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Post time 24-10-2008 12:49 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2191 aziefa's post

Ye betul tu. Harus mahir menjaga stamina. Nanti pancit.

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Post time 24-10-2008 03:04 PM | Show all posts
Salam...biasanya saya hanya sekadar pemerhati, ini pun membalas menggunakan ID kawan.
Seronok baca pengalaman kakak2 dan abang2 dan adik2 di sini...

Nak tanya di sini, tak ada ke sesiapa yang dapat KT24, 6hb Nov ni?
Saya dan suami dapat KT24 ni...

Lagi satu, kami pun dah suntik influenza dan pneumonia...harga RM 120. Lepas cucuk, saya demam sehari, suami tengah selsema teruk sekarang ni.
Hopefully kami ok di sana nanti, InsyaAllah...

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Post time 24-10-2008 03:08 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2193 dalnas's post

Moga dipermudahkan Allah dalam mengerjakan Haji dan
Mendapat Haji yang Mabrur...


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Post time 24-10-2008 03:12 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2193 dalnas's post

Kalau demam lepas di suntik tu biasalah..
Ada orang ok aje...dah ada orang demam sebak saja lepas disuntik..
Insyallah bila sampai masa nak pergi..sehatlah suami dalnas tu...
Semangat nak buat Haji tu nanti yang membuat kita sehat ...

Semangat kita sendiri ialah ubat paling mujarab untuk menyembuhkan penyakit.

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Post time 24-10-2008 04:09 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2193 dalnas's post

Demam je? Tak lenguh - lenguh ke? Semangat juang itu yang penting.
Ambik sekaligus ke? Kiri kanan kena inject tu. Power....

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Post time 24-10-2008 04:47 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by dalnas at 24-10-2008 03:04 PM
Salam...biasanya saya hanya sekadar pemerhati, ini pun membalas menggunakan ID kawan.
Seronok baca pengalaman kakak2 dan abang2 dan adik2 di sini...

Nak tanya di sini, tak ada ke sesiapa yang ...

Semoga Allah SWT mempermudahkan segala urusan, diberi kesihatan yang baik, selamat dalam perjalanan serta dalnas dan suami dan mendapat haji yang mabrur.

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Post time 24-10-2008 05:39 PM | Show all posts
kat ofis ari  ni ada majlis doa selamat untuk staf kami yg g haji .. aduhhhh tersentuh ati di wat nya.. dulu mereka berdoakan untuk kita...  sekarang turn kita plak mendoakan kesejahteraan mereka... kena dng ustaz yg membaca doa....mmg sadisnya.. wuu wuu wuuu

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Post time 24-10-2008 05:55 PM | Show all posts
terima kasih untuk kak Ros dan IDB...
kata kata tu buat saya rasa saya ni tidak keseorangan...

kenduri untuk mak....insyaallah buat pada 30 hb ni....
saya suka tarikh tu sebab jatuh pada khamis malam jumaat...
buat tahlil untuk arwah ayah sekali...

31 hb ...jumaat...
insyaallah mak akan berangkat ke sana...

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Post time 24-10-2008 11:20 PM | Show all posts
Mari kita tumpang berita mengenai Kedua Kota Suci ni..

Jum'at, 24 Oktober 2008 9:22:39 AM
Madinah Sangat Dingin Harap Berjaket

Jakarta (MCH).
Jemaah haji Riau, khususnya yang termasuk kelompok terbang (Kloter) awal diharap mempersiapkan baju hangat
agar tidak terkendala menjalankan ibadah nantinya.
Karena saat ini di Madinah, kota tujuan awal jemaah haji kloter pertama, sudah memasuki musim dingin.

Saat ini suhu di Kota Madinah mencapai 22-25 drajat Celcius.
"Sekarang sudah musim dingin di Madinah, untuk itu jemaah gelombang pertama tujuan Madinah
diharapkan dapat mempersiapkan baju hangat.
Kita yakin mendekati musim haji nanti bertambah dingin suhu udara di sana,"’ jelas Saman lagi.

