8/20/09 01:16 - Hyunah
[Q] Hyunah unni~ Sleep well~ If you said "Woojin, sleep well~", I'd probably have a dream....
[A] Woojin, have a nice dream ♡
2/4/10 02:42 - Jihyun
[Q] Unni! Who would you be more attracted to-- a manly yet quiet man, or a kind and charming man? ><♥
[A] Aigo.. can't it be both?.. If a man is kind and charming but not manly, that's sad ㅠㅠ
2/4/10 02:40 - Jihyun
[Q] (To 4minute) It's cold lately so be careful. You might get blown away by the wind ㅋㅋ Be careful of the wind ㅋㅋ
[A] No, I'm going to block all the winds coming from Korea!!
2/4/10 02:35 - Jihyun
[Q] Do you know this??? It's my birthday tomorrow!!!!
[A] Happy birthday, happy birthday our dear fan! Happy birthday^^
2/3/10 01:02 - Gayoon
[Q] (To Gayoon & Sohyun) Unni~ You're a hot minute♥ I came to Seoul to go to the dentist ㅜ It hurts so much that I feel like I'm going to die ㅜ
[A] Endure it!
2/3/10 01:28 - Jiyoon
[Q] It feels like it was just yesterday when I was wondering what your eyes looked like but already..? Time goes by so fast!
[A] Seriously... time really does go by fast ㅜ
2/3/10 01:03 - Gayoon
[Q] Noona, let's go eat pizza together~~ I'll buy. The store that sells pizza in Kangnam ㅎ
[A] I'm sick of pizza. Just buy me some hodduk
(T/N: Hodduk is a type of pancake that is stuffed with sugar)
2/3/10 00:49 - Gayoon
[Q] Tomorrow is the first day of school ㅠ Please support me, noona~
[A] That must be great for you! School.. I must have aged too much...
2/3/10 01:07 - Gayoon
[Q] How is Hyunah noona to you? ㅎ
[A] Hmm.. she just sleeps
2/2/10 02:32 - Jihyun
[Q] I will look forward to your next album! Unni, go spray your charms all over Asia!!
[A] "ok"!! And you're going to see us in March right?!!♥
2/3/10 01:27 - Jiyoon
[Q] Noona, I'm going to start exercising from today. How many kilograms do you think I'll lose ㅋㅋ
[A] Mm... how much do you weigh now?? ㅎㅎ
2/3/10 01:07 - Gayoon
[Q] Gayoon noona, what's going on lately? How long are you going to keep getting prettier? ㅋㅋㅋ
[A] Ah, lately I've been getting stressed because of that ^^
2/4/10 02:42 - Jihyun
[Q] Unni! Who would you be more attracted to-- a manly yet quiet man, or a kind and charming man? ><♥
[A] Aigo.. can't it be both?.. If a man is kind and charming but not manly, that's sad ㅠㅠ
sukebintang Post at 6-2-2010 23:33
aku suke jwpn jihyun yg ni
2/2/10 02:32 - Jihyun
[Q] I will look forward to your next album! Unni, go spray your charms all over Asia!!
[A] "ok"!! And you're going to see us in March right?!!♥
2/3/10 01:07 - Gayoon
[Q] Gayoon noona, what's going on lately? How long are you going to keep getting prettier? ㅋㅋㅋ
[A] Ah, lately I've been getting stressed because of that ^^
1/5/10 01:53 - Jiyoon
[Q] Noona, during the cold winter of 2010, I will be your fireplace. I will stay by your side to keep you warm
[A] Be next to Nam leader, too ^^ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ
sukebintang Post at 1-2-2010 19:31
1/21/10 01:20 - Gayoon
[Q] Heo Gayoon, when are you doing your solo album? ㅠ Try showing your aegyo to President Hong
[A] You should do it for me!! I can't do aegyo that well ㅠㅠ
suh gayoon wat2 cute
1/14/10 03:59 - Jiyoon
[Q] Unni~ What are you doing? Your aegyo is so cute♥ I want to see you on 4minute's stage quickly! ㅜㅜ♥
[A] We'll try to prepare for our second album quickly hehehe
1/5/10 01:51 - Jiyoon
[Q] Unni, I bought a phone~♥ I'd like it if you could send me my first U-Ta♥
[A] Kekekeke I'm jealous ㅜ I want to buy a phone ㅜㅜ
jap2. meh kite berangan mat jenin lagi.
skrg ni mmg takde keje sgt2 so tadi saje2 la tgk2 facebook K-popped,
pastu ada la sorang ni pegi post ckp yg dia ade dgr 4minute nak dtg Msia,
pastu Liz K-popped tu pun tanye la, sure ke?
pastu dia ckp ntahla.. mak kawan dia yg bgtau, n kwn dia tu pun x sure. haha
so ape lagi, as 4NIA, ade la menyampuk jgk kat post tu..
rajin2 la ke facebook K-popped n korang menyampuk2 la jugak.
so assume lah mak dia tu org dalam Universal Music Malaysia ke ape ke, kah3.
bab2 berangan mmg no.1
jap2. meh kite berangan mat jenin lagi.
skrg ni mmg takde keje sgt2 so tadi saje2 la tgk2 facebook K-popped,
pastu ada la sorang ni pegi post ckp yg dia ade dgr 4minute nak dtg Msia,
pastu Liz K-po ...
arincute92 Post at 7-2-2010 01:16
biar betik???..
harap2 maaaaaaasin sesgt la..
dgr rumors pun dah gembira sgt.. apa tah lagi bila dah konpom.. tergamam agaknya.. haha..
jap2. meh kite berangan mat jenin lagi.
skrg ni mmg takde keje sgt2 so tadi saje2 la tgk2 facebook K-popped,
pastu ada la sorang ni pegi post ckp yg dia ade dgr 4minute nak dtg Msia,
pastu Liz K-po ...
arincute92 Post at 7-2-2010 01:16
seap mak die yg ckp..
agaknye betul la tu kot:pompom:
takpe takpe.. meh kite memasinkan mulut. kah3.
adoyaiii. tolong laa.. nak tau je diorg akan dtg ke x.
yes or no.. ni x confirm, terus berangan mat jenin ajek. huhuhu.
oh.. diorg nmpk lawa2 kat ASAP XV tu.
suke rambut jiyoon mcm tu drpd dia buat bob hairstyle tuh. heh.