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Author: JUSTcircle

3rd Jib of B2ST/BEAST~ Ending with proud of B2UTY >_<

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 Author| Post time 12-10-2010 03:36 AM | Show all posts
wah!!!! aku x sempat nak beklog.. tapi aku percaya korg jaga umah nih dengan baik..
Botol~~!! baguih2!! mcm ni la assistant saya.. hehehe!!

korg borak2 dlu k.. aku nak titun.. x hilang penat laik nih.. daa...

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Post time 12-10-2010 05:00 PM | Show all posts
Reply  bottle_boy

yup, x byk ckp...kan dia ngaku dia jnis cold type..aku xdela ckp bi ngn dia po ...
re_re Post at 12-10-2010 02:29

hehe ko neh saje jek kembali kan kenangan lalu.hahaa. mmg pn,xyah nk ckp sgt. sebut name pn dorg da bole pndg.cume nye mngment jek asek suh kite cepat. pape nth.hahaha last2 dpt jek fans shake hand high five segale.haha aku plak si yusob tuh gelakkn aku sbb aku terlupe nk amek cd. da sedap2 jalan depan dorg trus nk blah terpegun la katekan tgk dorg mcm patung lilin.hahaha mujur ade jc kalo x wat segan jekk.hehhe

aah si pelakon tuh.. nmpk mcm kikwang yg lebeh me'laku'kan cf tuh dr die.hehe

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Post time 12-10-2010 05:01 PM | Show all posts
wah!!!! aku x sempat nak beklog.. tapi aku percaya korg jaga umah nih dengan baik..
Botol~~!! bagui ...
JUSTcircle Post at 12-10-2010 03:36

kakak graduate kite suda pulang! haha xde la jage mane sekadar update2 kan jek.. ok smbung wat keje sbg assistant.haha

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Post time 12-10-2010 05:15 PM | Show all posts
Idol group BEAST participates in the making of 'Group of 20' with other artists

[OSEN=Choi Nayoung Reporter] Korea’s 20 idols (Girls Generation, SHINee, 2PM, Kara, BEAST, and more) will be coming together to make a ‘Group of 20’ and sing the G20 campaign song ‘Let’s Go!’.

Asia Bridge Contents (Representative Choi Jin) had announced that the G20 summit held in Seoul have created campaign song ‘Let’s Go’ to encourage the public participation in commemorating Seoul Summit.

Titled ‘Let’s Go’, the song was composed by Shinsadong Tiger, Lim Sanghyuk, Eddie, and Yong Junhyung, and the song will be sung by one member representative from the groups Girls Generation, SHINee, 2PM, 2AM, Kara, Son Dambi, BEAST, After School, Super Junior, and other top idol groups totaling to be 20 different groups. The album had been titled ‘Group of 20’ in order to add in the importance of 20 participants and G20.  

The musicians who participated in the making commented that the song was about “everyone growing past the dangers” and that everyone should hold their hands together and become one under the title ‘Let’s Go’ for the song.

Girls Generation’s Seohyun stated, “I am really honored to be a part of this meaningful project” and added, “I hope that through the ‘Let’s Go’ song, many more people will be interested in the Seoul G20 summit making it successful once again.”

The song ‘Let’s Go’ with a fast and happy beat can be found online on the 15th of October.


3 days to go

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Post time 12-10-2010 05:18 PM | Show all posts
101012 BEAST, "We'll never be able to forget Shin Bongsun & Jung Gaeun nuna"

[TV E Daily = Reporter Jeon Youngsun] Idol group BEAST showed their affection towards Shin Bongsun & Jung Gaeun.

On cable TV MBC every1 ‘Idol Maid,’ BEAST is expected to deliver a video message to Shin Bongsun & Jung Gaeun whom were their maids for their last episode.

In the video message to Shin Bongsun & Jung Gaeun, they said, “I’m happy that I got to know you” and “I hope we can still see each other often.”

On this day, the episode will be about reminiscing on the memories while looking through an album of the past three months and reveal never before scenes.

This will be airing on the 13th at 6PM.


esk last kalo x silap.da abes da.. baru tgk ep 1 haha

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Post time 12-10-2010 05:23 PM | Show all posts
101012 BEAST for their first solo concert in December, "We needed a lot of courage"

Group BEAST will be having their first concert after 1 year and 2 months after their debut.

BEAST recently met with an interviewer and said, “In the Seoul Olympic Stadium, we will have our very first concert” and “Our goal for this year was to have our very own concert and now that we’ve decided on doing so, it’s a lot of pressure.” BEAST who is under the same company, CUBE Entertainment, as 4minute and G.Na is the first to have their solo concert.

However, rather than happiness, their worries are far ahead. Leader Yoon Doojoon said, “I thought it would be a long while from now but we’re finally able to achieve our dream,” showing his excitement. He also said, “In order to show an amazing image of ourselves, we’re going to have to prepare a lot,” showing his worry.

