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Author: sukebintang

BEAST~Shock Of The New Era~pict,lyric update @ 1st page~COMEBACK STAGE

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 Author| Post time 23-10-2009 11:35 PM | Show all posts
Beast member KiKwang feels sorry to the boys

BEAST Lee KiKwang who is active on SitCom and Music Program feels guilty for leaving his members.

In an interview with Newsen, KiKwang said "I'm Sorry to the memberbecause of my personal schedules". KiKwang stars in a hit sitcom "HIGHKICK THROUGH THE ROOF" and he actually recieved good feedback from hisacting as KangSeHo.

KiKwang also said "Because of the shooting, I cannot practice with themembers" and "I'm really sorry and thanks to the members who wants tounderstand". The members reaction to this is, "KiKwang did well withBEAST, too well."

When they were asked if they monitor KiKwang in 'HighKick Trough the roof, they all answer all together, "NO."

LeeKiKwang carried out a solo album during his activity as solo singerAJ before BEAST. During that time, his appearance was rather quiet.However, with 5 people supporting him as members, he has regained muchmore spirit.

"Actually, I'm excited. It was a burden when I have to do it alone. Butnow, since I'm practicing with others, I have fun. When I was alone, Itwas always very lonely, but now, I can eat and chat with my members."

Being experienced in solo activities more than other members, KiKwangcan be said as the Senior to these boys. Did KiKwang give any advice tothe members
before the first music broadcast?

"YoonDooJoon and YongJunHyung were featured on stage during my soloactivity. YangYoSeob was also there as a dancer. Rather than givingadvices, We together says Fighting as we went up the stage. We trusteach other that we all able to do it well."

cr: NEWSEN, BESTIZ (SOURCE), [email=giggle.@b2strising%28TRANS]giggle.@b2strising(TRANS[/email])

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 Author| Post time 23-10-2009 11:37 PM | Show all posts
Beast member DooJoon interview with newson : "I want to be a singer..."

Beast's YoonDooJoon and Jang HyunSeung seems to have a special story.

In Recent interview, Beast's Leader YoonDooJoon said "Actually, I usedto be in a Junior High School Soccer Team. I also dreamed about being aHigh School Physical Education Teacher" and "During my junior - seniorhigh school years I have lost a lot of weight. It was around the firstor second year of high school that i've gone through a diet."

Then how did the the dream of being a physical education teacher orsportman change to being a singer? "At the time, MTV was broadcastingthe 'BIGBANG Documentary'. I watched that and I realize that I wouldlove to dance and sing with my friends. They just seemed so cool."

That time, Beast member JangHyunSeung appeared on the documentary.BigBang was preparing for their debut, but unfortunately HyunSeung waseliminated. DooJoon said that it was the first time he's seenHyunSeung, on TV.

"I was on my 2nd year of high school (TN: year 11) when 'BigBangdocumentary aired, and it changed my dream. My parents and teachersdidn't agree with me. However, I pleaded to register for Music school.After that, I started auditioning to become a singer."

As many have known, YoonDooJoon was on 2PM-2Am documentary "HotBlood",areality program that shows the preparation for their debut. YoonDooJoonsaid "During the hard training days in "Hotblood", together withImSeulOng (2AM), Our hobby of enjoying midnight snack has been changedovernight."

"The time, I think it was so long, but then again, it was so short.This is Beast's first step in the music industry and we are walking tothe top. We will show you our best on stage and please expect our newlook in the future."

Meanwhile Beast (Yoon DooJoon, Jang HyunSeung, Yong JunHyung, YangYoSeob, Lee KiKwang, Son DongWoon), made their debut with the titletrack "BAD GIRL".
Instead of looking like a nervous rookie, They have a laid backexpression and performance since they have performed in Japan, Taiwan,China and other places which gather a lot of fans.

cr: bestiz (SOURCE), giggle.@b2strising (TRANS)

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 Author| Post time 23-10-2009 11:43 PM | Show all posts
Beast member Hyunseung interview with newson: Activities with BigBang seems fun.


JangHyunSeung of BEAST expressed his expectations for activities together with BigBang members.

In his latest interview with NEWSEN, HyunSeung said "We (B2ST) andBigBang members will probably see each other at the same broadcast" and"It will be really fun if we (B2ST and BigBang) do have an overlapingactivity."

JangHyunSeung appeared on BigBang's reality show before they about todebut in the music industry. But after HyunSeung got eliminated frombeing a BigBang member, and the waiting time was harsh.

Meanwhile, HyunSeung met G-Dragon (Kwon JiYong, BigBang) on lastOctober 18th SBS Inkigayo. Beast was doing their first stage andG-Dragon was doing his solo activity. The two also met separately afterrehearsal but the story of the meeting has not been shared.

"Since BigBang debuted, I have not been in contact with them for 2-3years. And that was the first time I met JiYong Hyung. He said 'Fromnow on, 'we will be seing each other again oftenly in the future' andthis makes me glad. We haven't seen each other for a long time so wewere a little awkward and I was touched."

