

Kim Hyun Joong didn't. When asked how many times he's been in a  relationship (how many times he's loved), he answered honestly with a  handsign of 'FIVE' (5), laughing to a marvelous number with that,which  caused a little stir amongst crowd that day.

During  the singing part, Goo Hyesun sung her self-composed song "Brown colored  hair", T-max where Kim Jun is part of appeared on stage and sung to  their songs.

It is expected that more details on this event will  be released on 22nd on the "Want to know more about Korean dramas!" --  "Event Report Corner" on

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Post time 22-8-2010 02:10 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 22-8-2010 02:12 PM | Show all posts
thanks azi767 for the pics from soompi

&#52636; &#52376;

Credit:  Jandi & Jihoo Baidu


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Post time 22-8-2010 10:17 PM | Show all posts
thanks siidudul for the pics & vid from soompi

More GHS Pics At Haneda Airport
she wore T-Max shirt (again)


Goo Hye Sun Sang Brown Hair at BOF Reunion Event 18.08.2010

cr kuONE

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Post time 23-8-2010 01:44 AM | Show all posts
WGM kapel khuntoria neh gi deting lagik sekali kat namsan tawa..

masa naik kabel car tu..
vic kemain feeling2 nk jadi jandi..
berangan kunun2 dia tido..
pastu khun selimutkan dia..
tp sian dia sebab nickhun x tgk pun BOF..


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Post time 23-8-2010 08:57 AM | Show all posts
GHS ni sempoi je......dress up die bese2 je ye....sampe aku rse mamat2 kt keliling die tu lg cantik dr die.....mmg cam jandi btui tuh......

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Post time 23-8-2010 02:00 PM | Show all posts
thanks to sidudul from soompi

Credit:喜び合う&#45784;@hyesun baidu//hyunbar+Translated by Ode
Don’t re-edit+HOTLINK
Give proper credit when reposting, thanks!


The official news from hanadan site ^^

some more details about the event

Thanks Ode and 喜び合う&#45784; for translation.


A luxurious alumni event of Boys over Flowers was held at the Tokyo International Forum today. This time’s event is Boys over Flowers’ 4th event in Japan, approximately 10,000K and more gathered together for this event. Short-haired Hyesun, growing increasingly musculine HyunJoong, Kim Bum who had some musical performances, as well as Kim Jun along with his 4-member group T-Max; the moment all of them appeared on stage, there was a roar of applaud from the audiences present.

First of all, all of them introduced themselves and gave updates about themselves. After which followed by sharing of interesting episodes during shooting of Boys over Flowers, and then the confession game with the turn of wheel which pushed the event to its climax, and lastly, each of them performed individual songs.

It began with GooHyesun, she sung her self-composed song “Brown colored hair”, this song is a light-tempo bossa nova piece, she composed it in congratulation of the marriage of her agency’s boss. Hyesun with her short boyish hairstyle was especially adorable. Listening to such beautiful voice accompanied by melodious rhythm, every one seemed to have forgotten about the heat outside there.

Next up was Kim Bum. He sung to the japanese version of his song “Heading to meet you now”. Aplenty audiences were indulged in his soft, gentle, silk-like voice. Probably because Kim Bum only began to play band recently, he now seems sexier and more charming apart from his usual cuteness. In addition, he also played guitar following to his 2nd song “Bad case of loving you”, which colored a stark contrast to his previous ballad piece, this time with a strong rocky feel penetrating the atmosphere.

Following Kim Bum was group T-max. They sung “Paradise” which was much familiar to us, and then “Say Yes”. Also, they sung another song of theirs “Don’t be rude”. 2 of the newbie members in the group greeted with much enthusiasm, which gained the applause of audiences present. Leader Min-chul with his skillful vocals, Kim Jun who now looks more gentleman, newbie members Joo Chanyang and Park Hanbi with the refreshing feeling they give off, these 4 form the newly regrouped Tmax, who thus showed their stage-charm never before seen.

The final stage holder was Kim Hyun Joong who is wildly popular. He who now grows a somewhat-long hairstyle accompanied by his sophisticated disposition gives off a very musculine feeling; the moment he appeared, there was an immediate russle amongst the audiences. During his night session, he appeared with a balloon-made dog, which once again caused some commotion from the audiences present. He sung to “Thank you” and “Please be nice to me”, his charming dance moves and beautiful soft voice captivated the hearts of audiences so tightly. Everybody was submerged in his perfect performance amidst all cheers and applauds.

During the final closing stage, everyone appeared together once more and expressed gratitude to all fans present, thus parting goodbye unwillingly.

This BoF alumni event that closed its run successfully under the support of everyone, be it in the hearts of our BoF casts or fans present on that day, it is believed that this event will etch itself deep down in the hearts of everyone.

Both of the events in Osaka and Tokyo will be included in the Boys over Flowers DVD available for sale, you may preorder beginning today (Aug 21) at 10pm.

Don’t miss out on every little bit of this event, yo.

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