babyborn tu cam keras kan
tp ku tak tau la
if nak cari yg 2nd hand utk SCC or Mt leh terjah yg
cmf_phoebe Post at 8-12-2010 16:55 
Phoebe...dia tak keras la...just nice untuk support kepala baby even untuk yg baru lahir....and bagus untuk ibu2 or bapak2 yg sakit belakang sebab rasa comfy sgt...
mykedaibaby.blogspot.com |
sort of..sbb mei tai tu mcm carrier je rupanya...tp lebih leceh kene ikat2..depan blkg.
i prefe ...
bezita60 Post at 15-12-2010 15:53 
Yup2! Prefer BabyBjorn jugak!! Hehe. Senang je. Takyah nak kejutkan baby kalo dia tidur time kita tgh bawak dia. Ce tgk video ni. I find it very good: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9tJUYRqqQE
Snap2 jeee eheeh |
sy pon dulu pkai baby bjorn..memang best n sgt friendly la kalau nk compare dgn pouch, rs, mt n ssc ...
osoy Post at 21-12-2010 21:23 
1. Firstly when deciding which baby carrier to buy, we have to consider the material yg digunakan. As for BabyBjorn, dia punya material mmg dah pass the Oeko-Test (as recommended dlm link yg awak paste kat atas tu).
2. Secondly, of course the position of the baby to ensure they supports a particular position of the child.
i) Leg position - Many ppl said that baby wearing can cause hip dysplasia. But actually hip dysplasia cannot be caused after birth, although an undiagnosed condition (babies yg mmg dilahirkan ada hip dysplasia cuma parents tak tahu je) could be aggravated by certain carries. This means a healthy baby carried in a Baby Bjorn, or other infant carrier will not develop/cause hip dysplasia as a result.
Read more at Suite101: Baby Wearing Facts and Myths: The Truth About Baby Slings and Carriers
ii) Back support - Of cos BabyBjorn carriers tick this criteria as it fully support the baby's back, spine and hips, unlike ring sling and others which are made of fabric kan
iii) Head support - The BabyBjorn baby carriers mmg cover up the baby's head kan, and some BabyBjorn carrier range boleh fold down the head part once the baby's head is strong enough not to be supported
iv) Adjustability - BabyBjorn carriers are definitely adjustable to suit the baby's growth
Kesimpulannya, Baby Bjorn support the baby's physical body as a whole - head, spine, hips. The baby is not going to be tergantung sorang2 on the crotch/celah kangkang, but rather, supported as a whole. But of course, the more kita research pasal baby-wearing ni lagi byk advantages dan disadvantages. Pokok pangkalnya, kita kena selalu awasi baby kita, adjust baby kita walau dalam apa jenis carrier sekalipun, dan kalau boleh jgn la letak dlm carrier sampai seharian kan... |
shasha, i hope u can argue bout this kat MBW coz they insist that crotch carriere like babybjorn is not good for infant developing body.. i do hope to get more info yg boleh fight on bby bjorn..as in MBW all the info that they provide comes from vendor overseas yg jual the non crotch carrier..
i m not against u ye..i am hoping to get more info je |
Ya, I just read...
They seem mcm so obsessed dgn pouch, RS, MT n SSC tu eh. Tu la nnt I get & research more info and hopefully can discuss abt this. You mmg currently still guna BabyBjorn? Cos I am currently in the UK, and seems like most ppl here, and European ppl most of them uses BabyBjorn or other brand crotch carriers, and they love it, and their babies are fine, some even uses it for their next children cos its long-lasting kan. Maybe we Asians are too kiasu.... |
i'v stop using bjorn..n i hv pouch, rs, mt , wrap n ssc..but i'm not a stash collector mcm diorg tu.. just asal ada..each type i hv 1 only except for rs ada 3.
but if u ask me, mmg x bes pon guna semua tu, coz u need to master them n i actually x master 1 pon.but bnyk cantik2..bjorn is easier la. my hubby x nak pakai all those sling except for bjorn..dia kata yg lain2 tu menggelabah je! hehe..man..i wuld be glad if some1 can proove crotch carrier bring no harm |
Reply 1987# osoy
correct sasha.. suka cara u tulis pasal bjorn. mase kt UK n France pun org sana ramai pakai bjorn.
