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Author: sukebintang

BEAST~Shock Of The New Era~pict,lyric update @ 1st page~COMEBACK STAGE

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Post time 7-3-2010 12:31 AM | Show all posts
nanti link kat kpop360 kuar.. adalah tuh..

check ari2.. cam aku.. hehehe!!
JUSTcircle Post at 6-3-2010 23:57

ooo... okeh, baik~!

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Post time 7-3-2010 01:02 AM | Show all posts
2375# JUSTcircle


bleh gugur jantung aku ~!!!!!

doojoon siap melutut pandang pompuan tuh~~!!!

adehhh... nk abehkn bidiyo pat lima menet pan ...
mazeed Post at 7-3-2010 12:25 AM

dorg ni fanservice mmg dari dlu kan? geram aku..
yg masa dorg amik kamera fans tuh.. siap amikkan gambo yusop tiup lilin besday dari dekat sumer tuh..
rileks jerk.. aklo aku tuan punyer kamera pun aku dah suker dah.. kali nih.. lagikla giler.. huhuh!!!

bestnyer la kalo akunyer kamera hp DJ ker,,, JH ker.. x kisala saper2 antara dorg ber6 amik then amikgambo dorg bg kiter.. geram tul...

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Post time 7-3-2010 01:27 AM | Show all posts
[100218] BEAST for High Cut: Take a look inside their bags (w/article translations)

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Manly Leader Doojoon

Socool! Handsome! Manly! Charismatic leader Doojoon's (카할트)Kahalteh bigbag was given to him as a Christmas present from one of his fans. Hisbook is the first thing that stands out. "I try to read whenever I havetime. I read a lot of short stories on trivia knowledge." Canon IXUS200 IS digital camera. "Our management gave it to us so we could uploadselcas." Paul Smith's Cologne was given to him as a gift by director JoYunchul (from DANBI) on their way back from Cambodia. Hand gel cleanseris said to be Doojoon's must necessity. "I started using it due to theH1N1 epidemic, but now it became a habit. Already used up ten bottles."Due to his phone number being leaked to the public, his phone wasevidently changed. Like a hot-idol, he now carries the ever so populariPhone. "All those pictures I'd posted on my mini homepage were takenby my iPhone." The Face's Apple-shaped Fruit Bowl Hand Cream is said tobe something he cherishes a lot. "I not only have an apple one, butalso have it in tangerine and peach. There was an incident where ourcleaning lady thought my peach hand cream was an actual peach andplaced it in the fruit drawer of the refrigerator.

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Blonde Mascot Yoseob

Thelaughing blonde and charming cutie Yoseob's essential item is theEastpak backpack. "Because my sister won this prize at a journalpicture contest and gave it to me as a gift, it is very valuable tome." Since his trainee days, he is on his 4th notebook where he memosstories about his lessons, his study on his lyric composing, andthoughts that suddenly come to his mind. In one side of his bag, he isvaluably treasuring his fan letters. The Fujifilm Instax Mini 25Polaroid Camera is a gift from a fan. He says, "Just when I needed awallet in my car, a fan gave me one as a birthday gift. I'm sothankful," and doesn't forget his thanks. The 120G Ipod and theNintendo DS is a valuable friend during boring waiting times andtraveling times. He brags openly by saying, "Among the BEAST members,I'm first place for Mario Kart." After getting terrible colds and achesand realizing the importance of health now, without fail, Yoseob packsand eats products that are good for his body. From the talk of Koreanginseng, red ginseng ingredients in capsules and the Younggaksan Powderthat 'doesn't make a sound,' are for 90 year olds, and is an item thatdoesn't match Yoseob's sweet age of 20 years old. "I heard thatYounggaksan Powder is good for your throat. So, before I go up onstage, I always eat one spoonful."

The Fujifilm Instax Mini 25is a surprising Polaroid Camera given to me as a gift from a fan. In mymemory notebook, I write down things I learned since my trainee days.The birthday gift, Apple Ipod 120G with sufficient capacity cannot befilled up no matter what I do. I always get 1st place for Mario Kartamong the members. Because I can't get sick, I usually strengthenmyself with red ginseng. Before I go up on stage, I eat one spoonful ofYounggaksan Powder.
*Younggaksan Powder is a vitamin/medicine that helps with the throat.


