Post Last Edit by stanum123 at 27-3-2012 12:44
Halluuuuu VIPz!!!! Anyone misses cik stanum or not??? Kekekeke…Well I’ve missed you guys so much!!! Really sorry for being M.I.A..I hate to say this but I was dealing with some personal issues.. For those who knows about it dan memahami iollz, mani mani komawo!! Chincha sarang heyo nae chinggu ya!! Uhuk2…
Eh! iollz ni konon2 je M.I.A, tapi ttp spazzing in silence hokeh! Hihihi…yg iollz dok follow rapat skang ni ialah BB’s ALIVE World Tour List and MTV Asia BIGBANG’s Special Comeback on 31-Mar-12! Kya!! Every time iklan ni kuor kat MTV, meremang bulu roma oi oi!!! Tingat balik masa Big Show aritu! So, tggu apa lg?? Start countdown bebeh!
Okehlah, sempena comeback iollz ni (cehhhh!! ), iollz nk bg present sket yer…nah picca2 utk uollz!!! Kekekeke….the rest is in my FB..

Udah roper alien pun ada gaks!!! kekeke....ini ler banner yg iollz wat..sila jgn kutuks. tenkiu. |