osoy, most of comment psl crotch tu...dtg dr pengguna ergo (type of SSC). i think ianya cara marketing strategy. apa yg diorg claim tu xde clinical evidence pun. its like manipulation of facts...then direct it to their product. bjorn ni dh lama dlm market, quite susah nk pecahkan monopoli, that's y byk keluar rumours mcm ni. kalau betul ianya memudaratkan, ianya takkan lulus safety test..dan semua bjorn yg dh dijual kene recall balik. |
isu utamanya, di malaysia ni masih lemah safety standard utk produk baby, esp yg dihasilkan di malaysia atau import from china. mujur baru2 ni dh ada safety requirement utk mainan kanak2. harap ianya diperluaskan utk produk2 bayi/kanak2 yg lain...spt car seat, all type of carrier/babywearing products, stroller, gate, playpen etc. jika apa2 terjadi pd anak kita sbb guna produk yg xde safety standard ni...siapa yg kita nk salahkan?? salahkan diri sendiri la jwbnya..
ikhlas dr seorg pembeli sling yg xde safety standard.. (nasibla, sling tu sgt cute) |
Post Last Edit by osoy at 19-1-2011 11:30
edited aka deleted |
bezita60 & osoy: Betul tu...if BabyBjorn is actually dangerous for the babies, for sure dia dah kena recall semua product dia from the market, betul tak? And why are the European and ppl here in the UK mostly are using BabyBjorn carriers if they really bad for the baby's physical development? To me, the most important thing is you use the type of carriers (not just carriers, anything la, toys, playpen, stroller, etc) that you are most comfortable with, as well as your baby. Do it YOUR way.
"The only opinion that matters is yours," says Alvin Rosenfeld, M.D., a child psychiatrist and author of Hyper-Parenting.
"If you follow everyone else's advice, you give up the most creative role in your life."
Friends and relatives can offer useful parent-tested information. But remember: Intuition is the best guide.
As Dr. Spock once wrote, "You know more than you think you do."
Why give up something that you like and comfortable with, just to get accepted into society or a certain group?
Osoy, I pun kena bombard kat situ. They simply say we are AGAINST crotch carriers llike BabyBjorn. I guess me & my baby are going to get murdered if I bump into them in the shopping malls with my BabyBjorn. So what. I love BB and so does my baby.
Not going to jeopardise anything, esp my baby just to impress other people.
Not against anyone. Just my 2cents 
But if you can mamster other type of baby carriers, why not do try and error see which suits you and your baby best. |
Eh baca-baca balik rasa mcm kasar dan emo pulak post Sha kat atas. Minta maaf ya. I mean no harm  |
shasha, i byk kali mase guna bjorn (forward position) di malaysia..even di KLIA, ada org duk gelak2 kan. pastu ada yg tanya.."kan sepatutnya carry baby menghadap pemakai?" diorg ingat i salah/tak reti pakai carrier tu.
lahh..diorg tak tahu rupanya ada carrier yg boleh letak forward. maafkan je la..
p.s: mase tu stroller hilang dlm transit. nasib ada carrier. baby pulak nangis2...nk tgk depan. |
bezita60: Tu la, in the end it depends on our child and of course the parents kan. Bukannya si pemerhati2 tu nak buat apa2 kalau baby kita nangis sebab tak comfortable kan. Hehe org Msia mmg jakun sikit....my sis balik dr UK bawak stroller 2-tingkat (sebab both children still small), org keliling semua pandang2, siap ada pakcik ni dtg dekat2 pastu cakap kuat2 "Oooo mende alah ni dua tingkat ropenyeeee"....haha boleh tak?!!!! Sabar aje lah. |
kat forum sana tu semua otai2 yg sanggup spend beratus2
i join sana for info .. tak terkejo if baca dorang nya post..hehe
i've my MT la ok la my baby pakai and he ok la ...tak nangis
but i notice if long hour berjalan ...my backache sakit
so i not sure if i pakai salah or i mmg ada prob... |
Reply 1995# cmf_phoebe
anak hang dh bape kg phoebe?
mmg bila bby dah berat sakit pakai mt ni..sbb tu bby besar tukar ke ssc pulak..
tp imho la kan..if anak ku nak duduk dalam stroller, ku sanggup boh dlm stroller je..badan pun x sakit..xcept tpt tu x seswai la, cam g pasar ke etc..tp kalau g pasr, kalau boleh t inggal kat umah mmg ku tinggalkan je..x kuasa nk ku kendong tpt org ramai tu. |
Reply 1991# shashas
shasha, boleh x cite dgn lbh detail beza bjorn, ori, synergy n active..ada beza yg sgt besar ke yg boleh affect pada bby? |
i use APLX. so far so good. |
osoy...baby ku 6 month tu dah 7+kg
tu la pasal kalo lelama cam rasa sakit belakang n kain tu maybe ku tak ikaty betul2
dia makin longgar sket if lelama or especially baby tido kan |
yg aplx tu from age brp ek
ku dah pening dah
byk ngat brand
ku if posible cam nak try SSC plak tp nak cari satu jela |
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