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Author: twinkystar

~You're Beautiful:A.N.JELL~

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Post time 4-11-2009 11:27 PM | Show all posts
kalo dah ade tepek nih, bg tau ye...

091117 A.N.JELL - Interview @ Sho.wbi.z Xt.ra (en)


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Post time 4-11-2009 11:27 PM | Show all posts
tak sabar nk tgk episode 10... episod 9 pun blum tgk lagik...

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 Author| Post time 4-11-2009 11:29 PM | Show all posts
haha....tak menahan imaginasi TK.....gitu ghupanye....
airahthislove Post at 4-11-2009 23:26

dia buat pembedahan kat patung rabbit tu, cantumkan hidung piggy kat plushie rabbit tuh..
so sweet!

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 Author| Post time 4-11-2009 11:38 PM | Show all posts

dlm preview neh, apa SW buat dgn MN yg pakai skirt neh..

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 Author| Post time 4-11-2009 11:47 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by twinkystar at 4-11-2009 23:53


After the talk with mohwaran, TK stays atthe company to work. When he runs out of water, MN brings him water.When the light starts flickering, MN fixes it. TK notices thatsomething is going on so he deliberately says loudly, that he wants todrink coffee, real hot coffee. MN runs to get it and TK hides in theshadows and sees it's MN. TK asks what she's doing. MN hesitates toanswer and TK asks with a frown: did u happen to see something? (he'safraid MN saw him talking to MHR) MN reveals with a pause that she didsee something... that she saw his parcel/present. She apologises and TKsays i knew it. That MN would be acting like this for a reason. MN thensaid i dont know if i should say this but happy birthday.

MNasks TK what he wants her to do for him to celebrate his birthday andshe will do whatever he says. TK asks MN to think of sth. MN is afraidthat she will come up with something he doesnt like but TK asks her tothink anyway. MN asks well what do u do on your 'fake birthday'? TKtells her about the scale of the birthday parties he has - with actors,comedians, going on tv etc etc. MN replies wide eyed - did u have aparty that big? Obviously they cant do that... so MN says well usuallyon a birthday, the first thing u do is drink miyokguk (seaweed soup).So she gets him some instant seaweed soup - the only form of seaweedsoup she could find at that hour. TK asks MN do you konw what's inmiyokguk? MN says seaweed, sesame oil... TK says exactly what is sesameoil made from? MN realises that TK is allergic to sesame seeds. TK saysi nearly died on my birthday.

So afterwards MN says, well thenext thing is to give you a present. So she takes him to thisgift/stationery shop. It's the only shop of the type opened. TK islooking around him in disbelief. MN spots this game thing (i dont knowwhat it's called or exactly how it's played but in this ep from myunderstanding, u have different pictures on these little roundcardboard pieces and u flick them with ur finger and try to make themfly high) with A.N.Jell printed on them. MN looks at it and points tothe cartoon character with the smirk on his face and says it's TK, shecan tell by the expression. TK cant believe it. The shop owner ajummacomes over to tell them that it's very popular with primary school kids.

Theygo to the park and MN tries to flick the pieces but it doesnt work. TKis like let me show you but he fails as well. They have a good timeplaying with it. They return home and MN remakrs that she hasnt beenable to do anything for him - no miyokguk and no present. But TK saysthat because of her, he was able to spent that time without thinking,otherwise it would have been a terrible time for him (after his convowith MHR). Then MN says she will do one more thing that the sister atthe nunnery did for her on her birthday. But she is afraid that TKmight not like it. TK says dont do it if u konw i wont like it. But MNdoes it anyway. She walks up to TK, embraces him and says "Today is aspecial day because you were born on this day. Thank you for beingborn." Then she pats him lightly on the back. When she says this, sheuses the exact same words that the sister used to her so she spoke inbanmal (which is language u use between close friends or to someonelower on the social ladder to you). TK doesnt know how to react andjust manages to say to MN to not to speak to him in banmal. MN ispraying in her head to the sister, that she hopes that by doing thisfor TK, he will feel comforted just like she did when she did it forher. SW sees all this from afar.