It wasn’t such an easy decision. Jang Hyunseung explained by saying, “Having a solo concert in a year and two months is beyond rare. We needed a lot of courage to do this.” Especially after releasing their new mini album in November along with preparing for the end-of-the-year awards, their schedule is packed. They said, “We’re going to test the limits of our health,” showing their determination.

For this solo concert, it’s not easy physically and mentally but the members’ motivations are different from others. Dongwoon said, “We want to show a different side and a different performance from what we have shown up to this day. It will be hard but whether it’s by myself of with the whole team, this can be a leap forward for us.”

Meanwhile, within the first week of their comeback, BEAST placed 1st on the K-Chart for KBS 2TV ‘Music Bank’ with ‘Soom’ on the 8th, experiencing their heightened popularity.

Picture = CUBE Entertainment.


perghh kire nye 3 bulan berturut2 neh dorg bekeje la non stop; oct-mastermind nov-2nd version dec-solo concert.. beast hwaiting !

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Post time 12-10-2010 05:31 PM | Show all posts
Who was behind the breathing sound in the song 'Breath'?

[My Daily = Kang Sunae Reporter] The Korean music industry is pouring out with idol groups each day.  There are a lot of groups; however the groups that catch the love from the public are centered on a few. It is said that if the “one chance” of popularity is caught at the right time then the idol group will prosper, however that “one chance” in the idol world is just as hard.

Coming back with the recent 3rd mini album ‘Mastermind’, BEAST was able to get that “one chance.” After the R&B track ‘Clenching My Fists Tight’ had placed in the top half of the online music charts, when the 3rd album was released, the title song ‘Breath’ moved up the charts fast as well and under a week since their comeback, BEAST was able to win first place on KBS ‘Music Bank’.

“Compared to before I can feel that we have received more popularity, but I can’t feel the extent of it yet.” (Yoon Doojoon)

“I’m really surprised and shocked. I can’t believe that our album had even gone up in the charts as a first place runner up.” (Yang Yoseob)

“I feel good that more people are playing attention to us. Until now I have been answering ‘I’m not sure’ to others telling me, ‘You must be happy now that you are popular’,  but feeling that I haven’t been paying attention, when I checked the internet and monitored, I think that I can feel it a bit now.” (Yong Junhyung)

‘Breath’ features the work of Shinsadong Tiger, Choi Kyusung, Rado, and Yong Junhyung, and the song’s strong sound and dramatic instrumentals are highlighted. In particular, the breathing sounds that pop out in the midst of the song and the perfect choreography capture the eyes and the ears of the people. Suddenly we started to wonder who made the breathing sound in ‘Breath’.

“The breathing sound? All the breathing sounds from our song ‘Breath’ were all recorded by Shinsadong Tiger hyung. Even though we didn’t make it, doesn’t it fit really well with the song?” (Son Dongwoon)

BEAST’s choreography for ‘Breath’ is important to take note as well. This is because it was a collaboration effort between Prepix Haw and Mike Song from ‘Kabba Modern’ famous in America by being on the show ‘America’s Best Dance Crew’.

In particular, the choreography from ‘Breath’ was completed in American and was sent to Korea, and the BEAST members had to memorize the dance moves for several days day and night. The result of this was the creation of distinct dance moves that highlighted each member and this is why they started to hear “It’s awesome” from the fans as well.

“The choreography came out really nice. Many people seem to like it. We are just dancing the dance moves made by the hyung, so we are thankful for all the love we receive.” (Yoon Doojoon).

“We suffered a lot practicing the dance moves. After the sun was up, we practiced from 6am to 7am, sleep for one or two hours and practice again. We worked hard and got the dance moves memorized, so I’m glad that a lot of people are liking it.” (Son Dongwoon)

Due to the love from the public about BEAST’s new album, these days, even 10 bodies seem to be less for BEAST. On top the of album promotions, they are going crazy from the variety programs, and different festivals. Usually it get loud when the members get together, but recently, due to the tiredness, the members tend to quietly fall asleep whenever they are in the cars.

However in between all these busy schedules, BEAST had a lot of greed towards their first solo concert coming in December 12th.

“So far only the date is chosen. Since it is in the planning stage, we still need to think of a name. We are still consulting with our company about things we want to do on the stage. We haven’t decided on much, but just the thought of the concert makes me feel great.” (Yang Yoseob)

“I want to work with a real band for the concert. Instead of just dancing to songs from instrumentals, I want to let the fans hear unplugged versions of our dance songs.” (Son Dongwoon)

“Our concert had been a goal we had our eyes on since the beginning of the year. Since we will be fulfilling that dream, I can’t want anything more. The final goal for this year would be finishing the first concert safely without any accidents.” (Yong Junhyung)

There had been many male idol group comebacks in the month of October. BEAST, SHINee, UKISS, and more have already started on their promotions, and 2PM and 2AM are waiting for theirs soon. The competition of the male idol groups is assumed to be great, but BEAST seemed to be optimistic on the matter at hand.

