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Author: eddlisa_uyuk

[SBS] RUNNING MAN [HOUSE 2] -Every Sunday 5.20pm [KOREAN TIME]

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Post time 1-7-2013 06:20 PM | Show all posts
clara_nur posted on 1-7-2013 05:43 PM
ada harapan lg ker?
me rasa salah satu halangan sbb perbezaan agama..
KJK buddhist, YEH plk  ...

kalau bab ugama mmg jadi masalah besar tu....kesian.

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Post time 1-7-2013 06:35 PM | Show all posts
ladygempak posted on 1-7-2013 06:14 PM
tu lah...harap dorang tak marah la kan...dorang pn kena la ramai2 sembang kat sini jgk..
aku yg ...

tula,me pon hrp ramai yg join tak kira fans sape pun sbb ada ada thread psl RM kt bod gosip dulu,tengok ramai yg reply walhal kt rumah sini sendu jer..

bilamana ada info2 psl RM yg me share kt sini,korang2 jgk yg rajin mana2 fans jgn segan silu nk join sini..dan harap xde mana2 pihak annoying bilamana kitaorg rajin offtopik psl Jongkook psl diorang2 jgk yg salu memeriahkan rumah ni

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Post time 1-7-2013 06:42 PM | Show all posts

kalau bukan Islam, normal kot bertatu ni..cuma bila yg bertatu tu idola kita, tu yg kita rasa cam cuak sikit..

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Post time 1-7-2013 06:50 PM | Show all posts
ladygempak posted on 1-7-2013 06:20 PM
kalau bab ugama mmg jadi masalah besar tu....kesian.

lol..tu spekulasi takkisah KJK dgn sapapun..
kang org igt me meroyan nkkan JK dgn YEH..kikiki...

tp realitinya pasangan yg berlainan agama mmg masalah jgk

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Post time 1-7-2013 07:05 PM | Show all posts
curiouscat posted on 1-7-2013 10:37 AM
Rambut JS time ni dah serupa swimming cap, tak perlu cover2 lagi dah

and another one yg memorable, rambut antenna a.k.a rambut bangun tido.
long time no see rambut tu..

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Post time 1-7-2013 07:09 PM | Show all posts
clara_nur posted on 1-7-2013 02:04 PM
Moon Geun Young Picks Lee Kwang Soo as Her Ideal Type

IDK why but i dont like moon time dia jadi guest.
aku rasa macam gedik. ke bukan gedik.
tapi ntahlah, memang kureng sikit.
selain idol2 pempuan, dia salah sorang guest pempuan yg aku akan skip episode utk diulang tayang.
episode snsd pun aku tak berapa nak gemar.
idol pempuan yg ok sikit aku suka tengok sulli.
itupun yg dlm idol race.
yg episode theme budak sekolah, aku skip je.
tak kuasa nak menengok selalu..


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Post time 1-7-2013 07:13 PM | Show all posts
clara_nur posted on 1-7-2013 02:13 PM
KJK punya style masa TURBO ala2 bad boy ckit..
tu kira style kiut dia la
uolss kalo tgk kt tu ...

first time aku tengok JK and dengar suara dia menyanyi, i was like 'OK, that's weird. Suara tak ngam ngan badan.'
but then, bak kata JS tak semua orang dikurniakan pakej yg lengkap.
macam JK, dia ada badan ok with mosquito voice.
and Kwang Soo, dah la rupa takde, butt pun takde.


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Post time 1-7-2013 07:14 PM | Show all posts
Aiira posted on 1-7-2013 03:52 PM
Sebab lewat sangat dah tu... Tak ngantok ke pergi kerja?
Haaa.... episod tu kelakar Team K ...

but pity guest tu sebab reason dia datang RM sebab nak main ripping name tag.
sekali diorang bagi main domino je..
kesian dia.


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Post time 1-7-2013 07:16 PM | Show all posts
clara_nur posted on 1-7-2013 04:23 PM
jongkok minat sbg peminat jer kot..mesti dia tak kisah punya
sbb ada reporter pernah tnya jo ...

tapi yuri tak nak dia..

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Post time 1-7-2013 07:19 PM | Show all posts
clara_nur posted on 1-7-2013 04:40 PM
[RACE START! in Malaysia Fan Meeting - Official Poster]
Premium ticket holder entitled for: ...

sape nak poster RM.
meh aku printkan.
korang bayar aku 50hengget je..

mahal woi tiket fanmeeting jadah ni..
nasib la aku bukan kaki kejar artist.
kalau tak harus aku tunggu kat airport sambil hulur cigar. kat KG.