Next morning, at breakfast,they're playing around with that game. And jeremy asks MN which cartooncharacter of the 3 of them she likes the most. (this is a recurringtheme this ep and it's so freakin funny!!!) MN, Jeremy and Shinwoo areall looking MN anxiously and after a pause, MN chooses SW. Jeremy islike what? Why SW? MN says it's because SW's face is smiling. She saysshe likes Jeremy's one too, that he looks cute in it. Jeremy asks so TKis last? MN goes yes. HAHA TK is not very impressed obviously

Atthe last shooting for the MV, TK is complaining why they have to shoota scene like this. He goes if you breakup then u just break up, why dou have to shoot such a scene. MN says didnt the director just say thatthis scene is to make the MV more sad and memorable? (or sth like thatcant remember)
The coordi is applying touches to MN's makeup and MNlooks over at Yoo hei and thinks that she is really pretty. Yoohei andteam leave their seats for a big and MN gets up to look at her stuffout of curiosity... she envies her stuff but takes out the hairpin thatTK gave her and says to herslef that having this one is enough. Yooheisees MN looking at a pin from afar and mistakens that she is touchingher stuff. She walks over and tells MN not to touch her stuff. MN saysthat the pin is hers. Yoohei says, that's weird, how come u have agirl's hairpin? MN says it's her sister's and shoves it in her pocket.Yoohei says that the hairpin would match MN as well since she's like agirl... and says that if they put lipstick on her, she would look likea girl and says lets try and see. She grabs hold of MN and tries to putlipstick on her but MN struggles. Yoohei tells her assistants to grabMN. SW and Jeremy come to the rescue and says MN says she doesnt wantto. Yoohei pretends to be innocent and says i thought it would beinteresting. Jeremy and SW asks MN if she's alright and Yoohei cantstand Jeremy and SW being so good to MN.

So they start filmingthe scene and TK puts a ring on Yoohei. He leans forward to pretend tokiss her but obviously doesnt. He complains how long it's taking and YHsays to TK, so that we can finish quickly, i'll help you. So she leansforward to kiss him and TK is shocked. MN looks on sadly. Directoryells cut. Tk asks what was that? YH asks TK to be cool about it, itwas jsut to help them finish up quicker.

the coordi is packingup MN's clothes and in the process drops MN's hairpin on the groundwithout realiseing. YH sees it, picks it up and shoves it in herpocket. MN comes rushing to coordi to ask if she found anything in thepocket of the jacket she was wearing but they dont find anything. MNkeeps looking around but cant find it.

To celebrate the end ofthe filming of the MV, they have a party at the club. MN is lookingdown and SW asks what's wrong. MN tells him that she lost somethingimportant and SW says let's go back to find it. The manager sees thisand wants to separate them. He tells TK he will take care of SW andasks TK to take care of MN. So he drags SW away and TK looks at MN'sface as her expression turns to one of disappointment. TK is like so ulook sad the moment SW walks away. MN catches TK's glance but quicklylooks away. TK is annoyed coz she seems to be close to him in privatebut now she's even avoiding his gaze. MN walks away somewhere else andYoohei approahces her with the pin in her hair. MN sees the pin andsays that it looks the same as the one she lost. Yoohei emphasises thatit's hers and remarks that it seems like that she wants it for herself,and tells her to just buy a better one for her sister. TK hears from SWthat MN has lost something important on the set and wants to go lookfor it with her. The manager tells TK to go in stead and drags SW away.TK goes looking for MN and bumps into YH first. He notices the pin inYH's hair. YH tells TK how MN wants her pin and says that it's hers. TKnotices the 3000 won sticker on the bottle that YH stuck there and asksYH whether she knows how much the pin cost. YH says it was a cheap pin,just 3000 won. TK says no, it was 100000won. YH is like how do u knowhave u seen it? TK tells YH to hand over the pin and tells her that HEbought her the pin. YH reluctantly gives it to him. TK walks over to MNand says to her, i heard u lost something? MN confesses that she lostthe pin he gave her. MN says tho taht she's not going to go looking forit. TK takes the hand back that had the pin in it. TK says the pin musthave realisesd that its owner did not match it and is probably happynow with a new owner.

