Originally posted by reds_gurl at 21-1-2005 06:34 PM:
tu psl mase tuh ara ade keje tetap.....pastuh dia kenela sesuaikan dirinye ngan xtian yg kaya & sentiase nak jaga standard tuh (ya ampunnn :tq ..xkan die nak pakai jeans jer bile dating ...
ler...tengok pulak sekarang...semenjak dah balik manila...ada pulak baju lawa2...sebab nak jumpa christian kot...tak pulak nampak dia pakai t-shirt warna warni lagi...dan...tak perasan ke everytime bertentang mata ngan christian...mata ara cam tak berkelip...always look deep into his eyes...ouch... |
[quote]Originally posted by shanew3stgalz at 22-1-2005 01:51 PM:
Betul tu.... seluar jeans tak tukar |
Viewers decide ending of 'SANA'Y WALA NANG WAKAS
Because the sana'y wala nang wakas team taped 2 version of the finale, true voice of the fans from any region in the world will be followed when the show's finale airs.
:setuju: i want Ara and Leo will finally end up being married :clap: :pompom: let's vote for Ara n Leo |
Originally posted by casejulia at 2004/11/27 12:44 AM:
Because the sana'y wala nang wakas team taped 2 version of the finale, true voice of the fans from any region in the world will be followed when the show's finale airs.
:setuju: i want Ara and Leo ...
Welcome to diz thread Casejulia:tq: |
Originally posted by yna@arabella at 22-1-2005 10:50 PM:
Ni ms bila?
masa asap mania. |
Originally posted by nmi at 23-01-2005 10:37 AM:
masa asap mania.
ASAP MANIA ni soap opera ke? |
Originally posted by yna@arabella at 23-1-2005 01:13 PM:
ASAP MANIA ni soap opera ke?
Aku rasa ASAP MANIA ni macam satu rancangan hiburan kot. urmm... konsert sure heboh ka.. apa ka... ntah ntah rancangan gossip :lol sebab aku ada gak tanya kawan aku, amende rancangan ASAP MANIA tu. Dia just jawab rancangan hiburan... nyanyi nyanyi... bla bla bla |
Originally posted by rezacaloway at 23-1-2005 01:50 PM:
Aku rasa ASAP MANIA ni macam satu rancangan hiburan kot. urmm... konsert sure heboh ka.. apa ka... ntah ntah rancangan gossip :lol sebab aku ada gak tanya kawan aku, amende rancangan ASAP MAN ...
rancangan nyanyilah kot.tapi aku ader tengok satu video jericho,angelika,diether ngan kristine pakai baju pengantin nyanyi lagu maybe.tapi video tue kejap jer.bestlah jugak.nie gambar masa occasion tue.
Originally posted by nmi at 23-01-2005 04:17 PM:
rancangan nyanyilah kot.tapi aku ader tengok satu video jericho,angelika,diether ngan kristine pakai baju pengantin nyanyi lagu maybe.tapi video tue kejap jer.bestlah jugak.nie gambar masa occa ...
Agaknye mcm Muzik@Ria + Melodi kot...
Nyanyi dan gosip...:ah: |
Originally posted by shanew3stgalz at 22-1-2005 01:54 PM:
Rina, tanx for da all pics above.... sweet sgt!!! love it!! tQ ha.. muah! muah! :love:
sesama kasih Shane... all pictures credit to lovely Rosabella!!:love::love::clap::clap: |

pictures credit to rosabella |

pictures credit to rosabella |
tll_tik_aom This user has been deleted

pictures credit to rosabella |

credit to rosabella |
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