K-pop fans from all over the Philippines can’t help but get overly excited for the first promo tour of the hottest K-pop girl group ever to hit Manila! 4Minute! The Philippine Promo tour of 4Minute is the first ever-promotional tour of a Korean pop act where fans can gain more access to them through their highly anticipated mall shows!
Ji Hyun, Ga Yoon, Ji Yoon, Hyun A, So Hyun, collectively known as 4Minute make their way to Manila on Feb. 4 – 8 for a series of mall shows and autograph signing sessions! Details are as follows:
Feb. 5 SM Mall of Asia Main Mall Atrium 6:00 PM
Feb. 6 SM Megamall New Event Center 5:00 PM
Feb. 7 SM North EDSA Annex Event Center 5:00 PM
The momentum of 4Minute is rapidly increasing with their hits, endorsements and individual projects! 4minute, who started their career April of last year has already received awards from their hometown namely Cyworld’s Rookie of the Month, Korea’s Cultural, Physical Education and Tourism Bureau: Rookie Music Award, SBS Power Rookie (August) and Golden Disk Awards Newcomer Award (shared with T-ara). 4Minute even beat Super Junior in Taiwan by hitting the number one spot in the country’s biggest music site, KKBOX.
Here in the Philippines, the group has gotten support from fans of all Korean groups nationwide! There are currently a total of 14 official K-POP fan clubs that also include that of Big Bang (www.bigbang.ph) and many others. The Official Fan Club of 4Minute, who call themselves 4Nias are a highly organized group of fan boys and fan girls who are very active in collecting anything and everything 4Minute! They meet each other through 4minute’s official fan site in the Philippines, www.4minute.ph.
In line with their upcoming promo tour, MCA Music, who recently partnered with CUBE Entertainment in Korea that also houses K-Pop boy band BEAST shall release the first mini-album of 4Minute entitled For Muzik. Their hits “Hot Issue”, “Muzik” and “What A Girl Wants” have all enjoyed heavy airplay by top music channels and radio stations - making the group one of the most popular Korean acts to ever hit the country.
Nourish your fandom hunger with the biggest promotional tour to start the year! Make way to the scheduled mall of your choice and get up close with 4Minute as they sing their hits, Hot Issue, Muzik and What a Girl Wants and more! Also, get your copy of Limited Tour Edition For Muzik albums at the venue and get the chance to have them signed by each member of 4Minute! Albums shall also come with a free tour poster!
For Muzik shall come in CD+DVD format that includes free limited edition posters and a special K-POP surprise inside every copy! For Muzik is now available at Odyssey and O Music stores nationwide!
4Minute’s Philippine promo tour is presented to you by Talk N’ Text Tipid Sulit Together and SM Supermalls! Media partners include MYX Your Choice Your Music, Tambayan 101.9 San’ Ka Pa, ASAP XV and ABS-CBN Official residence of 4Minute in Manila, EDSA Shangri-la Hotel. To get 4Miunute’s music on your Talk N Text mobile phones, simply TEXT 4MINUTE to 234. To become a member of the official fan club of 4minute, just register to www.4minute.ph.
4Minute and For Muzik is exclusively distributed in the Philippines by MCA Music Inc.
oh, yang asian takeaway tu..
erm, weekdays ada program Asian Takeaway: JK kol 6pm.
rsnye ade lah satu hari tu MTV akan tunjuk sume MV artist yg diorg feature.
hari tu ade tgk bigbang n suju punye. x perasan la plk kalau 4minute pnye dah lps.
tp pernah tgk la jugak mv What A Girl Wants skali.
kalau kat channel [v], hot issue tu dah slalu je mcm
haihhhh. xpe la. kita harap je la terbukak hati diorg nk dtg Malaysia..
skali ngan bdk2 Beast
oh, yang asian takeaway tu..
erm, weekdays ada program Asian Takeaway: JK kol 6pm.
rsnye ade lah satu hari tu MTV akan tunjuk sume MV artist yg diorg feature.
hari tu ade tgk bigbang n suju punye. ...
arincute92 Post at 3-2-2010 23:07
OOO...MV WAGW penah kuar gak ye
slalu tgk yg HOT ISSUE je
4minute and BEAST’s Junhyung to be featured on Amerie’s upcoming album
Thanks to their partnership with Universal music, girl group 4minute is gaining much attention for their participation on Amerie’s upcoming track Heard’em All.
Dubbed as the “2nd Beyonce,” Amerie is a mixed R&B singer with Korean and African American blood.