MN is still sad about the pin. Themanager is dancing to abracadabra on the stage. SW asks if she wants togo and she says it's ok. She leans her head on the table and pushes hernose. When she sits up straight again Jeremy remakrs how her nose isred.


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 Author| Post time 4-11-2009 11:49 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by twinkystar at 4-11-2009 23:56

Meanwhilethe coordi tells someone to organise the water tobe dropped on thestage when she gives a certain signal (i'm not surewhat this wasintended for). Yoohei overhears and decides to play aprank on MN. Shegoes over the MN and tells her to sing a song sinceshe is the star oftoday's party. MN goes but she doesnt know manysongs besides carols andsth i coudlnt make out. YH says since ur noseis a bit red now aswell... so MN sings Rudolf the red nose reindeer.Everyone is smilingand clapping. YH goes and releases the trap on thewater. MN is drenchedand stands there not knowing what to do. SW andJeremy get up andcontinuing singing and walk towards the stage. Atthis oment, TK gets upand snatches a table cloth and gets up on stageto wrap MN in it beforeanyone gets there. The 4 of them finish thesong and saves the party andcreate a happy christmasy atmosphere.

Ontheway home, MN is sleeping in the van. Jeremy and SW are talkingaboutthis thing that MN has lost but didnt go back to find. Neither ofthemknow what it is. SW says that MN said afterwards that she wasntgoing togo back to find it coz it was something that she shouldntkeep. Swremarks that when MN said that to him, she looked even moresad thenwhen she said she had lost in. TK is deep in thought

Backat home TK is trying to figure out why MN is acting in such a way aboutthe pin. He thinks it's because she is sorry she lost it
and insteadjust said she doesnt want it. He wracks his brain to try to think of away to give it back to her without him looking stupid. So he comes upwith his brilliant idea and goes to his present room to find a pig anda rabbit. THIS IS FREAKIN HILARIOUS!!!!! I cant remember what he saysexactly but it's so funny!!! He sticks the pig nose on the rabbit andtests it and says it's perfect. He clips the pin on and puts it next toMN. MN wakes up next morning, sees it and freaks out about it. SOFREAKIN CUTE!!!!! TK hears and smiles....awwwwwwww

At thebreakfast table, MN is looking very happy. Manager asks if somethinggood has happened and MN says that last night she sang a christmascarol and santa came to visit! The manager is like u dreamt huh? Shesneezes/coughs and manager remarks that she must have caught a cold. TKgoes over with a glass of water and tells her to drink it. SW offersher hot tea and Jeremy offers her juice. So she stares at them,thinking. the manager is finally noticing that there is something goingon here.WAHAHAHAA this is so funny.... all 3 of them look at MN waitingfor her to make a decision. MN finally says i want something hot (SWWINS! AGAIN!!). SW hands over the tea, Jeremy gives the juice to MN andsays drink this as well it's good for you. TK however downs his waterin frustration. wahahahaha i love the jealous TK!!!

Later,they are filming a CF. TK represents green so he has to eat lime,Jeremy representes yellow so he eats bananas... SW is black and has ablack dog and MN is white and hold white flowers. AFter some initialfilming, they sit down to rest and TK and Jeremy complain how they haveto eat and SW says that the dog bites.. so MN has it the easiest. An sajang brings YH to visit and YH remakrs that TK looks good in green. MNgets asked what colour she prefers... green, yellow, or white (sofreakin hilarious!!!!!) MN is nervous and finally chooses black cozshe's a 'man' (and SW wins yet again!) LOL TK cant believe it wahaha
later,MN is still not feeling well, SW and Jeremy asks if she is ok. MN saysthat an sa jang bought her some medicine so she gets up to go take it.YH is annoyed that they all treat her so well. She follows MN ...andsees MN being stoped by TK in the hallway. This si so funny too... TKsays that he is used to being no 1, being the most popular but eachtime MN doesnt choose him to be no1. He asks her, so what colour do ulike? U said black coz ur a guy but ur a girl, what is ur favouritecolour! MN says after a pause that she actually likes white (LOL) haha

