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Author: twinkystar

~You're Beautiful:A.N.JELL~

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 Author| Post time 5-11-2009 10:59 PM | Show all posts
nape minam pakai baju ppn tu?...tak paham aku.....
qis13 Post at 5-11-2009 22:49

rasanya UEE paksa dia mengaku..minam pakai baju perempuan yg TK belikan utk dia..
pastu dia dtg majlis tu..x tau majlis apa..
rasanya minam nak mengaku dia yoja..tapi SW sempat selamatkan keadaan..
ending dia tergantung gitu jer..reporter amik gambar sw dgn minam tp sw cover muka minam drpd reporter amek gambar

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 Author| Post time 5-11-2009 11:03 PM | Show all posts
tapi mcm tak berapa nak cukup inci ....
16 tahun ekkk ..umur korea ke umur kita?
boleh naik lagi kot tinggi dia ...
kayla Post at 5-11-2009 22:52

umur ikut thn lahir dia..1993
dia agak tinggi gakla..tgh membesar lagi..

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 Author| Post time 5-11-2009 11:05 PM | Show all posts
2056# twinkystar  

ooo gitu .... sian jeremy ... mesti ackward dia ngan minam nanti ....

apasal la SW lak cakap camtu ...kalau TK yg cakap kan best ....
nampak minam pakai clip yg TK beli tu : ...
kayla Post at 5-11-2009 22:51

time tu gelap.lampu padam..TK kan rabun malam..
time dia dok2 cari minam,lampu bukak,nampak sw dah dgn minam..

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Post time 5-11-2009 11:12 PM | Show all posts
ep 10 Raw file

Youku link

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Post time 5-11-2009 11:16 PM | Show all posts
time tu gelap.lampu padam..TK kan rabun malam..
time dia dok2 cari minam,lampu bukak,nampak sw dah dgn minam..
twinkystar Post at 5-11-2009 23:05

alaaaa .. sian TK ...

tak sabarnye nak tengok .... try tengok esok lah ...

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 Author| Post time 5-11-2009 11:33 PM | Show all posts

AsTK, jeremy & shinwoo walk over, Yoohei tells MN not to sayanything. She then calls TK over and says that MN is very sick. MN goeshome. At the end of the shoot, all 3 of them take some of the remaininglimes home for the sick MN. MN is really upset and helpless. She doesntknow what to do because she is very scared that TK is going to be hurtif the truth gets out (this is the sole reason that she listens towhatever Yoohei tells her to do) and starts crying. TK jeremy andshinwoo get home and see MN lying in bed, sleeping. TK tells her offfor ruining the photo shoot and jeremy tells MN not to mind him. TKdoesnt know how to make use of the limes and unpeels it.. he walks tothe kitchen and sees SW and jeremy making drinks for MN. Jeremy seesthat TK also has limes and asked if he got it for MN. TK denies it andsays he wants to eat them LOL. He takes it back to his room and givesthe pig rabbit doll the limes.

In the middle of the night, TK isroaming around the kitchen coz he cant sleep. He's wondering if it'sbecause he ate all those limes. he closes the fridge door and sees MNwho wants to get water. MN faints and TK rushes her to hospital.Outside the hospital MN asks where they are and TK asks her if she canstill walk. He tells her it's the hospital but MN refuses to go in. Shesays that if she goes in, her identity will be revealed. TK tells herto go in first and he'll take the responsibility for it. MN refusesstill. TK thinks she's out of her mind. MN then asks TK, isnt he scaredthat he'll be hurt if she's exposed. That he'll be hurt because ofsomeone like her. TK says ur not in a state to worry about me now. TKsays he has a responsibility to make sure she's alright (? i cantremember exactly what he said) MN says taht she also made a promisethat she will tolerate everything to stay as ko mi nam and plz let herkeep her promise. After she insists on going home. They get back intothe car and MN turns her head away from TK. TK covers her with hisjacket and tells her if hse wants to cry, then cry, she doesnt need tohold it in.

They get home and TK is in the kitchen getting iceand stuff. SW asks him what he's doing and TK tells him that MN is verysick. SW turns and is about to make his way to MN's room when TK grabshis arm and says that he will take care of MN and tells him to go backto his room. SW clenches his fist in frustration. TK gives MN medicine,uses ice to cool her down, tells her to drink water etc but hertemperature is still 40 deg. He wonders if the room is too dry and getsone of those things that filters the air (?). After more time, MN'stemperature goes back down to 37.5 deg. And it's 5am. MN gets up andlooks at TK. TK guesses what MN wants to say - "Thank you?" MN nods."Sorry?" MN nods. "Are you ok?" MN nods again. (I think this is socute) TK says that seeing that MN actually thought about his welfareeven though she was so sick showed that she is loyal to TK. And thatsince she put up it even though she was so sick showed that she has alot of determination. TK says that even though he rejected her atfirst, from now on, he will officially accept her - that he is now onher side. He will take responsibility for her and tells her that fromnow on, if matters arise, they will talk over it together and work outsomething together. MN says thank you for saying taht but taht she willhave a good think about what to do in the future and make sure shedoesnt trouble him in the future