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Post time 1-7-2013 07:23 PM | Show all posts
clara_nur posted on 1-7-2013 05:03 PM
bilala YEH nk datang running mah eh?

i read YEH punya interview.
orang tu tanya YEH tak nak datang RM ke.
YEH cakap dia nak datang tapi takut menimbulkan ketidakselesaan je nanti.
sebab alangkan sekarang YEH tak datang pun, org RM suka sebut2 nama dia.
ni kan pulak kalau dia datang, mesti jadi center of attraction.
nanti RM episode tu ntah kemana, YEH entah kemana, team RM ntah kemana.

::nanti aku try cari balik article tu.
kalau jumpa, aku paste kat sini..

Last edited by ellZack on 1-7-2013 07:27 PM


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Post time 1-7-2013 07:35 PM | Show all posts
Despite never having appeared on the show, Yun Eun Hye is probably the celebrity most often mentioned on SBS′ Running Man.

The sad news is that this is mostly what′s stopping her from actually appearing on the show.

The reason the topic of Yun Eun Hye pops up so often on Running Man is because Yun Eun Hye and Kim Jong Kook were formerly involved in a love line in their X Man days. The coupling was incredibly popular at the time, and remains one of the most mentioned/imitated love lines today - which means Kim Jong Kook, who′s still a regular on the variety circuit, can′t seem to escape mentions of it on the show currently running in X Man′s time slot.

The way Kim Jong Kook flinches whenever he hears Yun Eun Hye′s name is often used as one of the humorous themes of the show.

Yun Eun Hye joked about the topic, "It′s like I′m appearing [in Running Man] every week. I think I′ll have to ask them to pay me."

In a meeting with press on January 31, Yun Eun Hye said with a laugh, "I think it′s time they stopped, but I don′t know when I′ll be able to appear. They′re probably just teasing since we′re so close. I′m watching it happily because they′re people who′ve stayed with me even through my difficult times."

She, however, seemed to want to tread carefully on the issue of whether she′ll actually appear in the show, since the image of her love line with Kim Jong Kook is still too strong.

"I do want to be on the show, but I keep trying to keep my distance because I don′t want them to center the show on that issue," she said.
Enews World/Feb. 1st, 2013

With recently ended MBC drama “I Miss You,” Yoon Eun Hye played the role of Lee Soo Yeon, a woman with trauma who reunites with her first love after 14 years. Many fans and critics praised Yoon Eun Hye for expanding her acting spectrum and becoming a true actress with “I Miss You.”

While many now recognize her as an actress, a lot of people also remember her as the youngest member of Baby V.O.X and Kim Jong Kook‘s love interest Yoon Eun Hye from SBS “X-Man.” Her name gets mentioned in SBS “Running Man,” where Kim Jong Kook is starring. Although this might cause some kind of uneasy, awkward feelings, Yoon Eun Hye seemed not to bother much.

She said, “The fact that it is still talked about today makes me realize how much of a big issue it was back then. At the time, I was the youngest member of the cast. Although I’m not really good at keeping in touch with all of them and staying close, I think they still see me as this cute maknae and therefore, talk about my time on ‘X-man’ rather comfortably.”

When asked whether she likes of dislikes it, Yoon Eun Hye responded jokingly, “It’s not a ‘I like it’ or ‘I hate it’ kind of feeling I have. But I’ve thought that maybe I should get paid? Every time they use a photo of me or my name is mentioned?” Perhaps since she is still working on establishing herself as an actress, she might be a little bit hesitant to make an appearance on a variety TV show and have people remember her as the lighthearted, fun variety character.  

Yoon Eun Hye commented on her possible future appearance on “Running Man,” “I think it is a really good program, but I don’t have a good excuse to be on the show yet. Perhaps when I start a new drama or movie, I think that’s a good time to make an appearance. Also, when I’m on the show, I’m a little worried and intimidated that everybody is going to push for the romantic ‘love line’ between me and Kim Jong Kook. But then again, if that doesn’t happen, what fun is it? I think I’d have fun if and when I am on the show. It’s a good program.”
Soompi/Feb. 4th, 2013

Actress Yoon Eun-hye claims she is mentioned in the SBS TV program "Running Man" everyday and didn't seem to mind it at all.

She told OSEN, "I want to be in "Running Man" when she was asked how she felt about it.

