♥ Goo Hye Sun~Multi-Talented Entertainer ♥ Jib 3
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rehat kat umah GHS jap... aii terkujat dok umah LMH tadi..
banyak nar yg ada kat lam kepala nih.. khekhekhe |
thanks and credits to susAmerica for translations from GHSthread_soompi
kaler merah itew adelah posting kaka sus
DC says that these are teen parents who participate in the Seoul city program.
cr. http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=guhye...page=1&bbs=
안녕하세요.= Hello서래마을의 갤러리 '마놀린' 에서 좋은 전시회가 열려 소개합니다.
We want you to know of a wonderful exhibition that will take place at the Surae Village's Gallery Manolin.
서울시립 청소년 미디어 센터가 주관하는 '인디아, 드림로드를 걷다'라는 전시인데요
The title of the exhibition is, 'India, Walking the Dream Road', supervised by Seoul Municipal Teen Media Center.
서울 시에서 선발된 15명의 저소득층 소년,소녀들이 9박 10일 동안 인도를 여행하며 그린 그림들은 전시합니다.
15 teenagers were selected to showcase their art works from their experience of traveling through India for 9 nights and 10days.
서래마을의 새로생긴 갤러리 '마놀린'이 서래마을 뿐만 아니라 서울 시민을 위해 좋은 행사를 개최하니
많은 분들이 함께 관람 했으면 합니다.
(paraphrase)This exhibition is for everybody,not just for the Surae Village. So, please come and enjoy.
전시 일정은 다음과 같습니다. =specifics about the exhibition:
1. 전 시 일 : 2010년 2월 22일(월) ~ 24일(수) = from 2/22(Mon)~2/24(Wed)
2. 전시시간 : 오전 10시 ~ 오후 6시 = from 10 AM to 6PM
3. 장 소: 갤러리 '마놀린' (서래마을) =at Gallery Manolin
4. 주 최: 서울시, LG CNS = Sponsored by Seoul Municipal, LG CNS
5. 주 관: 서울시 청소년 미디어 센터 = presented by Seoul Municipal Teen Media Center
6. 후 원: 사랑의 열매 = Patron is Fruit of Love (is this part of YG Entertainment?)
7. 전시안내 및 문의 : 갤러리 마놀린 02) 599 8845~6 (Manolin telephone number)
Iwonder if GHS will attend the exhibition. The teen parent program isone of the programs that she supported in the past. Her filming of Magicwill end on Feb. 21, Sunday. I read in DC that all the fans who appliedto be extras have been accepted to participate. They just have toconfirm that they will actually attend the whole filming that day.WOAH. They have to come to the theatre by 12:30PM to register and toverify their names. The filming will end by 6PM that day. Theexhibition is only for three days just before GHS is to leave forYubari, Japan. I guess we can also look for any pix or informationabout GHS attending and supporting the exhibition during those days. Ihope eveything goes really well with everything!!! |
parking cuci mata jap.... |
mmg sgt cantek tp ai sgt jeles sbb hyesun xmo dtg mesia.... |
Erlow semua....
apa citer skang ni?
ada projek baru ker?? |
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