[NEWS] Big Bang “Alive Tour 2012″ in Singapore to be held end of this year.
Trans: Another good news, I’m sure many K-Pop fans are concerned if Korean boy group Big Bang, will hold “Big Bang Alive Tour 2012″ in Singapore!
Previously, there was news that the concert would be held in Singapore but due to the other party’s terms and conditions being too strict, the concert was cancelled.
However, recently another company have confirmed that this year end the concert will be held in Singapore, however the date and venue has not been confirmed and hopes that fans will be patient and await for more information.
cr: @scanationsg(pic)
source: ygnatics
welkam to the thread... and also welcome to AC... baru minat kat depa lps album ni ke atau sblm ni dh minat?? cumma skrg je baru lapor diri kat thread ni??
ni yg susah bila chagia ramai sgt nih..... baru awal thn dah rabaks.... rsnye me xdpt join gi singapore.... duit tabungan dah bocos awal2 lg.... bocos tahap negative plak tu.... padahnye shopping online........ sangat berantu....
kukirim rindu tabi ngan adek naga di angin lalu aje lah....
korang... nak tanya...you all punyer ALIVE album case ada rust tak? ai ada sikit2 ..camne nak buat ek...nih kena balut dgn plastik kot..atau simpan dlm closed drawer sbb ai punyer letak atas radio..mmg terdedah dgn udara, lembap etc....aaaaaaa tidakkkkkkkk
korang... nak tanya...you all punyer ALIVE album case ada rust tak? ai ada sikit2 ..camne n ...
honey_jelly Post at 26-3-2012 09:35
Reply honey_jelly
mine tooo!!!!.... rust tu jd kt tpt yg kalo ade tercalar n tpt yg kite ...
kebayaunggu Post at 26-3-2012 10:02
laaa...uols xtau citer ke...hmmm ni
From HMV Singapore:
"We have just got an official announcement from YG Entertainment that the rusts and scratches on Big Bang Alive packaging are intended to make the album to look vintage."
according to papa YG, dia cakap la...rusty tu mmg sngaja nk wat album tu vintage..tapi ramai je yg rage kt thread bbu ni, vintage apanye karat2 kan..keke AM punye pun karat gak, tapi xbyk la (siap buat presentation lagi pasal karat nih, wish me luck petang nih..eh tetibee ) nk buang karat tu guna baby oil pn bleh..or nk guna lemon pn bleh..tp klau gune lemon jgn biar gitu je, nnti jadi cmni
according to papa YG, dia cakap la...rusty tu ...
adikmanis Post at 26-3-2012 10:52
laaa....ye ke?? kot ye pon nk wat vintage jgn le bg karat... sangat bahaya kalo jd karat byk2... tambah kalo jd cam gamba AM tepeks tu... adoila... tu bkn dah vintage.. tu alamatnye kne buang la ngan mr habi aku....
ohhh ya ke..mmg diorg intended buat camtu..ok lah..lepas ni takdelah aku nk menangis setiap kali tgk album case nih ..mmg letak sebelah katil (tmpt cd player pun kat situ)...senang nak tatap gambar habi sebelum tido..ehhhh
tak payahlah susah2 letak lemon atau baby oil..biar camtu je lah..kan jadi macam gambar diatas mau aku meraung 7 hari 7 malam
laaa....ye ke?? kot ye pon nk wat vintage jgn le bg karat... sangat bahaya kalo jd karat b ...
kebayaunggu Post at 26-3-2012 11:28
Reply adikmanis
ohhh ya ke..mmg diorg intended buat camtu..ok lah..lepas ni takdelah aku nk men ...
honey_jelly Post at 26-3-2012 12:52
haha..alasan papa YG gitu la..tapi mebi diorang pn x expect akan karat cpt sgt..huhu sooner or later akan karat gak... mmg kene jaga leklok la jawabnye
mine pny album ms mula2 dpt xbkarat lg tp pas 2, 3 hari da karat ckit2...sblum dpt album tu da tau da psl karat2 ni tp bile dpt tgk xkarat, rs bangga jap...tp now karat, opkos la rs sedey rs cm xpndai jaga je...
eh BB xnk dtg Msia ke?? Singapore tu jauh sgt la...duit nk bli tiket konsert pun da brape lame wa kumpul, ni nk kumpul duit lg nk g Singapore plak...mana lg mau korek?? BB dtg la Msia!!!
mine pny album ms mula2 dpt xbkarat lg tp pas 2, 3 hari da karat ckit2...sblum dpt album tu da tau d ...
idadae Post at 26-3-2012 16:35
kita tggu dan lihat je la..mana la tau tetibe ada yg nk bwk diorang dtg sini...harap2nye ada la tapi klau xde, for sure AM nk terjah singapore..xdulik da
G-Dragon: "When I See T.O.P's Naked Body I Think It Is Erotic"
Big Bang’s G-Dragon confessed that he saw T.O.P’s body and felt that it was erotic. For the episode of SBS “Strong Heart” to broadcast on March 27, that is what G-Dragon said verbatim. G-Dragon said, “When I see T.O.P’s body I think it is erotic” to the shock of everyone on set.
G-Dragon continued, “Usually T.O.P is never naked. He even has his own dress room that is how much he does not expose himself. That is why whenever T.O.P does expose his body it surprises everyone. When we were at foreign countries, T.O.P’s naked body felt erotic even though we are both men.”
G-Dragon also gave a final punch by saying, “After T.O.P works out he asks me to touch his body. Not even our members that always work out like Taeyang or Daesung does that.”