“We never thought of anyone as our rival. We just need to show everyone that ‘we worked this hard in our practice rooms’ that ‘we put this much amount of effort in’.  We don’t worry about who is coming out next. This doesn’t meant that we don’t pay attention to who are coming out, but sometimes we even search up the teaser videos for other artists wondering how awesome they will look in their comeback. If we watch those and learn, it helps us become better and wouldn’t it be more fun to us?” (Yong Junhyung)

BEAST had just started to see the light from their flight filled with effort. After looking at the popularity BEAST accumulated in a year, attentions are turned towards them as others pay attention to how further and higher they will fly.

“We want to be a group that continues to go up without any stops, and a group that continues to improve. It seems like we are doing well so far, but like what we have done so far, we will continue to work harder in the future.” (Yoon Doojoon)



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Post time 12-10-2010 05:35 PM | Show all posts
101012 BEAST, “Now we can finally talk about Idol Maid?”

BEAST will be telling their behind stories of ‘Idol Maid’ through their upcoming filmed episode.

The reality program in which a woman star becomes a maid for an idol group, ‘Idol Maid’ has been airing for the past 3 months with Shin Bongsun & Jung Gaeun as maids for the idol group BEAST.

Due to BEAST members’ individual schedules, whether it being an MC for another program or appearing in a drama, not everyone was able to gather altogether but they gathered together on this day in a while as they looked through the album which was filled pictures from the recording days as they had time to reflect over it.

This episode wasn’t just to introduce the previous episode but also reveal never before scenes along with the misunderstandings in which they made comments of after the episodes aired.

Lee Kikwang said, “In the last episode of learning English, the teacher asked a question about a girlfriend and ask a joke, I pretended to answer that I didn’t know English and managed to say something which there was a report that made it seem as if I did have a girlfriend,” which he cleared that that was not the case.

Yoon Doojoon said, “Since it is a reality program, the staff said starting from the 2nd episode, we should record comfortably and since I was doing that exactly, I fell asleep which was shown the whole time,” as he hinted to the staff while looking at them, pretending as if he was talking to the members.

This episode of ‘Idol Maid’ will air on October 13th at Wednesday night at 6PM on MBC every1 channel.


sumenye akan di reveal kan.mesti lawak en.haha

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Post time 12-10-2010 05:38 PM | Show all posts
[Exclusive interview] 101012 Beast Yoon Doojoon confirmed to be part of the cast in the upcoming Jo Kwon - Gain Sitcom

[OSEN= Reporter Lee Jungah] Beast Yoon Doojoon will be faced with an acting challenge in an upcoming sitcom.  

Yoon Doojoon will appear on the upcoming MBC sitcom “Please I ask of you” (title still in the working) complementing  well up against the twins, Jo Kwon – Gain.  Having only given parts that portrayed characters that relied on his charming and masculine looks, Yoon Doojoon had remarked that he wanted to show his inner potential through the upcoming situational comedy. Yoon Doojoon will appear after the 3rd episode.

After a phone conversation with one of the representatives, it was stated that “ he will start filming at the end of October.” And that “he will do his best to show all that he has prepared up until now”.

“Please I ask of you” will be the follow up to “Charming by the Day” to be broadcasted in November.   

[Omitted miscellaneous information]

haha sitcom baru. kalo DJ melawak mesti gelak abess..

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Post time 12-10-2010 05:41 PM | Show all posts
101012 Yoseob's Post  

CREDITS: Yoseob's Yozm (SOURCE), dujunseob@ B2STRISING (TRANS)

meh kite layan skali~~


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Post time 12-10-2010 05:44 PM | Show all posts
101012  Junhyung's Tweet

CREDITS: Junhyung's Twitter (SOURCE); dujuseob@ B2STRISING (TRANS)

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Post time 12-10-2010 05:53 PM | Show all posts
101009-10 PLAYB2ST's DAILY OF BEAST - MBC Music Core + SBS Inkigayo

This is the administrator of the BEAST fan club.

Today is Monday which starts off another week but I hope there isn’t anyone suffering from the Monday blues?
Mondays are always tiring &#12640;_&#12640; I hope that this can be a bit of strength!
I am going to upload pictures from the music show that BEAST was in during the weekend.

Amongst the overall pictures of the Music Bank pictures after placing first,
it seemed as if he wasn’t satisfied with his picture ^-^;;
He said to me, ‘Upload pretty pictures of me~’
This is Kikwang who took part in taking a picture with refreshing orange juice and a cute face.

