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Author: HangPC2

Misi Penghantaran Bantuan Kemanusian Ke Gaza

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Post time 10-6-2010 02:22 PM | Show all posts

This week Bishop Luigi Padovese, head of Catholic church in Turkey was stabbed to death by his Turkish driver. This news was almost not reported. So Turkish Islamists hate not only Jews.

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Post time 10-6-2010 02:29 PM | Show all posts
nice pic. is it u nick...  crying like a baby, they are too afraid of dying nick like the rest of you... remember nick one day its either you or your children will get it..

Every normal human being experiences fear. Those who dont fear are lunatic psychopaths. Heroes are those who overcome their fear and do their task. Israelis faced huge armies attacking them. They did fear, but they overcome it, fought and prevailed. While Arabs fled and whine to UN and CNN.

it has been every moslem dream to be a matyr

If you dream to be a martyr, then why you are whining in UN and CNN when it happens?

, to be a jihadist  to free the palestine land  ... the time will come. the terrorist must be punished, the jews must pay ..

What about Russia that killed 100 times more Muslims? Are you going to fight there too?

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Post time 10-6-2010 03:50 PM | Show all posts
Every normal human being experiences fear. Those who dont fear are lunatic psychopaths. Heroes are ...
Nick_Perelman Post at 10-6-2010 14:29

orang yang tak ada asas moral
sepertimana yahudi yang menyokong
keganasan dalam isu ini tiada
kelayakan untuk memberikan pandangan songsangnya
di sini en nik parman

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Post time 10-6-2010 05:43 PM | Show all posts
orang yang tak ada asas moral
sepertimana yahudi yang menyokong
keganasan dalam isu ini tiada
k ...
d'zeck Post at 10-6-2010 15:50

I never harmed anyone innocent, unlike Hamas criminals.



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Post time 10-6-2010 05:54 PM | Show all posts
I never harmed anyone innocent, unlike Hamas criminals.
Nick_Perelman Post at 10-6-2010 17:43

sekurang2 nya ko paham jugak bahasa melayu
walopun tak mungkin sekali-kali ko akan mengakui
kebangangan tindakan rejim yahudi..

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Post time 10-6-2010 06:46 PM | Show all posts
hahaha...jehud melayu ghuponya.....
bangga diri tak habis jehud nih... pusing sana, konar sini...janji cakap mau besaq....
tak apa jehud, ni masa ko utk mendabik dada sepuas hati ko, nanti bila sampai hari ko akan menyorok di belakang pokok kegemaran ko tuh, pokok tu pon akan katok kepala ko...

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Post time 10-6-2010 06:50 PM | Show all posts
Reply 201# Nick_Perelman

   konar la lagi.... kat negeri ko ada lagi ramai jehuds yg anti bangsa lain dan sanggup bunuh kanak2 n wanita n org2 tua kat sempadan nuh...lagi macam lahanat.... dah la, tak yah nak divert2.... ko tunggu jer la hari yg dijanjikan....

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Post time 10-6-2010 08:04 PM | Show all posts
hahaha...jehud melayu ghuponya.....
bangga diri tak habis jehud nih... pusing sana, konar sini ...
windof Post at 10-6-2010 18:46

Funny, that you dream about the genocide of whole Jewish nation and in same time you whine about killing some violent provocators. By the way, there is another Hadith for you:

"The Hour will not be established until you fight with the turks; people with small eyes, red faces, and flat noses. Their faces will look like shields coated with leather."


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Post time 10-6-2010 08:50 PM | Show all posts
these bunch of malay retards dream of killing jewish people despite of they themselves are stuck with chinese and indian races in this country



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Post time 11-6-2010 07:09 AM | Show all posts
dah mula nak perlagakan orang lain dah...adus balik kepada isu bantuan ni la bro...

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Post time 11-6-2010 03:28 PM | Show all posts
Funny, that you dream about the genocide of whole Jewish nation and in same time you whine about k ...
Nick_Perelman Post at 10-6-2010 08:04 PM

well, well ... he aint a jew after all .... just one of those pork eating red dot who love to lick the jews ass... just for your info...the jews doesnt eat pork like u do..he he

this guys is nothing ...just love to stir hate and anti moslem... he got nothing to do with jews, he just love to condemn the moslem people..

hundres of year ago the qhristian people have come to occupied palestine and al-aqsa from every corner or the earth..but they qhristian are too weak to stand up and they end up splitting into a few groups.. protestant, orthodox, catolic and etc.... they never realise it is the work of the jews, who has succesfully devided them into different sec and end up with disagreement among the chrsitian ...  jews controlled US and some European countries...  it is the same jews that the qhristian claimed who murdered Christ ....

the jews tried to do the same to the moslem people by deviding them into rival group by introducing nationalisme ideology in which have seperated the moslem world into smaller countries. "devide n rule" thats how it is nowadays .. Islam should be under one great nations, under one great chalifah ..