On the next SBS Inkigayo, BigBang's TaeYang will also make a solocomebac. Jang HyunSeung, just like with G-Dragon last time, will alsomeet TaeYang.

Since he was young, watching SeoTaiJi and Boys, and H.O.T makesHyunSeung wants to be an artist. A lot of Kids switches their dreamsalong the way, but for HyunSeung, "I have never thought of anythingelse beside being a singer."

"On the October 15th showcase, There was a lot of tension and I cannotsleep, maybe only 30minutes of sleep. maybe I would rate it 3 pointsout of 10? There were a lot of mistakes and shame. On the 16th 'MusicBank' was better than the showcase, i think. Being on a live Musicprogram feels kinda weird. But I still think it was better."

"It seems like i was wearing a bag of sand on the stage" he said of thetension during the first time on stage. It's been so long since hefirst started practicing as a trainee. And now, with BEAST,JangHyunSeung has matured and ready.

cr: NEWSEN, BESTIZ (SOURCE), giggle.@b2strising (TRANS)

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 Author| Post time 23-10-2009 11:47 PM | Show all posts
BEAST reveals the experience of 6 people living together.
BEAST started living together about 3-4 months ago. In their latestinterview with Newsen, they remarked, “We finally know what newlywedsare talking about when they say ‘Even the way we squeeze toothpaste isdifferent.’”

“Living together is really fun. Lately we don’thave that much time to be at our apartment, but depending on theneatness of each member, we suffer or don’t suffer.”

In BEAST’sapartment, there is a “District 13”* – the clothing room. Trying toorganize the clothes of 6 boys is useless. The members “just quietlyclose the door because we can’t look at it.”

The BEAST memberwho takes care of neatness, Yong JunHyung said, “At first, I planned onjust keeping my area clean, but my cleanliness spread. I threw away themembers’ stuff that was lying around and did other harsh things, butthey didn’t even blink an eye. Instead, they started disobeying evenmore.”

“Truthfully, there isn’t anyone who is messy. If I ask,“Who did it?” they all deny it. At first I was I was hurt, but now Iaccept it.”

Today’s singers do not just sing. They take controlof variety shows and boast speaking skills that rival the skills ofgagmen. Does BEAST have interest in entertainment? The members pickedgolden hair Yang Yoseub and leader Yoon Dujun as the members who arefull of entertainment skill.

“I had a lot of interest inentertainment. But it seems like it could be difficult. Timing isimportant. I don’t even know if I have entertainment skill. I’m thetype who is funny while I ruin my image, so I’ll have to study hard. Myshoulders are heavy. (laughs)” (Yo Seub)

The members say,“Yoseub is really funny, but unfortunately, instead of impersonatingcelebrities, he only impersonates people like our company chief,manager, and company workers. Even if he wanted to, he can’t show hisskill on broadcasts.”

BEAST (Yong JunHyung Son Dongwoon JangHyunseung Yang Yoseub Lee Kikwang Yoon DuJun) made an electric debutwith their title song, “Bad Girl.” They are only rookies, but insteadof extremely nervous expressions, they perform with confidence and havealready garnered fans from Japan, Taiwan, China, and other nations.

Withperformances this coming October 24 on MBC “Music Core” and October 25on SBS “Inkigayo,” Beast will continue their pursuit of popularity.

Source: newsen
translations by: illuminate. @ b2st rising/soompi

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 Author| Post time 24-10-2009 07:14 PM | Show all posts
BEAST - Bad Girl(Oct 24, 2009)

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Post time 24-10-2009 10:29 PM | Show all posts
beast mmg best.
hopefully dorang boleh menang kat MAMA for best male rookie of the year

aj & doojoon best!

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 Author| Post time 24-10-2009 11:02 PM | Show all posts
beast mmg best.
hopefully dorang boleh menang kat MAMA for best male rookie of the year

aj & doojoon best!
wordlife Post at 24-10-2009 22:29

BEAST mmg best..:pompom::pompom:

doojoon gile skit tgk dieorg skrg

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 Author| Post time 25-10-2009 11:27 AM | Show all posts
Beast in a car accident!

Beast in a car accident....members are okay.

The group Beastwere in a car accident. After performing at the live music broadcastingshow, MBC "Show Music Core," the accident happened when they were goingback to their practice room.

The Cube Entertainment states that "It was a light accident and thankfully there wasn't any injuries among the members."

Credits to: + artsy @ B2ST Rising

The accident occurred during the day on the Seoul Han-Nam Bridge afterthey were coming back from Music Core and moving to their dancerehearsal location. Cube Entertainment described the tiny accident."The car in front wasn't looking back and it was switching lanes notseeing that BEAST's car was right behind. It was a small accident wherethe two cars bumps into each other."

BEAST's representatives continued to say, "The members were surprised but no one's hurt."

After the accident, they got in another car and made their way to their practice room.