Yooheyi receives the couplerings from the MV shoot as a present but she doesnt think that TK willwear it. She goes to their house and says she's there to visit the sickMN and also to see TK. TK is out (buying clothes for MN) and YH asks SWto get the fruit basket for MN in her car and gets jeremy to get herthe drink that MN is drinking. YH and MN go into MN's room and MNreveals that she plans to tell the other members the truth. YH goes areu going to tell them that u like TK as well? MN goes do i have to saythat as well but accepts and says she will as well. During their convo,YH knocks MN's glass out of her hand. SW comes rushing in and YH liesand says that she touched something that MN didnt want her to see andthat MN threw the glass down in response. MN apologises and tells SW toget something to clean up the glass. Outside, YH says to SW that shethought it was strange MN would act like that , as if se had somesecret. SW says that anyone would not like it if someone else touchedtheir things. YH goes but what if MN is hiding something big from you?SW says that he would understand if the reason for hiding the truth isacceptable. SW walks away and YH is saying to herself that SW might notget angry even if MN tells the truth. Jeremy comes rushing and askswhat YH did to MN. YH says it's MN that did something wrong. Jeremythen apologises or MN and tells her to understand since MN is sick. YHasks what jeremy would do if MN hid something from him. Jeremy saysthat he would just tolerate it coz he likes MN. He suddenly realisesthat MN's glass had shattered in the room and runs in with the drinkthat he was meant to give YH to MN. YH realises that if Jeremy findsout the truth, he might be ok with it too.

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 Author| Post time 5-11-2009 11:35 PM | Show all posts
YH receives a call and finds out that TKbought women's clothes but she knows that they are most probably notfor her. (reason she knows is that the place TK bought clothes at was abrand that YH kept rejecting sponsorship for and after the salespersonsaw TK buying the clothes, the company contacted YH's managementthinking she would now be willing to wear their clothes) She goesoutside to find TK who had jsut returned. She asks TK to wear thecouple ring to show ppl that he is hers but TK puts it back on her handand refuses to wear it. He says i'm not yours. Meanwhile inside, MN hasgathered TK jeremy and SW to say sth to them. YH realises taht TKbought the clothes for MN and after deducing the fact that if MN toldthe guys, it wouldnt make any difference and that TK might not evenreject MN, she rushes inside the house. MN is about to tell then YHsuddenly makes a noise as if shes about to vomit. She does it again andsays to TK "I'm sorry oppa" and says that she actually had sth to tellhim. She rushes to the toilet. TK doesnt know what she's up to andJeremy is like, does that meanshe's... SW asks shouldnt TK go check upon YH? Inside the toilet, YH thinks that she's a genius in stopping MNin telling the truth. She rings mN and tells her not to say anythingnow but to do it at the first screening of her MV where she can takeresponsibility of it all herself. YH goes back out of the toilet and TKasks what that was meant to be. He tells her to go outside and explaineverything but YH says i'm not yours so i dont have to listen to you.Outside TK says to YH you did taht coz u were annoyed i wouldnt wearthe ring huh. He asks YH for her phone. He looks at it and says i'm notnumber 1 on your speed dial. YH says of course not, my dad is no1. TKasks if her dad is scary. YH goes yes he's realy scary. You better becareful or he might rip ur hair. TK types sth and shows YH. It is ansms which says "Dad, i'm pregnant" YH wants to snatch her phone fromhim but TK puts it out of hr reach and sends the message. YH asks did ujust send that msg to my dad? TK goes get ready to have ur hair rippedout. YH's dad rings straight away and YH leaves. TK tells the other 3taht she was just not feeling well. SW asks MN waht she was going tosay and MN says she jsut wanted to apologise for yesterday.

Atnight, MN is outside but remakrs taht she cant really see the stars. TKwalks in next to her and says that it's too bright that why she cantsee the stars. He tells her to turn the light off and she will be ableto see. After turning the light off, MN says that she thiks one dayswhen she leaves the place, thinking back to everything will seem like adream to her. TK, jeremy and SW are like stars so far away from her butsomehow she came so close to them. That then even if TK cant see her,she will be able to see them from afar. TK says that not being able tosee her frustrates him and tells her to be in a place where he can seeher. TK remarks that he cant see her well. MN waves her arm in front ofhim and TK grabs it. He can see her just not taht well. That if he cansee her at like he can now, that's ok. MN asks TK to promise her onething. One day if she goes back to being a girl, that even if they seeeach other, that TK will pretend he cannot see her and she will pretendshe cannot see him. TK is like of course taht's the way it should be.MN leaves and TK mumbles that she's a rabbit like person.

Nextday, MN leaves with the manager for the screening of the MV. The othermembers arent going coz they dont want to steal the spotlight.Everything is going fine until MN disappears at te hairdressers. An sajang informs the other members and Jeremy is worried if somethinghappened to MN. TK says they will have to go there just in case MNdoesnt show up. TK is suspicious after he sees that the pin from thepig rabbit doll is gone. He goes into MN's room and sees that theclothes he bought for her are gone. He says to himself what on earthdoes she want to do?