Yoseob who is having fun in the waiting room thanks to the dart set the fans sent us.
After many attempts, he was able to get the dart on the bulls eye as he celebrates!!! (It may be hard to see the dart;;;)

However, the reality is that he had already placed the dart in the center himself.
Yang Yoseob who is the master of set-ups!!!

For those who watched Music Core, you may know that even the camera man was in awe of Hyunseung’s beauty (?)
During the breathing choreography, he snagged a one-shot (when they get the camera shot to themselves) and amongst the fans,
many comments were made that the camera man is possibly Hyunseung’s fan…

And that same Hyunseung became even more amazing looking after cutting his hair right before standing on stage for SBS Inkigayo~
I think he’s purposely doing this so he can snag all the one-shots to himself from now on &#12640;_&#12640;

Do you remember the Yozm Dongwoon sent out yesterday?
Amongst one of the fans, he received a Chopper present as Dongwoon’s working hard on making it.
With his cell phone, he even took a picture of the finished product and took a picture with it. Kekekekekeke

Meanwhile, another present that the BEAST members enjoyed playing with aside from Dongwoon and chopper-
This is the mole game!
Junhyung, Doojoon, and Yoseob who surprisingly focused and used all their strength to catch the moles.

The honorable 1st place was none other than Yoseob!
In placing 1st, we gave Yoseob his own solo picture with proof of his score.
The concept of this picture was requested by Yoseob himself as it shows how tired he was from catching the moles.

In monitoring the comments and pictures made by the fans,
Kikwang imitated one of the fan-taken pictures which came out really well.
After copying the picture, he checked to see if it looked the same and asked again if it looked similar. ^-^ (Personally, I think he looks slightly better in the fan-taken picture…)

Although it was unfortunate that the broadcast was changed to a recording due to baseball, they were focused on baseball inside the waiting room.

Lastly, Hyunseung who is getting a haircut!!!
‘Let’s look at the good stuff in a bigger picture~’ is what the fans said so I’m finally uploading it in a bigger size!!!!
(I think we took this picture when he was saying ‘Can you cut a bit more of this part please~’ kekekekekekekeke)


hahahaaha. klaka la plak en tgk aktiviti dorg back stage. DW gigih pasang Chopper die.

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Post time 12-10-2010 06:04 PM | Show all posts
huhu...x sempat lagi layan lagu2 dalam Mastermind tapi aku suka giler packaging album ni...cantik the booklet tu...

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Post time 12-10-2010 06:06 PM | Show all posts
101011 Supreme Team's Simon D's Tweet  

Last of the Hot Brothers' face recognition special Lee Kikwang a.k.a AJ
Luckily due to his unique look the result naturally came out as such


hahaha si simon letak gmba muke budak2 hot bro kt satu laman web neh nak tgk artis mane yg switch ngn muke dorg.bile letak KK, result nye, gmba KK gak yg keluar.hahaha! aku da try! result yg sgt menduke cite kan muke sape2 lah aku dapat xkenal.haha korg nak try? g sini~~lawak seyh!

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Post time 12-10-2010 06:07 PM | Show all posts
huhu...x sempat lagi layan lagu2 dalam Mastermind tapi aku suka giler packaging album ni...cantik gi ...
gjoy_chester Post at 12-10-2010 18:04

nape x layan?? ko mase drive nk g opis jgn la asek psg album britney jek.tuka la beast plak./hahaha

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Post time 12-10-2010 06:11 PM | Show all posts
nape x layan?? ko mase drive nk g opis jgn la asek psg album britney jek.tuka la beast plak./hah ...
bottle_boy Post at 12-10-2010 18:07

huhu...album Britney aku dah lama x layan...itulah,nanti aku import masuk CD Mastermind tu ke dalam kete aku..

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Post time 12-10-2010 06:11 PM | Show all posts
101012 Dongwoon's Cyworld Update

Even though the pose is the same,
mirror shots are the best.

CREDITS: Dongwoon's Cyworld (SOURCE); seoulfoood @B2ST RISING (TRANS)


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Post time 12-10-2010 06:13 PM | Show all posts
huhu...album Britney aku dah lama x layan...itulah,nanti aku import masuk CD Mastermind tu ke da ...
gjoy_chester Post at 12-10-2010 18:11

hahaha tuh la.tuka la plak.ikut musim la kan.hehhee skg layan jek  beast all da way pergi dan balik ke opis.hahaha

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Post time 12-10-2010 06:39 PM | Show all posts
[PIC] Official MBC Idol Maid, 101012


re-upload ~ ;)

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Post time 12-10-2010 07:48 PM | Show all posts
101011 Supreme Team's Simon D's Tweet  

CREDITS:  (SOURCE); dujunseob@ (TRANS)

hah ...
bottle_boy Post at 12-10-2010 18:06

aku dh try....skalik aku dpt persamaan muke ngan eugene la heroin takgu....wakkakakkakapdhal 15% ja

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