YHsees this and is pissed off coz she realises that TK sees MN as a girl.MN goes to the bathroom and locks herselv in a cubicle after she hearssoemone coming in. YH calls her to come out and reveals taht she knowsshe's a girl. She wants to reveal her idenity (?) and drags her outsideand asks her which colour do u like, green, black or yellow? MN istrembling... YH says well if u put names to it, do u like jeremy, shinwoo or HWANG TAE KYUNG? and elevates her voice when she says TK

ep ends

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Post time 5-11-2009 08:32 AM | Show all posts
amboiii korang meroyan sampai nak pos kain batik la kain pelikat la kat jeremy
letih aku membaca ...kekekeke

thanks for the preview ... hhhhh kot yg letak ...time kasih...
nampaknye fake fa ...
kayla Post at 4-11-2009 10:47 PM

aku pung camtu gak laaa... menahan diri dari baca spoiler.. tapi pagi2 ni dah bukak viikii, dramabeans n soompi... adedededehhh... seb baik viikii ngan dramabeans blom ada pape.. soompi nun.. aku nengok dah shoot 20 pages lebih sejak semalam.. tak jadik laaa nak baca..

sama2 laa kita menahan diri.. kekeke...

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Post time 5-11-2009 08:34 AM | Show all posts
gyaaaahhhhhh.... twinkkk.. aku takmo baca.. aku takmo baca!!! ehhhh... dah terhighlite dah pun.. aku baca lahhhh..

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Post time 5-11-2009 08:43 AM | Show all posts

pig rabbit!!
twinkystar Post at 4-11-2009 11:07 PM

alalalalalaa.. tomei plak aku nengok.. kalau jual aku nak beli gak.. tapi rela ke aku nengok hidungnye tu.. kekekeke..

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Post time 5-11-2009 08:52 AM | Show all posts
1985# twinkystar

selamat di hilite kekek.... dh hbs baca pn
aishh YHY..... makin menjadi2 lak.... :@

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Post time 5-11-2009 09:17 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by hhhhh at 5-11-2009 10:50

Blankie,  blum nengok ep 9, enh?   EP 9 mmg best.Aku suka part TK & MN tu.     Selamat menahan diri dari spoiler2 ...kekekeke


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Post time 5-11-2009 09:20 AM | Show all posts
HY tu mmg 100% b...tch.   Kaki buli pulak tu.  Sib baik TK    terperasan tag hairclip yg HY tampal kat botol tu.   Klu tidak,   MN tak dapatlah hairclip tu semula.

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Post time 5-11-2009 09:27 AM | Show all posts
Blankie,  blum nengok ep 9, enh?   EP 9 mmg best.Aku suka part TK & MN tu.     Selamat menahan diri dari spoiler2 ...kekekeke
hhhhh Post at 5-11-2009 09:17 AM

blom lagi.. dalam proses mendonlot..
hehe.. dah baca dah spoiler tu.. memang beshhh n sukakkkk part taekyung n minam.. terawang2 aku.. camne nak buat keje ni.........

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Post time 5-11-2009 10:49 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by atie_chippy at 5-11-2009 10:50

penat baca spoiler episode 9... geram tol ngn HY tu..:@

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 Author| Post time 5-11-2009 10:57 AM | Show all posts x patut letak spoiler..patut letak summary..

comeynyer dorg bertiga!!!:pompom:

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Post time 5-11-2009 10:57 AM | Show all posts

ni jer yg me jumpe...

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Post time 5-11-2009 10:59 AM | Show all posts
1995# twinkystar

kiyo jer dorg tu...

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 Author| Post time 5-11-2009 11:00 AM | Show all posts

dh mcm kena swine flu dah

JGS dgn auntie mieja
dia mesti rapat dgn ahjumma neh..dah dua kali berlakon sama^^

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 Author| Post time 5-11-2009 11:03 AM | Show all posts
siapa yg gagah sub kan tu..bagusnya!

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 Author| Post time 5-11-2009 11:08 AM | Show all posts


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