, ..what ever genocide or masacare u called it.... i promise u , one they we will take back palestin land from the jews... if its not during my time , it will be may children or great grand children times... we will never stop untill we take back the holy land.. every great empire will fall...remember that...

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Post time 11-6-2010 04:50 PM | Show all posts
jehuds singapork ghuponya.... perasan jadi jehuds putih....

jehuds kalu buat ayat dan hadis pelesu memang kepakaran depa.... aku pon hampir2 tertipu ngan putaq alam depa... sib baik jugok la ada yg pandai cakap arab dan khatam Quran dlm cari nih..... toce...toce... pasai betulkan ayat tuh...

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Post time 11-6-2010 04:54 PM | Show all posts
PRC World Cup Campaign: End Apartheid of Israel in Palestine

10/06/2010 09:05:10 PM GMT    Comments (2)      Add a comment      Print      E-mail to friend  

PRC World Cup Campaign: End Apartheid of Israel in Palestine Date : 10/6/2010   Time : 21:40
LONDON, June 10, 2010 (WAFA)- With the world focused on the 2010 world cup in symbolic South Africa, the Palestinian Return Centre (PRC) is calling on the world community to remember the ongoing struggle against apartheid and siege in Palestine.

PRC urged on the international community to impose sanctions against Israel like it did with the previous apartheid regime in South Africa. The international community has to stop supplying Israel with weapons and support as it continues to violate human rights on a daily basis.

The World Cup must be a clear reminder of the Apartheid and separation wall in the West Bank. The support for Israel is a support for this wall which separates and displaces people. The wall has turned Palestine into a new South Africa where people are separated like Black South Africans into camps and Bantustans, PRC said.

The massage of sport carries friendship and brotherhood with all communities worldwide. The world cup is an opportunity to show global support for Palestinians, PRC added.

  PRC invited Human Rights organizations, activists and supporters of Palestine to participate in its campaign, “End Apartheid of Israel in Palestine” we invite you to hold and wave the Palestinian flag during the world cup games.

Source: AJP

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Post time 11-6-2010 09:36 PM | Show all posts
well, well ... he aint a jew after all .... just one of those pork eating red dot who love to lick the jews ass... just for your info...the jews doesnt eat pork like u do..he hemalberi8 Post at 11-6-2010 15:28

So you hate not only Jews but everyone who is not Muslim. You can ask moderator about my IP, i permit to reveal it. I can also write you in Hebrew if you wish.

this guys is nothing ...just love to stir hate and anti moslem... he got nothing to do with jews, he just love to condemn the moslem people..

I did not say anything against Muslims here. I have Muslim friends.

hundres of year ago the qhristian people have come to occupied palestine and al-aqsa from every corner or the earth..but they qhristian are too weak to stand up

Christians are too weak? One Ohaio class submarine can destroy the whole Muslim world in 5 minutes.

jews controlled US and some European countries...

This is what you are teached? Just awesome.

the jews tried to do the same to the moslem people by deviding them into rival group by introducing nationalisme ideology in which have seperated the moslem world into smaller countries.

Seems Ali and Aisha that fought each other were Jews

Islam should be under one great nations, under one great chalifah ..

So you can start by giving Malaysian citizenship to 200 mln Indonesians, so you will became one country. I am sure they wont mind.

what ever genocide or masacare u called it.... i promise u , one they we will take back palestin land from the jews...

What about Spain and Portugal? Are you going to return it too?

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Post time 11-6-2010 10:04 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by wongedandotcom2 at 11-6-2010 22:05
[Mohon Doa] Dompet Dhuafa Akan Bangun Sumur di Gaza

JAKARTA, - Dompet Dhuafa akan membangun sumur bor dan instalasi air bersih di Gaza, Palestina, agar penduduk setempat bisa mendapatkan air bersih.

"Saat ini masyarakat Gaza hidup menderita dan berada di bawah tekanan Israel. Kebutu*an air bersih masyarakat Gaza dipasok dari Israel," kata Direktur Program Dompet Dhuafa (DD), Arifin Purwakananta di Jakarta, Senin (7/6/2010).

Dijelaskannya, masyarakat Gaza di Palestina selalu dihantui rasa khawatir jika suatu saat pasokan air bersih dari Israel dihentikan serta adanya isu racun dalam air minum.

Dompet Dhuafa, kata Arifin, akan membangun lima hingga 10 lokasi sumur bor beserta instalasinya untuk membantu masyarakat setempat mencukupi kebutu*an air bersih secara mandiri.