They arrive at the venue and walk in. TKleaves a msg on MN's phone to tells her not to come and taht he willfix the situation up. After reporters take photos, the lights go offand the video starts to play. TK tells SW and Jeremy to look for MNbecause she is somewhere around. He tells them to look for a girl-jeremy doesnt understand and TK says that MN is a girl. He has no timeto explain but says that she is wearing pink. That they must find hersoon. Since he cant see well inside, he will go look outside. Outside,he sees MN and runs after her but MN has already walked into thetheatre. TK cant see and is really frustrated. He yells out "I told younot to be in a place where i cant see you." The crowd hushes and thelights go on. TK and MN look at each other. At this moment, SW grabs MNand buries her head in his shoulders. The reporters take photos likecrazy and SW says "This is my woman. During this time i havent beenable to say but this is my woman."

the end


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Post time 6-11-2009 08:01 AM | Show all posts
tula..sian...JGS HYUNG, sila jaga dongsaeng anda^^
esok nak siar epiosode,hari tu boleh shooting lg..giler x giler..
twinkystar Post at 5-11-2009 07:22 PM

yang paling gila orang yang nak edit scene2 tu masuk muat2 dalam satu episode.. nak pilih scene mana lagi.. memang gilaaa..

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 Author| Post time 6-11-2009 08:04 AM | Show all posts
yang paling gila orang yang nak edit scene2 tu masuk muat2 dalam satu episode.. nak pilih scene mana lagi.. memang gilaaa..
blankie Post at 6-11-2009 08:01

TULA PASAL..neh mesti berkampung jer kat dlm studio tu..sebab tu me rasa scene2 yg ada kat preview kadang2 x siar..tetiba rasa cam scene tu x best, tukar

neh yg fans hongki siap bg comforter tuh..senang nak tido kat mana2

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Post time 6-11-2009 08:17 AM | Show all posts
huhuhuhu.. dah tak keruan aku hari ni bila baca spoiler.. huwaaa... sakit dada.. nebes.. nebes.. adededehhh.. tulun.. tulun!!! huwaaaa...

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Post time 6-11-2009 08:19 AM | Show all posts
TULA PASAL..neh mesti berkampung jer kat dlm studio tu..sebab tu me rasa scene2 yg ada kat preview kadang2 x siar..tetiba rasa cam scene tu x best, tukar

neh yg fans hongki siap bg comfor ...
twinkystar Post at 6-11-2009 08:04 AM

ha'ahh.. memang tak balik rumah punya.. cuba bayangkan kalau shooting sampai 9 bulan.. mana2 yang ada bini peknen, balik umah nengok bini dah beranak..

pape pun memang respek gila2 kat diorang ni.. orang belakang tabir ni memang keje keras betul.. :pompom:

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Post time 6-11-2009 08:32 AM | Show all posts
2067# twinkystar

hilite.... wuwu makin interesting.... pe le yg jd nnt...

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Post time 6-11-2009 08:39 AM | Show all posts
errr.. ada tak sape2 yang up kan opening credits untuk citer ni? nak nengok gak camne..

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Post time 6-11-2009 08:53 AM | Show all posts
go SW!!!
knape ntah me ske babas part dia tarik MN:pompom:
KSW saranghae~
x sabar nk tgg next week huhu tataw ape reaction jeremy ngan TK pasal nih..
jeremy sah2 tekejut ble tau MN tuh yoja huhu..~

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Post time 6-11-2009 12:59 PM | Show all posts
kat viikii dah kuar sub episod 10....

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Post time 6-11-2009 03:00 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by atie_chippy at 5-11-2009 14:28


lawak tol masa TK cari anak patung kat blik adiah die tu... byk tol anak patung yg fans die bg... m ...
atie_chippy Post at 5-11-2009 14:21

mmg x bole blah tul~ TK cam doc nk bedah pesakit jer rupanya...cute tul bila TK sematkan pin rambut kt pig-rabbit tuh

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Post time 6-11-2009 03:05 PM | Show all posts

siannyer..sampai camni sekali hk tido..mesti penat giler neh..
twinkystar Post at 5-11-2009 19:11

mana x penat schedule tight sgt....

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Post time 6-11-2009 03:08 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by cmf_derose83 at 6-11-2009 15:18
omo..shinwoo claim kat depan semua reporter minam is his woman..

what will happen next?
twinkystar Post at 5-11-2009 22:31

adoiiii knp SW wat cenggitu....bukan ker dia tau yg minam admired kt TK...

*oooo baru tau, SW wat cenggitu tuk protect minam rupanya~

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Post time 6-11-2009 03:09 PM | Show all posts
errr.. ada tak sape2 yang up kan opening credits untuk citer ni? nak nengok gak camne..
blankie Post at 6-11-2009 08:39 AM

maksud ko montaj citer ni ker?? aku pun kalo boleh nak gak sbb nk tgk gak intro dia mcmaner!!  

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Post time 6-11-2009 03:26 PM | Show all posts
2079# rukiaichigo

yeszaaa.. aku pun tatau nama dia hapa.. yang aku tau aku panggil dia opening credits.. betulla tu intro yang dok papar nama2 pelakon.. kalau laa ada..

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