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BEAST's edgy man, Hyunseung

Characterizedby a pint-size head adorned with puppy-like innocent eyes, Hyunseungcarries around designer Woo Yongmi's "Solid Homme" bag. "A nuna whom Iwas close with prior to my debut gave it to me as gift." Also spottedin his bag is a Japanese magazine . Because he liked the streetsnapshot front cover, he became a subscriber to the magazine. Due tothe colorful patterns, he bought the SWG hat and Phenomenon shirt inJapan. Because he had gotten them while he was back dancer for thefirst time for Kim Jongkook, he states that he has somewhat of aspecial attachment to these items. The star-studded belt was given tohim by G-Dragon, which he now prizes as a memorable gift. "Although I'dgotten it in the middle of winter in 2005... because I like the stardecoration, I wear this one a lot." The striking skull-decorated Pradamini wallet was given to him as a gift by a fan. "Because of thiswallet, I carry around a bag." Givenchy cologne was given to me from ofour representatives. "While coming back from Taiwan promotions, he gavethis to me as a gift. Because it's a scent that I actually like, I planon using this from now on." !6G iPod was gifted by a fan. Enjoyslistening to OST...which he strongly recommends.

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Post time 7-3-2010 01:29 AM | Show all posts

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Charismatic Rapper Junhyung

RapperJunhyung, who shoots out explosive charisma on stage, usually has agentle image. His Raf Simons Eastpak Big Pack is a gift from hisparents. He has been using his Gucci wallet for 5 years since 9th gradeof high school. His beanie hat is an essential item that cannot flee."Because the fallen hairstyle is boring, when my schedule ends, Iimmediately raise my hair and pull on the hat." He always packs hisbankbook that contains his fortunes. "Because I can't memorize myaccount number, I always carry it around with me. Because I do internetshopping a lot, I carry my security card." The Doctor Dre Earphones isan item that he is attached to. "Before the Korean sale [of theearphones], I always wanted it, but when they were sponsored, I was sohappy," and he laughed. Creed Silver Mountain Water is known as Creed'sPremium Perfume by Seo Inyoung's perfume. Ä fan gave this to me as agift, but in the beginning, I thought it was a mist. When we werereturning from our promotions from Taiwan, I realized it was a perfume.If the scent is strong, my nose and head hurts, but I'm using itbecause the scent is gentle." The glasses are from the great member,Yoseob. "My face swells up easily, but when I wear these glasses, I canhide my swelling. So, I always carry it around with me."

I'musing my Gucci wallet for the 5th year. The bankbook contains all myfortunes. The Doctor Dre Earphones is an essential item that I'vealways wanted. The Creed Silver Mountain Water Perfume pleases my mind.Right when I come down from the stage, I pull on the beanie hat. Theglasses are a gift from Yoseob, and it's useful when my face swells up.


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Roofkick's Charming Angel, Kikwang

ResemblingYoo Seungho at first glance, the Stooshie backpack was gifted by a fanfor Kikwang, the owner of charming smiles. Inside the bag, a 'Roofkick'script occupies a space [in the bag]. "Because a perfect script usuallycomes when the day approaches, I use it at the scene. I print partsthat I need and I carry it around with me." The Nike exercise glovesand the exercise rubber band is a must-have item for Kikwang's fitness."By wearing the gloves, you don't get calluses on your palms. When Ihave to quickly make my body before broadcasts, the exercise rubberband is useful. It is an effective way for exercising my shoulders,arms, and triceps." In the dry winter, the Atrix hand cream is anessential product. "If your hands and feet get cold, they can dry upeasily. So, I frequently put [the lotion on]." In his 120G Ipod, it ispacked with videos and the latest songs. "I always download the latestalbums. I try listening to them often for about 2-3 weeks." Thepassport wallet is a gift from a fan. "While I was active as AJ, thestudios that I visited in Japan and Thailand are stamped in here," andhe showed us. He doesn’t forget about the fan letters. "Nowadays, I'mso tired that when I lay my head down, I automatically fall asleep.But, I'm trying to read them all."

The Nike exercise glovesprevent calluses from forming on my palms. I always carry the 'RoofKick' script. I used the passport wallet since my AJ days. Because myhands dry up easily, I frequently use the Atrix hand cream. Theexercise rubber band is the secret to Lee Kikwang's triceps. On myApple Ipod 120G, I always download the latest albums and continue tolisten to them for 2-3 weeks.


