4minute’s maknae Sohyun, who graduated from middle school.
All the members of 4minute, except Gayoon who was not in attendance, were all smiles on this day while celebrating with her. They came bearing flowers and giant snowballs as special gifts(?) for their youngest member. How thoughtful of them.
4minute seems to be doing pretty well these days. They have been featured on Amerie’s upcoming track, burned up the Philippines and have now had the honor of meeting the world star Rihanna.
Rihanna visited Korea to promote her album Rated R. While in Korea, she met 4minute at interview with an entertainment news program. If you have been living in a hole for the past few years and don’t know who Rihanna is, let me tell you. She’s an A-list singer with seven Grammy’s under her belt that was discovered by Jay-Z and has had over seven chart topping hits, including Shut Up and Drive, Please Don’t Stop the Music, Disturbia and Umbrella.
4minute’s Jiyoon sang Umbrella before her debut at her music academy, an incident that reveals 4minute’s love and respect for Rihanna.
Unfortunately for HyunA, schedule conflicts preventing her from meeting the international pop star. She had to attend a filming session for Invincible Youth which made her miss this amazing chance. HyunA did express her sadness over the overlapping schedule.
4minute is leaving for Thailand after member Sohyun’s graduation today.
Se-se-se-se-sexy idol group 4minute adhered to such customs on the day of this special occasion as they reached out to the public through photos of themselves in “hanbok” (or traditional clothing), bowing humbly to the camera. In colorful traditional clothing, the ladies showed off a feminine style of them that was different from that which was seen on stage. Just seeing 4minute in all smiles surely uplifts the holiday spirit.
Press conference in Thailand (exclusive translations)
On February 12, 2010, 11AM at Doositanee Hotel in Bangkok, 4Minute andUniversal Music Thailand held a press conference with the press andmedia for the first time release of the album "For Muzik" in Thailand.4Minute greeted Thai Fans with a smile, saying "We're 4Minute. Sawadeeka!"
This press conference shows the relationship betweenUniversal Music and Cube Entertainment, the current entertainmentlabels of 4Minute and BEAST, which are collaborating to open a newAsian music market in both countries.
4 Minutes Press Con. in Thailand
Interview Begins...
▲So how does it feel, since this is your first time in Thailand? JiHyun:We were excited since the plane ride to Thailand. We wondered if thereare any 4Minute fans in Thailand, and when we got here, even though itwas already pretty late, the fans still came to welcome/see us. Thankyou (to the fans).
▲Why is the group called 4Minute, and why do you think that 4Minute is different from other idol groups? JiYoon:The meaning of 4Minute is, we will capture the hearts of the peoplewithin 4 minutes, and what sets us apart from other idol group is thatwe are a "down to earth" kind of group.
▲How hard was it to make the 'For Muzik' Album? Do you have any stories to share during the production process? JiHyunn Korea, there is a superstition that if there is an unexpectedincident during or before a big project or event, the project willbecome a success. And so during the making of the album, we had anunexpected incident where we got in a small car accident.
▲So what are your favorite songs and why? GaYoon: My favorite song is Muzik,because the beats that are similar to a heart's beat, so when youlisten to the song, it sounds like your heart is beating together withthe beats of the song. SoHyun: I like the song call What a Girl Wants, because it’s the sexiest song on the album. (Yes people, makne actually said this..) HyunAh: My favorite song is For Muzik, because it has a nice meaning to it, the lyrics means that we made this song only for you (for the fans). JiHyun: I like Hot Issue the most, because it was our debut song. Before we were able to debut with this song, we had to go through many hardships. JiYoon: Actually, I like every song in the album, but if I'm asked to choose then I'll probably pick Won't Give You (Anjullae), because it was the first song that I've rapped. I practiced very hard for the rap so I grew to love the song.
▲You have only recently arrived in Thailand, but do you know any Thai Words? 4Minute:4Minute Su Su (4Minute Fighting), Hlor Jung Loey (so handsome), SawadeePee Mai Ka (Happy New Years, Ruk Na..Joob Joob (Love you..kiss kiss),Dee Yieam (Good/Very Good), Hlor Mak Mak (VERY handsome)
▲If you have an extra day in Thailand what do you want to do? JiHyun:We heard that the King (of Thailand) is ill right now, so if we have anextra day we want to go visit him to see how well he is recovering. Media and Press: *applause*
▲So what type of guys do you like? What do you look for in a man? GaYoon: In the song What a Girl Wants, there was a part in the lyrics where it said to hold hands and intertwine them because it shows your love for each other. SoHyun: Also from a part of the lyrics of What a Girl Wants,it says that when you speak to each other you look at each other in theeyes. It's your eyes that is filled with/shows your love for each other. HyunAh like a guy that is older and is like my father, because my father hasa very friendly personality and takes care of me very well, alsobecause I can be a little whiny. JiHyun: I like a guy with a good sense of humor and a bright personality. JiYoon: I like guys like PK (PK was the MC for the press conference), really funny and handsome as well, haha.
▲Do you have any surprise for your fans? JiHyun: Well we've prepared the songs in the album, so I hope the fans will take a look and buy it.
▲Usually,Thai fans would abbreviate the names of artist into nicknames, but themembers of 4Minute have names that are kind of hard to pronounce, howdo you guys call each other (what are your nicknames)? SoHyun:Actually I think the names that we make for each other are even harderto remember since we included our last names: NamJi, HeoGa, JeonJi,KimHyun, KwonSo.
▲Since HyunAh is currently doing solo promotions, are there any plans on the others having a solo as well? JiHyun:Well right now we haven't really planned anything but in the future themembers will definitely have their own solos, since everyone wants toshow their talents/skills. (oh yes! woohoo!!)
▲Even though on the 14th, many celebrate it as Valentine's Day, but it's Korea's Lunar New Year (not just Korea eh..), so can you say a message to the Koreans living in Thailand? 4Minute: (In Thai) We are 4Minute, Sawadeeka. We hope everyone is in good health and Happy New Year 2010!
▲This Sunday is Valentine's day and New Year, can you send a message to the fans (fans as in all fans: Thai, Korean, etc.) 4Minute: (In Thai) We are 4Minute Happy New Years. HyunAh:Also, thank you for inviting us to come to Thailand on New Year, wefeel very honoured to be here and to have a chance of meeting everyone.We hope everyone will have fun with us in Thailand. JiHyun: And for 4Minute, it's also a treasured and memorable experience to be able to come here and do activities in Thailand.
...End Of Interview
Sofriends of Thailand, are you ready to meet 4Minute? There will be ashowcase, 'AMC and Universal Music Thailand presents Asia Music Market:4Minute The 1st Showcase In Thailand' on the 14th of February 2010outside the lobby of Central World from 5.30PM to 8.00PM. Do show yoursupport!