Namun demikian, kata Saman, pihak Depag saat Qur’ah kemarin belum ada pembicaraan tentang suhu udara di Madinah dan Mekah.
Tapi dari cuaca yang dilihat dari Siskohat, saat ini di Madinah suhu udaranya cukup dingin.

Berbeda dengan di Mekah, di Tanah Suci kini sedang musim panas dengan suhu udara berkisar antara 29-36 derajat Celcius.
"Walaupun tak ada pemberitahuan dari Depag dengan surat tertulis terkait suhu udara kepada kita,
tapi diharapkan jemaah tetap antisipasi," jelasnya, seperti dikutip Riau Pos edisi Jumat, 24 Oktober hari ini.

Dilaporkan bahwa dari 5.028 paspor jemaah Riau yang divisakan di Kedutaan Besar Arab Saudi di Jakarta sudah dikembalikan ke Kanwil Depag Riau sebanyak 4.654 buah. Ini berarti masih terdapat 374 paspor sedang diproses.


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Post time 24-10-2008 11:32 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aziefa at 24-10-2008 11:20 PM
Mari kita tumpang berita mengenai Kedua Kota Suci ni..

Jum'at, 24 Oktober 2008 9:22:39 AM
Madinah Sangat Dingin Harap Berjaket

Jakarta (MCH).
Jemaah haji Riau, khususnya yang t ...

makcik rajin baca paper jakrta ye..bagus informasinya..

i am wondering why our newspaper dont say anything regarding this? they overlook this issue or this is not a hot issue?

seharunya newspaper informatif..nie tak banyak sampah jer..dalam newspaper malaysia

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Post time 25-10-2008 08:15 AM | Show all posts

Reply #2201 HUSSAINTAHIR's post

Bab bab mengenai Haji Umrah Kota Mekah Madinah memang kurang mendapat
liputan dalam akhbar kita berbanding dgn Indonesia..
Tak taulah kenapa..
Di Mekah memang ramai orang Indonesia.
Pernah mendengar siaran Indonesia di Radio Mekah masa Mak cik pi Haji Tahun 1999.
Mak cik ada beli Radio masa pi Haji dulu.
Selalu dengar Bicara Agama...kitakan faham bahasa Indonesia.
Mak cik perasan pi Jakarta baru ni..
Pernah melintas kedai...Ole ole Mekah..
Driver yg bawa Mak cik siap cakap...
"Kalau yang  pulang Haji nggak sempat bawa ole ole Mekah utk saudara..
bisa singgah di sini dulu...dibilang saja dari Mekah

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Post time 25-10-2008 08:20 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by HarizAzhari at 24-10-2008 12:49 PM
Ye betul tu. Harus mahir menjaga stamina. Nanti pancit.

Perasan tak kebanyakkan Jemaah Indonesia ramai yang muda muda...

Jum'at, 24 Oktober 2008 9:42:53 AM
Naik Haji Sebaiknya Waktu Muda

Ibadah haji sebaiknya dilaksanakan pada saat usia muda karenabadan masih sehat dan segar.
Haji yang banyak membutu*kan tenaga itujustru semakin nikmat jika dilaksanakan pada usia muda.

Hal ini dikemukakan Ridzwan Bakar yang menulis dalam sebah bukuberjudul:
`Haji Muda, Tip-Tip Menjadi Tetamu Allah` yang diterbitkanPTS Publications & Distributors, Malaysia.

Menurut harian Utusan Malaysia edisi Jumat, 24 Oktober hari ini,
bukuini tak sekedar menceritakan pengalaman penulis yang menunaikan badahhaji pada saat usia muda saja.
Tapi, buku ini ditulis penuh denganpengajaran dan pendidikan yang berguna khususnya kepada generasi muda
yang ingin menunaikan ibadah haji.

Haji di waktu muda memang lari dari kebiasaan amalan mengerjakan hajiketka usia tua.
Padahal, berhaji pada usia muda sangat berguna karenamasih bertenaga.
"Buku ini menyentuh hampir kesemua aspek dalammengerjakan haji termasuk persediaan sebelum berangkat,
ketika diMadinah, Mekah, Arafah dan Mina serta selepas selesai mengerjakanibadah tersebut,"
tulis Utusan Malaysia. (MH)


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Post time 25-10-2008 08:24 AM | Show all posts

Reply #2201 HUSSAINTAHIR's post

Baca berita di atas...
Sehinggakan Buku Keluaran Terbitan Malaysia Mengenai Haji
pun diberi liputan di Indonesia..