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Advent of the Male God, Dongwoon

Nolonger identified as a high schooler, the ever so blossoming beauty,Dongwoon, has a backpack that was actually previously owned by leaderYoon Doojoon. Characterized by his simple personality, he normallydoesn’t like to carry around bags much and thus, prefers to just carryaround an ipod. Nintendo DS is what he describes as an inseparable itemto him. “Our composer hyung gave it to me as a graduation gift. Alsocarry around the charger as well. I like games that you can raisethings.” Currently reading Bernard Werber’s ‘GOD’. “ I like to read alot, particularly books related to science fiction, andconspiracy-theory. “The Guess® mini-wallet was given from my mom.”Contained in the wallet, you see a well-arranged polaroid photo andsome bandaids. The na######g was given by one of the fans. “It’s aneasy way to publicize yourself naturally.” Also was stated that helikes to carry around fan letters. “On average, I get around 10 lettersa day. It’s a great source of encouragement to me while reading them inbackstage.” The Bodyshop’s White Musk is said to be Dongwoon’s favoritecologne. “It’s a fragrance that brings back a lot of personal memories.You don’t realize how excited I was when I found this again.” Due todanger of the cold virus, he also carries around cold medicine, aswell. And ended with a heartwarming remark, “reporternim, you shouldalso take care of yourself.”

CREDITS: HIGHCUT.CO.KR (SOURCE), kiwiannabear@B2ST Rising (TRANS), seiji_gaku@LJ

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Post time 7-3-2010 01:44 AM | Show all posts

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http://img138.imag ...
JUSTcircle Post at 7-3-2010 01:29

paling suka HS punyen...

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Post time 7-3-2010 01:49 AM | Show all posts
Why the 2nd mini album jacket had to be Photoshopped

GroupBEAST recently returned with their second mini album, but it has beenrevealed that the jacket pictures containing their shockingtransformations were Photoshopped because of unavoidable circumstances.

On the jacket of BEAST's mini album 'SHOCK OF THE NEW ERA,' the members wear black and reveal their charismatic sides.

Butthis jacket has a serious situation behind it. Because of the members'busy individual schedules, they had to combine photos to create thegroup shot.

On March 4, BEAST's representative said, "At thetime of the jacket shoot, Lee Ki Kwang had MBC 'High Kick Through theRoof,' and Yoon Doo Joon had 'Sunday Sunday Night' corner 'Danbi,' sonot all the members were able to participate. Because of this,combining and editing the pictures was unavoidable."

This is not all. Along with the jacket shoot, the music video filming also had a serious situation because of busy schedules. Partsof the music video with individual shots were filmed first and parts ofthe music video with all the members were filmed later all at one time.

Atthe time of the music video filming, Lee Ki Kwang was of course at'High Kick Through the Roof,' and Yoon Doo Joon was just returning toKorea from Kenya for 'Danbi' filming.

The representative said, "Thankfully,the music video filming finished in two days. The scenes with all themembers were gathered and filmed later all at once."

Meanwhile, Lee Ki Kwang will be a permanent guest on the new 'Sunday Sunday Night' corner 'Hot Brothers' whichwill replace 'Eco House.' He will be filming alongside Park Myung Soo,Tak Jae Hoon, Kim Gura, and others. 'Hot Brothers' will also includeguests such as Park Hwee Soon, No Yoo Min, and talent Han Sung Jin.

CREDITS: (SOURCE); illuminate.@B2ST Rising (TRANS)

2 hari jerk? ok lah tuh.. masa BAD girl sampai 3 ari dorg x tido...
hehehe! busy dah semua.. nampak la mcm idol bebetul dah.. semoga dorg x terlalu penat..

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Post time 7-3-2010 02:28 AM | Show all posts
[B2STLYSUBS] The St4r Interview - Introduction

cr : beastlysubs

patutlah aku tengok b2stlysubs nyer akaun dah suspend.. sian dorg.. huhuh!!
hope akaun nih x kena suspend gak la..

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 Author| Post time 7-3-2010 08:54 AM | Show all posts
[B2STLYSUBS] 091202 MTV Most Wanted - BEAST (1/3)                                               

[B2STLYSUBS] 091202 MTV Most Wanted - BEAST (2/3)

[B2STLYSUBS] 091202 MTV Most Wanted - BEAST (3/3)


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 Author| Post time 7-3-2010 08:58 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by sukebintang at 7-3-2010 10:08
The St4r Interview - Introduction

cr : beastlysubs

patutlah aku tengok b2stlysubs nyer akaun dah suspend.. sian dorg.. huhuh!!
hope akaun nih x kena suspend gak la..
JUSTcircle Post at 7-3-2010 02:28

lor..ko tak prasan ke dieorg dah tukar..aku seap dh update kat first page tu dah

yg inteview ni pun aku dah letak smalam kat sini

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 Author| Post time 7-3-2010 09:05 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by sukebintang at 7-3-2010 09:11

100306 Junhyung Cyworld Sidebar Update

cr: Junhyung's Cyworld saeko@b2strising

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Post time 7-3-2010 10:14 AM | Show all posts