Yoon was in "X-man" with Yoo Jae-seok and Kim Jong-guk. She was made a set with Kim as the 'Sure thing couple' during that time and formed a romantic atmosphere. "Running Man" has been mentioning her name ever since Kim Jong-guk joined the team and about the love-line they had in the past.

Yoon Eun-hye said, "I feel like I'm in "Running Man" every episode even though I don't get paid. I am close with them so I think that's why they say my name so much. But I don't want to be caught up in the love-line with Kim Jong-guk so much though".

She added, "If I was to be in that show, I think I will be talking about Kim Jong-guk for the next 10 years. It's time it stopped" cutely.

HanCinema/Jan.31st, 2013


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Post time 1-7-2013 07:46 PM | Show all posts
ellZack posted on 1-7-2013 07:09 PM
IDK why but i dont like moon time dia jadi guest.
aku rasa macam gedik. ke bukan gedik.
tapi nta ...

bg me, MGY ok ja dan aktif..better dr Jessica SNSD tu..
stp kali dia dtg RM,xnampak pon apa function dan jenis malas sikit..
guest yg me harap tak muncul dah SHIN BONG SUN


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Post time 1-7-2013 07:48 PM | Show all posts
ellZack posted on 1-7-2013 07:19 PM
sape nak poster RM.
meh aku printkan.
korang bayar aku 50hengget je..

tula..kemain mahal harga..
uolss xnk g ker jmpa gary dpn2

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Post time 1-7-2013 07:59 PM | Show all posts
clara_nur posted on 1-7-2013 07:46 PM
bg me, MGY ok ja dan aktif..better dr Jessica SNSD tu..
stp kali dia dtg RM,xnampak pon apa funct ...

iols pun tak suka shin bong sun.
over ok.
benci pulak tengok dia melekat dgn KJK.
sikit2 dah la.
ni buat rumah orang dah macam rumah sendiri.

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Post time 1-7-2013 08:02 PM | Show all posts
ellZack posted on 1-7-2013 07:35 PM
Enews World/Feb. 1st, 2013

Soompi/Feb. 4th, 2013

me rasa KJK-YEH scandal ni dh lama senyap even sebelum RM,jaesuk salu gak usik YEH-KJK dlm family outing..
cuma tetiba start taun lepas, Jaesuk kerap dok sebut2 nama YEH..
stp episod yg ada KJK-YEH,mesti jd hot topik kt nate/naver search engine lps episod tu disiarkan..
tp YEH punya fans cukup bencila kalo dikaitkan dgn KJK..
siaap tuduh KJK seek attention la walhal JAESUK yg start semua ni..
ada yg ckp,Jaesuk still lg dok usik KJK psl YEH,cuma dah tak disiarkan lg dlm RM lps interview ni keluar..
hormat privasi/permintaan YEH katanya..

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Post time 1-7-2013 08:03 PM | Show all posts
clara_nur posted on 1-7-2013 07:48 PM
tula..kemain mahal harga..
uolss xnk g ker jmpa gary dpn2

walaupun iols biased KG, tak kuasa la eh nak menabur rm150 semata2 nak tengok dia.
rm150 tu buat beli novel iols, lagi berbaloi.
bukan boleh bawak balik pun KG tu.
yg 150 ni pun iols rasa boleh nampak KG besar semut je.
tengok pada layout sitting dia, yg paling murah duduk paling belakang sekali.

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Post time 1-7-2013 08:06 PM | Show all posts
clara_nur posted on 1-7-2013 05:43 PM
ada harapan lg ker?
me rasa salah satu halangan sbb perbezaan agama..
KJK buddhist, YEH plk  ...

Itulah kan... Macam takde harapan je... Unless one of them is willing to convert which I doubt it.
Takpelah... Siapa pun jodoh KJK... as his fans, we will always support him. And of course pilih calon isteri yang "sekufu" lah ye
Dan sedap mata memandang.

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Post time 1-7-2013 08:06 PM | Show all posts
ellZack posted on 1-7-2013 07:59 PM
iols pun tak suka shin bong sun.
over ok.
benci pulak tengok dia melekat dgn KJK.

satu lg SBS ni ganas sangat..
tak bole lupa cmna dia buat kt jaesuk dgn sukjin

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Post time 1-7-2013 08:08 PM | Show all posts
Isu KJK banyak dalam rumah RM ni sebab fans KJK banyak berkuntum dekat sini.... Fans KG, SJH... ada jugak tapi tak ramai, since MC dah ada benang sendiri.

Fans LKS, JS, JSJ, & HaHa... where are you? Marilah berkampung di sini

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