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Post time 25-10-2008 08:45 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aziefa at 25-10-2008 08:24 AM
Baca berita di atas...
Sehinggakan Buku Keluaran Terbitan Malaysia Mengenai Haji
pun diberi liputan di Indonesia..


hahaha samalah ole-ole makkah ..kt malaysia pun ramai buat macam tue..tak sempat beli kt makkah balik singgah mydin..beli kt mydin hahahaha

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Post time 25-10-2008 09:59 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aziefa at 25-10-2008 08:15 AM
Bab bab mengenai Haji Umrah Kota Mekah Madinah memang kurang mendapat
liputan dala ...

Assalamualaikum azie dan semua,

Bercerita mengenai siaran radio Makkah ini, kakak teringat beberapa tahun yang lalu, dah lama juga,  radio Malaysia juga ada bersiaran langsung dari Kota Makkah setiap jam 9.00 malam, kira-kira 1/2 jam.

Ketika itu kakak pantang jam menghampiri 9.00 malam, hati mesti bergelodak je, mesti nak naik tingkat atas dan duduk dalam bilik kakak semata-mata nak dengar siaran langsung dari kota suci tu.  Mendengar lagu intronya pun dah mencukupi mengubat kerinduan dengan kota suci tu.  

Tapi selepas beberapa waktu siaran tu tak ada lagi atau kakak yang tak tahu ianya dah bertukar masa atau channelnya.  Memang missed sangat dengan siaran tu.  

Ada sesiapa yang tahu?

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Post time 25-10-2008 01:32 PM | Show all posts
Ada ke p Haji secara backpacking??/

Boleh guide saya tentang nih?

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Post time 25-10-2008 11:00 PM | Show all posts
Students to propagate health message among pilgrims
Md. Rasooldeen | Arab News
RIYADH: More than 300 Saudi undergraduates are being trained as health ambassadors and will be fielded in the holy cities of Makkah and Madinah during the forthcoming Haj in order to propagate the Kingdom’s health message among pilgrims.

“These undergraduates from the colleges of medicine and health sciences are currently undergoing a comprehensive training that aims to develop their communication skills so that they can reach out to the pilgrims effectively,” Abdul Rahman Al-Qahtani, general supervisor of Health Education Department in the Ministry of Health, told Arab News yesterday.

Al-Qahtani said the undergraduates had opted to work voluntarily. However, he added, negotiations were under way with the concerned authorities to provide them with a temporary allowance during their stay in the holy cities.

He said the pilot project last year proved successful. Consequently, this year the ministry has increased the number to 300 personnel to cover all the Haj camps within the holy cities.

The “health ambassadors”, as they are called, will visit camps of different countries and inform them of the health practices to be followed during the pilgrims’ stay in the holy cities to prevent the spread of infections and maintain a clean environment.

“They will inform the pilgrims about personal hygiene, environmental cleanliness and the types of food they need to consume during the period,” he said.

Besides this project, he said, around two million pamphlets are being prepared for distribution among the pilgrims. These pamphlets are to be printed in seven languages — Arabic, English, French, Malayalam, Urdu, Farsi and Indonesian.

The ministry will distribute the pamphlets both among the pilgrims who come by land through the 10 entry points to the Kingdom and among those who come by sea at the Jeddah port.

On instructions given by the Health Ministry, the Kingdom’s foreign missions issue Haj visas to pilgrims on production of vaccination certificates relevant to their countries. Al-Qahtani said arrangements had been made at all entry points for pilgrims to be vaccinated if they had not done so prior to arrival.

Arrangements are also being made to install eight large TV screens on the right side of the road from the Haj Terminal to Makkah. “The display will carry health messages in animated pictures. Five large billboards carrying similar messages will also be displayed in prominent places within the holy cities of Makkah and Madinah. Saudi television will also carry one-minute TV spots on health-related topics,” he said.

