ye la.. kalu 4minute tersinggah malaysia nie.. hadiah pa la nak bagi???
kat filipina, dorang bg dolls yg cute + kain yg macam kain batik..
agaknya kita nak bagi pa ek??
terlintas kat kep ...
hujanlebat Post at 6-2-2010 21:03
boleh gak wat tshirt
pastu ngan kasi dieorg something yg mlmbgkan malaysia pun ok gak
tp kat CARI ni kite je ke mint dieorg
aku,ujan,JC,arin..kekdg BOBO
"wat kat shopping mall...pasu ramai yg lalu lalang..
pastu dieorg akan tanye...waaaa sape tubest2 gak lagu2 dieorg
pastu dieorg mesti akan search pasal dieorg kat intenet ke be ...
sukebintang Post at 6-2-2010 21:14
uit.. cita budak2??
x da salah pun.. amik risiko la..
agaknya da la kot.. tapi meroyan kat tempat lain..
tp kat sini..kita je la yg meroyan..
hujanlebat Post at 6-2-2010 21:55
takpun dieorg SR je
sbnrnye nak letak fanaccount..tp takut yg empunye marah..hehe..tp letak je la..letak kredit skali:pompom:
ust got home from megamall and im uploading my videos now of the gurls. ive gotta be honest, i was not a fan of these gurls before. but now, im converted! lol! they're all so pretty! well the word pretty is an understatement to describe leader JiHyun! she's so GORGEOUS! it was a good thing that i was expecting too much from them because they just proved me wrong about my opinions of them before. i went there with my two sisters and my cousin and we got lucky to find a spot near the stage just right behind the barricades. we were actually in the FANBOYS area! laugh.gif they were so funny and one of them was even saying he didn't mind if his arms get tired taking videos of the gurls because he's a proud fanboy!
JiHyun for me is the most gorgeous. maknae Sohyun was the sweetest though. she always smiled and waved at us. i just wanna hug her happy.gif but Hyuna, gosh there's something about her that's so hard to explain. she's soooo hottt! and she's oozing with charisma! you'll really get starstruck by her! but all of them are really beautiful! i thought i saw Barbie and friends singing and dancing! tongue.gif
i'll post the videos i took. you'll hear fanboys screaming, cheering, and singing along with 4minute songs. but really my legs are hurting right now. standing for hours is just really gruesome for me tongue.gif but it was all worth it! one of the koreans who was with 4minute took pictures and videos of us cheering for 4minute. first cheer she asked us to do was "4MINUTE FIGHTING" and then we asked her if we can do it again and she said do it with "4MINUTE SARANGHE." that was really fun! smile.gif i have pictures too btw but most of them are blurred since i suck at taking pictures when im excited. but the videos were ok tongue.gif
alright im just spazzing. better end my post here tongue.gif
agaknya kita nie ada ramai fanboys ke??
tau sorang je.. botol yg suka giler dgn hyuna..
kira fanboys kat filipina gak boleh tahan..
hujanlebat Post at 6-2-2010 22:14
lagi sorang tu encik WORLDLIFE tu kot rasenye
dieorg ni kan...kat korea tu tak tau la ramai fanboy ke tak
kalo dgr fanchant mesti byk fangirl..dr dieorg start2 debut lagi time HOT ISSUE..
cume time HOT ISSUE tu cam campor gak..sbb dgr gak suare fanboy skit2..
start MUZIK la..mmg dgr fangirl jeWAGW mcm campor gak
time CHANGE...mmg fangirl je dgr..time CHANGE tu maybe campo b2uty gak tu
dieorg ni kan...kat korea tu tak tau la ramai fanboy ke tak
kalo dgr fanchant mesti by ...
sukebintang Post at 6-2-2010 22:17
kira da 2 ekor kumbang la nie.. elok la dr x da..
rasenye group yg ramai fanboys.. senior 4minute.. SNSD.. nak tergelak bila dgr fanboy nyanyi gee..
tp x kisah la 4minute ramai fangirls.. at least, da yg suka dorang kan...
a'ah kan.. asik main feat je..
tp kira ok la.. coz 4minute x promot satu lagu je.. tp promot album..
agaknya JiYoon debut pun main feat ke??
hujanlebat Post at 6-2-2010 23:13