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 Author| Post time 25-10-2009 12:06 PM | Show all posts
B2ST Yang Yoseob Movie

Yang Yoseop [Fancam] AJ- Dancing Shoes                               


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 Author| Post time 25-10-2009 12:14 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 25-10-2009 12:23 PM | Show all posts
090607 G[a]me Shㅇw [AJ cut]

090613 Star Gㅇlden Bell [AJ Cut]

042509- AJ on [Star Golden Bell]

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 Author| Post time 25-10-2009 12:28 PM | Show all posts
[Behind the scenes] Min Hyo Rin and AJ :Sunkist Cherryade CF

AJ Sunkist Cherryade CF

090611 Mnet Wide News: AJ cut

AJ speaking Japanese


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 Author| Post time 25-10-2009 12:37 PM | Show all posts
Poppin Dragon(Yong Jun Hyeong) Dance Clip

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Post time 25-10-2009 01:04 PM | Show all posts
dalam proses download album dorg..
nanti aku try dengar and komen.. hehehe!!

salam semua.. masuk mengadap di rumah ini.. kebin!!!
support CUBE family.. bagus2!! :pompom:

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 Author| Post time 25-10-2009 01:08 PM | Show all posts
dalam proses download album dorg..
nanti aku try dengar and komen.. hehehe!!

salam semua.. masuk mengadap di rumah ini.. kebin!!!
support CUBE family.. bagus2!! :pompom:
JUSTcircle Post at 25-10-2009 13:04

di alu2 kan masuk

aku betul2 tepikat ngan dieorg lps dgr dieorg perform OASIS livesalah satu lagu dlm album dieorg


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Post time 25-10-2009 01:29 PM | Show all posts
di alu2 kan masuk

aku betul2 tepikat ngan dieorg lps dgr dieorg perform OASIS livesalah satu lagu dlm album dieorg

sukebintang Post at 25-10-2009 01:08 PM

yup.. aku tengah tengok nih.. hurm.. sedap sore dorg.. mmg bebetul talented lah..
sedap2... buat masa nih aku x leh nak nyatakan saper fav.. sbb belum bebetul kenal laik..
so,x adil tuk aku pilih berdasarkan muka semata2.. aceh...
heheheh!! sedap2.. ballad song nih sedap...

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Post time 25-10-2009 01:32 PM | Show all posts
diorg ni mmg best.
dah lame x tgk boy group with quality yg debut.
hope sgt diorg mng for best new male group for MAMA.
tp kalau ikut voting mcm... haih.

btw, agree. lps tgk Oasis, mmg x segan after this kalau nk ckp I like Beast bcos of their vocals. (plus a charismatic rapper)

oh.. korg join x international fan forum? b2strising?
diorg buat project for 100th day anniversary. korg join la. bykkan sikit nama Malaysia.
mane tau pasni in the future diorg nk dtg ke. HAHAHA. (dah berangan dah, baru je debut padahal)

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 Author| Post time 25-10-2009 01:38 PM | Show all posts
yup.. aku tengah tengok nih.. hurm.. sedap sore dorg.. mmg bebetul talented lah..
sedap2... buat masa nih aku x leh nak nyatakan saper fav.. sbb belum bebetul kenal laik..
so,x adil tuk aku pilih ...
JUSTcircle Post at 25-10-2009 13:29

aku tak tau lagi nak ckp peberet aku sape sbnrnye lagi..rmbg mate sikit

tp yg dlm pemehatian aku skrg..leader, yoseub ngan junhyung

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 Author| Post time 25-10-2009 01:48 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by sukebintang at 25-10-2009 13:50
diorg ni mmg best.
dah lame x tgk boy group with quality yg debut.
hope sgt diorg mng for best new male group for MAMA.
tp kalau ikut voting mcm... haih.

btw, agree. lps tgk Oasis, mmg x segan  ...
arincute92 Post at 25-10-2009 13:32

pasal MAMA tu pun takde la nak beharap sgt..kalo dieorg tak mng pun takpe la..asalkan dieorg mnang kat hati fan

actually first2 tepikat suare dieorg time dieorg ade sing competition kat MTV dieorg tu kan..
rase cam tepikat plak time tu..tau psl dieorg nye MTV ni pun sbb 4minute penah muncul kat MTV dieorg
tu yg rase cam nak follow je dieorg..

skali tu lps tgk dieorg nye showcase tu..mmg dah betul2 jatuh cinte ngan dieorg..
msg2 mmg betul2 ade talente..
suke dgr junhyung tu rap..die cam ade karisma time rap

doojun ngan yoseub plak time dieorg nyanyi ordinary tu..ngan doojun nyanyi sambil main keyboard..pastu yoseub plak mmg power suare die..mmg dah btul2 suke la ngan dieorg time tu
hyunseung plak..suare die bagi aku cam unik skit..lain dr yg lain..mcm first2 aku dgr suare ryewook..die nari pun smart
KI KWANG jangan ckp la..sentiase HOT..DONGWOON plak jenis suare macho dongwoon tak byk sgt line

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 Author| Post time 25-10-2009 01:50 PM | Show all posts
217# arincute92

pasl international room dieorg tu..slalu je masuk..time tak post ape2 lagi dlm tu

arin rajen2 la masuk sini kongsi pape..tak larat nak update psl dieorg sorang2

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