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Post time 25-10-2008 11:01 PM | Show all posts
Pilgrims shop for mementos
Badea Abu Al-Naja | Arab News

SOUVENIR HUNT: Pilgrims get in some last-minute shopping in Makkah before heading home. (AN photo by Hatim Ahmad)   
MAKKAH: The shops near the Grand Mosque aren’t nearly as quiet as the ones in the rest of the city during this Eid break. The reason?

Pilgrims who came for Umrah during Ramadan are getting in some last-minute shopping before heading home, and local merchants are more than happy to accommodate them despite the holiday break.

All visitors interviewed by Arab News stressed that the products they are buying from Makkah has a spiritual value for them and their families.

Egyptian Said Abu Al-Hassan said that he spent SR15 on a prayer mat and beads. Though they’re not of high quality or value (or made in Makkah, for that matter) his parents wanted something from the city of the Grand Mosque. “People boast about obtaining such things since whoever has them can show he knows somebody who went to the holy land,” he said.

Mahmoud from Morocco said that his mother and siblings ask for different gifts.

“It’s time to leave, and I am buying these souvenirs that mean a lot to us,” he said.

Jamim Shalabi was busy buying home products that he wants to distribute amongst his relatives and friends. Because of Saudi Arabia’s relatively low import tariffs, many consumer goods are cheaper here than they are in other countries with higher import taxes.

Egyptian Midhat Ibrahim opted for something more culturally authentic: a bisht, the black outer cloak worn over the Saudi thobe, typically at regal gatherings. Ibrahim bought this distinctly Saudi garment for his father.

“I got it for SR50, but its (spiritual) value to us is in thousands,” he said. “Everyone here from all over the world is concerned about obtaining some souvenirs.”

Last night the rush appeared to be dying down except in the restaurants. Cab drivers were charging rates that were back to normal from the seasonal price hike.

Brokers on prowl

As the Ramadan Umrah season winds down, men offering the service of housing and hiding pilgrims who want to overstay their Umrah visas to perform Haj. The fee for this illegal service is between SR1,500 to SR2,000.

Lutfi Sahnoun, a Moroccan, said that while shopping on the first day of Eid Al-Fitr he was stopped by an Arab national who introduced himself as Haaj Ibrahim. He was offering Umrah pilgrims shelter, bread and water until Haj, which begins at the end of November.

Sahnoun said that Ibrahim claimed that he knows some officials in Makkah who would cooperate with him.

Yusuf Al-Said, an Egyptian, said that a broker from his country followed him out of the Grand Mosque and asked for SR2,000 in return for a safe place to stay in until the Haj season.

Col. Aid Allugmani, the head of the Passport Department in Makkah, said that many visitors fall victims to these brokers who fool them by assuring that they can provide safe shelters and that they have connections with authorities.

“The Passport Department makes every effort to monitor these brokers and bust them,” said Allugmani, adding that anyone who shelters overstayers is breaking the law and risks steep penalties that include fines and prison time.

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Post time 25-10-2008 11:02 PM | Show all posts
Saudis have no excuse to be in Third World: Prince Khaled
P. K. Abdul Ghafour | Arab News

BUILDING BOOM: The model for residential towers in the Jabal Omar project under way in the heart of Makkah. (AN photo)   
JEDDAH: A massive exhibition will be staged in Obhur, north of Jeddah, to showcase major development projects under way in Makkah province. Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah will open the show tomorrow.

Makkah Gov. Prince Khaled Al-Faisal inspected the arrangements for the exhibition’s opening on Wednesday and said it was organized to highlight major projects taking place in the region during King Abdullah’s rule as well as growing investment opportunities in the region. He said Saudi Arabia’s development plans were aimed at making the Kingdom a first world country. “We believe that this country and its people deserve to have a place in the First World, not in the Third World, and we have all the potentials to accomplish this objective,” he said.

He said the government has devised economic, cultural, educational, social and tourism development plans to achieve that goal. “Saudis have no excuse to remain a Third World nation,” he said in a statement.

The exhibition’s venue, which covers an area of 115,000 sq. m., is located between the Camel Square and Kanz Restaurant. Models of 14 projects will be on the show that will open to the public free of charge. The exhibition will continue for three months.

The projects include the Kingdom Tower, Khozam Palace, King Abdul Aziz Road in Makkah, King Abdullah Economic City in Rabigh, Jeddah Gate, Dubai Towers, Jeddah Islamic Port Expansion, the Jabal Omar project in Makkah, Lamar Towers, King Abdul Aziz International Airport Expansion and Souk Okaz in Taif.

Economic analysts highlighted the significance of the exhibition saying it reflected the viable investment opportunities in the province for both Saudis and foreigners. They say many international companies have already shown interest to build real estate and infrastructure projects in the Kingdom.

King Abdullah Economic City in Rabigh is the most important and largest project under construction in the province. Spreading over an area of 168 million square meters, the city is being developed by the UAE real estate giant Emaar Properties. Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority (SAGIA) provides logistic support to the project.

The KAEC will not only increase job opportunities for Saudis but also enhance the Kingdom’s global business competitiveness, analysts said. Once fully operational, the city is expected to provide housing to two million people and create jobs for more than a million young Saudi men and women.

Jeddah Development Company plans a series of vital projects to change the face of the Red Sea port city, in cooperation with public and private sectors. It will also develop the disorganized areas of the city to make it more hygienic and beautiful. The exhibition will showcase the company’s projects.

Jabal Omar, located southwest of the Grand Mosque in Makkah, is another giant project to be exhibited at the Obhur show. The project includes hotels, residential towers, shopping complexes and public service facilities. It will offer residential facilities for 100,000 people, air-conditioned prayer facilities for 100,000 and open prayer space for 120,000.

Lamar Towers, which includes residential units, a luxury mall, offices and a world-class spa, is another important project taking its shape in the province. It is estimated to cost SR2.5 billion and is being developed by Cayan Investment Company.

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Post time 25-10-2008 11:05 PM | Show all posts
Work on SR20bn Makkah monorail to begin after Haj
P. K. Abdul Ghafour | Arab News
JEDDAH: Work on the first phase of an SR20 billion Makkah monorail project will start in December soon after the Haj season to facilitate transportation of pilgrims between the holy sites of Makkah, Mina, Arafat and Muzdalifa. The project is designed to transport five million pilgrims.

“An agreement will be signed with the winner of the contract to implement the project soon after Haj,” said Dr. Habeeb Zain Al-Abidine, deputy minister of municipal and rural affairs and secretary-general of the Commission for Development of Makkah, Madinah and the Holy Sites. Five specialized international companies, which were short-listed from 10, are competing for the multibillion dollar project, he said, adding that a meeting chaired by Prince Miteb, minister of municipal and rural affairs and chairman of the commission, would be held tomorrow to open their tenders.

Zain Al-Abidine said a feasibility study conducted by an international company had proposed five monorails linking the holy sites. Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah has given his approval to the project that will ease transportation of more than three million pilgrims between the holy sites.

“The feasibility study suggested the second monorail be built two to three years after the construction of the first one,” he said, adding that a single monorail would cost SR4 billion. The first monorail beginning from Mina will transport nearly one million pilgrims including 360,000 Arab pilgrims.

Monorail, which is a single rail serving as the track for a wheeled or (magnetically) levitating vehicle, has been rapidly paving its way as a modern urban transit system, providing the most-sought-after transportation solutions for a built-up congested city. The Makkah monorails will be 8 to 10 meters above the ground to ensure smooth flow of pedestrians and vehicles.

Zain Al-Abidine said the implementation of the project in the holy sites would help withdraw 25,000 buses from a total of 70,000 used by domestic pilgrims as well as pilgrims who come by land from neighboring countries. He said the system would help transport at least 500,000 pilgrims within six to eight hours.

According to the present study, monorails will have a station west of the stoning area in Mina in order to transport pilgrims to the second and fourth levels of the high-tech Jamrat Bridge.

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