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drkbaan replied at 20-4-2016 10:25 PM
Terdiam kamu tanpa bicara
Tak mengulas apa kan terjadi
Membisu aku kerana buntu
I love this song!! Everytime dengar, sure teringat eman berduet dgn tiyah kat dfkl tu. Kesian lah pulak...jadik betul kat deme... |
serius ke kak? padanlah kemain mcm sesal sgt dah drama ni.
pelakon best tp ada scenes sgt2 tak sampai (boleh tak nak berharap mummy bace dan improve? )
iols tggu uols punye review dulu baru iols nak tgk. hahaha!
p/s: patut ke kita apply jadik panel team hypptv ni? hahaha!
btol acik, pelakon sumer best! makcik petir sgt bagus acting dia (ai tgk scenes dia konpem sambil pgg bucu bantal tahan geram!).
even aiman cam krik krik sket kali ni (such a waste aiman, watak u patotnya best sbb lain dari yg lain) haihs! 
Throwback Thursday. Happier early days together 
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drkbaan replied at 21-4-2016 05:33 PM
Throwback Thursday. Happier early days together
Alahaiiii...masa ni cinta budak2 U sangat, ek...cinta anak ongkaya...tak payah pikir cukup duit ke idok nak kawen tuuu..hehe |
Ya Allah. Kesiannya dgr Razlan batuk mcm tu sekali. My heart goes to him. Sedih plak. |
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Maybe it's just me. I suka Razlan marah and tinggikan suara. So seldom tgk dia marah. Sekali pekik wowwwwww so manly. Hahahahaha. |
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enchante78 replied at 23-4-2016 02:22 PM
Maybe it's just me. I suka Razlan marah and tinggikan suara. So seldom tgk dia marah. Sekali pekik w ...
Ada betolnya jugak. Kalau tak, watak razlan macam tak bermaya je, kan? |
enchante78 replied at 23-4-2016 02:08 PM
Ya Allah. Kesiannya dgr Razlan batuk mcm tu sekali. My heart goes to him. Sedih plak.
Akak sedih coz sampai ke mati razlan tak akan dapat tau yg fara has become mentally sick. Kalau tau, at least he won't feel so devastated with fara's betrayal. Kesian couple ni. |
Mscamomile replied at 23-4-2016 04:19 PM
Akak sedih coz sampai ke mati razlan tak akan dapat tau yg fara has become mentally sick. Kalau ta ...
Betul jugak tu Kak Teh. Razlan tak tau Fara dah tak betul, yg he married a disturbed Fara. I just realised about that when you mentioned. Tak tau nak simpati pada siapa dah dlm cerita ni. Everyone seems to be a victim of some sort. |
Today is the day where every sesalan is over. |
drkbaan replied at 25-4-2016 10:52 PM
Betul jugak tu Kak Teh. Razlan tak tau Fara dah tak betul, yg he married a disturbed Fara. I jus ...
Kan....tapi semalam puas jugak tengok fara luahkan rasa hati dia kat melisa tuh. Semorang seem to have their own share of guilt. Tapi of course yg paling sesal ialah no one remembers there's a sovereign power above all. Kesian. |
enchante78 replied at 26-4-2016 11:55 AM
Today is the day where every sesalan is over.
Phewwwwhhhhh...legaaaaaa aaaiihhhh.....!!! But i hope to see emankenid lagi...i feel eman has to redeem himself lah. Very obvious he's carried away with his personal issues masa shoot citer ni. Kenid was consistent through out. Tak de ke media nak tulis pasal ni?! She deserves a shout out for braving the role!!! |
Can't believe it eh we have come this far, soldiering on watching SSN. We have some good times though.
Haizzz Aiman, lain benor perangai and acting skills you in SSN. Tapi takpe, kita still akan support u.
Yes mannn, would love to see Aiman and Ayda in another drama not in the near future but maybe later. Cos masih sesak napas nengok aiman in SSN. 
enchante78 replied at 26-4-2016 02:08 PM
Can't believe it eh we have come this far, soldiering on watching SSN. We have some good times th ...
Tu lahhhh..tak sangka ek....kitalah paling beruntung sebab kita ni penyabar orangnyaaa (scene razlanfara kat balcony..woakaka)
Ye lahh...sesak napas menahan sesal!!! Hahahaaa |
enchante78 replied at 26-4-2016 02:08 PM
Can't believe it eh we have come this far, soldiering on watching SSN. We have some good times th ...
Psst..psst...eman kemain busy menge'like' postings mirafilzah..hahahaaa..ada apa2 ke tuuu?? Dia ni memang tak suka si kenid ke ek? Macam tak berapa suka je tengok gayanya. |
You realized it too!!!!! 
Hahahahahahahaha. I would rather Aiman date Mira dari Tiya ok. Mohonlahhhh. Dowan Tiya, but who are we to say kan.
Kemainnn Aiman liked selpi Mira. 
enchante78 replied at 26-4-2016 03:21 PM
You realized it too!!!!!
Hahahahahahahaha. I would rather Aiman date Mira dari Tiya ok. M ...
Hahahaaaa kaaaann?!! Like selpie tu yg tak menahan!!!! *gelak tutup mulut ngan tangan* Yes, dgn Mira jauh lebih aman kot perahsaan si eman..sebab Mira berlakon tak pegang2 yg bukan muhrim..hehe...eman tak payah jeles2. |
And only Razlan in her heart. Kesian. |
enchante78 replied at 26-4-2016 10:31 PM
And only Razlan in her heart. Kesian.
Baru sempat tengok....uwwaaaa....sedih tengok fara....Kenid nangis sampai airmata meleleh jatuh ke leher semuaa....sobssss... |
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