Dari kalkulasi Dompet Duafa untuk membangun satu titik sumur bor dibutu*kan biaya sekitar Rp100 juta hingga Rp200 juta, tergantung lokasi dan kondisinya.

"Untuk membangun sumur bor dan instalasinya itu, relawan Dompet Dhuafa tidak membawa material dari Indonesia tapi akan belanja kebutu*annya di Palestina atau Mesir," katanya.

Menurut Arifin, Dompet Dhuafa telah memberangkatkan empat orang relawan meliputi tenaga medis dan jurnalis ke Gaza melalui jalur Mesir. Keempat relawan Dompet Dhuafa tersebut berangkat dari Jakarta, pada Jumat (4/6/2010) lalu.

Airifin mendapat kabar bahwa relawan bisa masuk ke Gaza melalui jalur Mesir, karena itu ia meminta bantuan pada Duta Besar Mesir untuk Indonesia agar membantu memberikan visa bagi relawan Dompet Dhuafa untuk masuk ke Gaza melalui Rafah, Mesir.

Selain relawan dari Dompet Dhuafa, relawan dari lembaga lainnya di Indonesia juga memberikan bantuan kemanusiaan untuk masyarakat Gaza di Palestina, di antaranya dari Mer-C yang sempat mendapat serangan dari militer Palestina di Kapal Mavi Marmara, pada 31 Mei lalu.


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Post time 12-6-2010 09:12 AM | Show all posts
Every normal human being experiences fear. Those who dont fear are lunatic psychopaths. Heroes are those who overcome their fear and do their task. Israelis faced huge armies attacking them. They did fear, but they overcome it, fought and prevailed. While Arabs fled and whine to UN and CNN.

Zionist overcome huge armies (men and children) armed with stones... right?
Your heros are the men in uniforms whom massacred peoples in shabra and shatilla...
I cant accept commandos equipped with best weapons fear the unarmed civvies armed with broom sticks...
lunatic psychopaths= zionist soldier who bulldozering rachel corrie, a young woman...
perelman dont try to spin the facts, if you dont have any mercy to those palestinians, just leave this thread,  otherwise tell your fellows to stop kill childs, women and old peoples directly or indirectly... Fight with armed hamas and fatah fighters only... That is the purpose of armed forces, to fight with armed enemies...
why Arabs fled to UN and CNN? UN is a prestige world league, so it a damn right thing to report to UN,  not just like israel who treat UN as their younger brother, dare to kill innocent humans...even their PM...for only not to follow their agendas...

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Post time 12-6-2010 03:50 PM | Show all posts
Zionist overcome huge armies (men and children) armed with stones... right?
Foxtrot Post at 12-6-2010 09:12

Huge armies with tanks and planes. 1948. 1956, 1967, 1973 wars.

Your heros are the men in uniforms whom massacred peoples in shabra and shatilla...

These camps were massacred twise, both times by the Arabs.

otherwise tell your fellows to stop kill childs, women and old peoples directly or indirectly... Fight with armed hamas and fatah fighters only... That is the purpose of armed forces, to fight with armed enemies...

96% of killed Palestinians are male. Some females are killed inderectly because coward Fatah and Hamas are hiding behind them.

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Post time 12-6-2010 05:30 PM | Show all posts
macam pernah baca aja ayat2 jehuds jadian kat atas..... nih jehuds jadian yg dengki kat melayu, pasai depa tak dapat takluk tanah melayu... tu yg meroyan sakan tuh.... lagi, jehuds jadian nih mmg boleh berubah2 ghupa dan sifat depa....sat jadi orang lain, sat lagi jadi orang lain pulok....

tugas jehuds jadian nih ialah utk mengekang kebangkitan pemuda2 melayu dari timur daripada memimpin donia utk menghancurkan kejahatan depa yg dah lama depa nikmati. tapi nampak gayanya depa tak akan berjaya....

lagi banyak propaganda dan tipu daya depa, lagi bangkit pemuda2 melayu utk melawan depa... tu pasai depa fening kefala, atas dan bawah... lalu jadilah depa makhluk perosak yg meroyan dan membelit putaq alam tak sudah forever, sampai masa depa akan hancur binasa....

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Post time 12-6-2010 06:40 PM | Show all posts
Reply 218# Nick_Perelman

96% of killed Palestinians are male. Some females are killed inderectly because coward Fatah and Hamas are hiding behind them.

are you sure? how about rachel corrie? bahas guna fakta jangan guna auta.

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Post time 12-6-2010 06:43 PM | Show all posts
Reply 219# gayjin_janikei
sapa yang menyebarkan amalan seks bebas sampai merosakkan bangsa lain? you jehud!!

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