Reply #220 jpl_fan's post
tue laa psal....
mesti ko macam zek zaidi dlm cite Gila2 Pengantin Remaja..muahahah
lagu ape eh yg die nyanyi tue.... |
Originally posted by MengkuduMasam at 20-2-2006 10:30 AM
haku tak tau laaa.. tapi bile dgr lagu scoin kot... rindu serindu rindunya... aku teringat jaman sekolah.. tak tau pasal per... lol:lol
mengkudu, kalau tak silap aku lagu serindu-rindunya ni band spoon yang bwak. boleh tahan jugak lagu nih.. ekekekek
setakat ni takder pulak lagu yg buat aku nangis. tp yg buat aku sedih sangat ada larr.. lagu2 raya. teringat atuk ngan nenek kat kampung.. |
Reply #222 w00t's post
lagu raya pon wat aku sedih...
tambah lak bile x balik raya kat kg... |
ekekekek.. jangankan lagu, takbir raya tu pun boleh buat aku sedih. |
Reply #224 w00t's post
btul2...sadis woo....
rase cam nak nangis je..huhuhu |
gen nih num ticket charge
tepon arr jap tanye bape....
aku nak save crdt neh...wakakka |
ko mmg...
yg aku tau harge dlm RM160 or RM180... |
ko tepon da ke????
lorrr xde sen laa plak.... |
aku da check dlm web site...
xde sen aa.... |
ehem2...jgn lari topik...mekacih... |
walaupon kite x dapat pegi konsert tue...
meh genx nyanyi utk snow
I guess
That this is where we've come to
If you don't want to
Then you don't have to
Believe me
But I
Won't be there when you go down
Just so you know now
You're on your own now
Believe me
I don't wanna be the one to blame you
Like fun and games
Keep playin' 'em
I'm just sayin-
Think back then
We was like one in the same
On the right track
But I was on the wrong train
It's like that
Now you gotta face the pain
And the devil's got a fresh new place to play
In your brain
Like a maze
You can never escape
The rain
Every damn day's the same shade of grey
I used to have a little bit of a plan
Use ta'
Have a concept of where I stand
But that concept slipped right outta my hand
And now
I don't really even know who I am
What do I have to say
Maybe I should do
What I have to do to break free
'N whatever happens to you
We'll see
But it's not gonna happen with me
I guess
That this is where we've come to
If you don't want to
Then you don't have to
Believe me
But I
Won't be there when you go down
Just so you know now
You're on your own now
Believe me
Back then
I thought you were just like me
Somebody who could see all the pain I see
But you
Proved to me unintentionally
That you would self destruct eventually
Now I'm thinkin' like the mistake I made doesn't hurt
But its not gonna work
'Cause it's really much worse
Than I thought
I wished you were something you were not
And now this guilt is really all that I got
You turn your back
And walk away in shame
All you got
Is a memory 'a pain
Nothin' makes sense
You jus' stare at the ground
I hear my voice in your head
When no one else is around
So what do I have to say
Maybe I should do
What I have to do
To break free
:music::music::music::music::music: |
Papalanjiut This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Deadgurlzz at 12-2-2006 02:38 AM
Hiii hellow......topic baru lagi (snow aku dh tolong ko bnyk ni ,bukk thread baru jek)
well aku nk tau lagu ape yg korang dgr then korang mesti nangis....:ah: x kesah la pasal ape korang nangi ...
errkkk ...denga lagu bleh nangis ? hmmm hmmmm |
Reply #232 Papalanjiut's post
certain people ade yg camtu..
member aku (gurl) siap nangis depan aku lagi dengar lagu....
dia cakap tetiba je dia teringat kat x-bf dia..huhuhu... |
Papalanjiut This user has been deleted
isskkk ... halus sungguh jiwa derang nih ... |
Reply #234 Papalanjiut's post
nak join nangis gk,wakakaka =p
ermmm, kalu dh nk dekat hari raya or hari2 raya tu sendre.. dgr lagu 'dr jauh ku pohom maaf- sudirman' tu mmg silap besar laaa...
uwaaaaa!! dh tau tp gatai gk nk dgr, hahaha kunun2 nk amik mood nk beraya.. |
Reply #236 aGuiLeHa's post
mmg pon...
genx pon penah sadis gak kalau time raya dengar lagu tue...waa..!!! |
Originally posted by Papalanjiut at 2-3-2006 12:34 AM
errkkk ...denga lagu bleh nangis ? hmmm hmmmm
mestilahhhh....and usually lagu2 yg wat nangis ni bile ianya ada berkaitan ngan kite..:ah: |
thanx 4 da song....
kalo dapat pegi lagi best....huhuhu |
Reply #239 snow_queen's post
ala...nanti2 kite pegi laa...hehehe |
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Category: Belia & Informasi