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Post time 7-3-2010 03:01 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by sukebintang at 7-3-2010 10:08

lor..ko tak prasan ke dieorg dah tukar..aku seap dh update kat first page tu dah

yg inteview ni pun aku dah letak smalam kat sini
sukebintang Post at 7-3-2010 08:58 AM

x pasan.. sbb aku tau sedut kat IPB jerk.

yg introduction nyer ko dah letak gak erk? sbb aku tengok yg yg interview yg ada 2 part jerk.. x per lah.. x kisah la.. heheh! yg penting aku dah tengok..

yg MTV most wanted tuh kan.. dah lama dorg bg link download.. tapi kat YT lambat plak dorg upload..
x per lah.. asalkan leh sedut kan? hehehehe!!

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Post time 7-3-2010 03:02 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by sukebintang at 7-3-2010 09:11

100306 Junhyung Cyworld Sidebar Update

cr: Junhyung's Cyworld saeko@ ...
sukebintang Post at 7-3-2010 09:05 AM

JunHyung nak samakan rambut dia ngan character kartun ni ker?

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Post time 7-3-2010 03:02 PM | Show all posts

dark_chocolate Post at 7-3-2010 10:14 AM

x abis2 ngan gif DJ jatuh ni..
ko suker leader ke suerayah oi?

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Post time 7-3-2010 03:42 PM | Show all posts
x abis2 ngan gif DJ jatuh ni..
ko suker leader ke suerayah oi?
JUSTcircle Post at 6-3-2010 19:02

aku xtau dia sapa
tp klakar aku tgk gif ni
ari tu tempek kat borak
ni tmpk kat sini lak

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Post time 7-3-2010 03:44 PM | Show all posts

saya bukan pemenat DJ
comel je tlg nyanyi pes line lagu 2am

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Post time 7-3-2010 03:46 PM | Show all posts

tlg tempek

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Post time 7-3-2010 03:53 PM | Show all posts
aku xtau dia sapa
tp klakar aku tgk gif ni
ari tu tempek kat borak
ni tmpk kat sini lak
dark_chocolate Post at 7-3-2010 03:42 PM

tepek je la.. asalkan berkaitan beast.. meh meriahkan lagik..

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Post time 7-3-2010 03:56 PM | Show all posts

saya bukan pemenat DJ
comel je tlg nyanyi pes line lagu 2am
dark_chocolate Post at 7-3-2010 03:44 PM

wakakak leader.. siap nyanyikan pesline.. pastu lari..
makna jinwoon ngan slumer chanting "Yoon DooJoon"!!
saper penyani saper fans pun aku x tau..

BEAST ni tu la.. apa yg kua.. dorg click kekawan ramai..
2AM, 2PM, Big Bang, Xing ngan bebudak bekas Xing yg lain.. Ukiss, DNA.. MBLAQ kompom la kan sbb aku baru tau Hyunjung ngan SeungHO Mblaq satu sekolah.. SeungHo sunbae JH.. ekeke!!
F.Cuz pun saper tuh erk.. kawan JH gak.. satu sekolah.. ramai tl klik deme nih.. tuh aku suker..
x yah nak susah berkawan.. mmg dah lama dorg berkawan..

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Post time 7-3-2010 04:04 PM | Show all posts

tlg tempek
dark_chocolate Post at 7-3-2010 03:46 PM

yes!! inkigayo.. aku dah agak dah.. kompom dorg wat style gini..
opening sumermasuk dalam ais.. kekonon freeze giler la tuh 6-6 tuh..
part dance dorg ala2 gegaran2 tuh.. kan main kamera pun nak gegar.. feeling abis layan..
mesti gigih inki nak lawan mucore ngan mubank...
tapi mmg best perf tadik..
background balck and white ngan ala2 ice cube.. dah dorg pun dari cube kan?
cam biasala. saper yg suker komen pasal chanting tuh.. hah.. ari nih chanting bg aku sangat baik.. sumer part chanting aku dengar jelas dorg buat..
oh LA LA LA LA LA LA... pun kuat tuh... hehehe!!
vocal sumer ari nih ok.. hyunseung yg aku wisau pun ok.. dance gegiler.. sib baik sore dia x glitch ke apa ker..

inki kompom sama jerk gaya kamera dia nanti..
cam hyunah change.. sama jerk cara zoom, view dari mana sesumer everyweek..
but aku puast ati ngan dorgnyer perf ari nih sekali ngan cameraman nyer kijer sekali ngan b2uty nyer kije...

wokeh.. leh aku tido ngan aman dah.. dah tengok perf dorg. thank cokelat gelap sbb tepek sini..

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