And it looks like she’s getting in touch with her Korean heritage as her track Heard’em All will feature 4minute and the rapping of BEAST member Junhyung. This is going to be a special track off Amerie’s upcoming ‘In Love & War‘ album as her powerful vocals unite with 4minute’s unique sound.
We have the Wonder Girls with the Jonas Brothers, Se7en with Lil’ Kim, Wheesung with Ne-Yo and now this? Looks like Korea is finally making big moves in world domination sharing the joy of k-pop!
Amerie’s album is scheduled for a February 23rd release in Korea.
Our GaYoon will be participating in the OST of MBC drama 'The Woman Who Still Wants to Marry'. Together with Cube Entertainment's trainee, Han EJi, they will be singing the song One Two Three. In case you don't know, Han EJi has appeared in the '2010 Cube Entertainment Showcase' together with 4Minute, BEAST, Mario, and other Cube artists and trainees earlier in January.
As HyunAh is still promoting her solo single Change, JiYoon seems to be taking on more collabs with other artists in order to prepare herself for her upcoming solo. So this time, with GaYoon getting involved in a song without the other 4Minute members, does this indicate that she will be the next in line to produce a solo track? I definitely hope so.
tu la pasal..
KALAU la jadi, mmg susah la if clash dgn suju pnye concert.
nak2 kalau kena pakai duit byk, mmg susah lah org nk pegi..
tp KALAU jadi la.. hehhhh..
ohh. not bad ahh Cube entertainment nihh. :pompom: mcm best. suka2.
diorg cam invest la jgk on artist diorg. hopefully diorg ni x akan menyampahkan fans cam SM ngan slave contract + JYP ngan cita2 terlebih sudahhh.
tu la pasal..
KALAU la jadi, mmg susah la if clash dgn suju pnye concert.
nak2 kalau kena pakai duit byk, mmg susah lah org nk pegi..
tp KALAU jadi la.. hehhhh..
ohh. not bad ahh Cube entertainm ...
arincute92 Post at 4-2-2010 17:10
harap2 company dieorg ni takde masalah sgt...:pompom:
tp geram gak sbb dieorg asyik push hyuna je..sean plak die tu..
rasenye mmg lgkh yg agak baik dieorg bekerjasama ngan UNIVERSAL MUSIC tu:pompom:
mcm2 peluang dieorg leh dpt
oho.. 4minute mai thai tgh bulan February nie???
adakah 4minute akan singgah malaysia lps dtg thai?? tau pun lps dtg singapura??
eee... bestnya kalu depa nie singgah sebentar.. ada sesapa nak gi x?? kita nak itut..
tnya universal kat FB.. dorang akan inform bila da official date..
oho.. 4minute mai thai tgh bulan February nie???
adakah 4minute akan singgah malaysia lps dtg thai?? tau pun lps dtg singapura??
eee... bestnya kalu depa nie singgah sebentar.. ada sesapa nak gi x?? ...
hujanlebat Post at 4-2-2010 23:23
jom stalk same2:pompom:
ujan tanye kat fb universal??waaaaaaa..mcm betul je dieorg nak dtg sbb universal kate akan inform official date..:pompom::pompom:
jelesnye bace fanaccount kat soompi..bdak tu leh siap peluk2 ngan jiyoon lagi
hyuna plak kiss ade sorang fan tuhlucky gile
sohyun plak fanservice terbaik punye(same mcm DW)
oho.. 4minute mai thai tgh bulan February nie???
adakah 4minute akan singgah malaysia lps dtg thai?? tau pun lps dtg singapura??
eee... bestnya kalu depa nie singgah sebentar.. ada sesapa nak gi x?? ...
hujanlebat Post at 4-2-2010 23:23
haha. ade nmpk post tu kat FB. me siap 'like' lagi post tu.
tu lah. gaya org universal tu jwb, mcm diorg ade plan nk bwk 4minute dtg malaysia je. harap2 jadi la. huhu.
beast mmg dah x ikut 4minute punye tour ni ke or diorg miss yg philippines je?
haha. ade nmpk post tu kat FB. me siap 'like' lagi post tu.
tu lah. gaya org universal tu jwb, mcm diorg ade plan nk bwk 4minute dtg malaysia je. harap2 jadi la. huhu.
beast mmg dah x ikut 4minute punye tour ni ke or diorg miss yg philippines je?
arincute92 Post at 5-2-2010 00:20
dah tgk post tu
tu la..gaye nye mcm ade plan:pompom:
rasenye kalo dieorg ikut..mesti ade video dieorg greeting nak dtg..
rasenye mcm takde je
kalo dtg malaysia..harap2 ade skali:pompom: